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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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It's still in the works. Due to the general nature of it I don't want to release it until most of it is complete--not doing so would kind of hurt the experience a lot, sadly. :(


Looks like Cia will be benched for that dungeon. ;)

sorry, I don't understand, is this another obscure pedo joke? >_>'

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sorry, I don't understand, is this another obscure pedo joke? >_>'

Those jokes won't be obscure once supports are implemented. Though really, Cia is crazy-powerful; I wouldn't want to fight her with anyone!

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all the balancing did was make the game a little easier and make those tendencies more favorable for the player

Yeah, I noticed certain reinforcements are gone now too (like the ones coming in near the start point on Ch 17 - the early part is way less annoying now).

I can't find the secret shop in ch.14 QQ

14? Wat? that's news to me.

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I didn't know there was one in 14 either o-o

also some of you will rage at this but

[spoiler=brace yourself]All of your character's start back at their original level. Once you see/I explain how the dungeon works, the reason why will make a lot more sense, though you still might not like it. Personally, I'm having way too much fun training up my units and fighting in the stars... XP

In any case, you won't be fighting any overpowered Cia's unless it's through the Link Arena. Again, this mode might seem stupid at first--why throw away all of your units you already worked so hard to train?!--but it simply wouldn't work if you already had level 20/20 units: it'd lose most of its unique value etc... and generally you'll keep a small team of around 8 people or less and I let you arena abuse (as shown in the maps) so it's IMO not too time-consuming but not so easy/boring that you can just run through the whole thing super fast without having to put any real effort into it

oh and since I'm here

I finished four of the stars


and I'm also in need of map sprite help and portrait help, if anyone wants to make me one single portrait, can give more details upon request but otherwise trying to keep it a secret (I'm totally not having cameos or anything, that would ruin the player-imposed notion that this is a serious hack and thus can't have non-serious or non-professional elements in it >_____<)

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On Chapter 18, you can rescue-drop the NPC leader in order to be able to Talk with him on Anakin on turn 1 - but if you do, Noah doesn't actually show up, because an NPC Mercenary is standing on his spawn point. >_< That NPC isn't guaranteed to die on turn 1 EP, either (although his odds aren't very good, and I guess he'll almost certainly move in NPC phase if he doesn't).

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On Chapter 18, you can rescue-drop the NPC leader in order to be able to Talk with him on Anakin on turn 1 - but if you do, Noah doesn't actually show up, because an NPC Mercenary is standing on his spawn point. >_< That NPC isn't guaranteed to die on turn 1 EP, either (although his odds aren't very good, and I guess he'll almost certainly move in NPC phase if he doesn't).

Yeah, I do believe I implied through the dialog that you wouldn't want to send out reinforcements before the first wave actually did anything; tactically speaking you could do so but the other wave would have nowhere to go because the first wave would be engaging the enemy

In other words, I'm going to have to kindly ask that you take the hint and not talk to him on turn 1, even though I know it's very well possible :)

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kk, I guess that works.

On Ch 19, my Anakin would take 20 damage from Earnest's Silver Lance and 13 from the Javelin... this is kind of a problem because they are 8 Mt apart and the same weapon type... nothing funny with supports either (nobody has any). Numbers not adding up here o_O

Also just what classes is Heroslayer supposed to be effective against? Heroes and Lords, anyone else? Also is it deliberate that it (unlike other effective weapons) displays effective Atk on the unit's 'Items' screen rather than base? Kinda scary the first time you see it o_O


At the beginning of Ch 20, you supposedly (might not need a spoiler?)

receive a celestial ring and a heaven seal, but it seems like you don't actually get the celestial ring at all, and you only get the heaven seal if you have Kelik out? None of the lords or magic users will end up with the ring in inventory and it doesn't go to Liuke either, I checked. Also, if you recruited Howard by talking to him with Cia in Ch 18, he doesn't have any kind of introductory speech or Talk with Cia in this chapter, he's just... there. >_<

Oh, and Aircalibur isn't effective against wyverns >___<

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@Ch19 can I get a save?

