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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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For chapter 12, you only need to escape with one unit, so its best IMO to send Althares to the farther chests first, and then have him retreat to the closer ones after, while having Levion ready to escape at any moment. :|

Also, some part 1 units join a bit late and fall behind, so I tried to be generous and give them the option of an HP buff with the Angelic Robe. You should be able to get around +25HP if you do it right; I prefer to evenly distribute it, but you may want to give it to units like Storm or Arthur since they join even later. :|

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Ch 26 rough walkthrough is posted. The chapter was quite long!





Chapter 26: The Battle of Kin[TLPCH26]

Recommended Units/Items:

- High avoid units

- Flyers

- Snipers

- Sources of light (Thief/Assassin w/ Torch, Illuminate Staff)

- Anti-horse weapons

- Physic and Fortify

- Brave, critical, and silver weapons or better

- Reaver weapons

- DEF/RES ignoring weapons (Onigiri, Cleave Axe, Solstice)

My Deployment:

Units that are well leveled:

Anakin 16/20

Kevin 20/12 -> 20

Tamiko 20/17 -> 20

Shon 20/12 -> 18

Storm 20/11 -> 19

Emma 20/13 -> 19

Yue 20/13 -> 20

Units that are underleveled:

Kelik 20/9 -> 18

Ace 20/6 -> 14

Logan 20/7 -> 16

Shuuda 20/1 -> 13

Arthur 20/2 -> 13

Sai 20/6 -> 14

Lirin 20/1 -> 14

Althares 20


Gary 20/17 -> 20/20

My Turn Count: 61

New Units:

- Gary, appears at SW on Turn 10.

Notable Steal Loot:

- Elixir, steal from Level 12 Halberdier

- Elixir, steal from Level 14 Paladin

- Elixir, steal from Level 10 Warrior

- Elixir, steal from Level 16 Druid

Notable Other Loot:

- Alustrona(!), defeat Level 20 Hero (Light Tome for Anakin)

- Elixir, defeat Level 20 General

- Munio(!), defeat Level 17 Druid

- Seal(!), defeat Level 20 Druid

- Elixir, defeat Level 15 Sniper

- Wo Dao, defeat Level 18 Swordmaster

- Leviathan(!), defeat Level 20 Halberdier

- Elixir, defeat Level 18 Sage

- Silver Axe/Silver Bow/Cleave Axe/Elixir, Gary comes with it

- Torch, visit E Village

- Animate Seal, visit W Village

- Hammerne, visit central Village

- White Gem, visit NW village

- Elixir, defeat reinforcement Level 18 Hero at Turn 60.

- Obsidian(!), seize Holten Gate.


- Gary arrives at SW on Turn 10.

- If Alice from Alicia is fielded, allied reinforcements appear

- If Levion or Leopold from Blaine is fielded, allied reinforcements appear

Day Night Cycle:

- Turn 1-11 Bright

- Turn 12-19 Dark

- Turn 20-35 Bright

- Turn 36-43 Dark

- Turn 44-59 Bright

- Turn 60+ Dark

Enemy Reinforcements:

- 3 Paladins from fort near Hero Gate at Turn 2,5,6

- 2 Heros from fort near General Gate at Turn 2,5,6

- 1 Sage from fort near E Village at Turn 7,8,9,12,13,14

- 1 Bishop from slightly south fort near E village at Turn 12,14

- 1 Druid from fort near Munio Druids at Turn 12,14

- 2 Paladins from fort near Druid Gate at Turn 13,17,19,22,25

- 2 Swordmasters from fort near Druid Gate at Turn 20,23,26

- 5 Paladins from Holten Gate at Turns 18,28,38,48

- 3 Warrior and 2 Sniper from Holten Gate at Turn 31,41,51

- 1 Druid, 2 Sages, and 2 Valkyrie from Holten Gate at Turn 34,44,54

- 3 Hero, 2 Halberdier from Holten Gate at Turn 60

Boss: Holten Level 20 Reaper Knight - WILL CHARGE

68 HP – 28+2 STR – 28 SKL – 28 SPD – 20 LUCK – 25 DEF – 24 RES

Items: Shadow Sword, Obsidian (a very powerful Axe), Elixir

Early Game:

Before we start, position your units to have as much people able to attack on Turn 1 as possible. If trying to steal, position a mounted unit ready to rescue the Thief after stealing. Remember to take your time on this stage and don't rush it. There is a whooping 72 Turns for this chapter! This is also a good chapter to level up your weaker units.

