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Tatsumaki says:

I'm STILL wondering what the fuck just happened?

Soul says:

What else?

"Tatsumaki's alt"

"Nephinel's alt"

Those were your member titles ¬¬

Tatsumaki says:

One, I wouldn't do something as extreme as that.

and two, they banned ThePollCreator

Soul says:

Then how do you explain the member titles?

Tatsumaki says:

mods or the admin changed them

Soul says:


Tatsumaki says:

they can do that, because I left to go take a shower

Soul says:

I wonder how they realized you changed proxy...

Tatsumaki says:

and next thing I knew, I was pwnt

Soul says:


Tatsumaki says:

I want to know how the fuck they discovered ThePollCreator.

Soul says:


Nephinel: Could have been Luminothe's expectations.

Tatsumaki says:

especially since I hardly use that account and did not create it on the same computer.

Soul says:

Yes, I have the exact same doubts, now that I know you didn't state those were your alts back then...

Tatsumaki says:

and only person that knew about ThePollCreator before this happened was you...

oh gawd no..

you...didn't sell me out, did you?

did you?

Soul says:

Now, why would I do that?

I wasn't pissed off by you in the slightest.

Tatsumaki says:

...did anyone pressure you into doing it

Soul says:


Tatsumaki says:

like, certain users

or even a modtron?

Soul says:

They didn't preassure me, I didn't even tell them about your other alternates.

It was only after you were banned, that's where they discovered.

Tatsumaki says:


but they got the fucking poll creator?

that's brutal.

Soul says:

I was surpised, also.

Tatsumaki says:

that caught me by surprise when I tried to log into that account (on another computer) and the b& message showed

Soul says:


Tatsumaki says:

well, at least it wasn't an IP ban

Soul says:

Hikarusa said IP Ban was the stupidest thing to do when you can change your proxy nowadays.

Tatsumaki says:


I'm still perplexed

Nephinel had some suspicion behind him

but ThePollCreator?

that was hax

...I give up. They have beaten me soundly.

Soul says:

Yes...perhaps Luminothe took part in this, didn't he?

His speculation...

Nephinel was not trolling at all, but making all those alternate accounts (Especially for trolling) is way against the rules, I feel sorry for his Nephinel & ThePollCreator, though.

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