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Yep, I see it. But yeah because of stuff like that I generally avoid the trouble of having my image suddenly changed due to hotlinking by just saving to my photobucket ASAP.

Tried that, but even then I ended up getting what I believe you all were getting. In the end I had to find another image (it's the same thing, of course).

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That's weird I actually did that with a load of images and nothing yet, I think. I would've been called out by now if the same thing happened to me. I didn't know doing anti-hotlinking through photobuckets was possible though.

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That's weird I actually did that with a load of images and nothing yet, I think. I would've been called out by now if the same thing happened to me. I didn't know doing anti-hotlinking through photobuckets was possible though.

Wait a sec.

Okay, I see what I did. I had actually saved the image first, then uploaded. When I directly upload from the web it works. So it was just me failing.

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I probably would not have liked it if I expected a 100% faithful anime adaption. You kind of have to forget it is related to the game to enjoy it, although they did do a few of the characters well. It's the main ones they tinkered with to fit the new story, they really messed up Alicia and Welkin's characters. They very much changed the romance as well. There wasn't enough drama in the game I guess, so they made up a love triangle for the anime..<_<. Selvaria and Jaegar I think were the best of the lot, they were faithful for the most part and you got a lot more background info about them than what was given in the game, which is great because they were two of the most interesting characters and you get to know almost nothing about them. Plus the Edy detachment gets screen time, no complaints there.

The animation and soundtrack are fantastic though. I wouldn't say the show is something special, but I did like it. Just have to stop yourself from comparing it to the game, 'cause it really doesn't :P.

I liked the love triangle, thought it fit, and didn't know it was invented...

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I like K-ON!. I just think maybe other things deserve to be in your avatar more. Have you watched Bakemonogatari yet? I would check your MAL to see but I feel too lazy right now.

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I liked the love triangle, thought it fit, and didn't know it was invented...

It actually does not fit at all, the way they did it in the game was much better :P. I'd say it fits for the anime Alicia/Welkin/Faldio, but for the game versions it doesn't fit at all and they really messed up what made the romance sweet by changing it for the show. Faldio isn't even a major character in the game, but they shove him in your face constantly in the show. Which would be okay if he actually had a personality..but he's a total Marty Stu. Either way, just need to watch the show and keep yourself from hating it for changing so much, especially if you really loved the original VC story and were expecting a faithful adaption.

But yeah, totally made up out of nowhere. Not even hints of it in the game. The anime really is standalone.

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I actually have not seen the anime at all. Not only have I played Valkyria Chronicles, but I'd consider it amongst the Greatest Games of All Time<tm>, for everything from gameplay to the VA (Lelouch as Maximilian? Revy as Rosie? YES!). Since adaptations are rarely as good as the original, though, I didn't feel like sullying my memories of VC by watching the show. I can tell just by the screencaps that they morphed Alicia's character into something that it was not, so meh.

I played it up to near the end, but I got bored and stopped at the mission where you fight Jaeger. I also skipped pretty much every single cutscene after a while.

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Yet still so innocent that it is accurate even when taken at face value ;).

The face value of which is roughly 1/20th of a cent, rounded down. Therefore, using my expert skills of deduction, I will presume that my standing used to be Public Enemy #1, and that Valkyria Chronicles gave the ranking a slight bump. Perhaps putting me just above Adolf Hitler, but still below people who don't wash their hands after using the restroom.

Not sure I'd rank it among the best of all time

It's fine, nobody is perfect.

I agree that the art style was good, though for me it was just sort of a gimmick that just added to the experience. Most of what I liked about the title was the gameplay, followed closely by the story. It's not that the story wasn't a giant cliché or anything (because it was: boy meets girl, young inexperienced commander warms over his cynical crew, plucky soldiers fight Big Bad Empire<tm>, anyone who is 30+ years old is a senior citizen, etc etc... you could patch the thing together with nothing but TVtropes), but it was done very well, I still have fond memories of it.

What about you? Looking to get VC2?

I'd like to play it, but I can't justify getting a PSP just for one title. The only reason that I even picked up a PS3 for Valkyria was because of Disgaea 3 and MGS4.

Selvaria and Jaegar I think were the best of the lot, they were faithful for the most part and you got a lot more background info about them than what was given in the game, which is great because they were two of the most interesting characters and you get to know almost nothing about them.

Indeed. Selvaria = <3, especially. Her DLC filled in a lot of those gaps, though.

