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Lucius Appreciation Thread


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He doubles almost everything with Flux.

He gains +3 AS! Not even 4, he is even slower when promoted at such a low level.

In Cog of Destiny and against other magic users in general, he crushes them in offense with Luna. Lucius can hit a VoD Valk for double 13's or something while Canas can hit them for 20+ with a +20 Crit tome and since they lose 4 AS from Elfire he can even double, and he does double Druids, Sages, and Bishops.

Of course not! And if you're promoting him at level 15 ge'll have to wait 17 levels to even get to 20 Mag considering he gets no Mag bonus.

Being useful throughout one chapter does not make him utterly useful, also consider his Res will be crappier due to him being 15/--.

Lucius is still more useful and for reasons I already mentioned.

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He gains +3 AS! Not even 4, he is even slower when promoted at such a low level.

No. It's +4. +1 Con, +3 Spd. That's +4 AS since all tomes have more than 7 weight. He's not slower when promoted earlier. He's much, much faster. He loses out on 1-2 points of Spd but gets +4 earlier and then gains EXP much faster due to better combat and staves and gets to a higher level.

Of course not! And if you're promoting him at level 15 ge'll have to wait 17 levels to even get to 20 Mag considering he gets no Mag bonus.

15/16 Canas has 20 Mag. That sounds pretty legit for the lategame. If he's a few levels lower, it's 18-19, which is still enough to two-shot every caster ever.

Being useful throughout one chapter does not make him utterly useful, also consider his Res will be crappier due to him being 15/--.

Lucius is still more useful and for reasons I already mentioned.

His Res is still better than almost everyone else's and he can avoid status staves and not care about being hit by Valks.

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15/16 Canas has 20 Mag. That sounds pretty legit for the lategame.

He doesn't reach 20 mag until 20/12, and it's not like Lucius' 13 Dmg isn't doing anything when valkyries are low on HP and they don't have huge Res.

Lucius can also use Shine, it's there for a reason...he can kill those valkyries with it, heh.

And Canas doesn't gain 4 AS by gaining +1 con, he has to have a weapon to even have a AS, because AS means "Attack Speed".

But yeah...it's kinda useless arguing with you, you two seem to have known each other from before...especially when you both use the term "casters" and "two-shot" and speak in such a profane way...no offense, it's just what it is.

Edited by Alan Rainsworth
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He doesn't reach 20 mag until 20/12, and it's not like Lucius' 13 Dmg isn't doing anything when valkyries are low on HP and they don't have huge Res.

Lucius can also use Shine, it's there for a reason...he can kill those valkyries with it, heh.

And Canas doesn't gain 4 AS by gaining +1 con, he has to have a weapon to even have a AS, because AS means "Attack Speed".

But yeah...it's kinda useless arguing with you, you two seem to have known each other from before...especially when you both use the term "casters" and "two-shot" and speak in such a profane way...no offense, it's just what it is.

20/12 is about the same as 15/16, dawg. They do have huge Res, which is why Lucius is only hitting them for like double 13's even with his huge Mag stat.

He gains +4 AS, rofl. Why don't you understand this? Canas loses 1 AS from the lightest tome already. If he has 10 Spd before promoting, it's rly 9. After promoting, it turns into 13. That is +4 AS.

It's useless arguing with me in this case because you're wrong. :(

Edited by Inui
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80% of the people on this forum ignore soul#### (Alan Rainsworth) already. Get with the program, Inui!

Well, I'm not a jerk like I used to be, so eh. I'm not going to ignore people or be outright mean. I'm not Interceptor. >_>;

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Ah, that's right...I forgot he looses 1 AS from Flux.

Lucius is doing more than 13 Dmg with a Shine tome, I mentioned it before, and 15/16 isn't 20/12 when you said that you preffer promoting Canas at lvl 15 and even mentioned he had 13 AS at 15/1.

I am not really wrong with my facts, it's just easier for you to agree with each because you come from the same place and share the same opinions, you are totally hyping Canas as if he could do something Lucius couldn't (aside from having a big Def difference), but that's not doing but having, and you also thought I was saying Lucius was the best, I never said that actually, and you're doing the exact same thing with Canas. And what else could you exept at the "Lucius Appreciation Thread"? Hype on Canas & Erk? If you don't like it the way we supposedly overrated Lucius then don't even post here, go ahead and make your own topic, because really, I am wasting my time on you guys with your little "logic" with "Canas raeps and doubles everything".

Yeah, at least the others who debated here bothered to open up their minds.

Hey, Dondon, you better shut the hell up or bring a real arguement, at least Inui bothered to do that, you're not even man enough to be a real debater, at least Inui is a respectable fellow.