@Heroslayer well I'll just say my theory

essentially I think the game, when calculating the normal attack, as well as when calculating the attack against walls, checks to see what the attack versus a "normal unit" is--probably a unit of class 0x01 or something--and since the Heroslayer and Zanbato are IIRC effective vs. that class (IIRC it's Shon, a horse-riding class) it screws up the "normal calculation"

the fix for this would be to change the class to something different but I don't really have that time right now to change every relevant instant of his class in the game <_> (it's not just the prologue and chapter 17, it's in the promotion data, effectiveness lists, etc. etc.)

@Howard alright, I'll try to do something about that later, what you say makes sense

@Aircalibur yeah, I changed it. If you look at the description, it only mentions Pegasi. I felt that magic in general is good enough against Wyverns with their crap resistance as it is, and furthermore, I just don't feel like Wyverns are as fragile as Pegasi, and that they wouldn't be particularly weak to blades of wind (I mean, they should be heavier, sturdier, with thicker scales/natural armor, at least that's how I see it). sorry if you don't like the change XP

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@Ch19 can I get a save?

Umm I'm not sure I have one but I'll see what I can do

@Heroslayer well I'll just say my theory

Sounds plausible. A better fix is probably to treat it like a bug and patch the ASM but yeah I don't see anyone addressing that any time soon.

@Howard alright, I'll try to do something about that later, what you say makes sense

Much appreciated. Now what about those other two things? I'm sure there's a good plot excuse to force Kelik on that chapter...

@Aircalibur yeah, I changed it. If you look at the description, it only mentions Pegasi. I felt that magic in general is good enough against Wyverns with their crap resistance as it is, and furthermore, I just don't feel like Wyverns are as fragile as Pegasi, and that they wouldn't be particularly weak to blades of wind (I mean, they should be heavier, sturdier, with thicker scales/natural armor, at least that's how I see it). sorry if you don't like the change XP

Eh it's good since it's deliberate and justifiable like that, it's just unconventional and seemed like an easy oversight so I wanted to make sure it was intended.


Most of the rebalance changes are really good, except it seems like a lot of the time you make the beginning of the chapter a little *too* easy and then the end is still annoying. Like on Ch20 now there's still a few turns of basically nothing as you come out of the mountains, and then all the actually hard enemies are positioned rather inconveniently. But yeah I noticed where you took out some early reinforcements that chase you from the start point, and that's really appreciated because they were seriously annoying before. Generally I'd rather have maps that progress like this than ones that are balls right from the start or (even worse) where you have to fight off a ridiculous early mob and then the rest is boring and consists mostly of walking around (FE6 does this a couple times).

Also just as a general note about the chapter/map design, it's really lacking in aggro enemies, like ones that start near the end point and have 'pursue' AI. Also that generic enemy soldier who notices that Siegfried's cell is empty... shows up really late o_O Rex lags too if you're trying to be at all efficient, but you can just leave Kevin behind for that

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Ch22 is "defeat boss", but it doesn't always actually end when you defeat the boss. It seems that it won't trigger until Anakin waits on that turn. Also, "defeat boss" chapters really shouldn't have a "Remaining XX" counter (this isn't the only one that does IIRC).

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I keep seeing Eduardo get +2 hp on lvl ups.

Also, new patch Eduardo has better def/spd growths.

He ALMOST keeps up with Karina.


But like

To get those level-ups he needs to get exp

and that means he needs to hit stuff


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He was turned into Dart on a horse.

And pretty much 2HKOs stuff lategame.


He hasn't procced skill since lvl 15 unpromoted.

But fuck it, he ORKO'd with IRON and CHARGE.

Speaking of which, Charge wouldn't happen to be a hidden joke about fe5 CHARGE?

Ok, Lyam really needs to be fixed.


His exp gain is still shitty and he wants those kills to get to +20 AS before the "ether armour" filled lategame hits.

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Umm I'm not sure I have one but I'll see what I can do

Alright if you can't that's cool but it just sounds like such an absolutely obscure problem that I can't imagine being able to replicate it myself, but I'll make a mental note to at least try later on

Sounds plausible. A better fix is probably to treat it like a bug and patch the ASM but yeah I don't see anyone addressing that any time soon.

