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Chat OPs


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I don't know about me being an op (I act modest even though I'm not) but yeah, it definitely needs more ops 'cause just a few minutes ago it was hella spammy.

Damn random chat drifters... and you're acting modest right now.

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*Throws in own name for nomination. (You gotta be in it to win it.) (I was one of the first ones on. Though Nightmare was too. And Knife. Not in that order I think.)*

Although, I'm not really tech savvy.

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*Throws in own name for nomination. (You gotta be in it to win it.) (I was one of the first ones on. Though Nightmare was too. And Knife. Not in that order I think.)*

Although, I'm not really tech savvy.

Well sure, the more the merrier. Its up to Vincent.

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OP.. you mean like a mod? (I feel noobish again.)

An op (short for Operator) is like a mod, yes. They moderate the chat to enforce rules. I happen to be an op in multiple chatrooms. Just ask Knife. So, I throw my name in for consideration. ;)

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We have our list of potentials OPs:



Namine (no)


No way Hikarusa should be one


Okay, sounds like a good team.

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Why not? I'm on in the middle of the night when any old idiot (Zephrion) can plan destruction to the universe... or worse, Fire Emblem!

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i am the most adecuate person to be an OP. i never spam, and i'm a strict rule follower

I support Namine's nomination! She always spanks us if we do something wrong, so the choice should be obvious....

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Personally i think i'd make a good op. I've been using irc chat for almost 2 years now. I've been an operator before too, so i have experience, compared to others that may have just started using it with the chat applet (i actually use a real program for irc, mIRC). I know all of the commands generally used in irc, howto kick, ban, change topics, etc.

Now i'd think it'd be a good idea to get some ops soon because its an anarchy of a channel at the moment. As anyone who has used irc as long as i have certainly knows: No ops in a channel = BAD.

Also, my nick on the irc chat is SmartRutter, just so you know for when you make your decision. Already registered with nickserv and crap as well.

In short, i believe i should be op for these reasons:

A. I have experience in all areas of irc chat. (except being IRCop but really, how many people get to do that?)

B. I've been an channel op before.

C. We need someone to do it, you know.

D. I'm also online and in #serenes_forest often, however not on weekends cause i'm away from this computer and at my dads.

That is all. I do hope you wish to consider me for channel operator. :)

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I support Namine's nomination! She always spanks us if we do something wrong, so the choice should be obvious....

my hand is of cold, hard steel! and i reward people who behave....

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o.o M'kay.

Anyway, so yeah, if anyone gets it, should probably be SmartRutter due to his 1337 chat skillz and his experience. (Though I have had basically the same experience...)

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Well, now that SmartRutter is promoting himself, let me do it too.

Personally i think i'd make a good op. I've been using irc chat for almost 2 years now. I've been an operator before too, so i have experience, compared to others that may have just started using it with the chat applet (i actually use a real program for irc, mIRC). I know all of the commands generally used in irc, howto kick, ban, change topics, etc.

Now i'd think it'd be a good idea to get some ops soon because its an anarchy of a channel at the moment. As anyone who has used irc as long as i have certainly knows: No ops in a channel = BAD.

Also, my nick on the irc chat is SmartRutter, just so you know for when you make your decision. Already registered with nickserv and crap as well.

In short, i believe i should be op for these reasons:

A. I have experience in all areas of irc chat. (except being IRCop but really, how many people get to do that?)

B. I've been an channel op before.

C. We need someone to do it, you know.

D. I'm also online and in #serenes_forest often, however not on weekends cause i'm away from this computer and at my dads.

That is all. I do hope you wish to consider me for channel operator. :)

I've done all those things as well and etc. Besides that, sometimes when Rutter isn't on it can get spammy. So uh...yeah...

Wow...what a promotion...

EDIT: I heard NTG thought I didn't want to be a mod. :o I was just being overly modest...

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