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FE6 Archer Run


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As some of you already know, archers are my all time favorite FE class ever. I've done what I call "Archer Runs" for many of the FE games, including FE5, 7, 9, 10, and 11, but I've never been able to start one on FE6. I haven't played FE6 (or any Fire Emblem game, for that matter) in a loooong time, though, and I've only beaten it twice (both on Normal Mode), so I'll need your guy's help.

These characters are absolutely necessary:





What characters would work well with them, and who should I support them with? I'm planning on starting on Hard Mode and going through the Ilia Route (pegasi ftw), so I won't be using Shin or Sue very much.

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Well, what d'you know, another fan of archers.

Are you allowed to use Roy beyond seizing? What about, say, Knights/Generals/Marcus with no weapon?

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This will be hard won't it? Considering you have Wolt only for the first few levels and your troop size doesn't get that big. You should change it a little to bow users only, as archers only have 2-3 range options, are weaker than other units, and you only have 4 of them. The last level will also be a little harder considering legendary weapons are what usually make it easy. Are there any other requirements, because unless I remeber incorrectly, the first 2 levels don't have any shops, and you have a limited amount of uses for the bow. If this is a pure archer/sniper run then this from my persepctive isn't viable.

Also, taking the Ilia route limits you bow using units significantly. You probably need to loosen rules significantly before this is possible.

Edited by BK201
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Well, what d'you know, another fan of archers.

Are you allowed to use Roy beyond seizing? What about, say, Knights/Generals/Marcus with no weapon?

Yeah I'm actually planning on training Roy, but he's the only exception. The other characters I recruit will only be used as meatshields.

This will be hard won't it? Considering you have Wolt only for the first few levels and your troop size doesn't get that big. You should change it a little to bow users only, as archers only have 2-3 range options, are weaker than other units, and you only have 4 of them. The last level will also be a little harder considering legendary weapons are what usually make it easy. Are there any other requirements, because unless I remeber incorrectly, the first 2 levels don't have any shops, and you have a limited amount of uses for the bow. If this is a pure archer/sniper run then this from my persepctive isn't viable.

Also, taking the Ilia route limits you bow using units significantly. You probably need to loosen rules significantly before this is possible.

Well, Wolt is actually really easy to level, especially if I boss abuse him in Chapter 1. ;P He'll be getting A support with Roy.

If it gets too difficult I'll be adding Shin and Sue and possibly Bors, Lott, and other Warriors if it gets harder.

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"Whoops, my mercenary went on a wild rampage through the entire right flank...I 'forgot' to trade away his Slim Sword."



Another argcher fan? We have MANY of those already.

I used all but Klein and I'm not an archer fan :C

Really? There were only like 2 or 3 a year ago. o.o;

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"Whoops, my mercenary went on a wild rampage through the entire right flank...I 'forgot' to trade away his Slim Sword."



Another argcher fan? We have MANY of those already.

I used all but Klein and I'm not an archer fan :C

Really? There were only like 2 or 3 a year ago. o.o;

Until I came along B) , the defender of all under appreciated archers, mages, and such.

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As some of you already know, archers are my all time favorite FE class ever. I've done what I call "Archer Runs" for many of the FE games, including FE5, 7, 9, 10, and 11, but I've never been able to start one on FE6. I haven't played FE6 (or any Fire Emblem game, for that matter) in a loooong time, though, and I've only beaten it twice (both on Normal Mode), so I'll need your guy's help.

These characters are absolutely necessary:





What characters would work well with them, and who should I support them with? I'm planning on starting on Hard Mode and going through the Ilia Route (pegasi ftw), so I won't be using Shin or Sue very much.

Wolt Klein and Igrene are all Ice affinity, so be prepared for a lot of defensive bonuses, and half offense if any. With that said, thats not a terrible thing to have for a low unit run, as the extra avoid and defense will probably help you more than a little added player phase bite would.

Since you're training Roy, support triangling Wolt, Roy, and Marcus seems a no brainer. You could mix in Allan for Roy's Fire, but Marcus' Ice matches Wolt and you are doing hard mode which IMO makes Marcus mandatry, but... Defense or Offense, your call here I guess (assuming you can survive without Marcus ofc).

In my opinion Saul/Dorothy and Saul/Igrene are pretty much a must. While Saul Dorothy doesn't grant great bonuses it's not glacial to form, and you'll be fielding him for Igrene anyway. Also, a good healer if you're allowing sort of that thing (though clearly promoting and fighting with him is strictly out).

Igrene's other viable options are Astohl, Douglas, because if you're not raising her, Fa is weak as hell, and Sophia is never good. Douglas gives her better bonuses as Defense > Accuracy IMO (bows already have great accuracy), though it is later and slightly worse off. Doug probably won't die to a stray attack, but maybe you'll take a thief for unlocking things depending on how strict you are... Maybe you'll raise both as they're slow as hell and not getting to A anyways?

Klein will take for full Ice/Ice and ensuring Ilya. He'll also probably want to buddy up with Clarine (healer) or Percival (won't die to a stray hit), as they're fast and also viable options as secondary for Dorothy. Much like Douglas vs Astohl, Clarine's Thunder is probably preferred to Percy's Dark.

