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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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Actally i previously came up with an fe idea(that i don't want to disclose). anyway, here is what I thought could be features in it.

-trainee lord that you can choose to become a mage or a melee unit. said lord gets branched promotions at all promotions.

- 60-70 chapters, how that would be possible I'll say later

- trainnees in general

- a large ammount side quests

- 3rd tiers.

- branched promotions in trainee-1rst and 2nd-3rd tiers only

- more chatracters of the developing stefan archetype( I know its not yet an archetype but I think it will be. The grounds for it are a hidden character who has no clues in game on how to unlock and are overly complicated to unlock)

- thracia776 difficulty

- FE10 skill system implemented

- bring back biorythyms, but make them have different effects

- more conplex weapon triangle

- thieves in this game must not suck(FE6, 9, 10, 11) and not be completely broken( FE5, 8)

- new classes

- let there be no ofiey, pure jeigans only.

- the Est must be significantly hard to train but must have: unique class with special abilities, great stats.

- FE10 bexp system

- no arenas

- support conversations

- Alot of indoor maps with treasure

- promoting in this game represents higher honor. There are some chapters that only X-tier units can be in(some are 1rst tier only, 2nd tier and above only, ect.)

- There will only be one gohtoh who is not completely broken. Not five completely broken gohtoh units that are automatically unlocked

- branched promotions can afect the storyline/ gaiden chapter entry

- some charcaters have secret branched promotions at second tier

- Gaiden chapter are both rewards, punishments, and compenstaion.


reward gaiden chapter description: obtained by completing ch. x in x turns.

compensation gaiden chapter description: not promoting unit x by ch. x, easy chapter that gives forced promotion.

pumishment gaiden chapter description: represents the reprocussion failing to recruit unit x or killing unit x. very hard chapter with no rewards. Units are really powerful but low level so they don't give much exp

- implement capturing

- make the game so hackers cannot hack into it ( gameshark, action replay, rom hacking ect.) so a discovery is a real discovery and there is a chance to discover somthing new even if your a newby. - make a perfect playthrough mode( a new member, kinata, will probably tell you more about this).

- make over-complicated and seemingly pointless challenges that produce incredible results( a good example of a usuable situation is stealing Hetzel's heal staff in ch. 4-4[ doing this in FE10 yields no reward though])

- make the story line more mature than recent titles(FE4 maturity). Greater story quality than FE4.

- The game will encompass the entire continent where you will constantly switch armies and countries perspectives. Only more than 70 chapter of it.

- Make the continent take place in the same universe as FE8 and FE10( a plot twist is finding out that tellius and magvel are in the same universes)

- Lyon plays a role as a playable character.(he is washed up on the shore with no memory. In a series of gaiden chapters he regains his memory.)

- Ike is a stefan character(soren/ ranulf can be unlocked with him if you data transfer)

- make the true ending a secret and hard to unlock( but its not obvious like FE6)

There may be more I'm forgetting to write. If so I'll alter my post.

Edited by Luminothe
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- PoR's Forge System, but with more options - e.g, Forged Short Spears and Longbows (probably like RD's woulda turned out to be, but I never played it :P)

- Branched Promotions like in Sacred Stones

- Support System of PoR, with GBA's affinities.


- Saving Mid-Battle

- The aforementioned FE3 Dragonstone system.

- 2 lords (And not just myrmidon/mercenary lords either! Hector and Ephraim were great, now I want to see a dedicated archer lord and a mage lord!)

- A magic OR a strength stat, with Con being used to determine what's easiest to carry.

- Having said that, low level Pegasus Knights with more Strength and Con. Florina made me cry.

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Well, I think a game where the Lord can't fight would be interesting. The lord would be something like the Tactician in FE7, just there for seizing and giving out bonuses to units around him / her (think FE5 Leaf - combat). Seizing gives EXP, so the Lord will hit level 20 just in time for promotion (or earlier depending on how much he / she dodges).

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I'd like to see a customisable lord.

First of all the player would choose his gender (male or female) and then his or her class (Archer/Fighter/[insert magic type here] Mage, etc). The only classes that are exempt are classes that cannot attack (Priests/Clerics) and Pegasus Knights (if you entered your gender as male).

As for base stats/growths, the lord would then get them depending on which gender and class the player selected (for example, a male fire mage would have slightly different stats/growths from a female fire mage and a male thunder mage).

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- 60-70 chapters, how that would be possible I'll say later

- a large ammount side quests

- thracia776 difficulty

- FE10 skill system implemented

- FE10 bexp system

- Alot of indoor maps with treasure

- make the game so hackers cannot hack into it ( gameshark, action replay, rom hacking ect.) so a discovery is a real discovery and there is a chance to discover somthing new even if your a newby. - make a perfect playthrough mode( a new member, kinata, will probably tell you more about this).

