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Epic Wins, Epic Fails, FE11 version


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Epic Win: Not sure if this counts, but I boss abused Medeus for upwards 300 turns, getting everyone to lv 20.

Epic Fail: That was my second attempt. This was my first:

"Oh look, Sedgar is level 19 with 98 exp. Just one more battle..."

"Crap, Medeus doubles him with 9 crit. But he only needs to survive one round, and then it's over with. I should just do it, it's not all that big a chance..."

I don't need to say any more.

Also, in my most recent playthrough, Abel got screwed and Kain outclassed him in every area. At least he wasn't bad as a sniper.

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Win: Caeda gained Strength, Tomas got five stats up, Rickard gained Strength and Speed, and Catria went absolutely nuts with stat gains on Chapter 15.

Fail: My DS cartridge popped out before I could save all of that.

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Epic Wins:

-Lvl 20/20 Matthis with 58 HP, 21 Str, and 24 Def.

-Lvl 20/20 Sorcerer Cord maxed out in Speed. Also has 16 Mag, 10 Def, and 17 Res.

-Mage Merric being blessed with 3 Def in a row.

-Lvl 20/20 Hero Darros with 55 HP, maxed Str, 21 Skl, 19 Spd, and 21 Def.

Epic Phails:

-Same Merric as above got nothing else with said Def increases.

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Epic Win: Uber hero!Darros capped HP, Str, Def, and Skl. Using a few statboosters mind you.

Epic Fail: Matthis gets ORKOd after recruitment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Epic Fail:Lv.20/3 SM Navarre having 10 Strength. Radd has 15. At 20/1.

Epic Win: Tiki gaining 2 Res.

Merric having 54 HP w/o statboosters.

And 24 Luck.

Unimportant, but wth: Xane w/ 12 strength and skill at Lv. 24. Boah with 15 Skill.

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Win: Raised Roshea as an archer for a bit, then switched him to Myrmidon. He's currently level 11 with 17 Speed.

Fail: Radd, 20/3 Swordmaster with 18 Speed. What do I win?

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Epic win: Caeda gains strength on a level up. But then I have to restart the chapter because I screwed up. Start again, Caeda kindly gains strength again when she levels. Then I forgot where a certain enemy was and got a bunch of people killed so I had to restart again. Caeda leveled up with strength one more time, and this time I got through the chapter alright. It's sort of an epic fail on the part of my planning, but an epic win that one of the characters who makes people scream "gain some strength already!" the most would do that, and indeed is sitting at 7 strength at level 6 (ten levels earlier than she gets there on average <_< )

Another epic win I remembered: Wendell somehow made his way onto my team for the final chapter in H1 mode. Over the course of the game, I didn't use a huge team, so I kept wondering how to fill a unit slot, debating "healer or chip damage?" and then realizing Wendell could do both and using him. For some reason, he just kept getting the nod in nearly every chapter and actually ended up feeling like a legitimate contributor. He got killed in the final, but for a guy who basically amounts to a slightly later Jeigan to keep at it so long is really deserving of recognition.

Epic fail: Over the last two playthroughs, Sedgar has been trolling me. Two level ups in a row as a General and no speed (lol 65% growth) right now, and last time as a Hero, he pulled off a "wonderful" 2 defense over 8 level ups (LOL 85% GROWTH)

Edited by Panthera
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Epic win: Caeda takes on a knight in the arena that has 23-25 hp and 72-75 hit. Caeda does 2 damage. knight misses. Caeda doubles to deal 4 more damage to knight. knight misses 4 more times, with caeda doing 4 damage each round. On the 6th round, after caeda did 2 damage, the knight finally hit caeda once before dying on the next caeda hit or two.

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My current H2 playthrough turned into an Epic Fail.

It was almost way to easy up to this point but now that I have reached chapter 24, I'm facing of with Fire Dragons having 24 agility who can double most of my team. Also the final chapters Fire Dragons have 26 agility. (Don't know how this is even possible since their speed is shown to cap at 20 untransformed so their agility should only be at 24 but complaining about that won't save my 22 agility units.) Currently they can double anyone in my team except Tiki and certain units when re-classed, a feature which I originally planned not to use.

Seems like I have no choice but to go to 24x to get some extra training and I might have to re-class a few units. I also still have all my speed wings to help me out. Sadly I didn't bother to buy those from the secret shop. Forged Dragon Slayer weapons should also help out. But still, the Final and probably even chapter 24 aren't going to be pretty. Of course in the worst case I can just warpskip, but I would really like to avoid that.

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Epic-fail: Cain got killed because he cant dodge foyr 40hits in a row.

