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Frederick Douglass's Magical Adventure Through Australia


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Chapter 1

"GOD DAMMIT CRASH IF I FIND YOUSELF WITHOUT ANY CLOTHES ON ONE MORE TIME I'LL HAVE TO DISCONNECT THE INTERNET!" Crash's mother said. "But...this is DESTINY! I found this woman...in a dream! When I saw her walking down the street, paying no attention to me as she beat up people for the sake of showing she was superior, I knew she was for me!" Crash explained. "SHE'S A CATWHORE" Crash's mother spewed out "NO SHE ISN'T, SHE IS A WOMAN WHO JUST SO HAPPENS TO HAS ANIMAL EARS AND AN ANIMAL TAIL AND THE ABILITY TO TRANSFORM INTO A CAT AT ANY GIVEN TIME FOR THE SAKE OF BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF EVERYBODY AND HER NAME IS LETHE." Crash screamed to his mother, ready to give her a mad face. "Umm...I'm Lyre..." Lyre explained quietly. "Then...I've been screaming out...your sister..." Crash said, turning red from embarrasment. "I was hoping since you went to some Serenes Forest "website", you'd be able to figure out who I was..." Lyre replied. "But that has nothing to do with Tellia or wherever the hell you're from. It's a reserved forum for future house of representative members, and senators. That's why Nestling goes to it!" Crash explained to Lyre. "That's a stupid name for a forum." Lyre said twirling a strand of hair out of boredom." "Hey what happened to my parents?" Crash asked "I KNOW YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT DOING IT THIS NIGHT AND HOW MUCH YOU'LL ENJOY IT!" Crash's mom screamed from the kitchen. "GOD DAMMIT MOM NO." Crash screamed. "So...this is akward. I've been...snuggling...and cuddling...and...doing stuff with...your...sister" "Nah! You did it with me, but you THOUGHT I was my sister! :D!" Lyre said happily. "...this is not akward at all..." Crash said, facing down in embarrasment. "I know you're embarrased, but here, I'll make it all better!" Lyre said, with an edge of excitement to her tone. Lyre threw off her clothes and jumped on top of Crash. "SCREAM MY NAME, SCREAM MY NAME!" Lyre screamed "Lyyyreee...my...parents...are still...STOP TAKING OFF MY PANTS...but anyways...they're...sti-" Crash managed to said out as Lyre cuddled with Crash. "SEE, THEY'RE HAVING SEX. GET ME THE BASEBALL BAT." Crash's mom screamed. "MOM. IT WASN'T ME. I JUST SA-" Crash tried to explain in terror. "Oh! Mrs. Crash? Do you want to join in too?" Lyre asked innocently. "SHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIII-" Crash's mom screamed, but was soon interupted. "Um...mom...you're supposed to go "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-" Crash told his mom, as the lack of internet knowledge disturbed him. "SHITFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-. IS THAT BETTER, SON?!" Crash's mom screamed as loud as she could, with the baseball bat in her hands. She beat Crash and Lyre until they fell unconcious. "Isn't that considered domestic violence or child abuse or something like that?" Crash's father said. "Um...crap..." Crash's mother sighed.

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Chapter 2

"Oh...Volug..." Nestling screamed as Volug slowly went inside of him. "You know...you didn't HAVE to do this. I mean...I could have gone first..." Nestling sighed. "Trust me, you'll enjoy it a lot more if I go FIRST." Volug exclaimed, thrusting his pelvis forward when he said first "HOLYSHITTHATFEELSAMAZING" Nestling screamed. "HARDER!" "GOD DAMN IT'S COMING ALREADY!" Volug screamed

"ALREADY?! IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN 2 MINUTES YET" "GOD DAMMIT JUST ENJOY IT" Volug yelled. Volug's pelvis started thrusting uncontrollably. "HOLYSHITTHISFEELSEVENBETTERILOVEYOUVOLUG!" Nestling screamed. Volug went faster and faster, and eventually sighed and fell on the ground. "Oh...god...that...was...amazing..." Nestling said. He fell to the ground on top of Volug and everything went black.

Chapter 3

Crash woke up in a wierd alleyway. "God...where...am I?" Crash said. He got himself up and looked around. Everything was dark, and the only light was about 20 yards away, where the street was. He was in the exact same clothes he was in, and Lyre was in the same clothes she wasn't wearing. "Lyre...where the hell are we..." Crash asked Lyre as she was lying on the floor with her eyes closed. "Lyre?...OH GOD SHE'S DEAD OH MY GOD" Crash screamed, running out of the alleyway. He ran past the street, and noticed there were no cars, only people walking. "HOLY CRAP I'M IN AUSTRALIA OH NO!" Crash cried out. Screaming, he ran into another alleyway and tripped on top of someone. "Shit man...can you come back later? It was just getting good..." someone said in the darkness. "The hell are you?" Crash asked. "No." the man said. "Come on Joshua, open up, HERE COMES THE MILK TRAIN!" the man screamed. "HIKA, THE MILK TRAIN HAS BEEN COMING FOR 3 STRAIGHT WEEKS. DOESN'T IT REALIZE I ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH!?" Joshua screamed. "DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY THE WORD." Hika screamed. "What word?" Crash asked. "Oh, it's a fun word. Would you like me to tell it to the man, Joshiebear?" Hika asked Joshua, moving his hand down to stroke Joshua's hair. "NO, IT'S OK. I THINK I'M RUNNING LOW ON MILK CAN I HAVE SOME MORE MILKMAN!?" Joshua screamed. "Sure, just wait fiiive munites!" Hika said, and Crash could see in Hika's face that he was showing effort. "5 munites? Wow, you're slow! I can do it faster than you!" Crash bragged. "Oh, well maybe you can show me how fast once I finish with Joshie!" Hika said excitedly. "God dammit..." Joshua said. "WHAT DID YOU SAY, JYOS-" Hika screamed, Crash could tell this conversation had been lasting about 5 munites because now Joshua was shaking and Hika was smiling. "GHIAHGIAOUSDAHISJAOP!...guhh...thank you...for the milk...mr...milkman...might I loan...some...to you?" Joshua breathed out "No, it's ok! Crash is just going to give you some extra now!" Hika said excitedly, getting his pants back on. "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-" Joshua screamed in agony. "HE'S LIKE, 14, WHY WOULD H-" Crash was already snuggling with him. "God what the hell is it with Hika and having the cheesiest lines ever..."

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Also, the story is... weird, to say the least.

Ha, you have the best bit Joshy :lol:

Joshiebear is actually J.y0] 8D. Just avoiding the lolcensor 8D


Edited by Nestling
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Do you already have a contract with any publishers? If not, we should have a conversation. My colleagues and I think that this story has great potential to sell and we're willing to make a good offer for it, on its completion of course.

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Well what happens if my parents buy a copy of it D:.

We have plenty of experience working with authors under pen-names. If your anonymity is important to you, you can count on us to safeguard it. Your parents will have no idea.

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