- make the story line more mature than recent titles(FE4 maturity). Greater story quality than FE4.

- The game will encompass the entire continent where you will constantly switch armies and countries perspectives. Only more than 70 chapter of it.

- Make the continent take place in the same universe as FE8 and FE10( a plot twist is finding out that tellius and magvel are in the same universes)

- Lyon plays a role as a playable character.(he is washed up on the shore with no memory. In a series of gaiden chapters he regains his memory.)

- Ike is a stefan character(soren/ ranulf can be unlocked with him if you data transfer)

- make the true ending a secret and hard to unlock( but its not obvious like FE6)

1. absolute bullshit idea

2. a few are enough

3. it isn't THAT difficult. It's only the rng screwing you over every time.

4. more like the FE4/5 skill system. FE9/10 skill names were lol

5. no way

6. outdoor maps make much more sense

7. the most ridiculous thing you've said

8. censored around the world

9. no more fucking switching around thank you

10.new fucking idea or a remake

11.lyon is a prick

12.let's throw ike into the recycling bin already

13.frustrating to newcomers

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Insanely long FEs that are 60-70 chapters long aren't necessarily awful, but I can't see IS putting 3 times as much effort into a game which will sell exactly as well as a regular-length FE. (I admit that if you want a 3-tier system, many chapters are necessary just to make it possible to train 1st tier doods, but this is more a problem with the 3-tier system than anything else).

The same goes for lots of side-quests, and that goddamned waste of code Stefan. Why should IS put 20 gaiden chapters in if some of the requirements mean that many players will never see them? Simliarly, characters like Stefan are simply impossible to recruit without cracking open a strategy guide or looking on Gamefaqs. Congrats, now every person who plays the game properly is missing out on content.

Thracia 776 difficulty is also silly. More difficult =/= better.

FE10 had a stupid skill system. Part of what made FE9 such a balanced game is that certain characters were good because they had certain skills. Tormod would be Low Tier if he didn't have Celerity, ditto Astrid and Paragon. When we gained the ability to simply take off the skills that were so good and give them to other characters, what happened? Tormod and Astrid dropped to Low and Bottom tier. And of course, we can now dump those skills on characters that are already good, like Mia and Mordy and Haar, so they get EVEN BETTER.

FE10 BEXP was also dumb. BEXP went from a handy resource that could be used to catch up characters to a resource to fix stats. Hooray.

Thieves didn't suck in FE9 or 10, and they weren't broken in 8.

'let there be no oifey, pure jeigans only' - what exactly do you count as a 'pure jeigan'? Because the 'purist' Jeigan, Jeigan, is perhaps one of the worst characters in any FE ever, to the point where nobody uses him, so if you're suggesting we should have more characters that are completely awful and unusable and a waste of space, I disagree. Titania, Marcus, Seth are all balanced characters, despite what you're implying.

Ests are fine. They don't need a 'unique class', since great stats are generally enough. (Although technically, many Ests do have unique classes.)

I think we can keep arenas, as long as the enemies are allowed to cheat in them. That makes it funnier.

Having 5 automatically unlocked overpowered Gotohs in FE10 was fine, since all the bosses were absurdly overpowered as well.

Dunno what capturing is. Like rescuing but for enemies?

'Make the game so it cannot be hacked' - Makes it less fun for people who want to hack it, and more fun for... who exactly? The only people who care are the hackers.

'Perfect playthrough' mode. This already has a name - it's called playing through the game perfectly without needing the game to tell you to do so.

(Incidentally, I think it would be pretty cool to have a mode where all the characters are available from the beginning, but start at level 1 unpromoted.)

'over-complicated and seemingly pointless challenges with incredible results' - people seem perfectly willing to do these pointless challenges even without 'incredible results', so why bother?

'more mature' - oh, so now 'more mature' is the same as being better? All the wars and racism in FE are maturity enough for me, I don't really need sex and stuffs in all my games. And as for 'better quality', that's highly subjective, and unlikely to happen since the last time IS didn't go for a 'classic FE storyline' (FE10), everyone seemed to hate it.

'constantly switch country and army perspectives' Multiple perspective storylines are always weaker than single-perspective. In FE10, the multiple-perspective style weakened the storyline considerably in my opinion.

Same world as FE8/9/10? Pfft no. A new world is more interesting, since it's NEW.