Edited by Alan Rainsworth
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You don't have to be a jerk to be a debater, you just have to leave the sarcasm and profanity...something I didn't do when debating the other guy.

But the reason you idiots win debates is because you take your time to even insult the other and that is what causes them to loose interest, this isn't personal experience, but rather something I heard from other good debaters who felt like dropping off because of that, it's easy to say "Your arguemts is crap and worthless", bt most of the time that is sign that you just don't have anything else to say when you know they are beating you.

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Lucius is doing more than 13 Dmg with a Shine tome, I mentioned it before, and 15/16 isn't 20/12 when you said that you preffer promoting Canas at lvl 15 and even mentioned he had 13 AS at 15/1.

It doesn't even matter if Lucius is using Shine. He won't double the Thunder Valks anymore since they have like 18 Spd and he's barely doubling them with Lightning if at all. Canas has a monstrous single hit with Luna that rapes them.

15/16 is about the same as 20/12, broski. Do the math.

13 AS at 15/1 with a 35% is quite passable due to how slow enemies are in this game.

I am not really wrong with my facts, it's just easier for you to agree with each because you come from the same place and share the same opinions, you are totally hyping Canas as if he could do something Lucius couldn't (aside from having a big Def difference), but that's not doing but having, and you also thought I was saying Lucius was the best, I never said that actually, and you're doing the exact same thing with Canas. And what else could you exept at the "Lucius Appreciation Thread"? Hype on Canas & Erk? If you don't like it the way we supposedly overrated Lucius then don't even post here, go ahead and make your own topic, because really, I am wasting my time on you guys with your little "logic" with "Canas raeps and doubles everything".

Yeah, at least the others who debated here bothered to open up their minds.

I'm actually not arguing that Canas is better than Lucius, and neither is HJ. I actually think Lucius is the best between your three magic users because of his insane Mag stat and Atk bonuses easily trumping whatever Mt Erk gets out Anima tomes and his automatic C in Staves upon promotion. What HJ and I are showing here is that Canas, Erk, and Lucius are all very comparable units and that a tier gap between Canas and the others is absurd, and most tier lists have him a tier lower.

Eh? We're not making anything up. Canas really does double just fine and rape stuff. He's a good unit. You can't prove otherwise because you'd be trying to prove something false against better debaters. That won't work.

But the reason you idiots win debates is because you take your time to even insult the other and that is what causes them to loose interest, this isn't personal experience, but rather something I heard from other good debaters who felt like dropping off because of that, it's easy to say "Your arguemts is crap and worthless", bt most of the time that is sign that you just don't have anything else to say when you know they are beating you.

No. I win them by proving my point. I'm not Interceptor.

Of course you are, sir, or else you wouldn't be an FE debater.

Good point. :)

Edited by Inui
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Lucius is really awesome and one of my favorite characters. She's one of the most attractive female characters in the game and very nice to look at, and I think she and Raven and Priscilla make a great love triangle. I'd read and write erotic Lucius fanfics all day if I wasn't so busy doing other crap. Lucius has really high Mag and Spd, rly good supports with god tier units, a high staff rank for more Exp gains, and WTA over Luna so it's harder for those fag druids to rape her with it. Plus she basically gets a Prf divine weapon for the last chapter. Can't argue with that.

Canas is pretty crappy. eh can't double anything ever, so I don't even care how high his defense is. Tanking things doesn't matter if your offense sucks. It's not worth my time to have a durable unit take a lot of attacks and fail to kill in return. It's why Clarine isn't god tier in FE6. Plus, he gets pwned by snow in his ending.

Erk is a noob.

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Lucius is really awesome and one of my favorite characters. She's one of the most attractive female characters in the game and very nice to look at, and I think she and Raven and Priscilla make a great love triangle. I'd read and write erotic Lucius fanfics all day if I wasn't so busy doing other crap. Lucius has really high Mag and Spd, rly good supports with god tier units, a high staff rank for more Exp gains, and WTA over Luna so it's harder for those fag druids to rape her with it. Plus she basically gets a Prf divine weapon for the last chapter. Can't argue with that.

Canas is pretty crappy. eh can't double anything ever, so I don't even care how high his defense is. Tanking things doesn't matter if your offense sucks. It's not worth my time to have a durable unit take a lot of attacks and fail to kill in return. It's why Clarine isn't god tier in FE6. Plus, he gets pwned by snow in his ending.

Erk is a noob.


Lucius is a guy.

Edited by Generic Officer
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It doesn't even matter if Lucius is using Shine. He won't double the Thunder Valks anymore since they have like 18 Spd and he's barely doubling them with Lightning if at all. Canas has a monstrous single hit with Luna that rapes them.

