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Reasons to buy a PS3...


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  1. 1. Reasons: Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 3, BlazBlue

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If it'll help, here's a list of games I own on PS3. I'll only list the exclusive ones, since you can usually get a better version of the multi-platforms on 360 thanks to lazy devs.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves


Demon's Souls

Valkyria Chronicles

Disgaea 3

LittleBigPlanet (<3)

Flower (PSN)

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty (PSN)


Ones I'm looking forward to:

Gran Turismo 5 (March 2010, Been waiting forever :(!)

God of War 1 and 2 remake (November)

God of War 3 (March 2010)

The Last Guardian (TBA 2010)

White Knight Chronicles (March 2010)

LittleBigPlanet 2 (Late 2010)

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time (Couple days)

Last Rebellion (November)

I'm not a big fan of FPS or TPS at all. In fact, I really dislike them. Platformers, S/RPGs and the odd action game are the only things that I buy these days. Gran Turismo is the only racing game I like, but that's mainly because of nostalgia. If you couldn't tell already, I'm also a big fan of the "Holy Sony Trinity" of Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog and Insomniac.

I basically bought my PS3 for The Last Guardian. ICO and Shadow of the Colossus are my first and second favorite games of all time. When I heard the final game in the trilogy was making its way to the PS3, I would've bought one even if it were double the launch price. The series is a masterpiece and there's no way I'd go without it :P. Luckily, the PS3 had a bunch of other great games that I would've missed if I had decided to just stick with my PS2/360 for the gen.

I'd like to point out how annoyed I am with the 360 right now too. There are four reasons I bought my 360:

1. Tales of Vesperia (Ported to PS3 with tons of extra content)

2. Star Ocean 4 (Ported to PS3 with extra content)

3. Eternal Sonata (Ported to PS3 with tons of extra content)

4. Lost Odyssey (Kept me from selling my 360 for now)

If I had balls, that would be a kick in them.

Anyway, hopefully my list of games helps you pick out a few more you'll enjoy as well. It'd be a shame if you missed out on a couple gems :).

Edited by Moribalken
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Tales of Vesperia Remake

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Prince of Persia

Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid Rising

(If you're a huge fan) Street Fighter IV

Final Fantasy XIV Online looks awesome. Way awesome compared to XI's online <_<

All the other games above posters mentioned.

Good Wifi

(Eventually) Kingdom Hearts 3

Need I say more?

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Keep forgetting God of War 3 and SSFIV, huh?

Ewwwwwww God of War get out!

I'd like to point out how annoyed I am with the 360 right now too. There are four reasons I bought my 360:

1. Tales of Vesperia (Ported to PS3 with tons of extra content)

2. Star Ocean 4 (Ported to PS3 with extra content)

3. Eternal Sonata (Ported to PS3 with tons of extra content)

4. Lost Odyssey (Kept me from selling my 360 for now)

If I had balls, that would be a kick in them.

Anyway, hopefully my list of games helps you pick out a few more you'll enjoy as well. It'd be a shame if you missed out on a couple gems :).

I have a hard time finding PS3 exclusive games that I'll enjoy. However, I forgot about those top three, and they are definitely on my "to buy:" list.

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Final Fantasy XIV Online looks awesome. Way awesome compared to XI's online <_<

Good Wifi


I would buy Street fighter, but I like Tekken more, so Tekken 6 for me instead. That and BlazBlue is the best fighter of all time, hands down. Tekken runs a close second.

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Well, what genres do you like most? It'd be easier to help you find good exclusives if I knew what you were looking for. I have a pretty big collection of PS3 games, 'cause my friend gave me all of his when he sold his systems :P.

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Well, what genres do you like most? It'd be easier to help you find good exclusives if I knew what you were looking for. I have a pretty big collection of PS3 games, 'cause my friend gave me all of his when he sold his systems :P.

