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Evil Fire Emblem Quiz #40696


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Back for another round. You won't find another Fire Emblem quiz like this anywhere else. As usual, the questions are so hard that not even I know the answers!

The person with the highest score wins a commemorative banner. Please try if you have some spare time; it's just for a bit of fun ^__^

Update: Fixed the wording of some of the questions. If you want to amend an answer in light of this, feel free to get in contact with me. Secondly, I've shortened the deadline by approximately one week.

The rules

You're allowed a first and second answer for each multiple choice question. If your first answer is correct, you'll be awarded 2 points, while you only get 1 point if your second answer scores. There is no bonus for not using a second answer, although it might be a factor if there's a tie.

PM the answers to me or send them to my e-mail address:

aveyn_knight {at} yahoo {dot} co {dot} uk

The deadline for entries is 6:00 PM (GMT), Tuesday 1st December 2009.

Please check this page to find out the results (it will be updated during approximately 9:00 PM (GMT) on the day of the deadline).

The questions

1) FE7: Which of these chapters features a female General as an enemy?

A Genesis

B Cog of Destiny

C Victory or Death

D The Value of Life

E Light

2) FE7: What is the maximum number of playthroughs recorded in the Status menu?

A 9

B 13

C 15

D 30

E 99

3) FE8: Without hacking, what is the maximum damage that can be done in a non-critical hit and how? Basically, I'm looking for this number. You may assume that the enemy has 0 Defence/Resistance.

Max damage:


4) FE8: Which of these non-playable characters does not share growth rates with another character?

A Carlyle

B Dara

C Klimt

D Morva

E Vigarde

5) FE9: Which of these is not a real in-built support bonus that boosts critical?

A Ike x Greil

B Leanne x Reyson

C Naesala x Leanne

D Naesala x Nealuchi

E Tibarn x Leanne

6) FE9: Which of these classes has the fastest movement (walking) speed in combat?

A Assassin

B Berserker

C Paladin (Male)

D Swordmaster (Male)

E Valkyrie

7) FE9: There are many Skill names which were never used in the game, but can be found in the game data. Which of these is not one of them?

A Bargain

B Confront

C Dance

D Evil Eye

E Immortal

8) FE10: If a Pegasus was its own class, like Horse, what would its Weight stat likely be?

A 10

B 15

C 16

D 20

E 23

9) FE10: Which of these is a real Bond support?

A Ashera x Sephiran

B Black Knight x Sephiran

C Deghinsea x Kurthnaga

D Hetzel x Rafiel

E Izuka x Pelleas

10) FE10: Some characters are such great friends or good sports that they will never directly attack a certain character. Which of these characters doesn't care and will attack Reyson given the chance?

A Gareth

B Laura

C Micaiah

D Sephiran

E Zihark

11) FE10: Name the following tomes, based on their appearance in combat:







12) FE DS: Which language version has the faceless replacement characters named after the letters of the Runic alphabet?

A English

B French

C German

D Italian

E Spanish

13) FE DS: In Map 0, the Debug Map, which of these items can not be purchased from the Armoury?

A Brave Sword

B Elysian Whip

C Iron Axe

D Master Seal

E Swarm

Edited by VincentASM
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Question, though:

I don't really know what you mean in Q10. Do you mean which character will attack Reyson given the chance, or what?

Edited by Fang
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3) FE8: Without hacking, what is the maximum damage that can be done in a non-critical hit and how? Assume that the enemy has 0 Defence.

Max damage:


What about Resistance?

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What do you mean by "receive a commemorative banner"?, Also, for FE8, is the Stone glitch for Dark magic allowed?

The banner will be an image. Like a certificate of sorts.

As for your other question, I'll leave it for you to decide : P


Just to clarify, by image, I mean a computer graphic.


Updated the first post.

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The quiz is over. You find the answers, results and a bunch of random stuff here.

Once again, thanks to all who participated. I think we were just 1 entry away from having the same number as the third quiz.

Edited by VincentASM
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I was actually surprised at how many I got right. Anyway, these were my correct answers:

1) FE7: Which of these chapters features a female General as an enemy?

1. Genesis

I have HHM save states, so I checked the chapters and Genesis had a General with lower Con than normal. I knew this was the only thing that could differentiate, so I picked Genesis.

Correct: 2

2) FE7: What is the maximum number of playthroughs recorded in the Status menu?

1. 13

2. 30

This one was easy once I found the status menu. I've played this game at least 30 times, so I knew 13 couldn't be a coincidence.

Correct: 2

4) FE8: Which of these non-playable characters has non-generic growth rates?

1. Carlyle

2. Vigarde

Wild guess.

Correct: 2

6) FE9: Which of these classes has the fastest movement (walking) speed in battle?

1. Assassin

2. Swordmaster

Somewhat educated guess. I remembered both classes being fairly fast, though I might have been thinking RD for Assassin.

2nd answer correct: 1

7) FE9: Which of these is not an unused Skill name?

