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Main Lord Customization

Saint Nightroad


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  1. 1. Should it be implemented?

    • No, unless optional
    • Yes, but only if optional
    • No, even if optional
    • I don't care

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Umm... who said you were customizing your character's story and personality? That would simply be too much to expect.

Your character is just a new name, gender, face, and class that fills in for the main. It doesn't change much at all.... except maybe now they'ld have to refer to your character as the opposite gender of the main character if you made it that way, or whatever story or dialogue relevant changes you made. Nothing awkward about it.

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I like the idea of lord customization. I think it should be optional of course. The story would be similar no matter what you chose (ANY UNPROMOTED CLASS!) with minor differences. There would be an ultimate weapon for each class so if you decide to be an archer you get a super bow. If you picked a healer you get a super light spell/staff/both. But What I would rather do is make it so that you can change your lord’s growth rates at any time to train specific skills. This would have to come at a cost or have a condition to be filled. Custom animations would be useable by both noobs and the more patient. Noobs would select pre designed attacks while better players could take the time to make their own. For example a noob picks horizontal slash. An Expert makes all of the movements required to do so. Character looks could be changed greatly and you could even set your own army colors. You can pick both base color, secondary, and trim to give your army a theme. You could design your army's coat of arms. I think the forging system could be revamped so you could make a weapon from scratch for a HUGE price. This would entail designing the weapon and then giving it its stats. Certain items could imbue special effects such as using an ashera icon to bless a sword into not braking and hitting two away. Then you can change if it is a magic or normal. I also think that armor and mounts should be unequipable at a base. You can give armor to another player. Armor would increase defense greatly but impend movement/speed. Mounts let you move a set number of spaces with some bonuses depending on what it is. You can have a mount or armor but not both. Armor could be forged but mounts would have to be tamed or bought with self tamed mounts being better. In other words you can stop throwing controllers at the screen because your lord has 6 move and your worst character has 8. I think an armored healer would be a VERY good thing! You could also have to build a home base to defend on some levels or fortify one that exists. And don't forget that you can customize movement. When your lord classes up he should be able to pick whatever new weapon he wants, or increase his abilities in his first weapon.

Name: Cail

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blue

Affinity: Darkness

Weapons: Swords

Base Hp: 20

Base Str: 6

Base Def: 4

Base Skill:8

Base Spd: 7

Base Lck: 5

Base Mag: 0

Base Res: 0

Move: 10(Heck ya!)

Hp Growth: 50%

Str Growth: 60%

Spd Growth: 60%

Def Growth: 40%

Lck Growth: 35%

Mag Growth: 0%

Res Growth: 35%

Skill Growth 70%

Ultimate Skill: Cosmic Aether; A version of aether that uses sol and luna at the same time for both attacks.

You forgot the skill and movement stats so I added them in. Mine is very attack and critical oriented with a high movement stat from the beginning. It is a bit well rounded. No mounts or armor when you begin. When I class up I get to distribute one point for each stat and add 30% growth. This means I now have 380% Growth points that I can redistribute at any base. I can also choose a new weapon to use or add the 15 critical bonus that snipers and such get. Being a pwn oriented player I go for the crit bonus of course.(will give stats for second class in morning)

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No mounts or armour, he just runs faster than the swiftest horsemen in the land can ride. Untrained. Yeeeeeeahh, I'm calling bullshit on the Movement.

Anyway, forging armour involves elements that would be far more at home in a completely different game.

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No mounts or armour, he just runs faster than the swiftest horsemen in the land can ride. Untrained. Yeeeeeeahh, I'm calling bullshit on the Movement.

Anyway, forging armour involves elements that would be far more at home in a completely different game.

Actually, I've had Ikes in PoR that had 9 Movement.

I leveled using a random number generator.

