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FE6 HM Tier List

Colonel M

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There are 17 free deployment slots on chapter 21. Are you seriously implying that Juno will not be fielded? Completely bypassing each reinforcement zone can save you at least 2 turns for each group of reinforcements that you don't trigger.

If I can just fly to bypass reinforcements, why do I care about Juno? It's one less person I can fly, but have you checked 21 without reinforcements? It's surprisingly spread out. If flight allows me to bypass reinforcements, I don't need many people to take on Murdock's ho-dunk force.

Here's generally what happens:

Marcus runs forward with an Iron Sword and counters on enemy phase.

Alan, Lance, and Roy follow up with killing blows. If Alan or Lance are free, one of them picks up Roy.

Repeat. No Wolt needed. The only enemy that he's actually useful against is the archer, since Marcus will fail to counter it on enemy phase, and his chip damage might be significant. But that is all self-serving anyway, as the rest of the units can just pass up the archer while Wolt and Bors are bait.

Quite general of you.


If Marcus goes north, Allen can take the south fighter. 40 exp for Allen. The ridge near the castle. Marcus takes the two fighters near the ridge, Allen takes on the dude a bit to the right. 80 exp for Allen. Allen draws in the guard on the right side of the fort, Marcus draws in the right while being closer to the guys on the right. Could even just plop Marcus ont he boss, it detracts an extra fighter away in case Marcus gets nailed constantly through bad luck. 120 exp for Allen. Lance and Roy through those only got 90. Allen still could have been available to help with the archer and bandit, so it's not entirely their claim, nor are the upper left axer and archer. Thanks to Walt, Allen was able to get more exp then if he depended on Marcus, or just as much while keeping Marcus's workload lighter so he is free to be better positioned (such as the point made about the boss, and the sooner he starts smacking the boss the faster this chapter ends). For what it's worth, it also saves 6 uses of Marcus's sword.

Then there's chapter 5, of which earlier I outlined that Walt could be at base and still have effects there, so this sort of utility doesn't end just after chapter 1. Where's Juno's second chapter?

Coming from a person who's never exercised flying utility before, I wouldn't expect anything different.

Juno's one chapter of glory she's not even needed because I could wreck the place with a small force if I can just bypass reinforcements. Flying or no, let's not get carried away with Juno.

Yodel's S staves is pretty cool. Holy Maiden is a very useful staff, and in all likelihood there will only be one other unit on the team that has S staves (Clarine). Saul and Ellen might not be used in the long run, and even Niime, who joins with A staves, needs quite a bit of usage to get to S. That said, S staves also has the benefit of having Warp access, and Warp is incredibly useful in endgame (though Niime is a better Warp user due to having 18 effective range as opposed to Yodel's 13).

Has anyone ever had a moment where they actually had to USE that staff? A point where a physic or what have you wouldn't have sufficed? I'm sure it's nice, but how often does it even need to come into play?

Warp's an A rank staff, Niime's got dibs on that sucker. You could say trading out, but I don't think one use is that big a deal, especially when he's using it with 5 shorter range. It's also only 5 uses. At best, he makes claim to one use of the staff (because Dancers).

Edited by Cait Sith
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If I can just fly to bypass reinforcements, why do I care about Juno? It's one less person I can fly, but have you checked 21 without reinforcements? It's surprisingly spread out. If flight allows me to bypass reinforcements, I don't need many people to take on Murdock's ho-dunk force.

Well, yeah. I've played it. The first few turns consist of all of the enemies on the map mobbing you at once. If Juno could drop Garret on a peak or a magic user on a mountain, that pretty much clears the map of enemies. Then, you airlift 5 units across the trigger zones - Alan, Lance, Percival, Roy, Clarine. One of your combat units can occupy himself with the remaining enemies (2 archers and an armor) while the other 2 carry Roy to the throne. There is an unavoidable trigger zone in the southeast corner of the map (unless you Warp + kill Murdock in 1 turn + seize); avoiding all enemies requires going the long way around, but Lance and Alan might be able to handle a group on their own while they move to Murdock. Meanwhile, the best alternative for the other reinforcements are yet another unit on a peak/mountain. Also, there's the secret shop. So yeah, after you get all that done, your fliers are doing nothing, but they are pretty busy before then.

chapter 1 stuff

I just played this map again, and Wolt is useful for killing enemies that Marcus weakened when Lance, Alan, and Roy have already moved on their turn. That's really about it. There's no point in sending anyone south except for Bors to scoot to the village.

