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I'm quickly approaching the limit where I can't write any more FE info IS, release a new game plz. So I need help from you guys.

What I'm suggesting is to add new pages for:

  • General (and perhaps specific) walkthroughs for FE1-11 (and perhaps TRS if there are enough interested people).
  • General character ratings for FE1-11 and TRS.
  • FE4 Pairings guide.

I'd like three or more people to contribute to the same guide (although I'm honestly not sure if I can get enough people), so that the guides are less skewed to one person's ideology. I'm thinking there would be a designated leader to make important decisions. I haven't yet decided on how this would work out, but perhaps I could install a Wiki that only registered contributors can edit.

The idea of the walkthroughs is to inform readers of what the chapters are like and the best strategies (and alternatives) of completing them efficiently and/or safely. The latter applies similarly for the character ratings and pairing guide.

The walkthroughs should also contain all the necessary info about the chapter, eg. enemy placements, inventories, obtainable items and the like (though I haven't decided how detailed they should be, nor how enemy stats will be displayed). You could designate somebody to collect this info, or I could perhaps help out.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in contributing, please post here or give me a shout. Any suggestions or ideas are also welcome.

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What mode is a walkthrough for? EM, NM, HM?

I just failed...

(I couldn't edit my Guest Post. Could you delete it Vincent?)

Are you going to Edit the guides into one once we write them? Mine will be a little biased about characters Promotion Classes.

Edited by Bryan
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Character ratings have been written for a lot of games already by several people. Colonel_M's for FE11, Red Fox's for FE10, mine for FE5, etc.

I have save files available for every chapter of FE6 and FE7, I have some SMVs for FE4 and FE5, and some more saves for FE8, if anyone is interested in collecting data from those but doesn't have the necessary saves.

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Character ratings have been written for a lot of games already by several people. Colonel_M's for FE11, Red Fox's for FE10, mine for FE5, etc.

I have save files available for every chapter of FE6 and FE7, I have some SMVs for FE4 and FE5, and some more saves for FE8, if anyone is interested in collecting data from those but doesn't have the necessary saves.

That doesn't even include the others that are written by people outside of Serenes.

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I wouldn't mind writing guides for FE7, 8 or 10, though they wouldn't be very frequent. There's also the possibility of the people rating the characters to disagree. FE10 Sothe is a good example of that.

And most of the guides elsewhere for characters suck. On GFaqs I used to see 10/10 FE10 Soren pop up often, along with awesome stuff for Eddie.

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x/10 is very controversial in itself because you get debates about "gaps" between units without even getting to fanboy magnets like Ilyana, Edward, Volke, etc. I've always preferred x/5. It still gives people reading it a pretty good impression but it's less open to people whining.

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Are you going to Edit the guides into one once we write them? Mine will be a little biased about characters Promotion Classes.

I was thinking the leading editor might re-write/re-word them into his or her style. Mainly to keep a consistent style.

Character ratings have been written for a lot of games already by several people. Colonel_M's for FE11, Red Fox's for FE10, mine for FE5, etc.

Do you think it would work if multiple people contributed to the same character ratings guide? I thought it could be quite interesting.

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I know that this is slightly off topic, but can we get the tier list discussions on FE9 and 10 to be pinned please? I find it as a very useful reference and I would prefer if we the users do not have to go digging through 2+ pages of thread listings to find them. That would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by Randomly Predictable
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I'd like to see some sort of applet that will generate binomial distributions from given growth rates and number of levelups. It'd be really helpful for determining that a given character will have at least X in a particular stat at a given level, and could really be useful in tier list and debate discussion. I could provide the functional input and how to create this density function, but unfortunately, someone else would have to write the actual computer language (unless you want me to write it in Mathematica, which means that no one can use it anyway since it's expensive software...)

Edited by Randomly Predictable
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Hey VASM, I'd suggest going with the wiki format for walkthroughs.

If the walkthroughs are going to go beyond simply stating enemy placements, obtainable items and the like they'll have to get into strategies for completing the chapter. There are multiple strategies for practically every chapter in every Fire Emblem, most depending on the characters and items the player is bringing. I think it would be much easier for multiple people to collect and revise multiple strategies if there are fewer barriers to contribution.

Maybe don't make registration public on this wiki, so there's no fear of strangers coming in and messing things up.

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Do you think it would work if multiple people contributed to the same character ratings guide? I thought it could be quite interesting.

From what it seems there's 2398239 people who want to do one for each game. Now if I'm really blunt I hardly trust anyone to do it the way I would want it to, and I don't think even half of the people trying would actually finish, but...the amount of volunteers is no problem. I do doubt that the people who disagree with each other over what a certain character should be rated would ever come to a consensus if they worked together.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FireEmblemReignsSupreme

Does it mention the lagdou ruins tricks in FE8 anywhere on the site (the ones involving infinite swiftsoles or brave weapons).

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Mine needs a quick update. Thunderman's guide with FEDS is pretty solid, but I want to throw some of the strategies that I used with it (Chapter 5 with Hardin).

I can do any other character ratings that haven't been done yet so long as it's from FE6-11. I can kind of do FE3 B2, to an extent. Kind of wish I played 4 and 5 now. :(

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Can we get the FE9 page on forges updated with the chapters in which each weapon can be forged? It's really helpful for debates and tier list discussions, especially since I don't always have my PoR disc and GC somewhere I can easily access it.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Marth2143

In Blazing sword and other games that have caracters that can allow people to move again, I noticed you can use bards and dancers on each other to gain lots of EXP

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In Blazing sword and other games that have caracters that can allow people to move again, I noticed you can use bards and dancers on each other to gain lots of EXP

Except you'll never be able to have both a bard and a dancer at the same time.

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Hey VASM. You should probably add FE4 Second Generation in FE4 Characters introduction if you're going to write a FE4 Pairings guide. Cause that part has been left there for a very long time...

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