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Silith's new playthrough.


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As a note, bringing Nailah into endgame wouldn't do anything for your units' avo/hit as only the leader's authority stars are taken into account.

Good PT though, but perhaps a tad easy if you're allowed to have units to draw attention away/chokepoint.

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Exp dancing is forbidden. The lowest 4 at the start of the chapter are the only 4 for the entire chapter.

For 2-2 I'm allowed to use





This seems like it's not a real problem here since those 3 can easily clear this chapter on their own while Nephenee will as always be struggling.

Now the problem is I need to think long term.

While handfull in this chapter later on ahving a heron as one of my 4 units will be a huge disadvantege so I had to get Leanne to maximum level in this chapter.

Lucia won't be seen untill 4-2 and in chapter 3-1 Lethe could be a real help.

Sadly I can use neither to fight.

Solution is to let Lucia dodgetank without weapons of course.

With Lethe I had her get in 2 range with enemy archer and dodge the attacks for 1 exp every time. With 2 archers with roughly 30% hit and the boss later on I could get 2 level ups for her.

In Lucia's case I abused her at the Sword General left of the boss. Since Bliss and Sorrow work 2 turns each I could keep Lucia on max Biorythm and the General on minimum giving him a 12% hit chance (real hit 3%). With his 35 use sword it would take over 1000 hits to break it so i stopped the Bliss/Sorrow abuse when Lucia hit level 36 and even then it took 169 more turns to break the damn sword.

Of course I got the Discipline scroll and the skill book and I even stole a coin and a mend staff so heather is geting closer to leveling herself even though she hasn't seen combat yet.

Lucia got to level 47 (3 ups)

Lethe got to level 23(35) (2 ups)

Nephenee got to level 24 (2 ups)

Brom got to level 26 (3 ups)

Leanne got to level 40(60) (35 ups)

Total turn count chapter: 583

If there's no exp dancing, then how'd you max out Leanne? You forgot to mention that.

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As a note, bringing Nailah into endgame wouldn't do anything for your units' avo/hit as only the leader's authority stars are taken into account.

Ya I thought so. I usually bring Nailah and my characters would be hitting a lot more often if she was helping them out in such a fashion. And I wouldn't constrantly be seeing enemies with a higher chance of hitting me than I have of hitting them.

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As a note, bringing Nailah into endgame wouldn't do anything for your units' avo/hit as only the leader's authority stars are taken into account.

Ya I thought so. I usually bring Nailah and my characters would be hitting a lot more often if she was helping them out in such a fashion. And I wouldn't constrantly be seeing enemies with a higher chance of hitting me than I have of hitting them.

Don't you love how you have a handful of units with good leadership stars... who never happen to be leaders?

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As a note, bringing Nailah into endgame wouldn't do anything for your units' avo/hit as only the leader's authority stars are taken into account.

Ya I thought so. I usually bring Nailah and my characters would be hitting a lot more often if she was helping them out in such a fashion. And I wouldn't constrantly be seeing enemies with a higher chance of hitting me than I have of hitting them.

Don't you love how you have a handful of units with good leadership stars... who never happen to be leaders?

Only on chapters like 1-F, when you get 0 authority stars VS Jarod's 3. I really love when the units I'd like to give levels have lower hits than their enemies on level terrain. God, isn't that the bestest?

The worst is that even shitty units on Micaiah's team in part 4 (namely sanaki) have better leadership than she does. I also find it really puzzling that they bother giving it to some units who never have a chance to use it (caineghis and nailah for example) but not to other units who it would "make sense" to give leadership (BK, Levail, Taureono, maybe even Reyson, Titania, Sigrun and Tanith - actually, it would suck if Sigrun had leadership since she is in charge of 3-12's enemies, I guess).

Oliver for 5 leadership stars!

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I know the game gets easier as time goes on already, but just imagine how easy 4-E would be if all units threw their stars (as +5/+5 each) onto the field.

Nailah 3

Elincia 3

Lucia 2

Geoffrey 3

Ike 3

Sanaki 4

Skrimir 2

Tibarn 4

Naesala 3

Pelleas 1

Kurthnaga 2

Caineghis 5

Renning 4

Ike, Sanaki, Kurth are free. The rest are 10 units. Make this your team and you have 39 authority stars. That's +195 hit and +195 avo for your team. Allowing you to never miss and never get hit by anything that can miss. All you have to worry about at this point is the AoE attacks and probably Ashera's single target attacks.

