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Well, I seem to remember you replying to posts from many pages ago........

Thanks for reminding me!

My empire was like Rome, we carved a swath of conquest and grandeur though the barbarian stupidity of FFTF. but alas, eventually we fell, mainly because we failed to consolidate anything, including manpower. Our impact on general life in the forest is reason enough that Imperium need not to be Reborn.

Yeah, you have a point there. But it was at least better than the current state of oujay's, right?

You really should, why can't you at the moment?

I'm in a university lab and the rules say "No chatting". Not that I'd pay much attention to those, but I'm sure they'll be able to catch me if I try to install MSN/Pidgin/etc.

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Yeah, you have a point there. But it was at least better than the current state of oujay's, right?

I was being dramatic, my Empire was more like Kosovo, a tiny little state yelling at everyone, proclaiming it's independence while all the country's around it just ignore it or outright deny the fact that it exists.

I'm in a university lab and the rules say "No chatting". Not that I'd pay much attention to those, but I'm sure they'll be able to catch me if I try to install MSN/Pidgin/etc.

couldn't you just install it on a flash drive or something?

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Gonna frame now.

Trim is flat. It doesn't even show where the light comes from. Uh... Less bolder color on the trim, maybe use darkest skin? And oh, you could use lightest skin as well if you like, use someone like Kyle and Valter for ref. (Valter shows how you shade when the trim curves up)

Pillow shading on clothes near trim, and the way you shade shoulder pads makes them look so damn obvious. Take Lyon and the knights (aka Wendy, Gilliam, Owsin, etc. - Because their armor is similar to Sety's, all curve up.) for ref.

...Less bolder color more darkest skin and 3rd shade of blue at his collar.


Scratch that, more edits, wee~

Aria? Oh dear.

Middle bang is long. Shorten and make it smaller it and then you can shade the nose more properly. It's the nose that make her face looks odd. Eyebrows eh.... they are expressing her character too much, I think she's mad, angry than a cool, serious, skillful swordfighter. Take Karla and Marisa as ref. They have character similar to Aria.

Anti Alias the hair to make it less messy, specially the strands touch the armor, I see a lot of pillow shadings. For black, use Astra's Astra for ref. Lacke is kay, too.

Shape of the shoulder pads is weird. Take Farina and Fiora for ref.

And blue Aria is sexier than purple. :'3

Edited by Amelia
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^This too. I have no idea why so many people hate it when the gameplay design is just brilliant. Why do they hate it anyway?

Plot, and the HM arbitrarily takes away a number of nice things.

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I was being dramatic, my Empire was more like Kosovo, a tiny little state yelling at everyone, proclaiming it's independence while all the country's around it just ignore it or outright deny the fact that it exists.

Our empire sucked balls, but at least it was somewhere else to look for conversation when the other was bogged down.

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Aria? Oh dear.

Middle bang is long. Shorten and make it smaller it and then you can shade the nose more properly. It's the nose that make her face looks odd. Eyebrows eh.... they are expressing her character too much, I think she's mad, angry than a cool, serious, skillful swordfighter. Take Karla and Marisa as ref. They have character similar to Aria.

Anti Alias the hair to make it less messy, specially the strands touch the armor, I see a lot of pillow shadings. For black, use Astra's Astra for ref. Lacke is kay, too.

Shape of the shoulder pads is weird. Take Farina and Fiora for ref.

And blue Aria is sexier than purple. :'3

I'm gonna take your advice on the hair, but, honestly, I'm just gonna remake the armor entirely XD

There's one TCG art of Ayra that I never see anyone do; the blue clothed one with the epic shoulder pads and the one piece of armor covering her chest, 'n stuff.

Any opinion on the others ones? :3

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I see a lot of competence in RD's design, which is why I don't appreciate it when some people hate on it. : (

Imagine, if you will, the plot of FE9 with the gameplay of FE10.

Just imagine what a sublime and epic FE game that would be.

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE playing FE10. I love the gameplay, units, classes, chapters, and the difficulty of it all.

I DESPISE the plot for everything it's worth, and the "support" system they used.

I also hate how they retconned a few of the relationships from FE9.

Oh well. I can't say I hate the game. I can say I hate the plot.

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The support system I get, but what's wrong with the plot? :<

Ike relationship with Elincia mysteriously disappears, and now his ending is with Soren

Dawn Brigade in their entirety.

