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Fire Emblem Mascot!


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i was reading through old threads and i found the Lethe as a Mascot one, which was blocked because it "got out of topic"

so i made this thread in which you can discuss which character you would like to have as a mascot for the FE franchise.

as long as you have concrete reasons to go for your character, you can "nominate" them.


Edited by Fourth Fox of Fire
One "!" is enough
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Marth because he was the first or Ike because he is recent/many people know him.

Ike I guess since he's the current guy right now

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I agree in saying that it would have to be either Ike or Marth.

I wish I could pick someone else, but no one really can qualify. They're the two big faces of Fire emblem right now.

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He was then, he is now, he was there at first, he is not only coming back, but it in SSBB at this time. Plus even thought Ike may be a little more known in the West, the game originates in the East where Marth has been the main guy more often then not.

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a generic soldier/social knight/pegasus knight/dragon knight though : /

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It was locked so it doesn't matter too much.

I'm still thinking Anna is the best mascot though (for being in next to every game). She's not super-famous, but do mascots have to be that?

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he was the first main character after all, it's true that he's only famous from the East, but ain't that were it began, also if FE1 didn't sell well, I don't think they're would have been more FE games. Plus Marth's success in Melee (along with Roy) brought FE outside of Japan.

Ike's most familair but Marth's the original, and nothing's gonna change that

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Just my curiosity, but why does people prefer Anna more as a mascot?

I think because she's been in most of them

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A weapon triangle. I'm not sure why. I just think it should be a weapon triangle.

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i think the mascot should be..................

drumroll please!



me! thank you and have a good knight! (lol at pun)

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