Aside from that? Deg has 242 hit and can't be "best bio" for 252 hit. So at best it is 247 hit (Ashera has under 247 and is stuck at neutral, no other enemy comes close). If a PC can reach 257 avo then even at a PCs worst bio deg has 0% hit on him/her. All it takes is 62 base avo. 21 speed and 20 luck makes you immune to everything in endgame aside from special attacks. That's...a little nuts.

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As a note, bringing Nailah into endgame wouldn't do anything for your units' avo/hit as only the leader's authority stars are taken into account.

Ya I thought so. I usually bring Nailah and my characters would be hitting a lot more often if she was helping them out in such a fashion. And I wouldn't constrantly be seeing enemies with a higher chance of hitting me than I have of hitting them.

Don't you love how you have a handful of units with good leadership stars... who never happen to be leaders?

Nailaih makes sense, she IS the Queen of wolves >.>

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As a note, bringing Nailah into endgame wouldn't do anything for your units' avo/hit as only the leader's authority stars are taken into account.

Ya I thought so. I usually bring Nailah and my characters would be hitting a lot more often if she was helping them out in such a fashion. And I wouldn't constrantly be seeing enemies with a higher chance of hitting me than I have of hitting them.

Don't you love how you have a handful of units with good leadership stars... who never happen to be leaders?

Nailaih makes sense, she IS the Queen of wolves >.>

Yes. It makes sense. But here's an idea: what if they omitted leadership stars from the status screen and only displayed them on the map screen when you check commmanders? Extra points for outlining the exact bonus. That way we wouldn't have to glare at Sanaki and Caineghis.

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  • 1 month later...

First answering the questions.

Exp dancing is when a unit among the lowest 4 becomes hgiher in level then the 5th lowest. Then those 2 would switch places. To avoid this kind of thing the 4 units that are the lowest at the START of the map are allowed to do battle. The rest aren't. That's why Leanne was allowed to Sing on to her maximum level.

And about the authority stars. I thought the highest amount on a unit in your army would be picked. not only that of the leader of the army. That sucks since it means only a few actually work.

Michaiah (has none)


Brom (has none)





Anyways on to the chapter.

3-2 is a chapter in the list of (I WANT TO KILL THIS WITH FIRE!)

The enemies swarm you and the only two who are able to survive that normally are Geoffrey and Kieran. Guess which 2 of the 6 units I have with me I cannot use?


Using the yellow soldier to hug around Geoffrey and Kieran in the bottom middle I also use them to for a perimiter around Astrid with MArcia, Makalov and Danved covering 3 sides and a yellow as 4th. I try to snipe kills with Astrid and Makalov while Marcia (Horseslayer) and Danved can easily ORKO enemies. Moving slowly around the map in a zigzag pattern I kill all enemies. Often I use the bronze weapons I brought when I tried the chapter the first time so long ago to weaken enemies so that AStrid can deal the finishing blow.

Now when I tried this map yesterday everything went well untill there were 3 enemies left. Remember the 2 breakable doors? Well the left door isn't the only way up that plateau. Seem like 2 spaces left of it is a little ledge units can climb up and down off. So my Marcia wasn't all that save down there when thar Steel Longbow Sniper came down and one-shot her.

Today I was more cautious and defeated that sniper easily. Afterwards I picked up Danved with Makalov and whacked the Priest untill his bronze swords broke. I planned to do the same with MArcia and Astrid btu I failed epically. After Makalov broke his second (and last) Bronze sword I had Astrid take over Danved and attack at once. That meant the Priest had had no time to heal and he died.

So I was fristrated and I didn't want to restart the chapter adn engaged the boss anyways. Two smacks from Makalov and a JAveling drive-by from marcia brought him down to 4 HP. And then he ran back to his healing tile. And he stays there unless he get's high enough HP. He heals 3 HP and my 17 Str Astrid deals 3 damage with a bronze bow. (LUCKY!) The abuse continued untill I f'ed up again. AStrid got a Str and she accidently killed him. Still she got a level-up from the boss kill and another Str so I can't complain.

As for special level-ups.

Danved got RNG blessed with his all stats level-up.

Makalov got RNG Screwed with his Str-up.(could've been worse (could've been Luck))

Astrid got to 35

Makalov got to 29

Danved got to 30

Marcia got to 27

For 2-E I have from low to high.