Yeah, exactly >_>' which is why I generally try not to rely on such things and find my own crazy workarounds for them (and generally speaking, I think I'm at least somewhat successful... but not much more than "somewhat" >_>)

Much appreciated. Now what about those other two things? I'm sure there's a good plot excuse to force Kelik on that chapter...

Urgh, sorry, it just totally slipped my mind. I thought I had forgot something, but... bleh. Anyway... dejavu. Big time dejavu. >_>'

Ahem--so, I don't know why that's happening, but you should definitely be getting them at the start of Chapter 20. If you don't, I do have a possible workaround for it, which involves abusing event ID's to check whether they've been gotten already--and by doing that, I could make it so that if somebody has got them once, they can't get them again. As for "how can you even get them again in the first place?", if you save at battle preps and then reload the game and restart the chapter, you could potentially play the cutscene again and get another copy. Which is why I gave it AFTER the battle preps, as inconvenient as that is for the player (sorry, guys). tl;dr, I hope to get motivated enough to rewrite how it all works and fix it eventually

Eh it's good since it's deliberate and justifiable like that, it's just unconventional and seemed like an easy oversight so I wanted to make sure it was intended.

alright, I appreciate your concern, especially since it doesn't seem ill-founded in anyway, and you're bringing up a lot of legitimate points (it does irk me that there are so many flaws, but there's nothing to really do about that besides fix'm XD).

@AI hm, yeah, I generally don't use the "Pursue" AI, and regarding chapter 20's flaw with a short "rest period" in between, I know EXACTLY what you mean, and I was going to get rid of it, but someone suggested that it was a good idea to keep it there to let the player heal their units and make it through the annoying terrain blame Feaw, not me without being bombarded by fliers etc. (especially when it's so difficult to protect your weaker units with so little space to move). I don't think I'm going to do very much about it in general though as it's just kind of something that comes with experience so I'd rather put that time into doing something more noticeable/beneficial/enjoyable--granted if the AI is a serious issue that's making people put the game down, then that's a different story (not that I don't like to perfect things, but I gotta get priorities straight etc.).

Is it true the bonus dungeon has a Claymore?

Um... sorry, what? lol Where did you hear this? There was originally intended to be a Claymore in the game but I'm pretty sure I took it out (I feel like after looking at my custom Item List a hundred times I'd probably remember seeing it). I think another hack might've had a Claymore too and generally speaking I like to keep my (custom/new) weapons unique so I probably won't put it in there. On a somewhat unrelated note I also don't like giving the player a thousand different weapons to choose from since personally when I play games I get hella annoyed when I have so many good choices--I'd rather just make a simple choice that's cool and efficient and be done with it, barring the highly tactical weapons like Munio, the Rifle series, etc.

Some people don't agree with this and I apologize for those unsatisfied with TLP's somewhat bland array of weapons and tomes (and new staves/items takes ASM so >_> the Max Elixir is the only real new item lol I'm not doing anymore ASM hacks besides that one) XP

Ch22 is "defeat boss", but it doesn't always actually end when you defeat the boss. It seems that it won't trigger until Anakin waits on that turn. Also, "defeat boss" chapters really shouldn't have a "Remaining XX" counter (this isn't the only one that does IIRC).

That's... especially weird... o_O I've never had that happen. I could only imagine that at some point in the changes between v1.2 and v1.3 I somehow (no idea how) made it glitch. It should just be a simple DefeatBoss event, I'll have to check it though, thanks for the report. (The enemies left issue is simple and I'm disappointed that it took over 2 months for someone to notice lol)

lol@Eduardo chat

yours is pretty good minus the skill (which is rather typical of him TBH, except it seems like you were doing okay at first and then got screwed after lol)

Speaking of which, Charge wouldn't happen to be a hidden joke about fe5 CHARGE?

Nope, I haven't played FE5 enough/learned enough about it to make obscure references to them lol (in other words, I have no idea what you're talking about lol)

Ok, Lyam really needs to be fixed.


