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Tier List: Class version

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Seriously, Chancellor below Cat Laguz. Why a useless class is Mid Tier in this list is beyond me.

The only question I have you, Narga, is this: why make a "class tier list" which does the exact same thing as the regular tier list except tell me even less information than the regular tier list, which is pretty close to nothing already?

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Seriously, Chancellor below Cat Laguz. Why a useless class is Mid Tier in this list is beyond me.

The only question I have you, Narga, is this: why make a "class tier list" which does the exact same thing as the regular tier list except tell me even less information than the regular tier list, which is pretty close to nothing already?

Because it's fun (to me)?

I'll give you this, most people likely find this pointless and !fun, so there is no reason for this as far as most people are concerned. I don't really have much of an explanation for why this is meaningful. The only thing that I can come up with is that it summarizes the normal tier list in terms of how well the classes did over the game. Basically, it lists how "good" I.S. made each class. Not in a caps, movement, etc. manner, but in a "what actually happens in game" manner.

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Seriously, Chancellor below Cat Laguz. Why a useless class is Mid Tier in this list is beyond me.

The only question I have you, Narga, is this: why make a "class tier list" which does the exact same thing as the regular tier list except tell me even less information than the regular tier list, which is pretty close to nothing already?

Because it's fun (to me)?

I'll give you this, most people likely find this pointless and !fun, so there is no reason for this as far as most people are concerned. I don't really have much of an explanation for why this is meaningful. The only thing that I can come up with is that it summarizes the normal tier list in terms of how well the classes did over the game. Basically, it lists how "good" I.S. made each class. Not in a caps, movement, etc. manner, but in a "what actually happens in game" manner.

If you think that "what actually happens in game" is more important than "caps, movement, etc.", why should we even bother to group all the Swordmasters together, when they aren't even that similiar (Edward is an Est, Zihark is prized for his great dodge, Mia is prized for her doubling, Lucia is useful in one chapter then underwhelming, Stefan is a filler unit)? The only thing that puts these characters in common is their class. So why should we bother to judge the class as a whole, when aside from the 'caps, movement, etc.' they share nothing in common?

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Seriously, Chancellor below Cat Laguz. Why a useless class is Mid Tier in this list is beyond me.

Well, based on raw stats alone, Lehran is actually one of the best characters in this game. Though whether having poor availability makes that < cat laguz i dunno.

Oh, and Marksman should drop to just above Sentinel. Danved is why Sentinel shouldn't be above Marksman. Marshall could maybe then go above Marksman, but Meg really hurts the class.

I agree, But I think Gatrie + Brom + Taur - Meg > Nephenee + Aran - Devdan. Bigger numbers helps (4 units can always do more than 3)

Any thoughts on:

Saint < All archsages (even the dark archsage) as all the archsages have healing, but they all have better caps anyway, and thunder for dragons. Cat laguz < dark archsage. No healing, for starters, not as good against dragons etcetera.
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Any thoughts on:

Saint < All archsages (even the dark archsage) as all the archsages have healing, but they all have better caps anyway, and thunder for dragons. Cat laguz < dark archsage. No healing, for starters, not as good against dragons etcetera.

Saints heal in 2nd tier, while all Sages do is suck in combat there. The main advantage of anima over light is pretty much cancelled out by the fact that you only get to use anima against Laguz for like, 2 chapters. The healing that Saints do in Part 1, 3 and 4 >>> slightly better caps in Endgame and anima for 2 chapters. Even with Oliver's fail, Rhys and Laura do enough to make up for it.

As for cats vs Dark, the only Dark guy is Pelleas. Pelleas won't have healing until partway through 4-5, and we already have Bastian/Elincia to heal in that chapter and Elincia/Micaiah in Endgame. In addition, they have Rend so they ORKO Dragons most of the time, except that since they do this against everything and not just Dragons, it's better than Thunder. And they can actually use it to kill Whites.

Edit: Oh, and it turns out that there's this "Part 2 and 3" thing where Cats exist but Pelleas doesn't. So I guess they definitely win.

Edited by Anouleth
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Seriously, Chancellor below Cat Laguz. Why a useless class is Mid Tier in this list is beyond me.

The only question I have you, Narga, is this: why make a "class tier list" which does the exact same thing as the regular tier list except tell me even less information than the regular tier list, which is pretty close to nothing already?

Because it's fun (to me)?

I'll give you this, most people likely find this pointless and !fun, so there is no reason for this as far as most people are concerned. I don't really have much of an explanation for why this is meaningful. The only thing that I can come up with is that it summarizes the normal tier list in terms of how well the classes did over the game. Basically, it lists how "good" I.S. made each class. Not in a caps, movement, etc. manner, but in a "what actually happens in game" manner.

If you think that "what actually happens in game" is more important than "caps, movement, etc.", why should we even bother to group all the Swordmasters together, when they aren't even that similiar (Edward is an Est, Zihark is prized for his great dodge, Mia is prized for her doubling, Lucia is useful in one chapter then underwhelming, Stefan is a filler unit)? The only thing that puts these characters in common is their class. So why should we bother to judge the class as a whole, when aside from the 'caps, movement, etc.' they share nothing in common?

