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Best characters for their respected classes


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Ok, post who you think are the best characters of the series for their classes. I haven't played any FE before FE6 so I will not be including those characters in my decisions....

I'll start with the easy ones...

Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Dragon rider: FE10 Haar

Hero: Ike, if he counts. If not, Raven

Sage: Hugh

Theif: FE10 Volke

General: FE10 Gatrie

Priest: ??

Valkyrie: Clarine

Warrior: FE9, 10 Boyd

Beserker: Gonzolas

Nomad: ???

Peg knight: FE10 Elincia

Paladin: FE9 Oscar

Swordmaster: FE10 Mia

Mamkute: Fa

Dark mage: Knoll

I probably missed a bunch of classes, I didn't take the time to look and make sure I included them all.

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I'll post my own opinions then.

Hero: Gerik or Raven

Swordmaster: FE9 Zihark

Warrior: FE10 Boyd

Berserker: FE11 Barst (Because honestly... why would he be anything but a Berserker).

Halberdier: FE9 Nephenee

General: FE10 Gatrie

Paladin: FE9 Oscar

Wyvern: FE10 Haar

Peg Knight: FE11 Katria

Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Nomad: FE9 Astrid (she counts, IMO)

Sage: Levin

Druid: Pelleas

Summoner: Knoll

Bishop: Lucius

Valkyrie: Clarine

Theif: Matthew

Mamkute: Couldn't care less... but my vote goes to Nagi.

Dancer/Bard/Heron/Potato: FE10 Reyson

Cat: Lethe (they all suck, but atleast she's nice fanservice)

Tiger: FE9 Mordecai

Lion: FE9 Giffca (royal), Skrimir (non-royal)

Hawk: Tibarn (royal), Ulki (non-royal)

Raven: Naesala (Royal), the rest suck (non-royal)

Wolf: What's her name (royal), Volug (non-royal)

Dragon: FE9 Nasir

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It's hard to compare characters of different games, but I have some objections.

Thief: Volke's availability isn't very good and he comes at a point where the rest of the team is very good. FE10 Sothe is better than him, as are Matthew and Colm.

Priest: I'd go with Moulder here.

Warrior: Not sure why you have 9,10 here, I think FE9 Boyd is the best candidate.

Nomad: Probably Shin.

Peg Knight: I'd say Vanessa> Elincia, since Vanessa doesn't have availability issues.

Paladin: Oscar isn't as good as Titania in FE9. It's between Titania and Seth IMO.

Swordmaster: FE10 Mia is acceptable, though this is a very debatable category. I'd go with Rutger myself.

Dark Mage: Knoll is trash. Ray/Niime/Canas is a pretty good contest though.

I agree with your other choices.

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All below is strictly my opinion just based on my playing, without necessarily looking up statistics. I can't say I want anyone to nitpick my picks.

Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Dragon rider: FE10 Haar

Hero: FE4 Skasaher if he counts, FE6 Dieck otherwise.

Sage: FE4/FE5 Sety

Thief: I don't have an opinion. The only thing I can really remember that's exceptional about one is that FE4's Dew is an excellent father. In terms of usefulness/combat, I suppose FE7's Matthew.

General: FE7 Oswin

Priest: FE7 Lucius if he counts.

Valkyrie: FE7 Priscilla

Warrior: FE9 Boyd

Berserker: FE6 Gonzolas

Nomad: FE4 Lester, for being able to hit and run against the many flying enemies of the game.

Peg knight: FE3 Kachua

Paladin: FE4 Sigurd if he counts, FE4 Aless if not.

Swordmaster: FE4 Ayra

Mamkute: FE3 Book 2's Chiki

Dark mage: I have no opinion.

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Oh my GOD.

/thread where nobody seemed to play the NES games. SHANAN, SIGURD, ALESS, PAHN, FE3 CATUA-

Okay well Saint sort of got it right.


and lol at Hugh being best Sage.

EDIT: Oh wow, late response = lol

And the best Dark magic user is probably Canas.