His exp gain is still shitty and he wants those kills to get to +20 AS before the "ether armour" filled lategame hits.




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Something I noticed that should probably be addressed, Reaching the Heavens is slightly flawed. In order for the game to count Shon killing Pellenore, Shon must initiate the attack. If Pellenore attacks and Shon kills him in retaliation, it doesn't count. I noticed it when I played, but just loaded a save state. I'm not sure if you are aware of this.

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I'm actually aware and it's actually intended, it's the guide that's messed up. Which is my fault--I apologize. The guide should say that Shon has to initiate the attack. The reason why is simple: if Shon kills Pellenore in self-defense, it doesn't have the same plot-relevance as him being the one to go ahead and initiate the final blow. I could probably find me discussing this with my betatesters at some point so no one thinks I'm just making this up but I really don't feel like it, so I'll just try to fix the site when I can to make it accurately reflect the requirements.

Again, I apologize, I am a very forgetful person and I always associate "killing" with being an act of instigation, not self-defense, if you get what I mean, so by the time I wrote the guide I had completely forgotten about the technicality

and no, it's not a hacking limitation, I came up with a rather complicated method of having it be able to go both ways, but chose not to do it

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Ahem--so, I don't know why that's happening, but you should definitely be getting them at the start of Chapter 20. If you don't, I do have a possible workaround for it, which involves abusing event ID's to check whether they've been gotten already--and by doing that, I could make it so that if somebody has got them once, they can't get them again. As for "how can you even get them again in the first place?", if you save at battle preps and then reload the game and restart the chapter, you could potentially play the cutscene again and get another copy. Which is why I gave it AFTER the battle preps, as inconvenient as that is for the player (sorry, guys). tl;dr, I hope to get motivated enough to rewrite how it all works and fix it eventually

It turns out that the seal is in Kelik's inventory after the chapter if you don't put him out, and likewise Siegfried gets the ring.

someone suggested that it was a good idea to keep it there to let the player heal their units and make it through the annoying terrain blame Feaw, not me without being bombarded by fliers etc.

Actually it's kinda thematic, so I'll give that one a pass. But yeah variety is always good. I just always like to suggest things and yes, priorities priorities. :) Personally my top priority in terms of actual bugs would be the sound room unlocking stuff, just because music :O (BTW, after you beat the game, the backdrop for the sound room will be random screens from the game credits, which is... kinda weird)

the highly tactical weapons like Munio, the Rifle series, etc.

Some people don't agree with this and I apologize for those unsatisfied with TLP's somewhat bland array of weapons and tomes (and new staves/items takes ASM so >_> the Max Elixir is the only real new item lol I'm not doing anymore ASM hacks besides that one) XP

"Bland" is the last word I'd use, man, there's all kinds of fun stuff in there. I'm really not fond of the low-hitrate weapons (especially Charge - I mean Eduardo has a hard enough time hitting things as it is) but Munio is an awesome concept and I also like Silvans (esp with the sidequest stuff), Sylmeria and Phoenicis conceptually. Arectaris (idk if you were trying to be deliberately Engrishy here? I'd have just said "Arcturus") of course is pretty much vital too. Imperius honestly feels like a major let-down after Arectaris, but then it's really more of a trophy anyway :P

That's... especially weird... o_O I've never had that happen. I could only imagine that at some point in the changes between v1.2 and v1.3 I somehow (no idea how) made it glitch. It should just be a simple DefeatBoss event, I'll have to check it though, thanks for the report. (The enemies left issue is simple and I'm disappointed that it took over 2 months for someone to notice lol)

Yeah events are weird. People will totally test all kinds of weird stuff just to figure out how the events work (e.g. using the mine-glitch to seize without attacking or defeating Liquid) :D

WRT the shops that glitch if you use them too much: my guess is that it happens if you try to put too many items into a shop, the game is probably hard-coded to only allocate enough memory to handle a certain number of items... unfortunately I have no idea what the safe limit is :(

Someone told me there is supposed to be a secret shop in 23x with Warp? But I couldn't find it :( Is there actually supposed to be a Warp staff anywhere (else)?