Part 4.

The length of part 1 and 2

Part 3 was okay-ish.

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Ike relationship with Elincia mysteriously disappears, and now his ending is with Soren

Dawn Brigade in their entirety.

Part 4.

The length of part 1 and 2

Part 3 was okay-ish.

I didn't look too hard into it, but I don't think it ever displayed any actual romance between the two. But I'll give you that the two act like strangers to each other. And the ending with Soren makes sense, in a way. I mean, they had plenty of development together in the first game, in my opinion.

The Dawn Brigade is an interesting concept: a rag-tag band of freedom fighters that rallies the troops of Daein and topples its cruel oppressors. My only criticism for it is there isn't all that much development for Nolan, Edward, and Leonardo... And maybe that the concept had been done in the last game. I prefer being with the Greil Mercenaries, but I don't mind the Dawn Brigade either.

Could you expound on the parts, please?

EDIT: Shut up if there's typos I woke up 20 minutes ago. ;__;

Edited by Iksel
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I didn't look too hard into it, but I don't think it ever displayed any actual romance between the two. But I'll give you that the two act like strangers to each other. And the ending with Soren makes sense, in a way. I made, they had plenty of development together in the first game, in my opinion.

The Dawn Brigade is an interesting concept: a rag-tag band of freedom fighters that rallies the troops of Daein and topples its cruel oppressors. My only criticism for it is there isn't all that much development for Nolan, Edward, and Leonardo... And maybe that the concept had been done in the last game. I prefer being with the Greil Mercenaries, but I don't mind the Dawn Brigade either.

Could you expound on the parts, please?

Part 2 came out of nowhere, and as soon as it came, it was gone. I think there could have been more involving Bastian finding Ike and pals, and maybe some more explaining why Ludveck did what he did, other than "I can rule this country better than you can~"

Part 3 was fun because it brought back Ike and pals to the game, and had you help the Gallians, like in FE9.

Part 4 was a worthless pile of drivel, which didn't need to be included into the game, and could have been left out entirely. I mean, you have to fight against a god. What kind of stupid concept is that? I see nothing wrong with fighting against someone blessed by a god, or, by some powerful magic, but A GOD OF CREATION THEMSELVES?

It's just dumb. You should have fought your way up to fighting Lekain, not fighting Ashera.

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@Amely: Duly noted. Will fix.

Trabant is the most badass boss in my hack. First he outright attack Seth with Plot Hax and he's the only one who's not afraid of Lakche. Or well, he doesn't outright show it. Hell, his purpose in this hack is to take revenge on her only to die by her blade again. Or Lumi's. Or Seth. Or... well, whoever else.

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Oh, they are, alright. It's why so many people complain that RD is so hard even on Easy Mode. Including the famous critics.

LOL RD is hard on easy mode. Hahaha.

I agree with Seph that the plot of RD was kinda meh, especially because I liked the plot of FE9 so much.

However, I disagree that the Ike/Soren thing came out of nowhere. Of course, I would have liked Ike/Lethe but I know that's unrealistic.

It's just dumb. You should have fought your way up to fighting Lekain, not fighting Ashera.

I thought it was nice to see "kill god" as an objective in FE for once, now if only other JRPGs could do the opposite (i.e. less god killing). Also, I think Lekain would be lame as a final villain, and neither Dheginsea (sp?) or Sephiran quite work in my mind as a final villain (Dheg doesn't work well plotwise, Seph isn't strong enough).

Edited by SeverIan
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LOL RD is hard on easy mode. Hahaha.

I agree with Seph that the plot of RD was kinda meh, especially because I liked the plot of FE9 so much.

However, I disagree that the Ike/Soren thing came out of nowhere. Of course, I would have liked Ike/Lethe but I know that's unrealistic.

Now, I never said it came out of nowhere. I just said his ending was now with Soren.

His relationship with Elincia magically disappeared.

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Now, I never said it came out of nowhere. I just said his ending was now with Soren.

His relationship with Elincia magically disappeared.

Ah, I misunderstood.

The only place I really saw Ike/Elincia really strongly was the ending video, which gave the whole "they lived happily ever after [TOGETHER]" a little bit IMO. Otherwise I thought Ike showed little interest. But hey.

