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The Guild Does An Interview, Part 1


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This is the official guild for all bowmen with green-hair to gather and discuss important stuff concerning bowmanship. We may also have semi-serious discussion on other serious, important stuff concerning FE, too.

We update weekly


Key Players:

President/Supreme Dictator-For-Life Gordin


The heart and soul of the guild. The guild would not exist without him and his grand efforts. He is the man with the plan, is totally awesome, and has final say on all guild matters.

Vice-President Rebecca


The brains of the guild. Her continuous work in assisting President Gordin is invaluable to the overall structure of the guild. Without her, the guild would fall apart as quickly as it has risen.

General Midayle


The brawn of the guild. He does what needs to be done when it comes to guild functions and assemblies. As the one who goes out and fights in the name of the guild, we would be lost without him.

Other Members:





Trustees: Soul, Mousefire & Nephinel.


Soul (Boner)


Chances are, you are not a bowman with green hair. Only bowmen with green hair can become official members and make official decisions for the guild. You can, however, join in guild discussions and make suggestions for the good of the guild.

PM me if you want to be nominated as a trustee of the guild.


Midayle: So I saw Avatar today.

Rebecca: How was it?

Midayle: ...My eyes have been pleased. I came during the epic action scene at the climax.

Rebecca: Ew...was it that good?

Midayle: Well, I wasn't exactly watching it for the plot. The story was basically Dances With Wolves in space, but everything else pretty much made up for it. Damn you, James Cameron!

Rebecca: I heard that it's in 3-D, too.

Midayle: Definitely better in 3-D.

Gordin: Hey guys. Why don't we get started on our current issue, shall we? We have a special guest tonight.

Nino: Hi everyone! :3

Rebecca: Uh, hi Nino.

Jaffar: ...

Rebecca: Nino....why is Jaffar with you?

Nino: I made him come with me.

Jaffar: ...

Rebecca: Ok...

Gordin: So Nino, you belong to the "Est" archetype of characters, do you not?

Nino: What's an "Est" archetype?

Midayle: He's talking about those really weak crappy characters that join late in the game.

Nino: Heh, well I am kind of weak when I show up, so I guess you could say that.

Rebecca: But if someone actually took the time to train them, they can become a real powerhouse though.

Midayle: Not worth it, though. In terms of efficiency, at least.

Nino: What makes you say that? D:

Midayle: Because if someone's trying to clear the map as quickly and efficiently as possible, they won't waste time bothering to give a few kills to dead-weight units such as you, Nino. They have more useful units to look out for.

Nino: I'm dead-weight?

Midayle: The best you could hope for is a little chip damage, scrub. Perhaps.

Jaffar: ...Hey.

Midayle: What do you want, Jaffar?

Jaffar: ...Don't talk to Nino like that.

Midayle: Or else what?

Rebecca: Midayle, you should listen to Jaffar. He's a deadly assassin who used to be called the Angel of Death.

Midayle: Lol, what kind of Angel of Death is this bum? He isn't gonna do a damn thing.

Jaffar: ...Watch your words.

Gordin: Guys, stop. Let's get back on-topic.

Nino: >:(

Rebecca: You're not dead-weight, Nino. Just a late bloomer.

Midayle: Yeah, sure she can become hot-stuff later on, but is it worth it when you have to pretty much baby her and keep her fragile ass covered like, all the time, until she's ready for promotion? Keep in mind that availability also matters. She comes near the end of the game, so she has only a few chapters to get in on the action.

Rebecca: Yeah, you do have a point about the availability issue. It's not like she can reasonably catch up with the others without putting a considerable amount of effort into training her to endgame.

Nino: Hey, I want to talk now! :D

Midayle: Okay, shoot.

Nino: I was thinking about what you and Rebecca were saying.

Rebecca: Yeah, and?

Nino: I was thinking maybe these "Est" characters should come with a special weapon or item that boosts their EXP gain, so that they can catch up.

Rebecca: You get an Elfire tome and an Elixir. And you want more?

Nino: I'm not talking about me! And besides, Mark always makes me trade my Elfire tome to Pent. -_-

Gordin: So what are you getting at, Nino?