Name: Cail

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Blue

Affinity: Darkness

Weapons: Swords

Hp: 33

Str: 20

Def: 13


Spd: 17

Lck: 12

Mag: 0

Res: 6

Move: 10

Hp Growth: 50%

Str Growth: 60%

Spd Growth: 60%

Def Growth: 40%

Lck Growth: 35%

Mag Growth: 0%

Res Growth: 35%

Skill Growth 70%

Ultimate Skill: Cosmic Aether; A version of aether that uses sol and luna at the same time for both attacks.

For classing up it runs one more level up in which it uses your luck + skill + strength as a growth rate for movement. It then gives you 9 points to allocate as you see fit.

Weapons: Swords (+15 to critical rate)

Hp: 33

Str: 21

Def: 16

Skill: 24

Spd: 18

Lck: 12

Mag: 0

Res: 12

Move: 11

Then distribute your 30 growth points.

Hp Growth: 55%

Str Growth: 60%

Spd Growth: 65%

Def Growth: 50%

Lck Growth: 35%

Mag Growth: 0%

Res Growth: 45%

Skill Growth 70%

Here is my new class at level 1.

Edited by IkefanCail
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It's only viable when the lord's class doesn't determine his / her personality or the story at all, which isn't the case for Fire Emblem. Besides Marth, the FE lords' class is very relevant to his / her purpose in the story and influences their personality. The best example would be FE7 with Hector, Eliwood and Lyn having very distinct personalities that fit their classes. I suppose you could make multiple scenarios, but that is either going to be too tedious or very bland and repetitive.

Customisation would be fairly easy to implement, just make up a set of stat growths / bases for physical and magic respectively, and add the corresponding class growths / bases.

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Actually, I've had Ikes in PoR that had 9 Movement.

Those Ikes that have 9 movement?

Put Celerity AND boots on Ike... not default crap like you just did ._.

"Cosmic Aether" = more broken than FE9 Aether ._.

Sorry if I sound like a jerk... but even with "limitations"... people who've posted character profiles for ROM hacks always somehow try to circumvent those said "limitations"... Just like what you just did...

Broken skill, HAX growths (380% total), AND UBER BASES AT LEVEL 1, AND 15% crit bonus like a swordmaster, plus that 10 movement I just mentioned?

Wouldn't be plausible with customizable characters unless they have STRICT limitations ._.

You forgot the skill and movement stats so I added them in. Mine is very attack and critical oriented with a high movement stat from the beginning. It is a bit well rounded.

Well rounded? hah... more like DESTROY EVERYTHING IN SIGHT...

You just took this:


and made it a reality ._.

MK's newest hack features a dancing lord

It could be done......

Ray's daughter Julie to be exact ._.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I just got a 51 degree burn.

The skill cosmic aether was invented to be insanely broken. I do agree that the system does not work. And though I have good move my defense is terrible. The 15 crit bonus is traded for choosing a new weapon. You also forget the point of a lord in the first place.


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And though I have good move my defense is terrible. The 15 crit bonus is traded for choosing a new weapon. You also forget the point of a lord in the first place.


Not THAT broken... it's like giving someone an Action Replay device to go with the game pak/disc ._.

16 DEF at lvl 1 with 50% growth? That's terrible?


And that's unpromoted ._.

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My idea is to have a base lord class called, "Duelist". IT would have caps at 15 and would automatically promote at level 10, sort of like a trainee lord. However, you have THREE choices for promotion; Mage Lord, which enables you to use magic and swords, Horse Lord, which allows you a mount and the ability to wield lances and swords, or Battle Lord, which not only gives you armor but also the gift to wield axes and swords with ease.

Then you can promote AGAIN... but I'm lazy so I'll leave you guys in suspense.

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I think a customizable lord would work in a game with two lords.

The first lord is the main character with a predetermined personality, class, and role in the story.

The second lord would be the custom one. He could be a friend of the main lord or a legendary hero the lord has to seek out to help him in his war effort or something. It could work like this:

*During a cutscene, Lord travels with his Green and Red cavalier buddies, along with the Jeigan*

Green: Just a few moments, my lord, and we'll be at The Legend's residence.

