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About Ingen

  • Birthday 12/10/1989


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    Rusty Veteran

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    Dutch Caribbean

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn


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  1. Something that needs to be talked about more is what a carbon neutral economy would even look like, let alone how it would work. Even if solar and wind power are less costly per kWh to install, maintain and decommission, people want to know what's going to happen when the sun isn't shining and the wind not blowing. To give an idea, I'm going to point to the highest-hanging fruit I can see: synthetic hydrocarbon fuels. Normally, when fossil fuels are burned up using oxygen, you get water vapor and CO₂. Making synthetic hydrocarbon fuels essentially reverses this process. It's possible to make synthetic fuels using wind and solar electricity. For all intents and purposes, one would need to ingredients to make synthetic fuels: hydrogen and CO₂. The H₂O that makes up water can be split into H₂ (hydrogen) and O₂ (oxygen) using green electricity. CO₂ can be captured from the air. With the right equipment and the right steps, one could end up with a liquid fuel resembling petroleum fuels. Alternatively, one could make synthetic natural gas. So overall, you start with water, CO₂ and energy and end up with petroleum-like fuels. If petroleum substitutes can be made competitively using renewable energy, it would be the ultimate Game Over for fossil fuels. I must re-iterate that this is the highest-hanging fruit. The thing is, once you have hydrogen, it is often more efficient to just use hydrogen instead of going through the hassle of making synthetic fuels. There will be cases where even the hydrogen production step could be skipped. The problem of how to manage variable and intermittent wind and solar energy is something I've been dabbling in for quite some time. AMA.
  2. Let me say in advance that what I'm going to say is purely my own understanding as it is right now instead of how things ought to be. Right now, when I hear "trans person", I think of someone whose goal it is to become the opposite gender so that they could fully integrate into society. To how many trans people does this apply to? To how many does this description prove only partly true, misleading if not flat-out wrong?
  3. I've seen some of the discourse about topics relating to climate change. In general, I wish people would talk more about the solutions rather than the problem.
  4. "I'm going to need an entire internet's worth of brain bleach to cleanse my mind of what I just bore witness to"
  5. Would it be an oversimplification to say being trans is about feeling uncomfortable in one's own body? (This is before transitioning) Is the transition essentially a cure or is there more to it than that? Is that even a valid way of looking at it? Is it correct that being trans is not a choice, similar to sexual orientation? What else might I have failed to touch on so far?
  6. I really like the Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel class. Having any class be playable is something I've always liked in a Fire Emblem game. Do keep in mind that PoR was my first FE game. Even before I got to the point I could recruit Nephenee in the game, I had been very curious about having a soldier on my side to see how I'd use him/her. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to use Nephenee when I could finally recruit her. Another unpopular opinion of mine is preferring if ally units still kept their helmets. Having characters' heads exposed was of those things that seemed cool at first but after a while, I guess my suspension of disbelief just faded. Then again, if I'm not mistaken, in the newer games that have horizontal class change, color palettes aren't differentiated by character so it might actually be the only way to differentiate characters in battle animations. I still remember the no-damage arrows that bounced off of Brom's bare forehead. It would've looked a lot less ridiculous if he had a helmet. Not to mention that helmets can look really good.
  7. Depends on what is being called unrealistic here. Stories, fantasy stories especially, can be somewhat unrealistic but there will be a point where it disengages the audience (or at least some people). It also depends on what themes are being pursued or are put into focus. Most Fire Emblem stories, for example, focus on the main characters building up their strengths, resourcefulness an that of their companions to fight together to stop a threat that is supernatural in nature. They also take place in fictional settings. Things that fall outside of the story can often enough be unrealistic without people batting too much of an eye on it. Nobody seems to care that bows in Fire Emblem can be made from steel and silver and nobody's wondering where or how the iron ore and coal for making the weapons are coming from and which countries have more of the stuff than others. Nobody's asking what else magic is being used for in day to day life other than battles. I'm sure there are many things in the Fire Emblem stories that can be picked apart for realism's sake but I think many of said points lose their weight when they are out of focus if not very far out of focus of the game's story and game mechanics. TL;DR: Realism is only as relevant as the scope and focus of the story makes them.
  8. This is one topic I've had an extremely difficult time understanding. This is something I've looked into before and I thought I had it figured out but it turns out the information is outdated. From the research I've done in the past, I've come to understand transsexual individuals to have the body of one sex but the neuro-anatomy of the opposite sex. Sexual dimorphism isn't just about bones, muscles and hormones but also the very structure of the brain itself. One notable component of the brain that was found to be tightly linked to gender identity is called the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis. I forget the specifics but the cells in the bed nucleus are more or less numerous and more or less sized depending on one's sex if we assume a cis person. In a trans person, the body is of one sex but the dimorphism in the brain is that of the opposite sex. For me, this was the evidence I needed to make my case that trans people can't help that they are trans, that it is the result of a biological anomaly that they could never have any control over, that all they could ever want is to transition as best as they could and integrate into society like everyone else. This video is where I first learned about the subject. What is it I have to understand about trans people? Can someone help me see this topic more clearly?
  9. This is something that has crossed my mind as well. Maybe a reboot could work better than remakes. Given that the story used every playable character (save one) from PoR again in RD, it might work to have the entire story of Tellius in a single game rather than 2. Essentially, it would be the same story but told through a single set of gameplay mechanics. As far as I know, Radiant Dawn is the first time there was a sequel that took place only 3 years after the events of the previous title. It's usually a generation between sequels. This should probably go without saying: RD's support conversation system was a wrong turn. I really wanted to get to know the new Daein characters better.
  10. Thanks, everyone, for the welcome!
  11. Hello, everyone. Recently, me and a friend have been talking about the latest Fire Emblem game regarding a controversial Noble Protector. I recommended that he give this place a look since I do remember this place fondly compared to all the others. He's been liking it here and wouldn't you know it? Now I find myself coming back.
  12. Yeah, I worded it wrong. Should've said "Like Taurneo but without a taste for alcoholic beverages"
  13. Fighter Soren Pegasus Knight Meg Summoner Laura Female Gareth. Oh right, class swap. Sorry. Halberdier Stefan Swordmaster Gatrie. Now picture him doing a critical with a Steel Blade and causing a minor earthquake when he lands General Rolf Wyvern Lord Tanith Bastian the Bard Saint Heather Berserker Kieran Thief Leonardo. Now he has something to cut his wrists with Mage Mai as suggested by Largo Priest Zihark Last but not least Ike and Mist should swap class
  14. Appearance-wise I find Kyle to be a close match. Only I have brown hair Personality's a tough one... A non-alcoholic Tauroneo.
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