Because they do have class in common. If I'm wanting to see how "good" I.S. made "Myrms/Swordmasters/Trueblades" in this game overall relative to the other classes, this type of list is a good idea. Like I said, others may find it pointless, but I get some small amount of joy from participating in this.

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Why are you debating classes by the characters in them?

Marksmen = Epic pwn. 1-3 range, awesome mastery, great caps, Whats not to love?

The growths and bases of most of their representatives as well as the fact that they are locked to 2 or 3 range for the vast majority of the game if they want to dish out respectable damage, maybe?

Nah, there is no reason not to love that class.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Forgot Empress.

I think Raven Laguz should go down, at least below Fire Archsage. Vika and Nealuchi are both Low. Mid on the tier list, and Tormod and Calill are both ranked higher than them.

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Why are you debating classes by the characters in them?

Marksmen = Epic pwn. 1-3 range, awesome mastery, great caps, Whats not to love?

The growths and bases of most of their representatives as well as the fact that they are locked to 2 or 3 range for the vast majority of the game if they want to dish out respectable damage, maybe?

Nah, there is no reason not to love that class.

Being locked to 2-3 range is managable. Other classes have rather suckish 2 range options. Snipers(and the like) have high hit, and plenty of damage with steel. I would hope that you're not soloing chapters with them(although Shinon could), so staying out of a one-ranged enemy's way isn't very hard. The only time that I see this excuse creditable is when you're doing a low turn count run and your other people are locked up doing something else. I see it as being beneficial at times, I would much rather my sniper unit A lure out enemy ranged unit B then I would want my Halberdier unit C with a javelin.

Maybe the reason why I like them so much is because I take this game generally slow, dealing with enemies a few at a time when possible.

(I brace myself for the punch in the face that's coming for suggesting that bow units are useful)

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Why are you debating classes by the characters in them?

Marksmen = Epic pwn. 1-3 range, awesome mastery, great caps, Whats not to love?

The growths and bases of most of their representatives as well as the fact that they are locked to 2 or 3 range for the vast majority of the game if they want to dish out respectable damage, maybe?

Nah, there is no reason not to love that class.

Being locked to 2-3 range is managable. Other classes have rather suckish 2 range options. Snipers(and the like) have high hit, and plenty of damage with steel. I would hope that you're not soloing chapters with them(although Shinon could), so staying out of a one-ranged enemy's way isn't very hard. The only time that I see this excuse creditable is when you're doing a low turn count run and your other people are locked up doing something else. I see it as being beneficial at times, I would much rather my sniper unit A lure out enemy ranged unit B then I would want my Halberdier unit C with a javelin.

Maybe the reason why I like them so much is because I take this game generally slow, dealing with enemies a few at a time when possible.

(I brace myself for the punch in the face that's coming for suggesting that bow units are useful)

I don't suggest that they are terrible or anything. Even Leo has his good points. Just that Shinon being amazing in 4-E does not equal "epic pwn".

Also their mastery is (skill/2). This is bad, but at least they have a 40 skill cap and +15 crit, so it isn't as bad as it could be. Even Trueblades have a better mastery (if only slightly) because it is effectively 5x damage instead of 3x damage. The difference doesn't matter very often, though. And anything with skill% or str% or spd% is obviously going to be a better mastery. Calling Deadeye an awesome mastery displays a lack of understanding of game mechanics. They have a "mediocre mastery" at best.

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Why are you debating classes by the characters in them?

Marksmen = Epic pwn. 1-3 range, awesome mastery, great caps, Whats not to love?

The growths and bases of most of their representatives as well as the fact that they are locked to 2 or 3 range for the vast majority of the game if they want to dish out respectable damage, maybe?

Nah, there is no reason not to love that class.

Being locked to 2-3 range is managable. Other classes have rather suckish 2 range options. Snipers(and the like) have high hit, and plenty of damage with steel. I would hope that you're not soloing chapters with them(although Shinon could), so staying out of a one-ranged enemy's way isn't very hard. The only time that I see this excuse creditable is when you're doing a low turn count run and your other people are locked up doing something else. I see it as being beneficial at times, I would much rather my sniper unit A lure out enemy ranged unit B then I would want my Halberdier unit C with a javelin.

Maybe the reason why I like them so much is because I take this game generally slow, dealing with enemies a few at a time when possible.

(I brace myself for the punch in the face that's coming for suggesting that bow units are useful)

I don't suggest that they are terrible or anything. Even Leo has his good points. Just that Shinon being amazing in 4-E does not equal "epic pwn".

Also their mastery is (skill/2). This is bad, but at least they have a 40 skill cap and +15 crit, so it isn't as bad as it could be. Even Trueblades have a better mastery (if only slightly) because it is effectively 5x damage instead of 3x damage. The difference doesn't matter very often, though. And anything with skill% or str% or spd% is obviously going to be a better mastery. Calling Deadeye an awesome mastery displays a lack of understanding of game mechanics. They have a "mediocre mastery" at best.

Astra takes five uses of a weapon (If you use five hits.) Deadeye only uses one hit, so it balences out. Besides, Mastery Skills are pretty much one hit kills anyway, so why does it matter? (Except for bane...)

Still, one range is over rated. >>

Wispers fail. (<3 Heather & Sothe)

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