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Best/Worst in the Series Round 26


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Please vote for what YOU think is the best/worst in the series for this round. The round will last for about three days, after which I will tally the votes, and will add the top three to a list in the opening post of the next topic.

It would be nice if you nominate ideas for when I'm out of them. I'll keep track of the nominations. Please nominate only once a round.

Please remeber to nominate. Also, if your vote is not for one person/thing/etc, it will be thrown out.

Previous winners (best)

Best NPC: 1st- 3-13 Archer ; 2nd- FE10 Daein Army ; 3rd- Eltshan

Best Swordmaster: 1st- Rutger ; 2nd- Lakche ; 3rd- Shanan

Best Hair: 1st- Titania ; 2nd- Heath and Stefan (tie)

Best Non-Final Boss: 1st- Black Knight ; 2nd- Alvis and Trabant (tie)

Best Thief: 1st- Pahn ; 2nd- Matthew ; 3rd- Lifis, Volke, and Sothe (tie, FE10 Sothe can only be assumed)

Best Personal Weapon: 1st- Graphcalibur and Pugi (tie) ; 3rd - Wolf Beil

Best chapter: 1st- FE10 2-E and FE5 chapter 14 (tie) ; 3rd- FE6 Chapter 21, FE5 chapter 24x, FE5 chapter 13, FE4 chapter 5, FE5 chapter 22, FE9 chapter 13, FE9 chapter 26, FE8 Ephraim's Route chapter 11, FE10 4-5, FE9 chapter 17, and FE10 3-E (tie)

Best final chapter- 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE4 ; 3rd- FE5

Best final boss weapon- 1st- Judge ; 2nd- Flametongue and Loputousu (tie)

Best Personality: 1st- Levin and Kieran (tie) ; 3rd- Wallace

Best rapist or attempted rapist: 1st- Narshen ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- FE10 opening movie soldiers

Best tactician: 1st- Mark ; 2nd- Soren ; 3rd- Jeigan Book 2

Best Est Archetype: 1st- Nino ; 2nd- Sara ; 3rd- Zeiss and Pelleas (tie)

Best GBA Critical animation- 1st- Lyn (Sol Katti) ; 2nd- Warrior (Axe) ; 3rd- Hector (Armads)

Best Console Critical animation- 1st- Celice 1st attack ; 2nd- FE4 Swordmaster/FE10 Black Knight (tie)

Best Epilogue- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE9

Best Gato Archetype- 1st- Athos/FE5 Sety (tie) ; 3rd- Galzus

Best DS critical animation- 1st- Hero (2nd attack), Swordmaster (2nd attack), Mage, Lord, Berserker (1st attack) (tie)

Best Form of Abuse- 1st-Favoritism; 2nd-FE9 BEXP Abuse; 3rd-Arena Abuse

Best FE- 1st- FE4 ; 2nd- FE5 ; 3rd- FE7 and 10 (tie)

Best Ruler: 1st- Alvis ; 2nd- Ashnard, Naesala, Caineghis, Dheginsea, Sanaki (tie)

Best Gaiden chapter: 1st- FE7 19x(HM) and FE5 21x (tie); 3rd- FE7 19xx(HM)

Best Unit: 1st- Levin!Arthur; 2nd- Ike (O_O); 3rd- Seth

Best Merc/Hero: 1st- Dieck ; 2nd- FE3 Oguma ; 3rd- Skasaher

Best Paladin (Anything that promotes into it as well): 1st- Seth and Aless (tie) ; 3rd- Titania

Previous winners (worst)

Worst NPC: 1st- The three generic Caelin soldiers in FE7 ; 2nd- Lachesis' 3 Pallies and FE8 Chapter 19 Armor Knights (tie)

Worst Swordmaster: 1st- Karla ; 2nd- Shanam ; 3rd- Lucia

Worst Hair: 1st- Vaida ; 2nd- Gheb, Lowen, and Makalov (tie)

Worst Non-Final Boss: 1st- Aion ; 2nd- Toras ; 3rd Batta the Beast (6-way tie broken by a random number generator)

Worst Thief: 1st- Cath ; 2nd- Daisy ; 3rd- Ricardo

Worst Personal Weapon: 1st- FE9 Rolf's Bow ; 2nd- Sol Katti ; 3rd- Daim Thunder, Ettard, Amiti of FE9, and Caldabolg (tied)

Worst chapter: 1st- Lyn's prologue normal mode ; 2nd- FE6 chapter 14 ; 3rd- FE7 Chapter 11 (Eliwood's tale), FE10 4-1, FE10 1-5, FE4 chapter 7, and FE7 16x/17x (tie)

Worst final chapter: 1st- FE6 ; 2nd- FE10 ; 3rd- FE8

Worst final boss weapon: 1st- Dark breath ; 2nd- Nightmare ; 3rd- Ravager

Worst Personality: 1st- Aran and Vika (tie) ; 3rd- Soren, Florina, Horace and Clarine (tie)

Worst rapist or attempted rapist: 1st- Gheb ; 2nd- Oliver ; 3rd- General Lang, Eliot, Garnef, and Narshen (tie)

Worst tactician: 1st- Malledus ; 2nd- Mark ; 3rd- Soren

Worst Est archetype: 1st- Sophia ; 2nd- Est and Fiona (Tie)

Worst GBA critical animation: 1st- Great Knight ; 2nd- Thief ; 3rd- Mage, Bishop, Pirate, Soldier, and Ewan (tie)

Worst Console critical animation; 1st- FE10 Sword Armor ; 2nd- FE4 Mage Knight ; 3rd- FE4 Bow Users