Plus the Edy detachment gets screen time, no complaints there.

I don't understand why everyone likes Edy so much. The whole detachment would be a pile of fail if it weren't for Marina.

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I played it up to near the end, but I got bored and stopped at the mission where you fight Jaeger. I also skipped pretty much every single cutscene after a while.

I once drove a nice car, but kinda got tired of it and stopped before I got into third gear. I also took off the wheels after a while.

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I like K-ON!. I just think maybe other things deserve to be in your avatar more. Have you watched Bakemonogatari yet? I would check your MAL to see but I feel too lazy right now.

I have. Maybe next time.

Oh yeah- Nice avatar.

Thank you.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I once drove a nice car, but kinda got tired of it and stopped before I got into third gear. I also took off the wheels after a while.

I was under the impression that the battle against Jaegar was near the end of the game. Most of the major villains seemed to be dead by that point.

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The face value of which is roughly 1/20th of a cent, rounded down. Therefore, using my expert skills of deduction, I will presume that my standing used to be Public Enemy #1, and that Valkyria Chronicles gave the ranking a slight bump. Perhaps putting me just above Adolf Hitler, but still below people who don't wash their hands after using the restroom.

Actually, you're somewhere in between William Shatner and the girl with the pigtails from the brady bunch.

I agree that the art style was good, though for me it was just sort of a gimmick that just added to the experience. Most of what I liked about the title was the gameplay, followed closely by the story. It's not that the story wasn't a giant cliché or anything (because it was: boy meets girl, young inexperienced commander warms over his cynical crew, plucky soldiers fight Big Bad Empire<tm>, anyone who is 30+ years old is a senior citizen, etc etc... you could patch the thing together with nothing but TVtropes), but it was done very well, I still have fond memories of it.

Nothing wrong with cliche! Who doesn't like a good, cliche story every now and then? I thought the racism/segregation aspect of the story helped it be less cliche than it could have been, although you could argue even that was a little bit...:P.

I'd like to play it, but I can't justify getting a PSP just for one title. The only reason that I even picked up a PS3 for Valkyria was because of Disgaea 3 and MGS4.

Well, VC3 was announced for PSP too I think, so I guess that's two games now >_>. They're probably the only two I want on it as well.

Indeed. Selvaria = <3, especially. Her DLC filled in a lot of those gaps, though.

I don't remember if I got that DLC or not.. I imagine it was pretty easy if she was playable and not horribly nerfed.

I don't understand why everyone likes Edy so much. The whole detachment would be a pile of fail if it weren't for Marina.

Aw, I like both Edy and Marina. Though I do think it is strange Edy is so popular, I didn't think she was THAT good of a character.

I once drove a nice car, but kinda got tired of it and stopped before I got into third gear. I also took off the wheels after a while.

So what, you went flintstones style after that? Must've been interesting.

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I was under the impression that the battle against Jaegar was near the end of the game. Most of the major villains seemed to be dead by that point.

It is, there are only a couple of maps left in the main story after this.

Actually, you're somewhere in between William Shatner and the girl with the pigtails from the brady bunch.

That's nice, since The Shat is pretty awesome.

Nothing wrong with cliche! Who doesn't like a good, cliche story every now and then? I thought the racism/segregation aspect of the story helped it be less cliche than it could have been, although you could argue even that was a little bit...:P.

Agreed. I don't mind cliché when it is done well. I mean, that's why we keep seeing these themes over and over again, right? It's not because they are shit. I had forgotten about the Darcsen thing, but that counts too.

;_; Isara ;_;

I don't remember if I got that DLC or not.. I imagine it was pretty easy if she was playable and not horribly nerfed.

It definitely helps that Selvaria is god mode, but they did manage to put some bits of challenge in there (she cannot heal herself, doesn't have grenades, and sometimes gets pathed into tough spots). It's nothing compared to the difficulty of the Hard mode DLC, though (jesus christ those missions are tough to A-rank).

The point though, is that Selvaria's DLC gives her some of the backstory that the woman sorely needed.

HA! That's how you responded to my Marcia love.

It's true. I re-use sayings a lot, it's easier than being fresh all the time.

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Agreed. I don't mind cliché when it is done well. I mean, that's why we keep seeing these themes over and over again, right? It's not because they are shit.

Man, you almost triggered Super Saiyan Deepfag mode, but luckily I remembered how silly that was.

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