Lord: I've heard tales of this person's exploits, but they're mostly rumors spread among the common folk, each very different. Are you sure this mercenary will truly help our cause?

The Jeigan: Aye, young master. I've personally worked with The Legend.

Lord: Really? Then you can help us separate fact from fiction. Tell us, what is the Legend's name?

*Interface pops up where you can enter the name*

Lord: And this Legend. Some tales say it's a man and others say it's a woman. What is he truly?

*Now you enter male or female*

Lord: Is he/she truly a master of...

*Now you enter whether the weapon type you want your custom lord to excel in: swords, axes, lances, or anima/light/dark magic*

The Jeigan: Not so much a true master (since the lord's gonna be on WLV E :P), but very proficient and getting better. His three main talents are....

*Here's where you choose three stats the custom lord would have high growths in. STR would be described as "great strength", HP would be described as "great resilience", RES would be described as "spells bounce off him" etc. *

The Jeigan: ...but he is average in...

*Now you choose two stats to have average growths in*

The Jeigan: He is not invincible

*Now you choose the final three stats you'd have less than average growths in. All these choices will affect your base stats which would be randomly decided according to these descriptions*

Lord: Now tell us, what does he/she look like?

*Now an interface pops up where you choose hair color, skin color, weight, heck even age range. And you'll finally see your work when The Jeigan answers the lord with...*

The Jeigan: See for yourself, young master. He/She approaches.

And voila! Your custom lord appears with his own portrait/sprite.

To keep the story simple, the custom lord would probably have to be mute. The Custom Lord would fight alongside the Main Lord and help him in his quest. And when the game ends, he depending on how your performance, he receives peerage from the main lord, rides off into the sunset never to be seen again, or gets made fun of for getting the title Legend despite sucking so horribly.

At least that's how I think it could work.

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The system we thought up needs just a few fixes. First the initial move needs to have a max of 7 in point allocation. Second we need give the players about 365 growth points to allocate in increments of five. The armor and mounts should remain separate from the actual character. You should be able to choose which one of the class skills you have. Finally you choose your weapon. You can customize your looks and clothing but you cannot add armor to your look. You can choose your affinity for support conversations and your characters attitude. Your characters attitude can lead to certain plot splits and allow for certain units to be recruited. Your build is changed by your characters looks.

When you class up you get 25 points to allocate again. There are only the games maxes to contend with when adding these stats. You may also redistribute your growth points. Bands will use your growth rates for a random number generation that decides weather or not to give you unchangeable bonus stats that matches the band. The band will also add about 10 weapon exp to your character. You can choose a 15 crit bonus or a new weapon.

My new custom char.

Name: Ukiyo

Weapon: Sword(D)

Wt: 8

Affinity: Darkness

Weapons: Swords

Base Hp: 20

Base Str: 6

Base Def: 4

Base Skill: 8

Base Spd: 7

Base Lck: 4

Base Mag: 0

Base Res: 4

Move: 7

Hp Growth: 60%

Str Growth: 60%

Spd Growth: 60%

Def Growth: 40%

Lck Growth: 35%

Mag Growth: 10%

Res Growth: 40%

Skill Growth 60%

Class skill: Aether

I wanted this under a spoiler tab to save space but it was a bit much.

Forging would have an even more important role. Weapon forging can be done by creating your weapons stats from zero excluding weight which would start at 20. You can change it with little limitation but it is expensive. You can then customize your weapons look by changing its hilt, guard, and blade. Colors can be chosen for each part. You then name it. In this mode you are able to add items to the forge for the possibility of a special ability. If you throw in a fire tome it could become a fire based magic weapon. Its level would be determined by its abilities. The old form of forging with a base weapon is still here but it has more limits and is cheaper than full customization. You can not add items to a base custom item.