Nephenee level 24

Mordecai level 24

Brom level 26

Callil level 26

Marcia level 27

Heather level 27

Makalov level 29

Danved level 30

Kieran level 31

Haar level 31

Nealuchi level 33

Geoffrey level 35

Lethe level 35

Astrid level 35

Elincia level 41

Leanne level 60

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Double Post lulz.

Elincia's Gambit!

What a great map this is. Normally you just walk your army down waltz over the enemies and finish them off. This time however I had to wait out the entire thing with only Brom, Nephenee, Callil and Mordecai. Normal walling tactics don't work since you can't reach the stairs on the left since that plateau is full of enemies who can reap Nephenee and Callil. I kept to the high ground With Callil protecting the gap (up there enemy's only have 10-20% hit chances at max) Nephenee and Mordecai protecting the top right stairs and Brom being his beastly self Is at the left somewhere between the 2 stairs holding off 5 enemies at once.

One thing to mention is that on the middle of the upper plateu if you position Callil on the bottom left she can hit the Nullify Scroll holder with meteor. 3 Meteor's and he's dead. That's what I did the first 3 turn when the yellow soldiers hadn't died yet. After Yellow dies it's jsut plain old Turtling the 15 turns.

The CRK arrive after a couple of turns and as always the Cavalery is too late. Had them hug the most nothern part of the hallway to prevent getting those knights on top of their heads.

Brom leveled to 29

Callil leveled to 28

Nephenee leveled to 27

Mordecai while gettign close to leveling didn't level in the end. (still 24).

Part 2 is finished!

Editing 3-P in.

So you get the Greil mercs and who am I stuck with?





4 Useless bags of garbage.

Ike, Gatrie, Titania, Oscar and Boyd form a defensive wall switching out everytime someone gets hurt. Rhys and Mist heal a lot (with Rhys sometimes helping in dealing damage) And Rofl (with Shinon's Killer bow) and Soren try to kill stuff. It's only a matter of time before Skrimir reaches the Seize point and the map ends prematurely.

Rhys leveled to 24

Rofl leveled to 22

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Allright before I attempt 3-1 which might be impossible to clear as the chapter is such a bitch I'm going to make a post about how things went up this far and a review of some untis which ended up different then I expected them to be.

First of all. Turteling to the lenghts I have done now really takes verry long. It's boring and annoying at times when you grind for 1 exp a turn and just can't get it any faster but there have been some good points. When doing a run like this you discover things you've never noticed in maps because you just rush through too fast. I for one never knew there was a ledge 2 spaces left of theat door in 2-3. While that was a hard thing to learn when Marcia got sniped I actually used that to my advantage by dropping Danved nearby and avoid the ballistae by walking up to the Archer fool and knock him right out of this world.

This is also the first time I've found a use for Bronze weapons. They have low might and cannot critical. Both are points that are verry bad for you in a normal run but it's a boon when you want to abuse 1-exp points on enemy priests with staves. The fact they have 50 uses each is anoyther plus.

When you come into a chapter with underleveled units some will have an easier time to go on then others. Myrmiadons/Swordmasters are only usefull when they are overleveled. well that was my expectations. They are frail and when they can't even double their Damage output is waaaaaay too low to be of any significant use, especially if they can risk a counterattack. I expected Nephenee to be in the same boat. I loved her in FE:9 but she never did it for me in RD because in entire Part 2 there are units that have more use then her and in Part 3 she comes in underleveled. I'm forced to use her now so I hope to see some difference here. So far she's been a medium unit on my team and she required the most attention in 2-F of the 4 units I used.

A secodn thing I want to talk about is the usual trashtalk about Meg, Fiona and Astrid. They come in underleveled and underpowered and their growth don't seem to improve anytime soon. Fiona I can't save from this. It's been painfull to get her up to speed and she still is a liability to the team with her low hit rates. Meg and Astrid however deserve more credit then is coming to them. Meg has problems with the tigers in her starting chapter but when you get to 1-5 and from there on 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 she can easily do some damage and get up to speed with the rest of your team to make a contribution. Astrid can hit and run and with the Paragon scroll forced on her in 2-3 and 2-F she can easily get some levels and become quite good. Sure she won't be of all THAT much use till she promotes but she's pretty solid. If you already use Shinon (or one of the other two archers) she can use the Silver Longbow. She has ample hit to use that lowly 55 hit weapon and still be able to get that lovely 3 range.

If I ever manage to get past 3-1 I of course will have to deal with 3-4 where (goddamnit) Lyre joins. I'm also anxious to see her performance in a run as this.