Nino: Like an exclusive weapon only we Est characters get to use, that hits for double damage against higher-level enemies, and gives bonuses to hit, critical, and avoid. It would also allow double EXP gain so that we can catch up.

Rebecca: Wow.

Midayle: You're asking for too much.

Nino: I am NOT asking for too much! :P

Midayle: Um, yeah you are.

Nino: You're a jerk.

Midayle: And you're a bratty little loli.

Jaffar: ...I said watch your words. If you make Nino cry, I will make you regret it.

Midayle: Such big words from a little punk!

Rebecca: We are currently lobbying for Serenes Forest to make a sub-forum for the guild and guild-related matters.

Gordin: Guys, I said stop it.

Rebecca: We'll probably have to continue this interview some other time.

Gordin: I guess so.

Edited by Boner
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They use bows, and the entire NATION has green hair.

That's both characteristics sorted out.

Unless you need to exclusively use bows, that is. But main weapon should still count.

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Well, Rath, Shin and Sue only use bows, unpromoted. That does cut out Dayan, and a few fringe green-hair-archers.

Gerik as an Sniper for Top Tier? I had him solo the LR Floor ten, he only got hit once. With a 40% hit rate. :(

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@Hero: Yes, I wouldn't have continued this if it wasn't for him.


Quit it with Sniper!Gerik. :angry:

He's not even official unless you hack the game, the pallette will still look bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Continuation of the interview by guild:

Gordin: Ok, now where did we leave off?

Rebecca: Um, Midayle was trying to start a fight with Jaffar. So we took a break and made them both leave the room.

Nino: Are we going to finish this?

Gordin: Don't worry, we'll finish this. Now it seems that you have a lot of fans.

Nino: I do? :/

Midayle: Yeh totally.

Rebecca: I thought I told you to stay out of this, Midayle.

Midayle: Shut up, woman. I'm chill.

Rebecca: -_-

Gordin: You have quite the fanbase, Nino. I read that you was landed first place in a Nintendo of Japan popularity poll some time ago.

Nino: That's so cool! :D

Midayle: It was because they were blinded by the lolicon.

Rebecca: How could you say such a thing?!

Midayle: I'm telling you all, it's true. You know the Japanese likes them young.

Nino: What's lolicon?

Gordin: I don't like where this is going, so stop it, Midayle.

Rebecca: I'll tell you what it is after this interview is over.

Nino: Ok, I'll hold you to that! ;)

Rebecca: ;)

Gordin: So anyway, it's debatable whether you have enough time in the game to be trained to your fullest potential. I mean, by the time you join, the team already has Pent, and likely promoted Erk, Lucius, and/or Canas. How do you feel about this issue?

Nino: Well, I don't know. I can be kind of helpful where I'm needed, I guess. :/ I probably won't be as much help as those three, but I do my best and try my hardest :3

Gordin: That's good to hear. Optimism is a valuable asset to have.

Midayle: The problem is when people hype her up to be all that and overestimate her potential. I mean, even taking the time to train her, there's no guarantee that she'll be like "ZOMG SOOPER DOOPER AWSUM OLOLOL". There are a lot of characters who become great if you take time to train them, and require less effort. Not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, kid.

Nino: It's ok. :(

Rebecca: Midayle, not saying I disagree with you, but:


Midayle: That's pretty impressive, if I say so myself. But like Gordin said earlier, it's debatable if she has time to reach that point. I highly doubt it.

Rebecca: Paitence is rewarded, like they say. Isn't that right, Nino?



Gordin: How are things back home, Nino?

Nino: Great! Uncle Canas is teaching me how to read and write. I never learned my letters while I was with the Black Fang.

Gordin: Wow, it must be tough. Reading and writing are pretty much necessary to get by in the world.

Nino: It's a little bit tough, but I can do it. I'm fast learner, you know. I learned magic and spells on my own, pretty much.

Gordin: That's very exceptional. You are quite the talented one.

Nino: Thanks! :3

Gordin: Nino, anything you would like to say to your fans?

Nino: Oh, yes! Thank you all for your support! I appreciate it very much! :lol:

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