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Cursed RNG Playthrough


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I hope this hasn't been mentioned before, but oh well.

I thought of a challenge for any FE game, a cursed RNG PT. I'm not sure if this can be done, but someone would hack their game so any RNG that helps you is the worst (99 I think) and any that hurts you is the best (0). Mainly, you will only hit when you have 100% chance of doing so, you will only dodge when the enemy has a 0% chance of hitting you, and if an enemy can critical you, they will. The only exception is growth rates, since a 0 growth run combined with this is probably too hard. The only exception to that is FE9, since fixed mode can be used to survive the RNG goddess' wrath. Also, in FE9 and FE10, no forging since that would make things easier. Finally, I heard that in FE5, there is never a 0% or 100% chance, so make it so you can only hit enemies when you have a 99% chance of hitting and so on.

Anyone interested?

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There's a code to set all RNs to 0 in the GBA games, but not sure about 99.

I suppose you could use the RN 99 code until the enemy phase begins, then switch over to the RN 00 code.

Edited by VincentASM
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Problem is, that doesn't include counterattacks. Maybe there is a code that allows you to set the RN for the next 50 attacks or something, taking into account all double attacks and critical rates.

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Problem is, that doesn't include counterattacks. Maybe there is a code that allows you to set the RN for the next 50 attacks or something, taking into account all double attacks and critical rates.

I doubt it. You would just have to do it manually...

That would take a lot of work, though, switching back and forth between codes like that. :/

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I have only played the later FE games that are apparently easier than the Japanese-only ones, but it seems possible in them. The only one that I know very well is FE9, and I have ideas about how to do that. Start off with an Ike solo, maybe using Titania, though I doubt she will be useful later on. Rhys is almost necessary since there won't be much, if any, dodging on your part. Shinon is sniper, one of the most useful classes in this game due to their high accuracy and Deadeye, which allows them to hit any enemy and is the only useful occult skill. Problem is, he's weak as hell (lv 1 sniper with str 9 wtf). Soren with wind magic should do well, but it will be hard to protect him when few units are useful in this playthrough. Then there's Mia, the first swordmaster. I'm not sure how well swordmasters will do since they can't dodge anything, but they may come in handy in chapters with high avoid enemies like ch. 12. Though Stefan is in danger of those 1% crits. Later, you get Rolf, who, with the help of BEXP, is probably one of the most useful units in this PT. He has the benefits of a sniper like I said before and he can use Rolf's bow, which is pretty much necessary in chapter 12 and against some very high avoid enemies. Skipping the middle, at chapter 27, I think it is possible to defeat the BK with good biorhythm. If Ike hits the BK at capped strength twice a turn. Finally, Ike with resolve should easily beat Ashnard. That's enough to suggest it's possible.

Edited by Kinata
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In FE8, the highest hit rate you can get against Breguet with base stats is 78% (Seth with iron lance). Thus, you'd need to spend several hundred turns abusing to actually hit him in this challenge.

No way. Breguet has 1 speed and 2 luck, which means 4 avo. Seth at base level should be able to.

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In FE8, the highest hit rate you can get against Breguet with base stats is 78% (Seth with iron lance). Thus, you'd need to spend several hundred turns abusing to actually hit him in this challenge.

No way. Breguet has 1 speed and 2 luck, which means 4 avo. Seth at base level should be able to.

Gate bonuses. He has 34 avoid. Seth at base level with an Iron lance has 80 + [13 x 2] + [13/2] = 112 hit. 112 - 34 = 78.
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