I myself think I won't come up with a strategy to clear 3-1 with only Rofl, Mist, Rhys, Soren and (lol) Lethe (she gained some power in 2-2 if you remember) so I'm going to state this. If I fail 10 attempts I'm going to do it like I would in a regular run and then continue the rest of the game with the original rules. I know the run wouldn't be complete that way but I have no choice in the matter. It's getting stuck or that. Ofcourse I first gonna attempt.

To avoid 4 posts in a row I'll just edit 3-1 in here. I ended up using Mia as well to kill some sages which the others couldn't handle with too much time lost or too much damage taken. Lethe mopped up most of the southern Generals and Rofl got some lucky crits up north. It took me a good 5-6 tried. Didn't count really.

Soren got to level 27

Mist got to level 22

Rofl got to level 24

Rhys got to level 25

Mia didn't level.

Lyre actually survived. (Lethe didn't)

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3-2 is a great chapter for abuse. You can end it so quickly by just rushing the boss but that would be a waste of good exp.

I used the defensive characters to make a turtle while Rofl and Rhys were sniping enemies. Ilyana did a few damage but since she was RNG screwed as Tier 1 she did almost nothing.

Use Haar (weaponless) to let the enemy general break his weapon so he's a sitting duck and then go clear the rest of the map. I didn't get Bolting and actually used Rhys as bait to waste it. (Rhys took no damage anyways) The Recover Bishop in the south east gets abused of course. I had taken with me 2 Bronxe Bows, 1 Bronze Sword and a extra Light tome so that Rofl, Mist and Rhys could abuse. Rofl had to pick up Mist not to double and poor Mist can't pick up anyone so after she hit 20 speed the Sword went down quickly. Rhys took damage from a Staff counter so I had Mist heal Rhys sometimes too.

The Boss has 46 HP and with 19 Magic Ilyana does 15 damage with a fire tome to him. Meaning that after 3 attacks he's down to 1 health which is when he uses his Elixer. I was at first thinking of just stealing the elixer like I did with the coin and the statue frag but the exp was too nice to pass on.

Overall my goal was to get the 4 to at least level 8 (28) because I have 4 units of level 7 (27) meaning a full team switch. Luckely I succeeded.

Brom leveled to level 30 by tanking.

Ilyana leveled to level 28

Mist leveled to level 31

Rofl leveled to level 32

Rhys leveled to level 31

3-3 is a bitch of a timed chapter. Gonna use a weaponless Haar to burn some crates. Also I have Heather so I might be able to pass through some opponents and get lucky on the dodgeh4x.

(the 4 units for 3-3 are: Heather, Nephenee, Mia, Soren. (with Heather and nephenee having an A-support.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Meg and Astrid however deserve more credit then is coming to them. Meg has problems with the tigers in her starting chapter but when you get to 1-5 and from there on 1-6-1 and 1-6-2 she can easily do some damage and get up to speed with the rest of your team to make a contribution. Astrid can hit and run and with the Paragon scroll forced on her in 2-3 and 2-F she can easily get some levels and become quite good. Sure she won't be of all THAT much use till she promotes but she's pretty solid. If you already use Shinon (or one of the other two archers) she can use the Silver Longbow. She has ample hit to use that lowly 55 hit weapon and still be able to get that lovely 3 range.

This may be why Fiona in MTG: RD requires you to lose the game. Meanwhile Meg only requires a shot-in-the-foot, and Astrid simply requires you to sacrifice astrid (i.e. no loss to you).

Eh. I don't think Astrid is gonna get too many kills on 2-F. By the time she comes in, I usually have cleared off most of the center and right. The only enemies the knights are guaranteed are those knights and generals (IIRC) near their start, and it's tough to hand astrid those kills thanks to the high def. And I usually want to play semi-quickly to get to ludveck and the dracoshield while getting most of the enemies.

Meanwhile Astrid getting 2-3 kills is perfectly feasible, but since I almost always do a BEXP run of geoff's charge I almost never do it.

I agree these units get a little too much flak, but the real issues are these:

-Astrid has low availability and comes in under-leveled.

-Meg is in an EXP-deprived group of people, and using her means you are probably going to have to choose to boot another unit off to get her more exp. Since most of those units are ALREADY making a contribution, it's not a good idea to sacrifice that.

Generally, I think these low-starting points high growth characters are pretty questionable in RD, where the characters who start out at high levels will rather frequently be nearly as good later on.

This seems to be a pretty heroic chapter :)

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