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I really haven't watched a lot of anime recently, BUT I discovered that Devil May Cry has an animated english dubbed version. WITH REUBEN LANGDON DOING DANTE'S VOICE. So I jumped on that right away. It's unfortunate that it's so short, and the script has less of his sassy personality, but it's still good :)

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I discovered Special A randomly got dubbed over the summer without me knowing, and I marathoned it; it was pretty good. Only thing I didn't like was Tadashi's voice; it was way too mega deep and sounded odd coming from his character design, but it grew on me and I got used to it after the first half. Would've preferred it if Funimation did the dub, but Sentai I guess did a good job (I really liked Luci Christian and Blake Shepard in these roles).

In other news, my sister and brother are forcibly making me watch Shiki, and so far can't seem to enjoy it with all these random characters I don't know or care enough about and this nonsensical plot. How do I make myself enjoy it more??? This isn't really my kind of preferred genre either... :(

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Am I the only person who thinks Love Lab is boring? Even the good episodes are only 'OK.'

I really like the opening and ending theme songs, though.

Love lab is horrible :x

definitely not getting a second season

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Here's my list for this season


Kyousogiga (10/02)


Kill la Kill (10/03)
Valvrave the Liberator (10/10)
Galilei Donna (10/10)


Hajime no Ippo: Rising (10/04)


Kamen Rider Gaim (10/05)

We'll see how well it goes this time. On the one hand, I did not watch anything last season. On the other hand, this season has Trigger, Valvrave, Ippo, and Urobuchi. (And yes, I know that Gaim isn't anime. I don't care.)

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Dear everyone who just finished watching the (shit) AoT animu: you're gonna be starting at chapter 33. You're welcome.

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Dear everyone who just finished watching the (shit) AoT animu: you're gonna be starting at chapter 33. You're welcome.

Can you explain what's wrong with the anime to me?

I've only ever read the manga, so I don't know what they've done with it but most people seem to be loving it???

Also, Kill la Kill's first episode was every bit as entertaining as I'd hoped.

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I plan on watching Magi Season 2, Kuroko no Basuke Season 2 and Kill La Kill from the fall line-up. Throw in Golden Time too just because the VN writer is the same woman who wrote Toradora! so I expect good things.

As of right now though, not watching too much.

Naruto Shippuden because why not?

In the middle of Gurren Lagann. Kamina. ;~;

Finished SnK so my Saturday's will never be the same.

Probably will pick up Pokemon Origins soon since it's very short.

Aaaaaand yeah.

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Watching Mirai Nikki right now, the first two episodes left me impressed.

I'm starting to like Yandere.

Only two episodes, eh? Yeah, sure, you'll start liking yanderes NOW...
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Watching Attack On Titan, it's great blablabla sorry, needs more fanfaire. HOLY SHIT THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST ANIME EVAR!11!!11!!!!11!!!1!! better?

Watching Baccano! at the moment. It's confusing but Nightmare and Specta are the protagonists.


Baccano! has no protagonists

Watching Mirai Nikki right now, the first two episodes left me impressed.

I'm starting to like Yandere.

That's Psycho Ethlin to you.

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Anime thoughts so far this season in no particular order:

Kill la Kill: Has a billion problems but is otherwise extremely entertaining

Valvrave: Valvrave

Galilei Donna: Rather silly show that's pretty good so far

Samurai Flamenco: ^

Gaim: Not anime but ^

Ippo Rising: I have heard THINGS about the manga and Ippo's title defense opponents, and they unfortunately appear to be true

Kyousogiga: Still haven't started watching this but the OVA was interesting so

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I'm currently watching:

- Diabolik Lovers

- Freezing Vibration

- Galilei Donna

- Golden Time ☆

- Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season

- Kyoukai no Kanata (I want to like this one, but I don't like the main girl :/)

- Little Busters!: Refrain ☆

- Monogatari Series: Second Season ☆

- Nagi no Asukara ☆

- Non Non Biyori ☆

- Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru (might drop)

- Outbreak Company

- Strike the Blood

- White Album 2

- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita.

☆ = my top five favorite.

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- Galilei Donna

- Kyoukai no Kanata

- Monogatari Series Second Season

- Outbreak Company

- Unbreakable Machine-Doll (best ED ever)

- Yuushibu (I don't really like it but Fino is adorable)

I still have to check White Album 2 and Tokyo Ravens. I think I'll drop Walkure Romanze as they go for Mio route. It was the worst route in the VN. Even if you ignore Mio cutting her hair.

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Anime thoughts so far this season in no particular order:

Ippo Rising: I have heard THINGS about the manga and Ippo's title defense opponents, and they unfortunately appear to be true

Wait is this a bad thing? I'm waiting until I get a solid break so that I can marathon this season with my brothers, so I haven't watched anything yet this season. I loved the first two seasons with a passion, but I never read ahead in the manga or anything. So are you saying that this isn't a great season right now?

I'm currently watching:

- Diabolik Lovers

- Freezing Vibration

- Galilei Donna

- Golden Time ☆

- Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season

- Kyoukai no Kanata (I want to like this one, but I don't like the main girl :/)

- Little Busters!: Refrain ☆

- Monogatari Series: Second Season ☆

- Nagi no Asukara ☆

- Non Non Biyori ☆

- Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru (might drop)

- Outbreak Company

- Strike the Blood

- White Album 2

- Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita.

☆ = my top five favorite.

Is LB Refrain looking good right now? I have high hopes for it since I read the VN and Refrain is one of the greatest things I've ever had the privilege of reading, so I'm curious to see if the anime is delivering even half of its greatness.

Helios's Fall Season 2013 Week 3 Power Rankings

1. Valvrave S2: It's Valvrave, need I say more?

2. Diamond no Ace: What can I say I love baseball and this is baseball.

3. Kill la Kill: Other than the over the top fanservice (I get the point of it, I really do, but it still makes me feel kinda uncomfortable) this is fun

4. Kyoukai no Kanata: Interesting premise, MC is pretty cool, only flaw really is the main heroine being annoying.

5. White Album 2: There's something about this show that I really love. It's just...beautiful I guess?

6. Monogatari Second Season: This doesn't even deserve to be sixth but I really like all the shows I'm watching right now this season.

9001. Yuusha ni whatever: I came in expecting something like Hataraku no Maou-sama, and got nothing of the sort. Boobs are nice and all, but yeah. Might drop this if I don't see any improvement.

Shows that I plan on watching once they're either over or more episodes come out:

1. Ippo S3

2. Kuroko no Basket S2

3. Little Busters Refrain

4. Samurai Flamenco

5. Nagi no Asakura

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Is LB Refrain looking good right now? I have high hopes for it since I read the VN and Refrain is one of the greatest things I've ever had the privilege of reading, so I'm curious to see if the anime is delivering even half of its greatness.

It has been starting out pretty good imo, especially the latest episode.

Hopefully this adapation will be a lot better than the first season.

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Fucking love monogatari, I take back my comment Silver spoon, didn't get round to watching Nadeko's arc when I said that.

Also watched fate/stay night with the anime society at my uni, and while it is incredibly stupid, it was enetertaining I guess. Sort of. The main character kinda ruined it for me.

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