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I see. :>

So what's the paired ending with KolbxLumi? Make it lulzy.

Kolbane, Champion of Aukema -- Lumi, Deadly Nightshade

After the war, Kolbane was offered a minor dukedom, but declined in order to chase a woman he barely knew. This culminated in a duel with a foreign noble to win her hand, which Kolbane won. However, he was rejected, and left heartbroken to wander the taverns of the land. Occasionally, the noblewoman wishes she knew his name.

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Kolbane, Champion of Aukema -- Lumi, Deadly Nightshade

After the war, Kolbane was offered a minor dukedom, but declined in order to chase a woman he barely knew. This culminated in a duel with a foreign noble to win her hand, which Kolbane won. However, he was rejected, and left heartbroken to wander the taverns of the land. Occasionally, the noblewoman wishes she knew his name.

Besides the fact that my title's actually Tempest Blade, this is epically awesome.

Though, maybe I should change my title to Deadly Nightshade, huh. It sounds epic.

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It was in LumixNoctian supports.

It's because I never wrote a default ending for myself. Still debating what should happen to Lumi when she gets home if she doesn't marry Noct already.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Lanford, I'm pretty sure Narga already had this conversation with you...

Besides, I'm going to Sacae on my HM. I like archers, and this allows Klein, Igrene and Shin to shine. Wolt's too young and too chipper (pun not intended), Dorothy's too young and too dull and Sue is over-fuckin'-saturated.

He did. But still, you're addressing someone who never liked the Sacae maps...

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Well, Shin and Fir took half of Sacae and Dieck-Rutger-Clarine triangle took the other half. Miledy was in charge of protecting Roy because I forgot to get the damned shield.

Actually shows how awesome Miledy is.

She survives Sacae without a Delphi shield.

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That brings up a point. I assume you're going Onduris for the myrmspam and use of units with high speed? Or ridiculous concrete resilience, in Juan's case? Or reliably-hitting Kleinchip, in Furetchen's case?

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Totally going Onduris.

Lumi's a myrmtank. High-speed dodging and defense. Onduris can't touch her and if they did, loldamage.

Mages, well, if she gets hit, fuuuuuuuuck.

Nonexistant res lol.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Shin could've probably assraped most of Sacae by himself.

Well, his luck isn't exactly good, and that makes me worry... (However, there are some units who I use despite low luck - Shin just isn't one of them.)

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Kolbane's got speed and durability, too. I fear for Inari, she'll be demolished by anything that borderline doubles. And Armad, a pirate joining in a Wendy Western Isles situation. At least he has good stats, but I'll skip his heartache and just use Brallen.

I intend to bring Crowe to the party, as well as whatever mages are accurate enough to chip for me. I can turn a row into a meatgrinder with Kolbane/Lumi, Crowe and Greatbow!Furetchen. It should be good fun.

And yes. I intend to LP the bastard.

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Well, his luck isn't exactly good, and that makes me worry... (However, there are some units who I use despite low luck - Shin just isn't one of them.)

Patching up CEvade is like the only thing a WindXIce support can do well.

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Totally going Onduris.

Lumi's a myrmtank. High-speed dodging and defense. Onduris can't touch her and if they did, loldamage.

Mages, well, if she gets hit, fuuuuuuuuck.

Nonexistant res lol.


About the mages: >_<

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Well, his luck isn't exactly good, and that makes me worry... (However, there are some units who I use despite low luck - Shin just isn't one of them.)

He'll like, dodge everything, anyway. Them Nomads don't actually have that much crit, and the few swordmasters are Rutgerfood.

Kolbane's got speed and durability, too. I fear for Inari, she'll be demolished by anything that borderline doubles. And Armad, a pirate joining in a Wendy Western Isles situation. At least he has good stats, but I'll skip his heartache and just use Brallen.

I intend to bring Crowe to the party, as well as whatever mages are accurate enough to chip for me. I can turn a row into a meatgrinder with Kolbane/Lumi, Crowe and Greatbow!Furetchen. It should be good fun.

And yes. I intend to LP the bastard.

Steamrolling crap is fun indeed. After C23 Noct joins and can automatically hit a C on the spot with Lumi, so that's one more ATK/5AVO for her. Fun times.

Yeah. Poor Inari. Though if players choose to support her with Lumi she can handaxe things behind her if promoted. Onduris would be all WTD, though, unless she go swords but there goes two-range. Save light brands.

Fun things, they are.

Brallen's epic.

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I think Juan has 0 Res with 5% growth, is a concrete tank MADE concrete by def rather than HP. He's Top Tier in Onduris, maybe Mid at best in ... the other place.

Edited by Furetchen
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