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Socialism is superior, but we must be wary.


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Of late Gandalf the Red Wanderer has been seen again, traveling over country at great speeds. He claims to be a revolutionary, fighting the oppressor in his capacity as a wizard. He has been seen riding Emberfax, the peerless armored train that suffers no engineer to handle it. He comes in dark times with dire news of White victories and bourgeois treachery, and then he offers counsel. Truly he has earned the name some give him, Evencardinal, for he is like a cardinal, singing elaborate songs but always with the dusk just behind him, and he relishes the shadow.

This is your warning. His counsel is to commit treason against the workingman's cause, to build strife between true socialists and to misdirect the efforts of the revolutionary vanguard. In essence, he wishes to create more of the black tidings he so enjoys to bring, for he is in league with the treacherous capitalist Leaders of Reaction and has for himself no object but power. Even though Gandalf may speak true when he says he does not wish to sit in the Chair of any Worker's Presidium, his actions make it obvious to all with seeing eyes that he seeks to stand behind every Chairman and so control them all. If he does twist the truth and pretend to be an enemy of the Whites he makes no secrets. Indeed his oldest critics are Gríma the advisory union-leader and Denethor, who is steward of the Bolsheviks' party in the absence of the Great Chairman, great socialists all.

In the past the workers and peasants would reach up their hands to touch the Red Wanderer's ankles as Emberfax bore him through them, shouting 'Colrandir!' but today they shun him and eye his associates with suspicion. As ever the masses are the most progressive among all people, and we must follow them if we do not wish to become reactionaries ourselves. If Gandalf Evencardinal ever knocks upon your door, do not allow him to play you for a fool with his treasonous words!


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Socialism, like peace, is worthless unless the whole world partakes.

That's why you fucking slice up their ass with your goddamn lightsaber or use fucking Thundershock on them.

Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire.

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It's just Saruman who's robes ran in the wash.


Ultimately this struggle is one against the White Guards and their leader, the Enemy sitting in his White House, Glânnobel, who spies upon the world with his lidless Satellite-Eye. Saruman the White may indeed be in his service, but at least he is loyal. Not like Gandalf Evencardinal, the greatest saboteur of them all!

Socialism, like peace, is worthless unless the whole world partakes.

Indeed you are correct. We must call those elements of the world that shall refuse to partake, starting with the faithless Red Wanderer!

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Socialism, like peace, is worthless unless the whole world partakes.

That's why you fucking slice up their ass with your goddamn lightsaber or use fucking Thundershock on them.

Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire.

You misunderstand sir. Remember, both Jedi and Pokemon are motherfucking socialists, as I clearly explained in my recent topic, Socialism is Superior. Not this one, the one I made.

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Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire.

You speak truth. As the poster says, 'Soviets and electrification form the base of the new world!'


(It took me way too long to find that, I need to sort my images)

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Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire.

You speak truth. As the poster says, 'Soviets and electrification form the base of the new world!'


(It took me way too long to find that, I need to sort my images)

...Fire Spin it is.

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Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire.

You speak truth. As the poster says, 'Soviets and electrification form the base of the new world!'


(It took me way too long to find that, I need to sort my images)

...Fire Spin it is.

That poster has the word "hobo" on the bottom.

I think it is missing a letter. It should say "HOBO LOL" before the "M[backwards N]PA" part (which stands for something I can't reveal).

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Socialism, like peace, is worthless unless the whole world partakes.

That's why you fucking slice up their ass with your goddamn lightsaber or use fucking Thundershock on them.

Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire.

Not if they're already dead =/

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Socialism, like peace, is worthless unless the whole world partakes.

That's why you fucking slice up their ass with your goddamn lightsaber or use fucking Thundershock on them.

Fire Spin is more effective. A bit of electricity can't hurt a communist too bad, but everything can be killed with fire.

Not if they're already dead =/

Zombies. They're already dead, and Fire still kills them. Again.

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You can't kill a communist with fire or anything as they'll disappear you like the Chinese govt.

Now all thats left is for the Proletariat to unite and seize the town hall for the revolution

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You can't kill a communist with fire or anything as they'll disappear you like the Chinese govt.

Now all thats left is for the Proletariat to unite and seize the town hall for the revolution

Fire is most effective on Communists. We capitalists have been using it for years, and as a result, only two Communist regimes truly remain: North Korea and Cuba.

Ironically, the Proletariat seems to be Conservative at this point in time. The media is calling them Tea Baggers...

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Exept...Shiki doesn't use guns. And Shiki is a FEMALE.

No, not the one from Melty Blood.

Thus why Shiki- EITHER Shiki- would get a faceful of lead. Roberta DOES use guns. All sorts of guns.

The Nasuverse has too many Shikis.

Two Shikis is "too much"?

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You can't kill a communist with fire or anything as they'll disappear you like the Chinese govt.

Now all thats left is for the Proletariat to unite and seize the town hall for the revolution

Fire is most effective on Communists. We capitalists have been using it for years, and as a result, only two Communist regimes truly remain: North Korea and Cuba.

Ironically, the Proletariat seems to be Conservative at this point in time. The media is calling them Tea Baggers...

It's part of our guise for the suprise attack

And we will fight them on the beaches and on the land. We will never surrender

Besides there is yet to be a fullycommunist reigme haven't you ever read Animal Farm?

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You can't kill a communist with fire or anything as they'll disappear you like the Chinese govt.

Now all thats left is for the Proletariat to unite and seize the town hall for the revolution

Fire is most effective on Communists. We capitalists have been using it for years, and as a result, only two Communist regimes truly remain: North Korea and Cuba.

Ironically, the Proletariat seems to be Conservative at this point in time. The media is calling them Tea Baggers...

It's part of our guise for the suprise attack

And we will fight them on the beaches and on the land. We will never surrender

Besides there is yet to be a fullycommunist reigme haven't you ever read Animal Farm?

Punctuate properly, damnit. Your posts are practically illegible.

Yeah, right. You realize that China's turned into a Capitalist nation, right?

Yes, I have read Animal Farm. The entire novel is talking about Soviet Russia. And a "Fully Communist Regime" is politically impossible due to human nature, unless you do as George Bernard Shaw suggested and kill everyone who's no longer useful or doesn't agree.

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Fire is most effective on Communists. We capitalists have been using it for years, and as a result, only two Communist regimes truly remain: North Korea and Cuba.

Ironically, the Proletariat seems to be Conservative at this point in time. The media is calling them Tea Baggers...

More like Tea Partiers! The proletariat has always known how to have fun, using tea in place of alcoholic beverage is merely an economic consideration.

It's true that these parties are funded by insidious organizations such as Freedom House, controlled by the capitalist aristocracy, but that's all the better. If you can't beat the enemy, you should at least make him fund your entertainment budget!

And we will fight them on the beaches and on the land. We will never surrender

Besides there is yet to be a fullycommunist reigme haven't you ever read Animal Farm?

Red, you need to read Animal Farm now. I'm serious, it's very important for this debate. George Orwell was the most august political theorist of his time, after all, and we should learn closely all his work, for every word is imbued with unmatched wisdom and contains the secret answers to today's conundrums.

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