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Oh, Intelligent Systems ...


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1. Oh great, Nintendo is trying to improve one of their series by making it a dumbed down carbon copy of a very successful series. And fail.

The worst part is that the "very successful series" is also a nintendo series.

2. They're trying something new and gimmicky; the staff, Tricky, etc. That's good and all, but the fans wanted 100% pure Arwing action, not some faggot triceratops that can dig and a magical 4 foot dildo that glows.

The gimmicky stuff is just a symptom of "deeper" problems, which I suspect are along the lines of:

This is it in a nutshell. The reason why Nintendo stopped making 2D Mario was because Miyamoto didn't feel he could come up with enough new gameplay gimmicks in 2D. No matter what the fans wanted.

Swap "2d" for "Arwing Acction" and I think it fits. Witness the starfox for GCN which had lots of arwing action, but all of it boring (the starwolf fight was like: shoot them once for tiny damage, they dodge away, shoot them again for tiny damage, rinse and repeat for a few mins and you are done). And the DS starfox, which was almost entirely arwing action besides 20 seconds of "strategy" per turn, and was also boring.

3. What we saw wasn't the case anyways. That's failing on 3 different levels, but thankfully that third level of failure is what kept Super Metroid a great game (of which the lack thereof made Fusion subpar).

Fusion is usually chalked up to being subpar on account of the more linear progression AFAIK. I guess you could say that trying to tell a story for more than a minute with that game caused that mediocrity. But I don't think anyone would have minded fusion's storyline if it hadn't lead to being "locked" into a certain route.

The author of the article actually tried to argue that this lead to fusion being not-so-good commercially (i.e. he was saying this was an indication fans didn't approve). But I don't think he was on the mark there, since Zero Mission did worse than Fusion despite being extremely nonlinear (9% item run ftw). Also he said that the GBC version of metroid outsold zero mission, which I wasn't able to confirm when I looked for #s.

But a secondary note, why the fuck does everyone rip on Twilight Princess? Sure it wasn't stunning and breakthrough, but it was still decent. 'Twas no Majora's Mask or Link to the Past, but at least it wasn't Oracles or Minish Cap, or Phantom Hourglass bad. I'd say it's right there with Link's Awakening, a nice fun game that stuck to the foundation of it's time (that being the 2-D side scrolling Zelda, rather than emulating Ocaraina).

I guess you're puzzled for the same reason that I am when people rip on oracles. I don't see how people can look well on LA but bash Seasons and Ages - they might not be creative, but they were pretty fun and had a little more to do than their predecessor. Jabu's belly in ages was awesome.

Also, I'd call LA 2-d topdown, not 2-d sidescrolling (i.e. TLoZ2 Adventure of Link).

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starfox adventures was the worst thing that happened to the series bloody Krysal and her multiplayer victory is proof that she's just a walking, talking set of boobs and vagina.

Assault's multiplayer was good but why do nintendo never put bots in their multiplayer outside of smash bros :angry:

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