Then there's chapter 5, of which earlier I outlined that Walt could be at base and still have effects there, so this sort of utility doesn't end just after chapter 1. Where's Juno's second chapter?

Woohoo, Wolt does 5/32 damage to fighters. Even Lugh does at least 8/32 damage, with over 20 more hit. The number of chapters that a unit exists in is not an accurate measurement of how much he contributes; it's the number of turns saved. Removing Wolt from the team results in virtually no difference in turncount. Between doing 2 damage to cavs in ch4 and getting ORKO'd by nomads... yeah.

Has anyone ever had a moment where they actually had to USE that staff? A point where a physic or what have you wouldn't have sufficed? I'm sure it's nice, but how often does it even need to come into play?

Mamkutes 3HKO most durable units in ch24. If you have 3 units in KO range, Holy Maiden puts them all back at full health. It is 3 uses of Physic in one move - this lets your other staff users rescue-drop or use other staves (like Warp). And Physic isn't even guaranteed to heal a unit back to full health - if Percival is 3RKO'd, and Niime + Apocalypse + Physic only heals 36 HP, Percival can't take 2 attacks if he was previously weakened.

Warp's an A rank staff, Niime's got dibs on that sucker. You could say trading out, but I don't think one use is that big a deal, especially when he's using it with 5 shorter range. It's also only 5 uses. At best, he makes claim to one use of the staff (because Dancers).

What if Niime is designated on offense? Niime OHKOs most mamkutes at base with Apocalypse on ch24, which is where Warp is most useful. And you don't even need an 18 tile range on that chapter; 14 is good enough. On ch23, Niime has enough range with Apoc + Rescue to get Roy from the opposite side of the map, but other than that, you don't need 18 tiles either. And on ch21, warping a unit near Peres will still let him waltz over and attack him - I suppose the benefit of extra range is that Roy needs to start at most 4 tiles away from the throne, but you're limited by fog anyway.

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I find it difficult to get Niime to S rank Dark, since she doesn't double, have many chapters, or an enemy phase (too low Hp/Def to even Nosferatu tank efficiently).

On a side note, is Karel a little low? I know he has the worst availability in the game and isn't superb when he's around, but he'll probably have more Str/Def than Rutger or Fir, who are upper tier characters. I think he can contribute more than Merlinus at any rate.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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You can move Niime onto a mountain and she'll literally live forever (problem is, she needs 2 robes to not get OHKO'd by 40 atk, which is what Silver Lance WLs have). But assuming that 1 of every 2 attacks is a KO, she needs 34 rounds of combat, which isn't exactly difficult to get, depending on how you use her.

And Karel sucks. His performance in his joining chapter is fairly decent, but he doesn't have enough move to be considered a good choice for ch24.

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And Karel sucks. His performance in his joining chapter is fairly decent, but he doesn't have enough move to be considered a good choice for ch24.

I suppose he's not the best choice for Ch24, but being equal to some of your top units for a chapter is betetr than what someone like Merlnus ever produces IMO. I'm not seeing how he's a tier below Dayan, since he beats Dayan pretty handily statistically across the board. Dayan is handy in Ch21 since he can ORKO Wyverns I guess, but I'm not seeing the justification for a tier gap.

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If Dayan reaches S bows, he's good consideration for the Miugre in chapter 24. He has mount and high aid. I suppose he's also useful in chapter 22 for assistance in KOing those 39 atk Nosferatu druids with Longbow or Brave Bow.

If you're getting Karel in the first place, you in all likelihood have at least 1 other good SM (Fir, if not Rutger already) that suffices for killing Brunya, so he's kind of redundant, and he doesn't bring much else to the table.

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Karel is like Lehran, except instead of healing you from Aurora damage, he fights at 1-range. He's bad. Dunno why he's above Dorothy, actually.

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I'd say Dorothy's too low, but...I'm probably not the best person to be making that case.

At least Sue doubles, has 7 move, and can help with rescue chains (and is easily picked up herself). They start with the same speed with steel but Sue's growth is quite a bit better. Also, Silver bows only have 6 wt, so when she gets a hold of those (promoted) she now has her 2 speed base bonus as well as her growth, so the better spd promo bonus on Dorothy is mostly canceled (still not for killers, though, but it's only a penalty of 1 for Sue now).

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At least Sue doubles, has 7 move, and can help with rescue chains (and is easily picked up herself). They start with the same speed with steel but Sue's growth is quite a bit better. Also, Silver bows only have 6 wt, so when she gets a hold of those (promoted) she now has her 2 speed base bonus as well as her growth, so the better spd promo bonus on Dorothy is mostly canceled (still not for killers, though, but it's only a penalty of 1 for Sue now).

