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Man marries video game character


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"I now pronounce you, man and pixels."

I would say that I'm surprised/shocked about something like this happening, but all kinds of weird stuff seems to happen in Japan nowadays, that this doesn't really surprise/shock me at all.


And how was my post ironic, exactly? I've seen stuff like this before, so no, this doesn't shock or surprise me in the least!

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Because you stated it did in the first place. :awesome:

Uh... that isn't what he said at all, Soul. He said he would be shocked, but he isn't because he has grown accustomed to things like this.

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Things like this creep me out until I remember that a large portion of people in the world have an imaginary friend. At least these people aren't killing over their imaginary friend, they're the lesser of many evils in this case.

Edited by Shuuda
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Things like this creep me out until I remember that a large portion of people in the world have an imaginary friend. At least these people aren't killing over their imaginary friend, they're the lesser of many evils in this case.

Spoken like a true gentleman.

But yeah, seriously you guys, look at some of the people around you.

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What really worries me is what would happen if the cartridge batter died and the game file along with it, it would be as his wife got amnesia.

That's easy: He buys another copy of the game, without anyone else knowing...

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But as I stated, he will have to start all over again. :/ :/

maybe he can try for on of the other girls then :awesome:

just a question but if there was an FE dating sim who here would by it?

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I hope it never happens too AND NEPH IS NOT FANSERVICE

but you probably would still buy it as long as sanaki and/or miccy are in it, wouldn't you soul.

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I hope it never happens too AND NEPH IS NOT FANSERVICE

but you probably would still buy it as long as sanaki and/or miccy are in it, wouldn't you soul.

I'm not saying she is entirely, the creators just made her show too much legs as a Sentinel (Or Lancer) and her outfit looks overall...erotic, in FE9 unpromoted at least. :/

I doubt they'll put Sanaki in it, they don't make dating sims for children, but I still wouldn't want one of those...

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Vika and Nephenee? It's not hard to tell who your favorite FE girls are when the mere thought of them makes you want to buy a wii just to be able to see them ingame :facepalm:

And hell yes, Nephenee is absolutely arousing in her unpromoted outfit(That's about as high cut as you can get). Just wish she was more of a girly girl instead of a soldier.

Vika's not wearing anything that great, but that's what's so nice about her. She looks great even when wearing... not so great stuff. For example... Have Alessandra(VC model) put on a pants suit, and watch Hilary Clinton jump off of a highrise in disgrace :lol:

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