Edited by Merlinus the Jew
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You forgot the 'S'.

I'll edit this post later, or post what I think later. And how can one General be the best if all of them are the best?

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You forgot the 'S'.

I'll edit this post later, or post what I think later. And how can one General be the best if all of them are the best?










lolDraug Book 2










*Gasps for Air*

FUCKIN A. Okay so we have Gatrie or Lex.

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Sage: Levin/Sety

Mage Knight: Arthur.

Paladin: Sirius.

Swordmaster: Shanan.

Warrior: Dagda/Boyd.

General: Sedgar.

Dark Mage: Salem.

Lord: Sigurd.

Hero: Barst/Othin/Halvan.

Bishop: Artur or Moulder... don`t care much.

Dragon Knight: Book 2 Paola.

Berserker: Gonzales.

Sniper: Shinon.

Thief: Pahn.

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Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Dragon rider: FE10 Haar

Hero: Ike, if he counts. If not, Dieck.

Sage: Soren

Theif: Pahn

Assassin: Volke

General: FE10 Gatrie

Priest: Moulder

Valkyrie: L'Arachel

Warrior: Nolan

Beserker: Dorcas Largo

Nomad: Shin

Peg knight: Katua

Paladin: FE9 Oscar

Swordmaster: FE10 Mia

Mamkute: Fa

Dark mage: Ewan

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I'm really just going off of personal preference (read: blatant favoritism).

Sniper: WilBriggid

Dragon rider: Zeiss :unsure:

Hero: Dieck

Sage: Ewan

Theif: Dew

Assassin: Legault

General: Douglas (no ones got anything on that beard).

Priest: Saul

Valkyrie: Priscilla

Warrior: Never bothered to promote one?

Beserker: Gonzales

Nomad: Shin

Peg knight: Tanith

Paladin: Lowen

Swordmaster: Edward

Mamkute: Fa

Dark mage: Ray

FE6 bias? Where?

Edited by satanKILLEDjesse
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Note: I'm using FE8 names for this, so don't bitch about "bt Sheenan iz nut Sneepar". Also, I haven't played FE1, 2 or 9, so I may miss out people from those games.

Dancer/Heron: FE10 Reyson

Paladin: Seth

Great Knight: Duessel

General: FE10 Gatrie

Hero: Raven/Skasaher

Swordmaster: Shanan

Rogue/Assassin: Colm

Sniper: FE10 Shinon/Faval

Nmd Trooper: Shin

Wyvern Rider: FE10 Haar

Sage: Levin/Sety

Mage Knight: Lute

Bishop: Lucius

Druid: Ray

Summoner: Knoll

Manakete: Fa

Warrior: Nolan

Berserker: Dart

Falcoknight: Vanessa

Valkyrie: Priscilla

Tell me if I missed anythin.

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From personal experience in FE7, 8, 9.

HERO: Gerik, followed painfully closely by Raven.


SNIPER: 3-13 guy I mean, uh...Louise if you don't normally support much. Innes otherwise.(Archers are painful as hell to train from level 1.)

THIEF DERIVATIVES: Colm as Rogue. Jaffar's probably best Assassin, but I prefer Legault.

SWORDMASTER: Zihark, followed painfully closely by Joshua.

WARRIOR: Ross, because the only other Warrior I've ever used was 10/1 Dorcas (died the moment he got promoted, to some Wyverns.)


SAGE: Pent.

BISH: Lucius.

DRUID: Canas.

HEALER: Priscilla, because the alternatives suck. Or Rhys, because of BEXP.


FALCONKNIGHT: Tanith for Reinforce. Fiora for actually breaking some heads herself.

PALADIN: Titania or Seth.

GK: Forde.

General: No.

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I've only played 9 and 10, but I'll give it a shot.

Swordmaster: Well, Ike if he counts, otherwise I'll go with FE9 Zihark

Warrior: Tossup between FE9 Boyd and FE10 Nolan. I'll go with Nolan on the basis of how much he helps the DB compared to how much Boyd helps in FE9.