For consoles, I like RPGs, Fighters, Mechas, sidescrolling shooters, and Platformers. I like Survival Horror as well, but I'm aware of which of those I would buy.

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For consoles, I like RPGs, Fighters, Mechas, sidescrolling shooters, and Platformers. I like Survival Horror as well, but I'm aware of which of those I would buy.

Oh, okay then. Did you own a PS1/PS2? Do you like WRPGs :P? Do you have a 360? In any case, you already seem to have your fighters lined up :o.



Valkyria Chronicles

Disgaea 3

Eternal Sonata

Demon's Souls (WRPG)

Upcoming RPGs:



White Knight Chronicles

Last Rebellion

Trinity Universe

Atelier Rorona

Resonance of Fate

Star Ocean 4


Ratchet and Clank Future series (Crack in Time, Quest for Booty, Tools of Destruction)

Uncharted series (Drake's Fortune, Among Thieves. I wouldn't really call it a pure platformer, it just has tons of platforming elements)


Mega Man 9 (PSN)

Braid (PSN)

Those are the ones I've played (apart from upcoming, obviously <_<) and can personally tell you are great. I won't list anything I haven't played. If you're a platforming fan, I really suggest the R&C and Uncharted series' in particular, though. Uncharted 2 is the only game I've played this gen that I can say was really worth the $60. Though it's part TPS and part adventure/platformer, the platforming elements pretty much made the game for me.

They're worth checking out if you're looking for games that really push the PS3, anyway.

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Uh, I'd get an Xbox 360 instead. They've got better games coming out; don't get me wrong, God of War 3 looks amazing and so are Demon Souls, inFamous, and other games.

Now let's look at what exclusives Xbox 360 has coming up that the PS3 will lack on release, shall we?

Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Gears of War 3, Alan Wake, Mass Effect 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and a few more than don't immediately come to mind.

Also, Gordon Freeman won Best Hero on Gamespot. Not a bad choice; better than Mario or Link.

ALSO related to the thread about Xbox's superiority: SC:C gameplay:


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Uh, I'd get an Xbox 360 instead. They've got better games coming out; don't get me wrong, God of War 3 looks amazing and so are Demon Souls, inFamous, and other games.

Now let's look at what exclusives Xbox 360 has coming up that the PS3 will lack on release, shall we?

Crackdown 2, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Gears of War 3, Alan Wake, Mass Effect 2, Left 4 Dead 2, and a few more than don't immediately come to mind.

Also, Gordon Freeman won Best Hero on Gamespot. Not a bad choice; better than Mario or Link.

ALSO related to the thread about Xbox's superiority: SC:C gameplay:


Poor troll is poor. 360 is for casual gamers who weren't into video games before things like FPS came around. Mass Effect 2 is worth it, Left 4 Dead 2 is better for the PC anyhow, and everything else you named can go die in a fire for all I care. Though Gears of War was a good game to let loose some stress on.

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This generation of consoles is weird.

The Wii I find to just be a piece of plastic. I literally have not touched it the past year, and I've only had it a year and a half. My Sega Genesis has less dust, and I only have 3 games on it, nor was I growing up with Sega so I still play it for sentimental reasons. None of the games have me coming for more and just feel like crap I don't care for. They managed to make a boring-ass Metroid game, I didn't even think that was possible. Say what you want about Echoes, I liked the atmosphere it exuded . Only Wii game I like is Okami, and that's not even exclusive, so I could have gotten it for the PS2. Admittedly though, probably the only game that puts the wiimote to proper use outside of Twilight Princess, another borefest of a game. Everything about the Wii is just disapointing otherwise, it's main function is basically to free the clutter of having old consoles clattered everywhere. Clears space, a data infinite to replace games that otherwise run on limited cartridge batteries, no having to hunt down new games on Ebay or random game stores...