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It turns out that the seal is in Kelik's inventory after the chapter if you don't put him out, and likewise Siegfried gets the ring.

Okay, that makes sense, but it's a bit confusing so hopefully I find time to make a more practical fix later

Personally my top priority in terms of actual bugs would be the sound room unlocking stuff, just because music :O (BTW, after you beat the game, the backdrop for the sound room will be random screens from the game credits, which is... kinda weird)

Yeah so here's my take on that: the game will only unlock songs that replace songs that were originally in the sound room, for whatever obscure reason. e.g. if I replace song 0x190 and try to put it in the Sound Room, the game doesn't "record" whether that song has been played or not in-game, so even when it SHOULD be unlocked, the game still doesn't think it's been played, and thus kind of always has it locked.

There are two possible solutions to this, I think: 1) hack it so that all the possible songs are checked for, which seems like a mighty task. Also, in terms of efficiency, I feel like this isn't a very viable solution on IS's part, which makes me doubt my little theory

2) make it so that all songs are unlocked to start with. This could go under the category of "spoilers" but hey, at least you'd have them, and I worked damn hard on the Sound Room too, so... I mean I had to figure out the format, make the NMM, repoint everything, and then remake the entire thing from scratch, only for it to say "sorry you can only have like, half my songs"

As for the backdrops, so the game normally uses CG's for that area, but it only uses CG's you've unlocked, IIRC. Two issues with this: one, the only practical way to do credits IMO is to use CG's. Even with all the research I did on dialog backgrounds, they're a MAJOR pain in the butt, but that would be my only non-ASM solution, I think--to transfer all the CGs to dialog backgrounds (which would require me to expand everything and whatnot) and then append it to the end, then remake the Credits accordingly, and finally, make it so that the rest of the CGs are just black screens or something. The only non-Credits CG in the game ATM, if I remember correctly, is the warp thing in chapter 20's opening scene (I think that was it... hey, it's been a while since I've played my hack!) and it'd be a little awkward to have JUST that CG show (especially since the background in the sound room fades out/back in everytime it switches) so I might just transfer that to a dialog bg.

The entire problem with this is, as I said, that it's maybe 5 hours of very boring work that only correct an aesthetic, not a bug. I don't mean to sound lazy, but... no, I should just admit it: I'm feeling hella lazy, so I probably won't do this for a while, as it doesn't affect the gameplay in anyway, and at most all it does is make the player feel a little awkward, IMO. >_>' (Now if this were a professional project, I'd have already spent an all-nighter fixing it XD)

@Arectaris, nah, it's just a straight-up reference to this: http://valkyrieprofile.wikia.com/wiki/Arectaris

A lot of the music used in the game is from Valkyrie Profile and the Arectaris was one of my favorite weapons so I wanted to make a very obscure yet recognizable reference to it (obscure as in, even VP players might not recognize it, but recognizable as in, you kind of either get it or you don't--I didn't even change the spelling). In general I try to avoid Engrish or being too "Japanesey" though I'm not very familiar with the area in general so I often times accidentally do things that might seem like they are references to certain things or something (e.g. "ether" was thought to be "stolen" from Xenoblade, but I literally just went online and spent a few hours looking up terms that would mean "holy energy" or something like that--and without making up my own word, which would probably sound stupid, there weren't really any choices that haven't been used at LEAST once... >_>).

I know Imperius doesn't feel great but there are a couple of reasons for this--first of all, it's a "trophy" as you said; like how a champion boxer would have a medal to show it or something, the Imperius is the symbol of one who has conquered all other swords (which turns out to be the predominant weapon used in the setting, next to lances and anima magic). Plot-wise, it also has a special ability, which at some point into a later patch will play a couple of extra roles both in and outside of gameplay, if that makes sense. I'm trying to minimize spoilers here, but you can probably guess what kind of effect a weapon that dissipates ether would have on a being comprised mostly of ether...