Halberdier: Tossup between FE9 Neph and FE10 Neph. I'll go with FE10 Neph on skill versatility, though her part 2 isn't the greatest (then again, Neph doesn't shine in FE9 for a few chapters after getting her either)

Paladin: FE9 Titania, due to early game versatility

Sage: FE9 Soren

Cat: ??? Perhaps FE9 Ranulf or FE9 Lethe? I don't know...

Tiger: FE10 Mordecai. Broken Defense that gets better.

Lion: All qualify

Hawk: Tibarn, obviously, then probably FE10 Janaff?

Raven: Naesala (duh). Neither non-royal Raven is good, but Vika has more utility in part 1 than Nealuchi has in Part 2, and both stink in part 4. She gets the edge

Berserker: I'll let you figure this one out

General: FE10 Gatrie, followed by FE9 Gatrie + KW

Pegasus Knight: FE9 Tanith for Reinforce, FE10 Marcia for battle utility

Wyvern Rider: FE10 Haar, then FE9 Jill

Sniper: FE10 Shinon, then FE10 Rolf.

Bishop: FE9 Rhys

Valkyrie: I think you can figure this one out.

Thief: FE9 Volke

Heron: FE9 Reyson

Dragon: I honestly don't know? Maybe a tossup between FE9 Nasir and FE10 Nasir?

Edited by Randomly Predictable
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Lord: Sigurd

Paladin: Seth/FE9 Titania

General: FE10 Gatrie

Halberdier/Sentinel: Nephenee

GK: Duessel/Kyle (Route)

Mage Knight: Lute

Sage: Not sure

Druid: Canas

Bishop: Moulder

Warrior: FE9 Boyd

Berserker: Dart?

Valkyries: Priscilla.

Ranger/Nomadic Trouper: Gerik

Hero: Dieck. Any other answer is just wrong. Except maybe Ike.

Swordmaster: Tough. FE4 has a ton of uber ones, Rutger's great, Mia's great...

Sniper: Shinon. FE10

Thief: Colm. But not by much.

Wyvern Rider/Lord/etc.: FE10 Haar.

Falcoknight: Book 2 Paola

Axe Knight: Lex

Lance Knight: FE9 Oscar

Sword Knight: Not sure

Bow Knight: FE9 Astrid

Dragon: Fa

Think that's all of them.

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Here's my opinion on this...

Lord: Sigurd

Sniper: FE10!Shinon

Dragon Master: FE!10Haar/Altenna

Hero: Ike/Deke/Skasaher

Sage: Levin/Sety

Thief: FE10!Sothe

General: Oswin/FE10!Gatrie

Bishop: Lucius

Valkyrie: Priscilla

Warrior: FE9!Boyd

Beserker: Gonzales

Nomadic Trooper/Ranger/Arch Knight/Horseman: Shin

Free Knight: FE4!Delmud

Great Knight: Lex

Duke Knight: Finn

Falcon Knight: Fee

Paladin: Alexander the Black Knight

Swordmaster: Shanan

Mage Knight: Arthur

Mage Fighter: Tinny

Manakete: Fae

Dark mage: Canas

Cat Laguz: FE9!Ranulf

Tiger Laguz: FE10!Mordecai

Hawk Laguz: FE10!Tibarn

Raven Laguz: FE10!Naesala

Lion Laguz: FE10!Caineghis

Dragon Laguz: ??? (A tossup between FE9!Nasir and FE10!Kurthnaga IMO)

Dancer/Bard/Heron: Reyson

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I've only played Fe6 and beyond.

Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Wyvern Lord: FE10 Haar

Hero: Raven

Sage: Pent

Thief: FE10 Sothe

General: Oswin

Priest: Moulder

Valkyrie: Priscilla

Warrior: FE9 Boyd

Beserker: Gonzales

Nomad: FE9 Atrid (She counts)

Peg knight: FE9 Tanith

Paladin: Seth

Swordmaster: Rutger

Manakete: Myrrh

Shaman: Ray

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And OliverXRenning, that post of yours naming almost every single general, you forgot to say "lolHorace, lolRoger, mehDolph, lolMacellan, lolArden, mehHannibal" and replace "Lex" with "Oswin". Also, I'd probably say "mehTauroneo" instead of "lolTauroneo".

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Only played FE6 and beyond.

Thief: Colm

General: Hmm... FE10 Gatrie or Oswin... I guess I'll choose FE10 Gatrie.

Priest: ...I don't give a damn about male healers.

Cleric: Natasha

Dark mage: Hahahaha. As if ANY of them are "good". On a more serious note: Empty Slot.

Warrior: Nolan

Berserker: Another class I find myself unable to care about...

Mage Knight: Lute.

Sniper: FE10 Shinon

Paladin: FE9 Astrid

Hero: Gerik.

Great Knight: And another class I don't give a damn about...

...I'll finish this later.

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I'm listing the lowest classes, but I am referring to the entire group of classes. (EX: Theif would include Theif, Rough, Assassin, Whisper, etc)

Lord- FE11 Ike

Theif-FE10 Sothe

Myrmidon- FE10 Edward

Mercenary- FE3 Navarre

Knight- FE11 Draug

Cavalier- FE8 Franz

Soldier: FE10 Aran

Wyvern Rider- FE8 Cormag

Pegasus Knight- FE10 Elincia

Fighter- FE11 Cord

Brigand- FE6 Gonzales

Archer- FE10 Shinon

Nomad- FE6 Sue

Mage- FE11 Merric

Dark Mage: FE6 Ray

Cleric/Curate- FE11 Rena

Troubadour- FE6 Clarine

Cat-FE11 Ranulf

Tiger-FE11 Mordecai

Lion-FE11 Skimir

Hawk- FE11 Tibarn

Raven-FE11 Naselea

Dragon- FE8 Myrrh

Dancer/Heron- Reyson

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I'm listing the lowest classes, but I am referring to the entire group of classes. (EX: Theif would include Theif, Rough, Assassin, Whisper, etc)

Lord- FE11 Ike

Theif-FE10 Sothe

Myrmidon- FE10 Edward

Mercenary- FE3 Navarre

Knight- FE11 Draug

Cavalier- FE8 Franz

Soldier: FE10 Aran

Wyvern Rider- FE8 Cormag

Pegasus Knight- FE10 Elincia

Fighter- FE11 Cord

Brigand- FE6 Gonzales

Archer- FE10 Shinon

Nomad- FE6 Sue

Mage- FE11 Merric

Dark Mage: FE6 Ray

Cleric/Curate- FE11 Rena

Troubadour- FE6 Clarine

Cat-FE11 Ranulf

Tiger-FE11 Mordecai

Lion-FE11 Skimir

Hawk- FE11 Tibarn

Raven-FE11 Naselea

Dragon- FE8 Myrrh

Dancer/Heron- Reyson

Ike, Ranulfe, Mordy, Skrimir, Tibarn, and Naesala aren't in Shadow Dragon/FE11. I'm guessing that was a mistake and that you meant FE10?

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After rethinking some things:

Sage: FE9 Soren(TBH I never used Hugh, I just looked at his base defence and was like, whoa!)

Nomad: FE9 Astrid

Bishop: Lucius

Paladin: FE9 Oscar is still better than FE9 Titania in my opinion. Oscar wins in the more important stats, while

Titania really only wins in luck and Res, maybe skill but oscar will probably catch up to that.

Warrior: Boyd seemed pretty beast in both games, but yeah, I think he is better in FE9

Dark magic: Pelleas

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FE10 Shinon for Sniper seems almost unanimous...
May as well be fact, so is Levin/Sety being the best Sages but of course there`s going to be different votes on that since they`re in an SNES FE.

Lol @ Pelleas.

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