Problem with Dorothy when compared to Sue is that she has no horse to keep up with the mounts for the coming chapters, because 7 8 and 8x are stupidly huge, so overall Dorothy's exp gain might not be as bountiful as Sue's. Dorothy at times could make the difference from doubling by doing the same damage with Steel (where Sue is no more likely to double with Steel, so the might difference makes up for it), and her support with Saul can help in places like Sacae. Problem is, that requires an ever so slight level lead, which could be gotten in the 1 chapter she has over Sue, chapter 6. Due to loldiers and mercs, Dorothy's not exactly doing bad in chapter 6 either.

Several problems are still there though. 1. Sue has stupidly high speed, even if we were to consider an early level 12 promo for Dorothy (all normal archers want early promo). Sue will eventually be able to ORKO nomads with silver, or be able to whip out a killer. Could silver out Wyvern Lords (No Miurge or Brave), can double chapter 22 heroes for some nice chipping. 2. Sue's got a horse, so even if we DID train up Dorothy, she wouldn't be as versatile.

Basically Dorothy is the axefighter compared to Sue's myrmidon, except Sue has a horse. You could easily justify a tier difference or two between them.

Edited by Cait Sith
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Problem with Dorothy when compared to Sue is that she has no horse to keep up with the mounts for the coming chapters, because 7 8 and 8x are stupidly huge, so overall Dorothy's exp gain might not be as bountiful as Sue's. Dorothy at times could make the difference from doubling by doing the same damage with Steel (where Sue is no more likely to double with Steel, so the might difference makes up for it), and her support with Saul can help in places like Sacae. Problem is, that requires an ever so slight level lead, which could be gotten in the 1 chapter she has over Sue, chapter 6. Due to loldiers and mercs, Dorothy's not exactly doing bad in chapter 6 either.

Several problems are still there though. 1. Sue has stupidly high speed, even if we were to consider an early level 12 promo for Dorothy (all normal archers want early promo). Sue will eventually be able to ORKO nomads with silver, or be able to whip out a killer. Could silver out Wyvern Lords (No Miurge or Brave), can double chapter 22 heroes for some nice chipping. 2. Sue's got a horse, so even if we DID train up Dorothy, she wouldn't be as versatile.

Basically Dorothy is the axefighter compared to Sue's myrmidon, except Sue has a horse. You could easily justify a tier difference or two between them.

I think two. Horse and killer speed and eventually even getting swords for fun and giving stuff like +1 mt and +5 crit to Shin (and possibly Roy) is way better. Dorothy has like half a chapter on Sue. There really isn't a whole lot in Roy's way on the way to Sue.

Also, hit on steel is bad. I don't feel like running numbers at the moment, but Sue may have a much better chance of landing two hits with iron than Dorothy does landing one hit with steel. And then when Dorothy misses she does zilch. When Sue misses one hit (since missing both is highly improbable) she still gets her other hit in there and does way more than Dorothy. Also, doubling with killers gives a much higher chance of critting than just hitting once.

And she actually has a prayer of doubling (quadding) with the brave bow. Sure, Shin is probably your best bet if you want to quad with that 12 wt thing, but Dorothy losing 5 (or 4 after promotion) speed means I doubt she'd ever quad. Considering you only need it if you can 2HKO some enemy that has 2 range (and you can 2HKO with brave) or if you can't 2HKO with a silver and need to quad to kill something, that seems important. There shouldn't be all that much that they need to avoid counters against and Sue has the advantage for quadding (loses 2 more speed than Dorothy but has a lot more than 2 extra speed in her favour, especially near the end of tier 1 rather than early tier 2).

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Also, hit on steel is bad. I don't feel like running numbers at the moment, but Sue may have a much better chance of landing two hits with iron than Dorothy does landing one hit with steel. And then when Dorothy misses she does zilch. When Sue misses one hit (since missing both is highly improbable) she still gets her other hit in there and does way more than Dorothy. Also, doubling with killers gives a much higher chance of critting than just hitting once.

True, but you have to remember how much longer Dorothy has Saul than Sue does with Shin. Chapter 6, 7, 8, 8x...It's a 20+2 speed support, both are backliners. Easily have a C, and a B is on the way. Naila B before Sue and Shin can land a C, it's basically working with 5 less hit per shot.

True with the fact that Sue missing probably still means 1 of those shots lands though.