All said

Wolt/Roy A, Roy/[Marcus,Allan] B, [Marcus,Allan]/Wolt B

(3 units)

Tate/Klein B, Klein/[Clarine,Percival] A, [Clarine,Percival]/Dorothy B, Dorothy/Saul A, Saul/Igrene B, Igrene/Douglas B/C/-, Igrene/Astohl B/C/-

(7/8 units)

is probably the best you could honestly hope for. Unless someone has some brilliant counterarguements.

Things clearly change considerably if you decide to add in nomads, and their options.

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As some of you already know, archers are my all time favorite FE class ever. I've done what I call "Archer Runs" for many of the FE games, including FE5, 7, 9, 10, and 11, but I've never been able to start one on FE6. I haven't played FE6 (or any Fire Emblem game, for that matter) in a loooong time, though, and I've only beaten it twice (both on Normal Mode), so I'll need your guy's help.

These characters are absolutely necessary:





What characters would work well with them, and who should I support them with? I'm planning on starting on Hard Mode and going through the Ilia Route (pegasi ftw), so I won't be using Shin or Sue very much.

Wolt Klein and Igrene are all Ice affinity, so be prepared for a lot of defensive bonuses, and half offense if any. With that said, thats not a terrible thing to have for a low unit run, as the extra avoid and defense will probably help you more than a little added player phase bite would.

Since you're training Roy, support triangling Wolt, Roy, and Marcus seems a no brainer. You could mix in Allan for Roy's Fire, but Marcus' Ice matches Wolt and you are doing hard mode which IMO makes Marcus mandatry, but... Defense or Offense, your call here I guess (assuming you can survive without Marcus ofc).

In my opinion Saul/Dorothy and Saul/Igrene are pretty much a must. While Saul Dorothy doesn't grant great bonuses it's not glacial to form, and you'll be fielding him for Igrene anyway. Also, a good healer if you're allowing sort of that thing (though clearly promoting and fighting with him is strictly out).

Igrene's other viable options are Astohl, Douglas, because if you're not raising her, Fa is weak as hell, and Sophia is never good. Douglas gives her better bonuses as Defense > Accuracy IMO (bows already have great accuracy), though it is later and slightly worse off. Doug probably won't die to a stray attack, but maybe you'll take a thief for unlocking things depending on how strict you are... Maybe you'll raise both as they're slow as hell and not getting to A anyways?

Klein will take for full Ice/Ice and ensuring Ilya. He'll also probably want to buddy up with Clarine (healer) or Percival (won't die to a stray hit), as they're fast and also viable options as secondary for Dorothy. Much like Douglas vs Astohl, Clarine's Thunder is probably preferred to Percy's Dark.

All said

Wolt/Roy A, Roy/[Marcus,Allan] B, [Marcus,Allan]/Wolt B

(3 units)

Tate/Klein B, Klein/[Clarine,Percival] A, [Clarine,Percival]/Dorothy B, Dorothy/Saul A, Saul/Igrene B, Igrene/Douglas B/C/-, Igrene/Astohl B/C/-

(7/8 units)

is probably the best you could honestly hope for. Unless someone has some brilliant counterarguements.

Things clearly change considerably if you decide to add in nomads, and their options.

Wow thanks. This is really helpful. :)

Don't use meatshields at all past the first seven chapters. Be a man.

Maybe when I get better. ^^;

Dorothy is the best.


I want to do something like this but maybe pegasi only ;)

my favorite archer is Dorothy good luck on your run.

Pegasi only would be pretty hard, though. Maybe you should try an all-flier run?

Yeah, add nomads and healers to yer roster at least.

Good luck :D

I'm sticking to Archers/Snipers only. Don't wanna go to Sacae. D:

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Or alternately, you could not recruit Sue (I know that's a bad thing, but if you're set on going to Ilia...) and train Shin to your heart's delight. Then you can go to Ilia and get a crappy Pegasus Knight.

Actually, going to Ilia is probably the easiest way to get the Miurgre (lolchapter20in<25turns)

EDIT: Dammit, not chapter 19, chapter 20.

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Or alternately, you could not recruit Sue (I know that's a bad thing, but if you're set on going to Ilia...) and train Shin to your heart's delight. Then you can go to Ilia and get a crappy Pegasus Knight.

Actually, going to Ilia is probably the easiest way to get the Miurgre (lolchapter19in<25turns)

Impossible to get Shin without Sue. Try again. Also, your comment on chapter 19 makes no sense whatsoever. If you don't know the game, don't try to give advice for it.

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Impossible to get Shin without Sue. Try again. Also, your comment on chapter 19 makes no sense whatsoever. If you don't know the game, don't try to give advice for it.

To get 20x, (or whatever the gaiden for the Miurgre/Maltet) you have to beat the chapter before that in a certain amount of turns. IIRC 25. As for the Sue thing, I though you could recruit Shin with Fir?

I distinctly remember someone on the tier list saying that they could not recruit Sue so that they can use Shin.

Offending me isn't going to get your point across any faster, you know.

EDIT: Okay fine. It's supposed to be 20x. Shut up.

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