Yes, I'm sure that IS is going to bring back your favourite character, despite the fact he's DEAD, and pretty goddamned evil while alive. While we're at it, why not bring EVERYONE back? Creating new, interesting characters and a new world for us to explore and discover is overrated, when you can recycle the same characters endlessly. And I'm sure that people who haven't played FE8 will really give a shit about girly-boy Lyon, as well, just as people who have played FE8 will be TOTALLY SURPRISED by him recovering his memory.

Oh yay, the 'true ending' is a secret and hard to unlock. I'm sure that people won't mind missing out on the 'true ending' because they didn't have the foresight to anticipate this dick move and buy a strategy guide, or because they're not good enough to complete secret objectives in a game as hard as Thracia.

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A storyline that can progress in different paths depending on the choices you make. It's not just a branching storyline but you can also make right or wrong choices. Think of it as Phoenix Wright where you get penalized for getting it wrong. Only the penalty would be something inconvenient and not game-threatening. After all, the courses and outcome of just about anything depends on the decisions we make and whether or not we execute them right. Fighting for one, has this: you make the decision to perform a certain technique and then the step of executing it. Either of them could mean the difference between victory or defeat.

As for the main character, his or her personality could depend on the choices made. For example, he or she could take more of the dare-devil kind of persona if you take the seemingly riskier choices or calm and collected if the very cautious kind of choices.

VERY outlandish to say the least, nevermind the work it would take to get it done. Not to

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I don't get it. I've seen things similar to this in lots of JRPGs and strategy games, but in the context of storyline branching or different endings. Could you give an example of what these choices might influence, other than the lord's personality?

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I don't get it. I've seen things similar to this in lots of JRPGs and strategy games, but in the context of storyline branching or different endings. Could you give an example of what these choices might influence, other than the lord's personality?

Characters you get - Say because of a decision you make you piss off one faction and gain the trust of another.

Characters you have - Do you execute someone who may have been committing treason against you or do you let him live. The story changes should be obvious but you could also possibly lose access to future characters and possibly some people don't agree with what you did and you lose current members.

Your army - Possibly you make enough decisions your group doesn't approve of and they desert you and you have to change teams and/or bring up a new army.

Your Lord's promotion - Done some despicably evil things, have the promotion reflect that. Done nothing but good, reflect it. Etc.

Could take a lot of leads from the Ogre Battle series. Especially in areas like branched promotions and FEDS' class swapping.

Maybe instead of getting to 20 and it asking you "Do you want to be Class X or Class Y" instead you get to 20 and you promote to Class X or you get to 20 with certain items and you promote to Class Y or get to 20 with certain minimum stats and you promote to Class Z etc. Going back to FE2's infinite use equipment would also help in this situation. Maybe even make it so that you learn spells and physical skills by level up or weapon use and you can then factor that into promotion as well.

Edited by Suichimo
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I really can see a rated-R Fire Emblem game selling as well as a normal one./sarcasm

I can't honestly tell if this was aimed at me so just in case:

Who says it has to be rated M? The highest the Ogre Battles series has been rated was a T rating for Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber. The first two things I listed were definitely in it, in multiple instances including one of your friends IIRC, and, while not affecting your Lord, different units could become different classes based on their alignment.

Fire Emblem itself already has an instance of execution, and one attempted execution.

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I don't get it. I've seen things similar to this in lots of JRPGs and strategy games, but in the context of storyline branching or different endings. Could you give an example of what these choices might influence, other than the lord's personality?

It will affect which map the chapter will use, each having its own difficulty or even a different goal as far as missions go. Then there are different characters to be unlocked from it, some may be enemies or recruitable depending on your chosen path.

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I really can see a rated-M Fire Emblem game selling as well as a normal one./sarcasm

I can't honestly tell if this was aimed at me so just in case:

Who says it has to be rated M? The highest the Ogre Battles series has been rated was a T rating for Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber. The first two things I listed were definitely in it, in multiple instances including one of your friends IIRC, and, while not affecting your Lord, different units could become different classes based on their alignment.

Fire Emblem itself already has an instance of execution, and one attempted execution.

Luminothe said make it more mature. Even a T rating might set some parents back. I know mine wouldn't approve of a game that had incest, profane language, violence, etc.

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  • 1 month later...

Radiance Story. Custom story builder mode. Vs mode using story or custom story characters, on custom maps. Co op maps (custom maps as well). The custom story would give you the ability to make whatever you want. Your character would have to be within legal limits of power to participate in multiplayer wifi with random people. Friends would be able to play against god characters. Everything would be custom, even battle animations. Skills that are legal would be in place with the ability to change some aspects before they are banned from wifi. You would have templates based off of fire emblem places/chars/weps. You could make a story were Ike actually fights (they should team up) Roy. You could make ragnell that covers you in an aura and hits twice (or more for non wifi) per attack. As many class ups as you want! Make a story where marth starts out as a lord, then becomes a master lord, pwn lord, and finally hack lord!