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Ah, I misunderstood.

The only place I really saw Ike/Elincia really strongly was the ending video, which gave the whole "they lived happily ever after [TOGETHER]" a little bit IMO. Otherwise I thought Ike showed little interest. But hey.


I can agree to that.

I still felt like part 4 was just a deus ex machina, and they put it in to make the game longer.

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Part 2 came out of nowhere, and as soon as it came, it was gone. I think there could have been more involving Bastian finding Ike and pals, and maybe some more explaining why Ludveck did what he did, other than "I can rule this country better than you can~"

Part 3 was fun because it brought back Ike and pals to the game, and had you help the Gallians, like in FE9.

Part 4 was a worthless pile of drivel, which didn't need to be included into the game, and could have been left out entirely. I mean, you have to fight against a god. What kind of stupid concept is that? I see nothing wrong with fighting against someone blessed by a god, or, by some powerful magic, but A GOD OF CREATION THEMSELVES?

It's just dumb. You should have fought your way up to fighting Lekain, not fighting Ashera.

Part 2 did seem as though it had no place in the game. But I actually like it for the awesome battle theme and 2-E because it gave you a nostalgia trip. I remember when I first played FE10, I went into it blind, thinking "oh my God, it's over now?" But no, it didn't end at part 1 (wouldn't have made sense if it did, since she upgraded...), and didn't just give me more of the game, but it rewarded me with fighting with some familiar faces. It's other purpose is a vague set up for part three, in the form of the intro of the GM and showing Elincia changing from a malleable ruler to a strong-hearted one, which was key in saving the Greil Mercenaries and Gallians--that is to say Zelgius turned away when she threw down her sword.

... I agree, Part 3 is love.

It wouldn't make sense if you had to fight against a god alone. But you're fighting against a god on the side of another god. If your logic is "why kill what created us," then I hope you know from the extended ending that...

Ashera wasn't really killed. She was subdued and eventually fused with Yune to become Ashunera again. She even called herself "the whole and complete goddess of creation," I think.

And Part 4 is awesome, because of the theme: you're the last remnants of living beings fighting a seemingly hopeless battle against a god to restore the beorc and the laguz. I do admit, the fact that every single character you can control survived is kinda BS, and Ranulf ruining the identity of the Black Knight early was kinda dumb.

tl;dr: what am I doing posting this stuff here I should be on the FE boards if I wanna do this

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BTW the video after beating Ashera is also LOL if you ask me.

*Blue flame exits Ike, turns into bird, then decides little girl is better*

Girl: I suck, kthanxbai.

Ike: It's ok, we all want to aspire to be flaming little girls when we grow up. If we can't look forward to being flaming little girls, we're nothing more than...statues.


Soldiers: GRR evil laguz.

Laguz: :)

Soldiers: Aww you guys are too cute to attack.

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I actually think writing in FE games tends to be better than average generally, but IMO they tend to botch most of the FMVs in FE9 and 10 somehow, either through voice acting or strange writing. I mean seriously, "you give us something to aspire to" ???

But the GM video at the end of part 2 was amazing. Rolf's voice actor helped make it better somehow.

Edited by SeverIan
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I actually think writing in FE games tends to be better than average generally, but IMO they tend to botch most of the FMVs in FE9 and 10 somehow, either through voice acting or strange writing. I mean seriously, "you give us something to aspire to" ???

But the GM video at the end of part 2 was amazing. Rolf's voice actor helped make it better somehow.

I can give you that. FE9's videos were mostly bad. "Ike stay back!" and then his mouth moves. I could not hear a single thing in the ending FE9 video, so I give them credit when they subbed things in FE10.

It made a hilarious Rolf x Mist comic from it.

I'd just like to say that FE10s second opening (it changes after you beat the game, right?) is absolutely orgasmic.

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I can give you that. FE9's videos were mostly bad. "Ike stay back!" and then his mouth moves. I could not hear a single thing in the ending FE9 video, so I give them credit when they subbed things in FE10.

It made a hilarious Rolf x Mist comic from it.

I'd just like to say that FE10s second opening (it changes after you beat the game, right?) is absolutely orgasmic.

Oh yeah. The opening IIRC was the first trailer released when FE10 was announced and I came when I saw it.

If you listen carefully you can still hear Skirmir roar and Zelgius yell.

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