Xbox360 games are basically PC games without the benefits of PC games. Some are even hashed down versions of PC games (Left 4 Dead). Halo is a fine multiplayer game, but it's otherwise a sad excuse of a series. It's one of those games I'd prefer they just make maps and update the multiplayer aspect in patches. GoW is retarded to play by yourself. Pretty much everything else isn't exclusive, or are better on the PC. Basically, it's a "bring your friends over to watch your 360 get Red Ring of Death". Dead Rising though? Fucktons of fun.

PS3 sounds like everything you'd ever want, and the first thing that threw people off was the steep price. Only real complaint I guess would be that you have to let the game install first before you play, no backwards compatibility (at least the new cheaper ones), and that it has more movie games than game games. Like a majority is cutscenes than actual gameplay, like MGS4, Uncharted, RE5. Like a good majority is just cutscenes which after the first time become nothing more than interruptions to playing the game. I can't really make a solid opinion though, as I've never had the chance to actually play one.

PC gaming sounds like the real winner this time around. You probably already have a PC to consider, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 on the horizon, the customizable aspect (none of this customize the gameplay bullshit which potentially breaks the game or are meaningless, I mean making mods and shit like that, things you can only do on a PC), getting to play all the games of old outside of perhaps those MS_DOS ones (Wolfenstein 3-D...), and some games the makers will patch over if there are any bugs or glitches. It makes me weep that I have a Mac that can't do any of this shit.

Sorry, felt like saying that, since the topic started discussing other systems. But on topic, I will say this concerning the PS3...

Disgaea 3, Dead Rising 2

*Macho Man Randy Savage YEEEAAAHH!!*

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You're either misinformed or have a bias against the new generation of gaming. Sure, not every game is new and exciting, and most of the time its just another dreck of a FPS.

But Alan Wake? No way is it a first person shooter. And I really wouldn't call myself a troll unless you actually saw it as a personal attack. In which case, hi fanboy.

Not the point though. I just think 360 has the overall better games. Yes, PS3 has inFamous, LittleBigPlanet, and Uncharted 2. But Xbox has answers for all of those.

Oh, and:

Mass Effect 2 is worth it, Left 4 Dead 2 is better for the PC anyhow, and everything else you named can go die in a fire for all I care.

1. True.

2. Also true.

3. Talk about blatant disregard. Conviction is one of the most promising titles this year in a long-running and successful series and Alan Wake looks great so far. Dunno about Crackdown 2 however.

Also, i remember something vague: Xbox 360 has take MANY of the "supposed" PS3 exclusives, including Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto 4, and, the biggest punch in the face, Metal Gear Solid 4. Yes, you could call it the Raiden Spinoff but a catch is a catch.

Yes, PS3 has equally good games that can match up: but here are some counters.

Heavenly Sword: I get this one a lot but they fail to mention how innately similar it is to God of War/2. You might as well buy the latter as well, because those are better too.

Uncharted 1: This game has problems with it. First of all, Nathan Drake is ANNOYING. AS. FUCK. Those one liners aren't clever; they're corny. The last thing I wanted in Uncharted 2 was in co-op; where I'd have to deal with TWO wise-cracking Nathan Drakes. Also include some ridiculously forgiving platforming and occasionally frustrating gunfights , and some substories are undeveloped.

Also, don't forget that the PS3 has plenty of bad exclusives; maybe more so than Xbox 360's.

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Also, i remember something vague: Xbox 360 has take MANY of the "supposed" PS3 exclusives, including Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto 4, and, the biggest punch in the face, Metal Gear Solid 4. Yes, you could call it the Raiden Spinoff but a catch is a catch.

MGS: Rising is not MGS4. Any fan of the series KNOWS Kojima isn't even working on MGS: Rising. It's a spin-off being made to milk the series because Konami wanted it done. MGS is not MGS without Solid Snake. Kojima took the MGS4 team to make MGS: Peacewalker on PSP. MGS Rising is getting the leftovers.

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That's not the point. Xbox 360 is getting a game for a series that was SUPPOSED to be PS3 exclusive.