Worst Epilogue: 1st- FE9 ; 2nd- FE11 ; 3rd- FE8 and FE4 (tie)

Worst Gato Archetype: 1st- Karel ; 2nd- Gato/Gotoh ; 3rd- Lehran

Worst DS critical animation: 1st- Sorceror, General (Bow), Mage (tie)

Worst Form of Abuse: 1st-Battle Save Abuse; 2nd-Arena Abuse; 3rd-RNG Stat Abuse

Worst FE: 1st- FE1 ; 2nd- FE7 and 8 (tie)

Worst Ruler: 1st- Desmond; 2nd- Dheginsea; 3rd- Mordred, Alvis, Darin, Talis, Nailah, Micaiah, Victor (7 way tie :o)

Worst Gaiden chapter: 1st- FE5 24x; 2nd- FE7 19xx(HM); 3rd- FE5 14x, FE6 22x, FE7 31x(HM), FE11 16x (tie)

Worst unit: 1st- Bantu; 2nd- Yuno and Lyre (tie)

Worst Merc/Hero: 1st- FEDS Samson ; 2nd- Oujay ; 3rd- FE3 Samson

Worst Paladin (Anything that promotes into it as well): 1st- Arran ; 2nd- Zealot ; 3rd- Vyland


Best/Worst couple

Best/Worst Hairstyle

Best/Worst Pig

Best/Worst Gaiden Chapter (2)

Best/Worst Late Non-Final Boss (2)

Best/Worst quote

Most/Least Intelligent Character

Most/Least hyped character

Best/Worst Archer/Sniper/Marksmen

Best/Worst Forced unit

Best/Worst Sacrificial unit

Best/Worst Non-legendary/holy/divine/personal weapon

Best/Worst Red/Green Knight

Best/Worst Desert chapter

Best/Worst Prologue

Best/Worst Chapter Goal

Best/Worst Battle Music

Best/Worst Defense Chapter

Note: Elincia counts as well, but Tanith's reinforcements do not. Units that are dracos after promotion from Peg Knights do not count (so Paola, Katua and Est can only be said for FEDS, Minerva does not count at all.)

My vote:

Best: FE10 Elincia. Amiti + Staves + Peggy = :awesome:

Worst: FE10 Sigrun. Awesome defense growth there :awesome:

Also, please state what FE the character is from, otherwise the vote will be thrown off. Unless the char only appears in 1 FE game (e.g. Sain, Aless)

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Worst: Yuno. Terrible all-around.

Abstain on best since FE3 Book 2 Katua and Paola don't count >_>

Edited by Richter Renard
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I dunno. Should Elincia really count? (I know she rides a Pegasus and all, but...)

But as for my votes...

Best pegasus knight: FE4 Fee. (I haven't tried the canonical version yet, but she takes the cake regardless in my book.)

Worst pegasus knight: Florina. (I bet you weren't expecting this vote. :awesome: But in all seriousnes, she's not really all that hot to me.)

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Best: FE10 Elincia

Worst: Syrene. If you train Est, she goes somewhere (Not, far, but somewhere) and Sigrun can at least do some chip damage at okay hit rates to let your other units ORKO. Syrene shows up and does nothing for you. I've never played far enough into FE6 to get Juno, though.

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Best: Book 2 Paola, no contest This is the only instance in the series where a Pegasus Knight is the best character in the game.

Worst: I'll be hip and trendy and jump on the Est hate bandwagon.

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Argh another best of class

Best Tanith FE9 strong unit and comes with sonic sword and cannon fodder

Worst Florina

I nominate best/worst quote

Edited by mikethfc
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This[book 2] is the only instance in the series where a Pegasus Knight is the best character in the game.

Play FE2. Katua and Paola aren't as good as they are in FE3 book 2, but are still the best characters in the game (For Cecelia's story). And Est is really good too.

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Best: FE4 Phee

Worst: FE9 Elincia

Elincia has the worst availability ever and requires a mass amount of BEXP, sucks at combat even with Amiti. And you still have to keep her the hell away from anything and everything on the map. She is easily 1RKO'd by most things on the final three maps at level 20.

If only she was Karel.

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She is easily 1RKO'd by most things on the final three maps at level 20.

I don't disagree with your vote, but that's just wrong. Even rounding her stats down from .4 and .75, with her 38/18 HP/Def an enemy would need 56 atk to OHKO her (nothing doubles her except Braves, but those don't ORKO her either). Only Berserk Ashnard reaches that.

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Argh another best of class

Best Tanith FE9 strong unit and comes with sonic sword and cannon fodder

Worst Florina

I nominate best/worst quote

Best: FE 9 Tanith

Worst: SD Est

Personally, I don't really see how FE9 Tanith is the best. Her bases are pretty underwhelming for her level IMO (20/1 Marcia's pretty comparable to her), and I never really found Reinforce to be omgwtfamazing.

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Best: FE3 Book 2 Paola. Any other answer is incorrect.

Worst: FE3 Book 1 Est.

Note: Elincia counts as well, but Tanith's reinforcements do not. Units that are dracos after promotion from Peg Knights do not count (so Paola, Katua and Est can only be said for FEDS, Minerva does not count at all.)

Argh. Well, I think that this can be remedied before long. Once I get my laptop I should be able to do run these topics again. Anyways...

Best: I'll be the oddball and say Karin, because of her flying utility monopoly for quite a while and her support with Felgus.

Worst: SD Est.

Edited by General Spoon
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Best Pegasus Knight? Isn't that an oxymoron or something?

Considering that Pegasus Knights are some of the best units in their respective games, no. Even despite the fact that the class itself does have its share of fail in the FE series.
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