Armor can be forged in similar way but it is a bit different. Armor has two stats. You first change the defense it adds which increases its movement subtraction by the same amount. You can then change the movement subtraction, look, and abilities. Base custom armor does not let you decrease the movement subtraction or look.

Mounts cannot be customized but can be caught, bought, or stolen. They increase movement but make it impossible to wear armor with a movement decrease over 1. There is a possibility to be knocked off your mount when you are shoved or receive ten or more damage in one attack. When knocked off your mount your foes can steal it. Stolen mounts must be used in battle or they will be untrusting and give only half the move boost and may move you to a different spot than planned. Some mounts give bonuses besides movement.

Potions can be made by mixing items to reach a desired effect.

Bands can be made to increase growth rates but they are expensive and require specific items to make. You must get a band and a gem. Gems can be sold for a lot of cash. Increasing your growth boost from a band is very expensive and requires you to pay 1000 bonus exp per band. Non growth boost bands don't require bexp but are useless without adding items to the forge for abilities. Growth and abilities bands are possible and adding items to the forge is free in all forging.

Bow and spell range can be changed.

Staffs require a gem and a rod. Rods are bad weapons that you start off with in the begging. Better rods make for better staves. The gem color changes the staff’s abilities. A red gem will heal while a blue will cause sleep. If you use a spear type weapon for a rod you can attack with the staff as well but it will be very heavy. Staffs may also let you heal twice if your speed is 4 greater than you weight.

Flame items for fog of war can be made by combining wooden items with oil. The more oil the greater the vision. The more weight to the fuel the greater the time it last. You can make these on the spot in battle or before hand. If you combine allot of wood in one place you can make a fire that may burn the field and increase vision. Don't start fires on wooden bridges unless you want to get rid of said bridge. Your foe can step on unknown fires and burn themselves. Burning units will slowly lose hp and may spread the fire. Oil can be use to make flaming arrows for bow type weapons and fire/light magic will increase vision or burn for both teams at the point were it hits.

Certain vehicles can be made to carry units on the battle field and be used to attack. Vehicles can be brought into battle when they make sense. You can't bring a ship to an inland battle but it could help you fight for a port. Vehicles are your convoy and one must be on the field to send items to it. Vehicles can come and go as they pleas on most maps. The more vehicles you have, the greater the convoy.

Boats and ships travel on water. A boat is smaller and has little weaponry if any. Ships are huge and must be driven by a captain, general, or the main hero. They can hold other vehicles and may even be required to move forward in the game. One point will force you to buy a ship to transport your troops to the bad guys land. The better the ship the less the trips required to carry your troops and other vehicles. If you get a small one you will be spending chapters fighting without most of your army.

Wagons can carry two foot troops and move farther the more mounts they have attached.

Siege vehicles can be used to scale walls or destroy your opponent. One of them is a huge cannon that damages anything in a straight path until it hits a certain strength of barrier. It can go through a certain amount of trees.

Vehicles can be built and customized.

I have decided to include new weapons. These are guns, bombs, and ball and chain type weapons. Guns are like bows with high mt and very low hit. Bombs have a huge mt but have phew uses and some must be placed. Bombs may also wait before exploding. Ball and chain weapons hit all foes in adjacent squares but have low hit stats and the lightest’ weight is about 15.

There are new classes as well.

Captains are a class designed for ship driving. They use guns and knives but have low defense. They have very high speed and movement. Captains get there ultimate skill when they class up. This skill is called blast and it lets them fire cannons on any ship they drive. They are the second class of pirates who use only knives.

Non combatant classes are used for convoy drivers. They are very weak but are more likely to be imprisoned than killed. Captured units can be retrieved by playing a side battle to break them out of a prison. You can use combat units to drive your convoy vehicles but some vehicles prohibit weapons.

Trainees are characters that are stuck with permanent discipline until they class up. Some are not weapon specific while others are locked to a certain class. When you get a trainee you must choose there main trainer. If they are class locked only certain trainers can be chosen. Normal trainees will become the class type of their main trainer. When they class up they are second class promotes that have all the stats they earned from leveling as trainers.