And she actually has a prayer of doubling (quadding) with the brave bow. Sure, Shin is probably your best bet if you want to quad with that 12 wt thing, but Dorothy losing 5 (or 4 after promotion) speed means I doubt she'd ever quad. Considering you only need it if you can 2HKO some enemy that has 2 range (and you can 2HKO with brave) or if you can't 2HKO with a silver and need to quad to kill something, that seems important. There shouldn't be all that much that they need to avoid counters against and Sue has the advantage for quadding (loses 2 more speed than Dorothy but has a lot more than 2 extra speed in her favour, especially near the end of tier 1 rather than early tier 2).

In Dorothy's defense, the Brave Bow in Sacae would allow them easy power to ORKO nomads (Since Sue and Shin could probably be doing that with normal weapons). More people annihilating on enemy phase there is obviously a plus.

But I get your point, just wanted to clear a couple things up.

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Why is Sue bottom tier anyways? She has a horse and high Spd. She doubles just about everything eventually and won't take counters in the process, and unlike units like Lugh and Lilina, she has the Evd and HP/Def to deal with Hand Axes. Shin's only other real support option is Fir, so he'll gladly take Sue as well, and Sue can snag a nearly instant C with Dayan for the few chapters he's good.

Sue stands a very good chance of doubling Nomads in Sacae. 21 Spd upon promotion is beastly.

Edited by Inui
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Why is Sue bottom tier anyways?

That's what we're trying to figure out.

I didn't have too many issues getting her levels in C7 and 8 on a dry run. In 7 it's a bit more hectic, but in 8 it isn't terribly difficult so long as you hit Soldiers. If it helps, she can Longbow some of them. Now of course the damage output isn't necessarily the greatest, but it probably helps units such as Fanny when you're babying the hell out of her. Sue being on a horse also helps her chances of being deployed in those two chapters, especially 8 when you need the movement to clear this chapter as fast as possible.

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True, but you have to remember how much longer Dorothy has Saul than Sue does with Shin. Chapter 6, 7, 8, 8x...It's a 20+2 speed support, both are backliners. Easily have a C, and a B is on the way. Naila B before Sue and Shin can land a C, it's basically working with 5 less hit per shot.

True with the fact that Sue missing probably still means 1 of those shots lands though.

Sue doesn't force you to use Saul too. He's not a lot worse than Shin, but you still have Clarine for most of your healing needs. Is it just me or would Cecilia be a lot better if she started with B staves? Seriously, though, she starts with A anima at level 1 Valkyriea, 4 above their base anima, but she starts at their base staves. How in the heck did she ever reach promotion without ever using a staff, and how did she get 4 levels of anima without ever gaining experience?

Anyway, he's just Ice. Aside from avo instead of crit evade, it's a similar support to Sue and Shin. ie: not very good but the best you have to work with. Also if Sue wants to use that support in Sacae it can be problematic, and if she doesn't have at least a B going on she faces crit from the short bows at around 10 damage a pop (30 on a crit). I suppose Saul avoids the crit and if you get him to promote (only 5000 even if you need an extra guiding ring for him) he at least counters and isn't doubled, but his luck blows and his only realistic support at this point is Dorothy. 20/6 Saul with an A Dorothy support has 12 cev and 35 hp/8 def. I suppose strap a robe on him for 42 hp, but he's still facing crit while being 4 or 5 HKOd. If it is 4, he can be brought down by just two enemies.

Earlier on when they have a C vs. SuexShin's nothing, and B vs. C, that gives a +5 hit bonus. Sue still has better skill and luck and a weapon with 15 more hit.

Also, cool thing about doubling everything all the time? When killing stuff your wexp rises 50% faster and when not killing it rises 100% faster. Considering they both start with a D Bows at approximately the same time (there are like 3 enemies on the path towards Sue), guess who gets to the good stuff first? (the 7 move horse allowing more combats just adds insult to injury)

In Dorothy's defense, the Brave Bow in Sacae would allow them easy power to ORKO nomads (Since Sue and Shin could probably be doing that with normal weapons). More people annihilating on enemy phase there is obviously a plus.

But I get your point, just wanted to clear a couple things up.

It's true that in certain places the Brave is better in the hands of those that don't quad. Let's say a 15/1 Dorothy, just for kicks? I have no idea what and when, so I'll just say that for now. 24 mt with a brave bow 2HKOs the unpromoted nomads, I guess. Still, awful waste of a 30 use weapon if Sue and Shin can pulverise with silver or killer (killer for the added possible benefit of only using 1 use. helpful if their bow rank will hit S by the end of 20(A/B)X anyway) which saves the brave for tougher prey (I doubt you are raising Shin + Sue + Dorothy in the same tier playthrough).

