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I really should play through hard mode, so I can know why all these units are more useful than others on it. Since, I find Kurth to be amazing. Dragon foe and paragon, and he's level 40 by the end of part 3 end game.

Personal opinions, yay~

Most of the rest of us, though, would rather take 30 minutes to beat the game at that point than 60 minutes to raise kurth and then spend another 30 beating the game. Or whatever it takes each person, since everyone goes at different speeds. The point is that to have Kurth ever amount to anything, you need to spend dozens of turns running around 4-E-3 when you could just kill Dheg in 4 turns or less (many do it in 1). That's why Kurth sucks. If he gets more than 3 levels in his entire existence, you are doing it wrong. Also, HM is a significant cut on his exp gains.

Anouleth, Kyza's pretty bad, at least, for me. And getting Ilyana to promote in part 1 is easy as all hell. Getting her to level 7 is even easier. Fuck, I can get her to archsage by part three, and still have everyone else be at a good level.

How is 20/7 easier than 20/1? That doesn't make sense. And are you abusing the healing pots in 1-4 or something to manage this? Seriously, when comparing units it isn't good to go "if I spend dozens of turns in this chapter then this unit turns out good". There isn't much point of that since there are other units that are just as good and don't make you spend dozens of turns. Seriously, if Ilyana is 20/20/1 by 3-2 for you then you and Anouleth are not even in the same library, let alone on the same page here. There is little point to comparing characters when he tries to keep turncounts low and you try to spend as long as humanly possible in order to get tons of exp.

And Kyza's a tiger that thinks he's a cat.

He is kind of weird stat-wise, isn't he.

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How is 20/7 easier than 20/1? That doesn't make sense. And are you abusing the healing pots in 1-4 or something to manage this? Seriously, when comparing units it isn't good to go "if I spend dozens of turns in this chapter then this unit turns out good". There isn't much point of that since there are other units that are just as good and don't make you spend dozens of turns. Seriously, if Ilyana is 20/20/1 by 3-2 for you then you and Anouleth are not even in the same library, let alone on the same page here. There is little point to comparing characters when he tries to keep turncounts low and you try to spend as long as humanly possible in order to get tons of exp.

He is kind of weird stat-wise, isn't he.

But I don't D:

The only abusing I did last run was turning the priests in endgame part 1 to stone, and getting Jill to promote. I never sit around to abuse Ilyana. I just overuse her XD

He really does have weird stats. D'you think he would have been better as a cat? Iunno. It would have suited his growths more, but, I guess we didn't need another cat.

Edited by seph1212
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But I don't D:

The only abusing I did last run was turning the priests in endgame part 1 to stone, and getting Jill to promote. I never sit around to abuse Ilyana. I just overuse her XD

Even on NM I don't see how Ilyana could be an archsage by 3-2 without massive abuse. I'll give you 20/5 or so as being possible on NM, particularly with paragon once she promotes. 20/6 or 20/7 may even be possible if she has paragon for long enough, not sure never tried. On HM, you are not getting her anywhere near that level without abuse. On NM, I'm not seeing 20/9 as being possible without abuse.

He really does have weird stats. D'you think he would have been better as a cat? Iunno. It would have suited his growths more, but, I guess we didn't need another cat.

Doesn't seem to know he's supposed to have massive def.

And being a cat never helps due to the annoying gauge. And it still takes him a while to gain spd anyway. Wouldn't make a good cat anyway.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Even on NM I don't see how Ilyana could be an archsage by 3-2 without massive abuse. I'll give you 20/5 or so as being possible on NM, particularly with paragon once she promotes. 20/6 or 20/7 may even be possible if she has paragon for long enough, not sure never tried. On HM, you are not getting her anywhere near that level without abuse. On NM, I'm not seeing 20/9 as being possible without abuse.

Doesn't seem to know he's supposed to have massive def.

She'll never get that good on HM, oh no. I'll never try and argue that XD

You'd think that cap would tip him off on his defenese, but no.

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And, they did NOT fix laguz. They nerfed them even further than what they were in FE9. The only good thing they gave was the option to revert back to human form when you wanted to. BEXP is only slightly better.

Laguz on the other hand... Correct me if I'm wrong, but, other than the laguz royals, I'm pretty sure most all of them suck. Bar Ranulf, Skrimir, and Kurthnaga, maybe the hawks. So, pretty much all the beast laguz XD

Since, I find Kurth to be amazing. Dragon foe and paragon, and he's level 40 by the end of part 3 end game.

Seph, I respect you as a good map maker and all, but this....No. Just no.