Yeah events are weird. People will totally test all kinds of weird stuff just to figure out how the events work (e.g. using the mine-glitch to seize without attacking or defeating Liquid) :D


WRT the shops that glitch if you use them too much: my guess is that it happens if you try to put too many items into a shop, the game is probably hard-coded to only allocate enough memory to handle a certain number of items... unfortunately I have no idea what the safe limit is :(

Yeah, and I think I have a pretty good guess about that, but the shops don't go over that limit and still like to glitch sometimes. I'll probably do some more research later because if it's an issue that could be solved simply by editing the map to have 2 shops with smaller inventories than just one shop, then I'd probably rather do that. It's one of the few glitches that leaves a more memorable impact on one's experience, I think (at least, it hurt my personal experience when playing the game).

Someone told me there is supposed to be a secret shop in 23x with Warp? But I couldn't find it :( Is there actually supposed to be a Warp staff anywhere (else)?


I do believe that I had a beta-only secret shop there that might've had Warp... I can't actually remember if I put it anywhere else though. I remember I originally held back on Warp staves because I was afraid they'd break certain aspects of the game (e.g. in Chapter 27 I was scared about the potential of warping someone to the throne room and them trying to seize before Galagar got there--that ended up not being an issue due to how I ended up coding it, but it's likely I forgot to go back and reassess the weapon distribution for those staves afterwards).

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Yeah so here's my take on that: the game will only unlock songs that replace songs that were originally in the sound room, for whatever obscure reason. e.g. if I replace song 0x190 and try to put it in the Sound Room, the game doesn't "record" whether that song has been played or not in-game, so even when it SHOULD be unlocked, the game still doesn't think it's been played, and thus kind of always has it locked.

Hmm. IDK if anyone's actually studied how the unlocking works, I would have thought it was built in to the startup of playing a song somewhere (like some code that checks sound room stuff, then sets up the actual sound playing stuff). But maybe it's like super-hax hard-coded all over the place in the game code... that would suck :(

As for the backdrops, so the game normally uses CG's for that area, but it only uses CG's you've unlocked, IIRC. Two issues with this: one, the only practical way to do credits IMO is to use CG's. Even with all the research I did on dialog backgrounds, they're a MAJOR pain in the butt, but that would be my only non-ASM solution, I think--to transfer all the CGs to dialog backgrounds (which would require me to expand everything and whatnot) and then append it to the end, then remake the Credits accordingly, and finally, make it so that the rest of the CGs are just black screens or something.

Yeah someone totally needs to work out something more robust for this. TBH I never really liked the whole "cg in the background" aspect of the FE7 sound room, I think it'd be better to have a separate CG gallery. But now we're talking beyond asm hacks into like brand new programming :P

A lot of the music used in the game is from Valkyrie Profile

Aha, cool, will look it up. And yeah, a gazillion games use "ether" or "aether" so don't sweat it. (Although I will say I cringed at "dark artes"...)

Plot-wise, it also has a special ability, which at some point into a later patch will play a couple of extra roles both in and outside of gameplay, if that makes sense.

Eagerly awaited.

Yeah, and I think I have a pretty good guess about that, but the shops don't go over that limit and still like to glitch sometimes. I'll probably do some more research later because if it's an issue that could be solved simply by editing the map to have 2 shops with smaller inventories than just one shop, then I'd probably rather do that. It's one of the few glitches that leaves a more memorable impact on one's experience, I think (at least, it hurt my personal experience when playing the game).

Well I'll let you know if I ever randomly figure it out :)

(e.g. in Chapter 27 I was scared about the potential of warping someone to the throne room and them trying to seize before Galagar got there--that ended up not being an issue due to how I ended up coding it, but it's likely I forgot to go back and reassess the weapon distribution for those staves afterwards).

In the worst case you could like temporarily block the throne with an invisible enemy, or do some kind of tile change to make the throne into a wall that looks like a throne, or something... idk, Warp breaks stuff, but people *want* to break stuff with Warp, that's what makes it so cool. Yeah I can see how that pulls attention away from all the other cool things you want to show off though. At least there's still Hammerne...

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