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Hmm. He says he is experienced, but why isn't he a General before you even meet him for the first time?

I blame the tutorial.

The game is fail for making someone so experienced an unpromoted class, regardless of whether it's normal or hard mode.

Have people forgotten what Levels were in RPGs, that represent the level of experience a character has?

Assuming that a kill is 30 EXP a pop, this man has killed roughly 40 men, give or take discrepancies in EXP gain due to other factors.

That sounds experienced to me.

If we actually ARE following that formula, do you really think Louise has killed 720 living things?

Scratch that, she's killed a little over 1,000 I'd say.

Edited by OliverXRenning
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Say one person manlier than him.


Now will you stop obsessing over this?

No, Dorcas.

Wallace is pure prude.

He isn't too bad...his Def & Str are decent, they screwed his base Spd, Skill and Res, though, he has nice Luck for an adult male character (For FE7).

Because his growths are actually good, he has nice Res growth, LOL.

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Although unlike Oswin Wallace isn't much of a team player as he tries to impale Wil to make him more knightly and the rest of the time he spends arguing with Vaida over who fights better

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Wallace? He isn't exactly much gameplay wise(Okay, he's a bad unit in Eliwood or Hector mode, if only he joined along with Lyn, he'd have some use...), although I will admit I liked his supports, particularly Lyn's, Kent's, and Wil's.(Don't ask why, but I got a few laughs out of his Wil support) Besides that, I don't see much use from him outside Lyn's story and baldness fads.

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No. The manliest man is obviously Merlinus. For all the games, the manliest man is Rafiel.

- Rafiel

- Manly


Dude, Reyson is more manly.

Or was that sarcasm?

On topic, Wallace sucks. Dude can't even find Caelin.

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No. The manliest man is obviously Merlinus. For all the games, the manliest man is Rafiel.

- Rafiel

- Manly


Dude, Reyson is more manly.

Or was that sarcasm?

On topic, Wallace sucks. Dude can't even find Caelin.


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On topic, Wallace sucks. Dude can't even find Caelin.

Not having a sense of direction doesn't make you weaker, just look at Gonzales.

Can you read? I said that he sucks. I didn't say that he's weak.

I meant weak in that way, gameplay-wise, he isn't too bad. Most emies can't hurt him and bosses just do laughable damage unless your name is Lundgren.

Edited by soul1112
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No, really, getting doubled isn't much of a deal since not many will damage you, which are axe fighters who will usually be doing more damage, but they are slow, Wallace's base Spd is 9 in averages, not too bad.

His 10 base Luck is also good, helps his Avo a bit there, he's sjust considered bad for the fact he won't double and that Oswin is better mostly all around not being Str, Skill, Luck & Res.

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