Turn 1 – If trying to steal, move a thief to 1S2E of Anakin, and then have Anakin move to a forest square then motivate the Thief to steal. Rescue the thief with a mounted unit afterwards then

drop the thief and have the thief ready to steal next turn. Use a non-Hero, non-main character, Hand Axe user and move it to the forest 2N of the Spear Halberdier then attack, it will be used to lure the two eastern Paladins next turn. The unit used to lure the two eastern Paladins might take 3 hits, but it is very unlikely to due forest and weapon triangle bonus.

Have about 2-3 units move toward General Gate and the rest of your units toward Hero Gate. Defeat the Silver Lance Halberdier on the fort and watch out for Killing Edge Swordmaster.

Turn 2 – 3 Paladins and 2 Heros will spawn out of the forts and Valkyrie will charge. Steal from the Paladin if you feel safe. Otherwise, don't do it since it is just an

Elixir. On the west side, move a tanky Lance unit to a forest square the center reinforcement Paladin and have it lure both the Halberdier and Swordmaster next time.

The tanky unit might die from Swordmaster criticals if you are unlucky, but that is still highly unlikly. Try your best to defeat as many Paladins as possible. The right reinforment Paladin is the

safest to attack, the middle reinforcement Paladin might require attack + rescue tactics, the left reinforcement Paladin can be safely attacked from the forest square 1S of it, as well as all squares N of it.

Have the eastern forces defeat the two Paladins that just attacked unit used to lure them. For all units, be careful of the Gate Hero, Gate General, and Swordmaster w/ Killing Edge.

Turn 3 – Defeat everything except for Gate Hero, Gate General, and Spear Halberdier because these units don't move so you can just move out of their range. Be careful of the Valkyrie.

Turn 4 – Same reinforcements spawn, but you should be in a better position to deal with them than last time. Keep avoiding the Gate Hero and General if you want, otherwise

attempt to defeat them. Focus attacking the reinforcement Paladins, reinforcement Heros, and Valkyrie. If your units are moving south, be careful of the Ballista and Ray Bishop.

Remember always to deal with reinforcements first, then go for other units. Since there is a massive 72 Turn Count, mind as well take advantage of it and gain more exp.

Once both Hero Gate and General Gate are conquered, start moving your entire army south. There is a ballista Sniper and Ray Bishop ready to abmush you slightly south, it is

recommended to tank both with a tanky unit before advancing. Alternatively, you can try to defeat Ballista Sniper and Ray Bishop by using a Flyer w/ Delphi Shield or use long range

magic. If you have a Sniper, you can use a Flyer and move it to a ballista. When the Ballista Sniper's & Ray Bishop's weapons break or are both defeated, start moving forward.

At Turn 10, Gary arrives at the SW corner of the map. Gary comes with incredible stats like 30 LUCK! But because Gary is too far from most of your forces, park Gary on a mountain.

By Turn 12, it will be dark. When it is dark, it is best to lead with a Thief/Assasin w/ Torch or Illuminate Staff, then rescue the Thief/Assassin or Staff user if it will be under

attack. Better safe than sorry! On the way south, watch out for the Thunderbolt Sage and Heroslayer General. High RES in forests, mountains, and forts are very effective here. The two Munio Druids won't move and have extremely high LUCK, DEF, and RES. I recommend high MT Weapons (such as Aura, Alustrona, Silvas,

and Silver+ weapons) or DEF/RES ignoring weapons such as (Onigiri, Cleave Axe, and Solstice) with motivate. When fighting the Munio Druids, watch out for the Sonic Shot Sniper that is

near them. Feel free to stockup on anything on the nearby shops, Pure Water and Torch might be good buys, as well as Recover Staffs and anything else you want to spend.