I do agree with Anouleth that Laguz are much better in FE10 if only for Olivi Grass. That stuff is amazing. I also like the stat doubling more than just random small stat gains.

Some may suck, but it's not like the Beorc game is any different. The Herons, Volug, Janaff, and Ulki are some of the best characters in the game. Mordecai, Ranulf, Skrimir, Muarim, and Nasir are also good/decent. Then you get units like Kurth, Kyza, Lethe, and Vika who are pretty bad. And then you get Lyre who's at Wendy levels of sucking.

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Seph 2.0 was being serious?

*Comes back from reading the last page*

...Oh, for a moment there, I actually thought he was being sarcastic or felt in a very good mood today.

Edited by Soul
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Even on NM I don't see how Ilyana could be an archsage by 3-2 without massive abuse. I'll give you 20/5 or so as being possible on NM, particularly with paragon once she promotes. 20/6 or 20/7 may even be possible if she has paragon for long enough, not sure never tried. On HM, you are not getting her anywhere near that level without abuse. On NM, I'm not seeing 20/9 as being possible without abuse.

With my favoritism of her, I can't get her there on EM. So yeah. Though most BEXP does go to Laura. 8D

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Seph, I respect you as a good map maker and all, but this....No. Just no.

I do agree with Anouleth that Laguz are much better in FE10 if only for Olivi Grass. That stuff is amazing. I also like the stat doubling more than just random small stat gains.

Some may suck, but it's not like the Beorc game is any different. The Herons, Volug, Janaff, and Ulki are some of the best characters in the game. Mordecai, Ranulf, Skrimir, Muarim, and Nasir are also good/decent. Then you get units like Kurth, Kyza, Lethe, and Vika who are pretty bad. And then you get Lyre who's at Wendy levels of sucking.

Graaahhhh, Olivi Grass. If you were in FE9, there would be no reason for them to have changed Laguz in FE10 XD

I guess I'm just offput by the bar, and having to make sure that they don't transform back during an enemy phase and get murderfaced. Sure, I had to pay attention to it in FE9, but I didn't have to worry as much, since the stat drops aren't as significant in FE9.

I like Kurth :C

I'll make ya a deal. Next time I play through FE10, I'll use more of the Laguz, and see if I like them any better XD

And by more I mean the birds, bar Vika and Nealuchi. Maybe Volug.

Edited by seph1212
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I only used Ilyana in my first, NM run and at my second FE10 draft.

She's arguably the second best mage in the game (Between her, Soren, Calil, and Tormod. All the elemental mages) but that's still not saying much. Heck, Calil's probably better than her.

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Graaahhhh, Olivi Grass. If you were in FE9, there would be no reason for them to have changed Laguz in FE10 XD

It's still nice that in FE10, you can choose when to transform instead of being forced to transform even if there's nothing to fight. And having 30 gauge instead of 20 gauge gives you more time until you revert.

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No, it doesn't. Not really. You lose about the same, comparatively, as you would lose in FE9, and, you lose less for attacking in FE9. You only lose 1 for attacking in FE9.

I do enjoy being able to transform them back whenever, though.

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I think the Sage tier list is FE10 is Soren > Calill > Tormod > Ilyana > Bastian

Not that it matter much since all mages were nerfed badly. The biggest insult was giving armors existent res. That was a mage's main job, dammit. As anti-armor units! Now they can't even pull that off.

Mages were the one class that was truly raped.

Having said that, I still find myself using Soren, Ilyana, and occasionally Calill. What can I say, I like mages, even when they're bad. :P

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I think the Sage tier list is FE10 is Soren > Calill > Tormod > Ilyana > Bastian

Not that it matter much since all mages were nerfed badly. The biggest insult was giving armors existent res. That was a mage's main job, dammit. As anti-armor units! Now they can't even pull that off.

And existent speed. They range between 25 and 27 in 4-E. They have more speed in part 1 than they do in the final chapter of PoR. Or something insane like that. And they are basically 20 levels lower at the time, considering how they are tier 1 at the same level as those tier 2 guys in PoR. Or around that. It's ridiculous. Just compare the enemy stat threads in the PoR and RF forums.

Instead of doubling and causing massive damage, they don't double and don't even cause all that great damage. ORKOing to 3RKOing, sometimes.

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...Tormod is higher than Ilyana? WUT

No, seriously, what? His availability should make him the lowest on the list, MAYBE above Bastian.

Nope. He's just that good in part 1. Ilyana is never nearly that good. Sure, she's around forever, but in HM she's rather bad for nearly all of her existence. Hardly enough to make her better than Tormod's part 1.

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