SUPEREPIC fail: Lena gets one-shooted, because she cant dodge a 26.

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My current H2 playthrough turned into an Epic Fail.

It was almost way to easy up to this point but now that I have reached chapter 24, I'm facing of with Fire Dragons having 24 agility who can double most of my team. Also the final chapters Fire Dragons have 26 agility. (Don't know how this is even possible since their speed is shown to cap at 20 untransformed so their agility should only be at 24 but complaining about that won't save my 22 agility units.) Currently they can double anyone in my team except Tiki and certain units when re-classed, a feature which I originally planned not to use.

Seems like I have no choice but to go to 24x to get some extra training and I might have to re-class a few units. I also still have all my speed wings to help me out. Sadly I didn't bother to buy those from the secret shop. Forged Dragon Slayer weapons should also help out. But still, the Final and probably even chapter 24 aren't going to be pretty. Of course in the worst case I can just warpskip, but I would really like to avoid that.

Indirect attackers work well for any flavor of dragon. Mages work really well against the Firestone ones.

Oh, and mine. . .

Win: I'm happy when my units put a little extra effort in. I'm even happier when several units wind up flipping off their respective averages. Here's my personal Hall of Fame for my I-need-to-use-you-guys-more-often run (Roshea is the exception, because he refused to die):

5. Sedgar, who I did not reclass (level 15): +4 HP, +3 STR, +3 SPD

4. Elice the Sage (level 10): +4 HP, +4 SKL, +2 SPD, +3 LCK

3. Roshea the Sniper (level 18): +2 HP, +5 STR, +1 SPD (got a tad Skill-cursed, but he's a Sniper, so it wasn't particularly noticeable. The Strength was really important, because I needed him to weaken as many things as he could with the Longbow).

2. Athena the Flying Terror (level 13): +4 STR, +5 SKL, +1 SPD, +3 LCK

1. Etzel, in the only class he belongs in (level 19): +5 MAG, +5 SPD (I like magical machine guns)

Fail: Bord's Speed, in general.

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Wins: First and only time that I decided to train Gordin (on H2), he has 20 Strength, 22 Speed, 22 Skill, 15 Luck, 16 Defense, and 44 HP at 20/13. That's with natural level-ups. (I don't clock abuse/RNG abuse) He can take a few hits, doubles pretty much everything, and often criticals. I still haven't finished that PT, so he could get even better.

On that same PT, I reclassed Caesar to a Dark Mage just for fun. He had 42 HP, 15 Magic, 17 Skill, and 25 Speed. Merric and Linde have fantastic stats (Magic, Luck, Res, Speed, Skill in the 20s, and HP in the 40s-50s). Lena didn't do too bad, either.

Fails: I thought that Marth was getting RNG-screwed. Turns out that he has average, if not better stats for his level, and that every other time that I've raised him, he's had godly stats. :( Ogma getting speed and strength screwed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Epic WTF: A boss on H5 dodges a 93HIT, 19CRIT blow then critkills Caeda with 3CRIT. Then again anyone would want to dodge 45ATK against them.

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Superepic Win: My Cain (No abuse/reclass other than promote)20/18:53 HP, 23 Strength, lolMag, 28 Skill, 25 Speed, 25 Luck (he maxed goddamn LUCK), 18 Def, 6 Res. Reloading now for for max str/20 def, because that would be superepic uber Cain. BTW, that is a blessage at Lvl. 18 of : +2 HP, +3.4 Strength, 0 Mag, +2 Skill, 0 Speed, +7.6 Luck, 2.8 Def, and 0 Res or, rounded, 2 HP, 3 Strength, 2 Skill, 8 Luck, and 3 Def.

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Epic Win: On ch 8 I arena abused Marth to level 30. He had 25 Str, 21 Skl, 25 Spd, 30 Luk, 20 Def, and 3 Res.

Epic Fail: Same chapter, he died against a sorcerer, and I lost around 400,000 gold.

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Win: Hardin beating the living daylights out of his averages in my draft run (+6 STR, +4 SKL, +3 SPD, and a lot of Luck). Thank you!

EDIT: That was before he promoted at level 18.

Edited by eclipse
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Navarre's HP growth is 90%. Keep that in mind, and have a gander at this page:


I've seen this page before and i still don't see how this would happen. According to the Level up, I've Only missed 1 HP level up Ever. With the +2 Navarre reaches his average. If he only missed 1 level up, from what I read, his Dynamic Growth Rate for HP shouldv'e been 99 and nothing over 100.


Maybe I should make a thread for this.

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