Remember to always lead with a light source in the dark. Failure to do so is very dangerous. Nearing the Druid Gate, it is recommended to stay 13 squares

away from it if you want to get Seal. To obtain Seal, first wait until it is bright and preferably when reinforcements are over, then motivate a strong preferably high def unit with a high

critical weapon and have it fight the Druid, this should make the Druid use his Solstice Tome rather than Seal. Don't forget you can use Physic/Fortify to heal units from far away. A Restore

Staff might be handy here if your units happened to be Sealed. Attack then rescue/motivate tactics are very helpful here if Seal's range looks pretty scary. If you don't want

Seal, just charge in like normal. By around Turn 20, a group of Paladins would be coming for Gary. Just park Gary in a mountain and he'll dodge/annihilate everything.

Nearing the Druid Gate, watch out for the Valkyrie w/ Thunder and Physic, Warrior with Killer Axe, and Halberdier with Leviathan, an S class Lance. Take your time with this stage.

When nearing Holten Gate, watch out for the massive amounts of the units that spawn, the Drizzle Halberdier, Luxus Sniper, Elfire Valkyrie, Nosferatu Druid, Brave Axe Warrior. Most importantly, watch out for Holten himself! Holten has a massive 10 movement (though he is slowly by forests as any other Cavalier) and he will charge! Most slow units will get doubled by Holten and instantly turned into pixels. It is recommended to wait till it is Bright before attacking Holten. It is also recommended to lure Holten on a turn in which reinforcements won't be there to help out Holten. To defeat Holten, use a fast and tanky unit like Gary to lure Holten. Lure Holten with ea Swordreaver/slayer or Lance if you want Holten to use his axe, and lure Holten's at his max range if you want Holten to use his sword. If Holten is using his sword, he is slightly faster (+1 AS over Axe), has a ranged attack, but does less damage. If Holten is using his Axe, he is slightly slower (-1 AS over Sword), has no ranged attacked, but hits incredibly hard. For both methods, it is recommended to defeat Holten in 1 turn or you might suffer casulaties.

When Holten is defeated, slowly inch your way toward the final Gate. If it's dark, lead with Thief/Assasin w/ Torch or Illuminate Staff. Strong tanky units such as Gary in a forest is very effective in baiting enemies.

Slowly inch your way toward the final gate. If you want extra exp, heal up and defeat all the reinforcements. Seize the Gate within 72 Turns.

@ Blazing_Soul and Burning Gravity: Thanks for the info. I added the info to the walkthrough.

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^^Haha looking forward to it

@Tut there's a secret shop SOMEWHERE on that map

not sure where, but check near the other two shops I think

... also I should probably mention now that there's a secret shop somewhere near the starting place of 27 in a corner

in general I put them in obscure corners and don't give any real hints besides the fact that any suspicious corner is fair game and I follow that pattern so yeah lol

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I have a question: Is it normal for Galagar to have 200 Avoid?

Alas, yes. Have fun trying to hold out against his onslaught of pain on your way up the map!

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Yes I know the story's mediocre at best but at least pay a little attention

He's been nerfed quite a bit though, IIRC his strength and skill were decreased by 5 and his critical bonus was removed so now he's relatively easy :| props to everyone who beat him on the real version XD

In other news I just made a lengthy post on the blog at http://www.thelastpromise.net

but since not everyone checks there I'll just repost the screenshots here and if you want to read up on progress on the post-game and its various features etc. hit up the blog






(For those who don't know anything, the basic idea is that you play through various "Stars", which are essentially skirmishes of your units against characters from the main game, and any characters you defeat join your party, minus generic enemies and the Final Boss of the Astral Rift [the name for all the battle stars]--the Astral Rift itself exists in "The Constellation", the name for the space-themed post-game. It includes other features like... well, can't spoil too much, but a normal arena, a 1 vs. 200 man battle in the "Galaxy Arena", and various other "resources" to help you succeed, with each Star having a nice difficulty jump as to challenge the player and/or force them to train through one of the various available methods. :P)

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Oh, that sure looks great !