1. Dance

2. Immortal

I figured since Herons don't Dance there was no reason for a skill called "Dance" to exist anywhere.

Correct: 2

8) FE10: If a Pegasus was its own class, like Horse, how much Weight would it likely have?

1. 15

2. 16

I noticed Horses weighed 20 and Pegasi were probably lighter, so I tried to figure out the exact number by looking at the PK's Weight. In the end it was just a guess between these two but 15 felt more right.

Correct: 2

9) FE10: Which of these is a real Bond support?

1. Deghinsea x Kurthnaga

2. Black Knight x Sephiran

FatherxSon seemed more likely than anything else.

Correct: 2

10) FE10: Which of these characters will directly engage Reyson in combat?

1. Laura

2. Micaiah

I knew Zihark never attacks Laguz and Gareth and Lehran never attack the Herons, so these two were left. I know Micaiah has a conversation with Reyson and Laura just didn't seem special enough to not want to attack Reyson.

Correct: 2

11) FE10: Name the following tomes, based on their appearance in battle:

C Wind

Yeah, this stumped me. I only got one because it was too basic.

C correct: 2

12) FE DS: Which language version has the faceless generic replacements named after the letters of the Runic alphabet?

1. German

2. Italian

Mostly guesswork. I only knew English wasn't the right answer and French and Spanish didn't seem right for this kind of thing.

2nd answer correct: 1

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I was actually surprised at how many I got right.

I was suprised how many I got. But, props to you for getting 16. (Edit: Just noticed something different on the results page. Says you got 18, and tied first. Well done!)

My correct answers:

4. D) Morva

Figured it out myself using bases and class growths. They didn't match, ergo, it had to be right.

5. D) Naesala x Nealuchi (2nd answer)

Eh, just guessed this one. No idea whatsoever.

6. D) Swordmaster (Male) (2nd answer)

Same as above. No idea.

8. B] 15 (2nd answer)

I swear, I calculated it right, but apparantly I got numbers mixed up.

9. C) Deghinsea x Kurthnaga

I knew this through multiple playthroughs of RD. I noticed they had a bond support.


A) Cymbeline

C) Wind

Ah, the realm of educated guessing. I figured and fire tome couldn't be any of the regular tomes, so it had to be Cymbeline. And Wind was too simple.

E) Swarm (2nd answer)

Can't buy it anywhere else, why should this be any different?

Eh, probably could have done better if I was thinking more properly, instead of jumping to conclusions quickly.

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Snagged a solo spot in 5th with 15 points. Pretty proud of myself, to tell the truth... I'm just posting the ones I got right.

5. See my above question but substitute supports for growth rates. As for my answer, I say Naesala/Nealuchi and then Naesala/Leanne. But only Naesala/Nealuchi makes sense.

2 points. The other groups are actually much closer than Naesala/Nealuchi.

6. This question can't be fair. Berserker is slow as hell, Assassin and SM are both on foot and Paladin and Valkyrie are horse-based. I think Paladin wins it but SM could be the one too. I saw Paladin and then SM.

I almost went with Valkyrie as my second choice. Thank god I didn't. 1 point.

7. God, I hate this quiz... Dance. There are no dancers in this game, only Herons. However, Dance has always been the "Canto" of the previous games. Second answer is Evil Eye.

2 points. Answer speaks for itself.

8. 16 and then 15. I did the math, 16 is the closer number.

Forgot to calculate for armour. 1 point.

9. Deghinsea/Kurthnaga. It's the only truly close relationship. Not BK/Seph because that one should read Zel/Seph, Ashera doesn't actually know Seph, Hetzel is free to attack Rafiel in the last chapter of the game and Pelleas doesn't care about Izuka THAT much. My second guess is Hetzel/Rafiel.

Again, answer speaks for itself. 2 points.

10. Laura? I suppose it would be her because I can think of reasons why the others wouldn't even if they're flimsy. After Laura, I guess Gareth but he doesn't attack unless provoked.

Guess she doesn't like birds. 2 points.

11. I think this one's easier than it looks because it looks impossible. I've put my first guess for each tome followed by my second.

A - Arcfire - Elfire

B - Elthunder - Arcthunder

C - Wind - Elwind

D - Light - Purge

E - Worm - Carreau

I had no chance here... 2 points.

12. German. Followed by Italian. Just a hunch, I suppose. The game code doesn't give away the answer.

I actually looked at the code. I couldn't find any differences between the languages. 1 point.

13. Geez, no idea... I say Swarm followed by Iron Axe. I'm honestly stumped on this one.

Lucky guess... 2 points.

Like I said, I did a lot better than I expected.

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Congrats, RFOF.

Anyway, I snagged 3rd with 17 points. I actually didn't expect that many, so w00t!

Also, on the results page, could you put "Camtech075" instead of Fang? I just happened to be using that name at the time, but since my "real" username is Camtech...

And I don't feel like checking my answers with the ones provided.

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