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Rng Blessing and Screwage


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More blessages while I'm playing this game...

Epic Dieck right here. The only thing I did was let him hack away with a sword. And now an axe.


It's what happens when there are too many cavalier reinforcements in this game. And all the good RNGs went to his stats. Which is probably why my swordsmen gets hit by axemen, since Dieck stole all the good RNGs.

Not really, but apparently that's around his lv 20 stats right there. Most of it anyway.

...I'm probably going to let him get Armads.

And for comparison sakes, my Oujay came out pretty average.

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It's the same thing. Why? Because sooner or later they HAD to die. And will you restart the game? No. You will restart where you SAVED the game.

This is FE6, arena abusing without savestates is impossible unless you have great funds to waste on staves and all the matches quit in the arena.

You said i used it to get stats.....

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  • 3 weeks later...



Alan, please stop making Lance look absolutely horrible.

Mine are actually both str screwed, but Lance is more screwed than Alan.

lv 20 Alan:

39 hp (+1.85)

13 str (-2.55)

11 skl (-.6)

15 spd (+.45)

11 lck (+.4)

12 def (+1.25)

2 res (-.1)

lv 18 Lance:

34 hp (+.4)

9 str (-2.8)

14 skl (+.35)

18 spd (+1.5)

7 lck (-.95)

6 def (-3.8)

3 res (+.45)

I love the 6 def gap and 4 luck gap. Sure, Alan is two levels higher, but you can probably guess that he's just that much better over time. The spd gap is a recent developement, though, since up until the teens in levels the gap was usually no greater than 1.

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Speaking of making Lance look bad


This is pretty much exactly what Lance gets at the same level, other than the luck and res (both of which this Roy crushes average Lance in).

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Speaking of making Lance look bad


This is pretty much exactly what Lance gets at the same level, other than the luck and res (both of which this Roy crushes average Lance in).

My Roy in the same game

Level 17 Roy

29 hp (-1.8)

13 str (+1.6)

13 skl (+0)

17 spd (+3.6)

16 lck (-.6)

11 def (+2)

6 res (+1.2)

His total stats vs. averages = +6

My Lance? -4.85 (-4.45 with correction)

The difference? 10.85. (10.45 with correction)

Yeah, my Lance is looking like an idiot. When Roy has 4 more str and 5 more def than you...

Oh, and Lance just got to level 20 without getting a point of str or def. So now he has 9 str instead of 12.6 str (-3.6) and 6 def instead of 9.8 def (-3.8 def). Yeah, he's doing great.

Oh, I guess I need to fix my previous post, since I compared Lance's level 20 def to his def at level 18. Granted, in his next two levels he got nothing so it doesn't change anything, but still.

Then there is my level 20/1 Lugh

28 hp (-1.5)

16 mag (+.4)

16 skl (-.5)

21 spd (+4.5)

10 lck (-1.65)

7 def (-.85)

14 res (+1.3)

Now sure, he's not really screwed or blessed in most of those stats. Even that hp stat has a 32% chance of being 28 or less. 14% of being precisely 28. And that luck has a 30% chance of being 10 or less. 15% of being 10 on the dot.

But that speed? Only a 3% chance of having 21 speed at 20/1. Just 3% of capping in tier 1. The rest of his stats are hovering pretty close to the average, but his speed is pretty cool.

(Oh, and Lance is showing 1% chance of having 6 def at level 20. http://fea.fewiki.net/feastat.php?character=lance&game=6&stat=4. I assume there is some rounding up happening there, though. (.8)19 = .0144115.... So I guess it is rounding down. Whatever. 1 in ~69 chance of never proc'ing defence. 7% chance of having 9 str or less at level 20. Yeah, my characters are fun.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I like your Lance's resistance

Um, I think that having 1.65 res blessing is not worth having

4.2 less hp

4.6 less str

5.05 less skl

1.5 less spd

3.15 less luck

than average.

Having 0.2 more def (not even blessed, really, considering the probability of having 14 def at 20/11 is higher than the probability of having 13 def at 20/11 anyway) and 1.65 more res is not even close to worth it.

Now, if he got ridiculously blessed and pulled 20 res for 20/11 or something, maybe then it would be worth it. Probably not, but at least it would be closer.

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I didnt say the i liked his Lance

That RES is pretty high

I'm saying it's actually not all that high, actually.

The chance of him having 9 res or better at level 20/11 is actually 26%, which isn't bad.


Even the chance of having precisely 9 res is 13%

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I see

Most meelee characters in FE6 have crap RES

It's amazing what 29 levels with a 15% growth and a +3 res promotion bonus can do for you. His average is thus 7.35.

Now, his 0 res start is annoying, and it's similar to many of the other characters, and a 15% res growth can be prone to screwage. He's almost as likely to be 2.35 below his average as he is to be just 1.65 above it. And 6 is just as likely as 8, but his average is, as I said, 7.35.

In other words, I wouldn't be too surprised if you frequently see 6 at 20/11 for Lance instead of 7 or 8, so I guess I can understand you being a little impressed by 9 res.

Now I have a new one:

20/12 Dieck


53.4 hp, 21.4 str, 23.4 skl, 19.8 spd, 14.1 lck, 15.2 def, 6.9 res


53 hp, 22 str (okay so far, right?), 19 skl, 26 spd, 16 lck, 12 def, 6 res.

-.4. +.6, -4.4, +6.2, +1.9, -3.2, -.9.

Only 3 of 7 are "normal", aside from that only 1 is even close to average and the other 3 are way off. And Rutger is spd-screwed, so you can imagine what sacae was like with a Dieck that doubled all the nomads and most of the nomad troopers and a Rutger that doubled only about half the nomads and no troopers (he had 22 spd until like the last chapter of sacae).

And speaking of Rutger:

level 9

49 hp, 19 str, 28 skl, 23 spd, 8 luck, 12 def, 6 res.

-.7, +1.05, +1.2, -2, -2.7, -1.55, -1.45

But that's okay, since I have this freak:

20/14 Fir

53 hp, 22 str, 28 skl, 30 spd, 26 lck, 12 def, 11 res.

+.4, +2.2, -.5, +.85, +4.6, 0, +.24

Aside from str and luck that may not be so crazy, but you have to keep in mind she had 27 spd already at 20/6 or 20/7, which was 2.25 or 1.7 above average while Rutger was 2 below.

I realize a 5 level difference between Fir and Rutger in the wrong direction may seem strange, but the stats kinda forced it upon me. He was 20/5 or 20/6 or something while she was 20/1, but considering they both had 22 spd at the time thanks to Rutger getting screwed and the process continuing as she spammed spd enough to double nomad troopers and bosses while he wasn't, what do you expect? They were leveling equally until she started pwning him.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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  • 4 months later...

I've noticed a lot of Alans already, but I just had to post my most recent playthrough's Alan. He's either at or above (sometimes way above) his averages. Look at his def! And I was trying not to use him, but he just kept getting really nice level ups so I decided to keep using him. I'm hoping that he'll cap str, def, and spd when I get him to 20/20.

And yeah, no savestates. Where's the fun in that?


As for getting screwed, my worst recently was probably my Roy. Horrible Str, high skl and luck. Well, I'm glad he can hit and deal no damage!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Luck. All luck.


Hm... Fir is better. (IMO)


Lugh is a awesome. Pimps wear shorts....


For the lulz...


Awesome no?


What you guys think?

As you noticed I'm terrible at screenshots...)

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