Well, I'm still far from the end...

Just one thing... Ch16 doesn't have victory music.

That's not a problem, since I preferthe chapter music, anyway, but I thought I should notice it...

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Ch16 doesn't have victory music.

By "victory music" do you mean when there's a cutscene or when there's a certain amount of enemies left? If it's the latter, I sometimes set the relevant value to "0", meaning that the song won't play unless you've already defeated all the enemies, if that's what you mean, but if you like, mean something else, let me know. (Regardless of whatever you mean/meant, thanks)

@Ol Nuge

while I also feel that the hack is losing some of its best moments/signature challenges by having so much nerfing (and in some cases, it's just balance), I think I ultimately feel like I've already played the hack at the difficulty level that I want enjoy, so if I have to make it easier to make others enjoy it a little more (as opposed to them putting the game down because they didn't want to or simply couldn't overcome the hump), that's okay, because it's not really affecting my enjoyment much as I've already enjoyed the hack the way I want to... if that makes sense--and it's ultimately just balance changes, it's not like it destroys the story or my hard work if I shift values a bit. Plus assuming I make hard mode I can always play that and then yell at myself for making such a severely imbalanced hard version of the game XD

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By "victory music" do you mean when there's a cutscene or when there's a certain amount of enemies left? If it's the latter, I sometimes set the relevant value to "0", meaning that the song won't play unless you've already defeated all the enemies, if that's what you mean, but if you like, mean something else, let me know. (Regardless of whatever you mean/meant, thanks)

The music stay the same, even after every ennemies is defeated. That doesn't change a lot to the game experience,

and in fact, that add a little foreshadowing for the end of the chapter.

I wonder if it's linked...

Anyway, I'm not a fan of extremely high difficulty, so until now the difficulty is perfect for me.

I played Tactics Universe back then until Chapter 14/15, so I'm beginning the really different experience now...

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@Ol Nuge

while I also feel that the hack is losing some of its best moments/signature challenges by having so much nerfing (and in some cases, it's just balance), I think I ultimately feel like I've already played the hack at the difficulty level that I want enjoy, so if I have to make it easier to make others enjoy it a little more (as opposed to them putting the game down because they didn't want to or simply couldn't overcome the hump), that's okay, because it's not really affecting my enjoyment much as I've already enjoyed the hack the way I want to... if that makes sense--and it's ultimately just balance changes, it's not like it destroys the story or my hard work if I shift values a bit. Plus assuming I make hard mode I can always play that and then yell at myself for making such a severely imbalanced hard version of the game XD

Yes this is true. It's not like we can't keep the older more difficult versions of the hack. How unbalanced/difficult are you talking about for a potential harder difficulty?

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(For those who don't know anything, the basic idea is that you play through various "Stars", which are essentially skirmishes of your units against characters from the main game, and any characters you defeat join your party, minus generic enemies and the Final Boss of the Astral Rift [the name for all the battle stars]--the Astral Rift itself exists in "The Constellation", the name for the space-themed post-game. It includes other features like... well, can't spoil too much, but a normal arena, a 1 vs. 200 man battle in the "Galaxy Arena", and various other "resources" to help you succeed, with each Star having a nice difficulty jump as to challenge the player and/or force them to train through one of the various available methods. :P)

You know, this is sounding more and more like the Seraphic Gate in VP: Covenant of the Plume.

Just a bonus dungeon, but good lord, are we gonna spend much more time playing it than the actual storyline. With all these new characters, challenges, training places and unique stuffz to grab... I doubt it's going to be over in a just few hours.

At least, that's how it looks like so far. unsure.gif

You did say that nothing would carry over from the main game, am I right?