Dude, Lucius has 20 AS with Shine equipped at that level (20/12), if he can't neither can Canas, well...yes, non of them can't since Canas needs to reach 20/20 to have the current Spd Lucius has. And what does Canas double when he looses 4 AS? He would have 15 AS with Luna equipped while valkyries the valkyries have 14 AS due to the elfires you mentioned earlier, otherwise, he gets doubled.

But yeah, he [Canas] has a great Crit. bonus there. Lucius' 23 Crit isn't so bad either [shine]

21 Skill + 8% Crit. from Shine + S rank in light gives him that.

13 AS at 15/1 with a 35% is quite passable due to how slow enemies are in this game.

It's HHM and that just contradicts of what you stated over valkyries.

I'm actually not arguing that Canas is better than Lucius, and neither is HJ.

Are you sure? Because he has bothered to do so yesterday, or otherwise we wouldn't be here in the first place.

What HJ and I are showing here is that Canas, Erk, and Lucius are all very comparable units and that a tier gap between Canas

and the others is absurd, and most tier lists have him a tier lower.

What is REALLY absurd is the fact that HJ didn't even bother to read more on the topic and later think we were bashing Canas and Erk.

Eh? We're not making anything up. Canas really does double just fine and rape stuff. He's a good unit. You can't prove otherwise because you'd be trying to prove something false against better debaters. That won't work.

I never said Canas was bad. Just look at tiers, Lucius is above him, but just for one tier. And I am not proving false statements, you are also bringing up facts from a 20/12 Canas, of course he is going to be that strong at THAT level.

Lucius comes earlier yeah...but in stats they end up kinda similiar, they don't end up so far away in tier list either. It's not like I'm saying "Canas ends up low tier and he sucks", no. It's also confusing how you say Canas can double many enemies at 15/16, do you even know what that means? Sure, you are a great debater, but we take that as the fact he has promoted at level 15 and later reached level 16 promoted, so he is going to end up with -2 Spd later on and would have to wait 'til 15/18 to even reach 20 Mag because he has 13 Mag at 15/1. I am not trying to bring up something false on what appears to be better debaters, or otherwise I wouldn't even bother to backup non of this, the only reason, like I said before, that I could give up is because you are both from the same team and use the same terms on everything.

Oh yeah, it almost sounded as if you were hyping him. Why? Here you go:

- You think he has some use in his starting chapter because of some tactics you use, sure, they also apply to Lucius.

- You think he takes 2 or 3 hits. What the hell? Of course not, he gets 2RKO'd by corsairs, get that in you, he also as well will get onerounded by mercenaries with high Atk, there are two bridges and Oswin can't cover them both.

- How is he useful at the dread isle Chapter 19 when he will be facing mounted units and will have lots of trouble, especially with some nomads.

- The only place that he could be useful is at Chapter 19x where there are knights and mages he could take on, but that's it, he goes back to being a little less useful on Chapter 20.

- Promote him? Now? He won't gain much level-ups unless you kill two corsairs that wield powerful axes on his joining chapter, Raven and Guy also suffer from being criticled due to them not having enough reliable Luck, so luring them isn't exactly such an ideal plan unless you've trained Guy a bit, but Raven...there are some that have around 40s% of Hit against him with axes. This also comes much more handy for Lucius who will be supporting Raven.

So...by your same tactics I could easily train Lucius the same way, because their Def on HHM while unpromoted won't matter much when they are both being 2RKO'd by everything, and like I said before, Canas suffers from being doubled more often by fast enemies.

He gains one level-up by killing all the corsairs on the north of the map, but yeah, they even have 60s% Hit against him on normal mode.

He is suffering from most enemies, not just corsairs or fighters, he suffers from cavaliers and pegasus knights, they have high Atk due to wielding steel lances, sure, he doubles them, but that doesn't mean he won't get hit.

Ah, and being useful for one chapter against magic users doesn't really make him reliable, in the later chapters he'll be facing physical units that him and Lucius CAN double, so they end up nearly the same in stats exept Def and a little Luck.

And remember...I am not bashing Canas or saying he is bad, I never did that even if you think it appeared that I did.

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Yes, that's right. Canas is just hilarious...I just got to Cog of Destiny a little while ago only to notice that valkyries are ridiculously resistent, so yeah, Canas wins there.

In the end...they aren't too different at all, Lucius only bears +3 Spd while Canas has a huge +7 Def lead.

So I owe you, HJ. and Inui an apology for all of this mess I have made you go through, I mean really, sorry guys...I haven't played HHM in one year.

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