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The 50 mistakes of women whilst having sex


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36. Refusing to try things in the name of "making love". You're not making anything. You are naked. With another person. Making strange faces and weird noises. Stop romanticizing it.

Haha ha ha, so true. You get this crap from anyone.

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What if the guy is into dead people (this is directed at number 25)

Then instead of reading this he should get help.


It's horrifically obvious that this was written by a man, by the way. Not just any man, but the 4chan-level mysogynist kind who thinks women should be fucked and not heard. He also seems to think that sex and love must never cross.

But most of these make sense. I second the earlier notion of posting the 200 mistakes men make, too.

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It's not like it is saying "Women should always do everything so the men don't have to". It's stating what women should consider if they aren't being fair. Take number 6 as an example. "Expecting him to always lay on the charm and romance. Sometimes, that's nice. Sometimes. But expecting him to be all roses and candles all the time is like expecting you to act like a pornstar all the time."

I'd say that's a very fair statement.

Men can be like this as well, but women are more fussy than men when it comes to sex, and fall into not caring about mens needs than men do about women needs, so need setting straight more often.

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The best part is 95% of the people in this topic do not qualify to even comment on the subject of sex :).


There is nothing ironic about that post. Perhaps you should look up the definition.

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The best part is 95% of the people in this topic do not qualify to even comment on the subject of sex :).


There is nothing ironic about that post. Perhaps you should look up the definition.

I already know that I am going to get into a lot of hot water boiling oil for this, but I must say that while Tangerine's statement isn't ironic in and of itself, she does point out (quite correctly, most likely) that there is a great deal of situational irony in this topic. I know it's none of my business and nothing good can come of this for me, but I think you're both right to some extent. So lets not get into a flame war, alright?

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Oh, you could be right. I hadn't realized he might have been agreeing with me. Probably because I analyzed it a little differently.

For example, he's one of the people posting in this topic and it's most likely he took offense to the comment, so I assumed it was more of a butthurt attack post. That's just how it works around here.

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Oh, you could be right. I hadn't realized he might have been agreeing with me. Probably because I analyzed it a little differently.

For example, he's one of the people posting in this topic and it's most likely he took offense to the comment, so I assumed it was more of a butthurt attack post. That's just how it works around here.

Fair enough. I've only been here for about 4-5 days, so I guess that I still have some naivety to work out over time. Call it new member optimism?

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Oh, you could be right. I hadn't realized he might have been agreeing with me. Probably because I analyzed it a little differently.

For example, he's one of the people posting in this topic and it's most likely he took offense to the comment, so I assumed it was more of a butthurt attack post. That's just how it works around here.

Right because I get butthurt when people question whether or not I've "done it".

I'm just a bona fide asshole is all.

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I have a condition that makes any sexual activity unhealthy for me. :( (A doctor diagnosed me after an examination. i have never seen a girl naked unless you count the time my friends baby sister ran around the house refusing to be changed.)

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I have a condition that makes any sexual activity impossible for me. :( (A doctor diagnosed me after an examination.

C'mon you're not THAT ugly

Ummm well theres always this

Edited by mikethfc
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Speak for yourself~

You claim Lillina, Sanaki, Yuria, and Yune- well that last one is a loli. So you're a pedo AND a lolicon.

How do you sleep at night? Wait, don't answer that!

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Speak for yourself~

Do we have to resort wildly accusing each other of paedophilia

Can't we just settle this by saying everybodys is a paedo and be done with it

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Aside from Sanaki, they're all older than me, especially Yuria & Lolina. 1 year doesn't make the difference, a pedo is a person who is an adult praying on little kids, let's say an 18-year old guy dating a 13-year old girl, even if consensual, the guy is still considered a pedophile.

OMG, USA is FULL of pedos then, just like in high scool. :o

If that's not a pedophile then your statement is easily canceled.

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How do you sleep at night? Wait, don't answer that!

I want to answer it! I'm curious =0

Specifications of the question, porfavor!

Oooooh I'll never tell ;)

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I have a condition that makes any sexual activity impossible for me. :( (A doctor diagnosed me after an examination.

Well actually it is post orgasmic illness syndrome :(

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