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In the meantime, before whenever you release the new patch with hard mode, you should release the origional/least buggy old release and dub it retro, or some such. Just so it's available. Once I beat this on the current version, I'd love a go at the increased difficulty

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lol no

The idea is to avoid him while you take out the other units. Also he warps himself in a set pattern, on a set schedule... you can't block his warp destination, but you do end up knowing what he's going to do. Since he warps at the beginning of enemy phase, you can move towards him on the turn that he's going to warp and he won't attack you because he warps away first.

Anyway, you exploit that to work out a safe rush up the right side to where the NPCs appear (you did give Boots to Kelik I hope). Once you've made enough progress through the level, Galagar aborts his warping schedule, returns to his throne (and doesn't move any more) and his Avoid drops to a more manageable 100. Basically on the first couple of turns you need to concentrate on getting rid of the enemies in the front of the map (they are aggro and you really don't want them to pick a target) and the siege tome users (you could tank them I guess but that's tricky to get right, they're pretty strong).

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The difficulty of hard mode is intended to be "challenging in a more strategic way" whereas chaos mode is intended to be "challenging by overpowering enemies and putting the player at terrible odds" (as the name "chaos" would imply). Easy mode is meant to do the opposite of hard mode and put the odds in favor of the player.

@Music what you're thinking is probably true; there's a "hidden enemy" on the field that you meet after the chapter ^^

The Seeaphic gate was part of my inspiration - and no, nothing carries over. The dungeon will probably take about a dozen hours at most, which shouldn't be as long as the main game, because its rather lacking in story, cutscenes, etc. and many of the maps are relatively short (though the Galaxy Arena took me about 2 hours to best my first time, IIRC).

@Randombobman hard mode should suffice as I'll likely be doing things like rebuffing bosses and enemies and giving them better inventories and whatnot.

@FlowyS good luck lol, even with support bonuses (which haven't been implemented yet) it shouldn't be possible XP

Zahlman pretty much summed it up, you may have to restart the chapter once if you don't figure out his pattern quickly, but IMO it's normal to have to restart games/reload saves sometimes... In games like Ys I have to do it dozens of times before I am able to adjust my gameplay to beat bosses XP

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On Ch 27, I noticed that Rachel is so weak and joins late. Does she have good growths? Or is she destined to be a weak unit forever?

Also, did my eye deceive me or did Galagar summon additonal reinforcements if Rachel and Frederick are alive?

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-absolutely hates when people mention that Rachel is weak-

let me just say this

do you REALLY expect a girl who has never fought in a real battle before to come in and have amazing stats just because it's "late-game"? Do you really expect the noble girl of a Senator, presumably raised like a princess due to her social status, to be able to wreck Magnus' Imperial Army? doesn't it even cross your mind that it'd be bullshit for that to happen?

fucking realism people, it might be a video game but only so much bullshit can slide, and when people start complaining that there's not enough bullshit that just irks the hell out of me

I honestly should have made her a level 1 sniper with crap stats and crap growths but I actually made her a decent character who can actually do damage against the enemies and that in itself is enough bull**** as it is

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On Ch 27, I noticed that Rachel is so weak and joins late. Does she have good growths? Or is she destined to be a weak unit forever?

Also, did my eye deceive me or did Galagar summon additional reinforcements if Rachel and Frederick are alive?

I hate to break it to you, but from what I saw using Nightmare modules before Blazer encrypted them, Rachel's growth rates are little better than what Louise had in Blazing Sword, minus luck, which is about 15 points higher.) This combined with the fact that her base stats are absolutely atrocious for this point in the game(like are you fucking kidding me? 15str/17AS offenses against enemies with 15-18AS and non magic units having HP in the 50s with defense in the mid to high 10s coupled with concrete durability that gets her 2RKO'd at worst by every enemy on the map?) means that Rachel is a possible candidate for worst unit in TLP(Honestly, the only unit that can claim to be worse than her is Sai.)

Also, what? Galagar summons those reinforcements if you get close to the throne room. Frederick and Rachel have just about nothing to do with them.

EDIT: AS Blazer said, there is a reason for why her bases and growths are mediocre. Do you honestly think that a girl who was presumably raised like a princess and kept sheltered all her life is going to have good combat? I don't think so.

Edited by Vanguard James
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