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More Dragons/Manaketes with more availability. Most the games give you 1-2 Dragons that have a limited use dragonstone. In at least one of the games they should really give them more of an importance. I'd imagine at least 5 manaketes with different stones (Ice, Fire, Dark, Divine, etc). Dragonstones would also be round in chests, secret shops, and dropped by enemy manaketes.

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More Dragons/Manaketes with more availability. Most the games give you 1-2 Dragons that have a limited use dragonstone. In at least one of the games they should really give them more of an importance. I'd imagine at least 5 manaketes with different stones (Ice, Fire, Dark, Divine, etc). Dragonstones would also be round in chests, secret shops, and dropped by enemy manaketes.

FE3 book 2 Chiki

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More Dragons/Manaketes with more availability. Most the games give you 1-2 Dragons that have a limited use dragonstone. In at least one of the games they should really give them more of an importance. I'd imagine at least 5 manaketes with different stones (Ice, Fire, Dark, Divine, etc). Dragonstones would also be round in chests, secret shops, and dropped by enemy manaketes.

FE3 book 2 Chiki

Not just one dragon though.

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I'd like to see an RD direct sequel. At first, RD felt like it was closing up the Tellius story, but then I realized it didn't exactly do that. The ending brings about several questions. Where did Ike go? Why did he leave? Who canonically went with him, Soren, Ranulf, or both? Who commanded the Greil Mercenaries in Ike's stead since Titania remained the deputy commander? And possibly more that I'm not thinking of.

I wouldn't want Ike to be the main character again though. He had his turn. xP

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Fire Emblem itself already has an instance of execution, and one attempted execution.

I count 3 instances of attempted execution, and 1 execution. 1 attempted execution and 1 execution in FE4 (both happening to the same person), and 2 attempted executions in FE10.

Edited by General Spoon
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I count 3 instances of attempted execution, and 1 execution. 1 attempted execution and 1 execution in FE4 (both happening to the same person), and 2 attempted executions in FE10.

Well, one of the FE10 executions can succeed, depending on how much you care for Pelleas...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woah, there's a lot. Well, here goes...

-A lord character that doesn't use swords. Ephraim and Hector FTW

-Class branching like in Sacred Stones, though maybe a bit more expansive. For example, Archer could promote to Sniper, Ranger, or Warrior. Fighter could promote to Berserker, Warrior, or Hero. Myrmidon/Mercenary could promote to Swordmaster, Hero, or Ranger.

-More variety in chapter goals. I'm sick of having to seize every other chapter. More defend chapters would be great.

-More variety in magic tomes. For example, tomes good against cavalry/armor, "brave" tomes, etc.

-More balance in terms of class usefulness. Make Falcoknights and Warriors better.

-Supports a mix of FEs 10 and 7. Have the support system set up like Radiant Dawn, like characters being able to support with anyone and getting supports at the base. However, certain character pairings would have actual conversations like FE7. It would add a lot to character depth while being very flexible.

-Skills. But not the WTFPWNAGE mastery skills in Radiant Dawn. Vantage, Adept, Resolve, etc. were great, but the masteries were overkill.

-A better difficulty curve. I think the game should get harder as it goes on, not easier. Enemy units should get big buffs to growths, and maybe a slight decrease to bases for lower difficulties.

-More unique skills for classes. For example, rogues could have a stealth ability. This ability could make them invisible unless they come within 3 or 4 squares of an enemy, more for other thieves/rogues/assassins. Kind of like their own personal fog of war.

-Crossover Classes. Like, classes that can use both weapons and magic.

-Make every character worth using, but no god characters.

-Give the Shortbow 1-2 range! Help the archers out, geez.

-Dynamic Growths. Helps out with RNG screwage. Also, guaranteed at least 1 stat-up upon leveling.

-Path of Radiance bonus EXP.

-Keep the archetypes! I've always liked the red/green cavaliers and the pwnage mercenaries.

-Make the bosses stronger.

-Dismounting. It's a cool idea, and it would make sense for indoor maps.

-Lots of chapters. About 30-40 would be nice.

-Gaiden chapters/Alternate routes! The requirements for the gaidens should also be different than "beat X chapter in Y number of turns." For example, there could be a chapter with an enemy unit, and if that unit is alive at the end of the chapter, you go to the gaiden chapter where that unit is recruited. For alternate routes it should be like FE6, like the route depends on a certain group of characters' EXP.

I think that is all, for now.

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