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Soul, make a PT. DO EET.

I started it!

Well, first of all, I solo'd LHM with Dorcas, and this is how he ended up:

Lvl 16

HP: 40

Str: 17

Skill: 11

Spd: 10

Luck: 6

Def: 9

Res: 3

Lol, he even 1RKO'd Ludgren with a Hammer.

Hi BK.

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To be honest, since you defeated the BURGER KING, I'd just go on anyway.

Alright then. I erased my other save file so I have no other choice now.

...Yeah, most occult skills are... well, how can I put this... At any rate, Lethality is an absolute waste of an Occult scroll, since it almost never activates.

Astra eats up weapon durability and only deals half damage per hit. Sol, Luna, and Flare all seem awesome, but I doubt I would ever really need them because, for Sol, I wouldn't send a wounded unit to battle, and for Luna/Flare, I'd send someone who could ORKO the enemy anyway.

Yeah, like over a month ago. I just got it yesterday

CONGRATULATIONS, AMELIA! You are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky

And wow, I can't believe you still remember that. :3

How could I forget anything kitten-related with an aunt a friend?

[spoiler=Isn't she just the cutest~? >w&lt]


Awwww, she looks so cute! You have no idea how much I want to just cuddle up this extremely adorable little kitten. <333333333

She looks like a fur ball. <3

Which only adds to the cuteness.

You can't save in between the fight and killing BK's guards, though, right? sooooo NO

I already restarted that chapter once because I didn't know about the time limit in my first run. I was fearing criticals so I only made BK engage Ike in his turn and not in mine. Besides, the first part of the chapter was really easy.


Damn I can't resist cute things.




I wish oujay's had more cat discussions like this one...

Edited by Proto
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CONGRATULATIONS, AMELIA! You are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky

How could I forget anything kitten-related with an aunt a friend?

Awwww, she looks so cute! You have no idea how much I want to just cuddle up this extremely adorable little kitten. <333333333

Which only adds to the cuteness.



I wish oujay's had more cat discussions like this one...

Yeah right. I just lost one of my dogs. CURRENT PETS: 3 dogs, 2 hamsters, 1 cat and 1 fish.

I am awesome.

Aww~ Good BAD BAD BAD BAD Proto!

Yeah, but she scratches. *counts wounds on arms* Yep, and a lot too.


Edited by Amelia
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that scared me when I saw it.

nice dog though :3

Yeah, I didn't realise how big the image was until I posted it... Oh well.

Her name is Mitsy. :3

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I thought that was a he.

...Cool dog.

But she's clearly a she!

Okay, I'm gonna sleep, I've got an exam to fail sit tomorrow. Night guys~

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Both Napoleon Dynamite and NAPOLEON TOTAL WAR are liked by more people than Napoleon Bonaparte on facebook. :facepalm:

A passing to good film and a disappointing but still competently made game, against a short, angry Corsican who should've turned his forces back sooner.

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Yeah right. I just lost one of my dogs. CURRENT PETS: 3 dogs, 2 hamsters, 1 cat and 1 fish.

I am awesome.

Yes, yes, you are. Poor kitty is gonna be bullied by three dogs. At least she can scare the fish

Aww~ Good BAD BAD BAD BAD Proto!

Thanks, Aunt Amelia!

Yeah, but she scratches. *counts wounds on arms* Yep, and a lot too.

Scratching is a way for them to show how much they love you.


I can't help the fact that I love cats so much, you know.

Yeah, I didn't realise how big the image was until I posted it... Oh well.

Because Photobucket/Internet Explorer/Firefox always compresses the image to fit the screen when Serenes Forest doesn't

Her name is Mitsy. :3

Mitsy is a really cute name.

I thought that was a he.

...Cool dog.

All dogs are male, all cats are female...

But she's clearly a she!

Okay, I'm gonna sleep, I've got an exam to fail sit tomorrow. Night guys~

Of course she is! I honestly would not have noticed that on my own.

Good Night, Rhythm~! And good luck with your exam!

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Yes, yes, you are. Poor kitty is gonna be bullied by three dogs. At least she can scare the fish

All dogs are male, all cats are female...

Not necessarily, my dog and cat get along very well.

how do they reproduce them hmmmm?

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Astra eats up weapon durability and only deals half damage per hit. Sol, Luna, and Flare all seem awesome, but I doubt I would ever really need them because, for Sol, I wouldn't send a wounded unit to battle, and for Luna/Flare, I'd send someone who could ORKO the enemy anyway.


By the way, defeating the BURGER KING allowed you to get the White Dragon, Nasir. And speaking of Dragons... You'll be seeing some on the last two chapters. You'll want to watch out since they're tough.

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