MGS was never PS exclusive. Do you know what system the first MG game came out on? A Microsoft system - the MSX. MGS2 was on the Xbox as well. See, you're not a fan of the series. You probably don't even know what happened in MGS4, so you don't know why everyone knows MGS: Rising is going to suck. You came into this topic to troll and wage your fanboy video-game wars.

This generation has made me ashamed of my hobby.

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Wow. Way to be melodramatic.

MGS (Note the S in there, not the first three MG games.) is, generally, considered a Sony exclusive title. There hasn't been a exclusive MGS game other than on a Sony system.

MGS: Rising changes all of that. It won't be on PS3; it's 360 exclusive.

What made you think THIS:

See, you're not a fan of the series. You probably don't even know what happened in MGS4, so you don't know why everyone knows MGS: Rising is going to suck. You came into this topic to troll and wage your fanboy video-game wars.

This generation has made me ashamed of my hobby.[/img]

Has ANYTHING to do with comparing qualities of systems, you are retarded.

Well, let me demonstrate:

1. I've played Metal Gear Solids 1-4, and can safely say that MGS1 was the ONLY one worth playing.

2. I am fully aware of the fucked up plot MGS presents. It makes less sense than Neon Genesis Evangelion's ending.

3. People think it will suck because they associate Raiden with MGS2. He wasn't even the worst part about it; it was about not being able to use the staple protagonist Snake, and about his annoying-ass girlfriend Rose.

4. IF I wanted to troll and wage a fanboy war, I'd have flat out called a system shitty and terrible, not even worth a purchase. Fanboy wars start when some dumbass on the internet makes an claim-less statement about a subject so vague it can be misinterpreted ANY WAY POSSIBLE by other dumbass fantards, sparking an all out war caused by idiotic ramblings; what I've said was OPINION. I fully state this due to dipshits like YOU assuming that fanboys think of this as TRUTH. Self-righteous fanboys like YOU make ME ashamed of what pompous pricks we've become. It's people like you who portray the gamer as a pizza-face no life with a pseudo superiority complex.

5. I say this with restrained respect; go suck a railroad spike you arrogant twit. I've likely been around this hobby longer than the time you've spent living.

Edited by OliverXRenning
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MGS (Note the S in there, not the first three MG games.) is, generally, considered a Sony exclusive title. There hasn't been a exclusive MGS game other than on a Sony system.

There are only two canon Metal Gear games. The NES games are not part of the main series and they aren't the same games even though they share the name. Metal Gear was exclusive to the MSX before they got re-released on PS2.

MGS: Rising changes all of that. It won't be on PS3; it's 360 exclusive.

*sigh*, you just come in and try to BS your way into making sense. MGS: Rising is on 360, PC AND PS3.


3. People think it will suck because they associate Raiden with MGS2. He wasn't even the worst part about it; it was about not being able to use the staple protagonist Snake, and about his annoying-ass girlfriend Rose.

No, they know it will suck because every game that Kojima hasn't done himself HAS sucked. You don't take your story and give it to someone else, they'll screw up every time. Especially when the game is only being made to milk the series.

I fully state this due to dipshits like YOU assuming that fanboys think of this as TRUTH. Self-righteous fanboys like YOU make ME ashamed of what pompous pricks we've become. It's people like you who portray the gamer as a pizza-face no life with a pseudo superiority complex.

No, you came into a topic made by someone who was clearly interested in the PS3 and told them to get a 360 because it was better. If they wanted a 360, they would have made a topic about that instead. What you SHOULD have done was help them pick out other games they might like before making the purchase instead of trying to force your own opinion on them.

By the way, nice job taking this so seriously you need to start insulting me. You're a big, mature man, aren't you?

5. I say this with restrained respect; go suck a railroad spike you arrogant twit. I've likely been around this hobby longer than the time you've spent living.

No longer than 4 years if your attitude offers any clues. Chill out, you're going to have a stroke at this rate.

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