Game play junk.

The game uses a time system based on how many turns you take and actions out of battle such as changing location. Certain events happen at specific times. Battles at night are also fog of war in dark locations.

You can train a character once per base. All units that train will have discipline. Training with weapons can lead to injury which makes a unit unusable for a few fights. Training weapons don't do this. Fighting in training earns both characters exp and earns trainee class double exp. If you fail a training mission the only penalty is the loss of bonus exp that is automatically given to you.

When a character loses all of there hp they are more likely to become injured and be unusable than to die. Injured units will return after three days. Your unit may even be captured.

The main character is no longer needed in most battles. You can have him sit out on some battles so others can gain exp. If your lord is injured then you will be unable to use him in battle possibly leading to new plot paths.

When you are at base you can perform more than just the story battles but also side battles. Side battles work just like normal ones. Side battles include saving captured units. If your lord is captured it's not game over yet.

After you end the storyline you can play the game in aftermath mode. Aftermath mode lets you explore the world and continue fighting. There are also sub stories to be found.

If you have wifi you can, participate in special events or even wars, trade with others, battle others in the arena, have a normal battle, buy vehicles, and participate in player wars.

Players can hold territory in war mode. They can join an army or lead one. War mode only allows your main character to join. In war mode you can level up to 100 after classing up. This mode is completely separate from normal mode.

Arena fights only let you become injured and have an effect on normal mode. Battles are the same.

Edited by IkefanCail
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I like the forging of basic weapons and armor and mount/armor ideas for the most part, but I disagree with the mounts being stolen or you being knocked off. The rest of the stuff seems to be going more in the Rune Factory direction, and while that game's fun, I don't think it would work in Fire Emblem.

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It would be a huge leap in the game and you would either love or hate it. The game would also have to be much longer. MUCH LONGER!

I disagree. As much as I like FE, making it longer does not make it better. Having more quantity does not compromise the loss of quality. If they go overboard with the chapters, as they seem to be heading towards they really create a terribad plot.

Regarding the Lord customization. As cool as this idea may sound, no. I am a person who likes to get others to hate me for my opinions and adapt them to go against others. Really though, this idea as cool as it may sound is one I do not support. The additional skill picking just makes it worse. This allows units with high base growths in certain areas to become well rounded as many of the lords tended to overkill one stat while neglecting other stats. Custom skills have the potential to be even more broken, look at Luna in RD and tell me it's only semi decent.

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I think I'd hate it as an FE game. And I agree that longer isn't necessarily better, but it also isn't necessarily worse. If they could make it long and have a good plot at the same time? Well that'd be fantastic! With any luck, the next FE's taking so long because they're doing just that.

And have you tried the Rune Factory games? 'Cuz if that's the stuff you like, I'd suggest them for you.

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I disagree. As much as I like FE, making it longer does not make it better. Having more quantity does not compromise the loss of quality. If they go overboard with the chapters, as they seem to be heading towards they really create a terribad plot.

I definitely wanted a good plot. I would like to see branching plots and mini plots as well.

I am a person who likes to get others to hate me for my opinions and adapt them to go against others.

I don't hate your opinion. It is in fact a good point. I would like to see all of these features realized but I at least want class choosing.I still say this level of customization would allow for interesting game play. And Aether Beats Luna Hands Down.


Please comment on each of my ideas. I am interested in your opinion.

Edited by IkefanCail
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I would like this but I don't think custom stats and growths would be good sure it would be nice but too easy

I'll use fe7 as an example cuz it's my favorite give each lord a custom name and then a choice for what u base it off of like Lyn could be like a myrmidon (default) then give her a Mage like choice and an archer choice. Then eliwood gets his default then maybe a Mage and a lance. I can't see Hector as a Mage so he could have his default a lance and a sword type.

Does that make sense?

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