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Considering the rather consistent lack of one-rounding in this game unless you're a Swordmaster or Berserker or use awesome weapons, Sue's chip damage isn't bad at all. She can double a loldier and then anyone can kill it without taking a counter. She can hit a Merc and then Silver Lance Zealot/Marcus can probably kill it in one hit. Unlike Lugh, she's never being one-rounded herself and has real Evd, and she has a horse.

Edited by Inui
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Considering the rather consistent lack of one-rounding in this game unless you're a Swordmaster or Berserker or use awesome weapons, Sue's chip damage isn't bad at all. She can double a loldier and then anyone can kill it without taking a counter. She can hit a Merc and then Silver Lance Zealot/Marcus can probably kill it in one hit. Unlike Lugh, she's never being one-rounded herself and has real Evd, and she has a horse.

Or better for Sue, after Marcus/Zealot counter something like that on enemy phase she can kill it on player phase. They are countering stuff anyway. Your truly good units want to keep moving ahead drawing more enemies. She won't fall behind too badly if she hangs back to finish something off, unlike units like Hugh and Lilina.

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Just as a side note, anyone notice Bartre's D rank bows allows him to to use Short bows?

Level 6 Bartre with A Fir would have 51 HP and 11+1 Def. This is taking 6 damage, so even being doubled he's still 5RKOd. Bartre has 15 Luck. Thanks to his Thunder Affinity, even a B negates all crits, and an A ensures no crit can take Bartre down a notch. He's got 12 Skill for 6 crit, +15 from A Fir, +10 from Short bow for 31 crit, which is 22 displayed. 31 base hit, +7 from Fir is 38, so 118 hit, so 72 on the 46 avoid Nomads. He'd be packing 30 might (24+5+1). This can do 23 damage on your average nomad, 18 on nomad troopers (who have 42 HP, can you say crit kill on the counter?). The crit chance also helps reduce how many hits he takes, as the enemy can't double if they're dead.

It's too bad you don't get many short bows over the course of the game, but...

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Just as a side note, anyone notice Bartre's D rank bows allows him to to use Short bows?

Level 6 Bartre with A Fir would have 51 HP and 11+1 Def. This is taking 6 damage, so even being doubled he's still 5RKOd. Bartre has 15 Luck. Thanks to his Thunder Affinity, even a B negates all crits, and an A ensures no crit can take Bartre down a notch. He's got 12 Skill for 6 crit, +15 from A Fir, +10 from Short bow for 31 crit, which is 22 displayed. 31 base hit, +7 from Fir is 38, so 118 hit, so 72 on the 46 avoid Nomads. He'd be packing 30 might (24+5+1). This can do 23 damage on your average nomad, 18 on nomad troopers (who have 42 HP, can you say crit kill on the counter?). The crit chance also helps reduce how many hits he takes, as the enemy can't double if they're dead.

It's too bad you don't get many short bows over the course of the game, but...

Buy a ton in chapter 17B? Why wouldn't you? If you go Sacae, you can only get Killer bows in chapter 13 (no silver card) and chapter 23. They might suck relative to killer bows, but 1400 for a killer bow vs. 880 for a short bow isn't all bad, especially if a guy like Bartre that can 3HKO or better with it is using the thing. You can even buy them before meeting your first Nomad during Sacae route.

Problem solved, you now have 5 short bows for Bartre to have a good time with.

Are you giving Fir the light brand? Otherwise, Bartre can't go very deep into their ranges because some of them will just attack her and face no counters. He does desperately need that B in order to be durable, so he's kinda stuck with her. At least she loves thunder (certainly more than ice, given the fact thunder gives crit) and a fast support so she's perfectly happy to take him. It's what, 7 turns to a C, and 20 more each for the next ones? She gets to A Bartre before she'd get to C Rutger, for example. An A Bartre before B Shin.

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Oh! Didn't notice that they were buyable in chapter 17b. Thanks Narga.

On the upside, this also helps his Bow Rank, as those crit kills could serve to get him more WEXP from kill bonus. Not sure how to feel about Bow Rank for him, as he has the span of chapter 12 to build it up to C for Bern (where Killer Bows with his Str and crit bonus from Fir would be delicious on Wyvern Lords and those damn heroes in chapter 22). Short bows help in that sense, so it's quite a bit easier to use Bartre in Sacae.

Lou can't say he survives as well as Bartre could in Sacae, and in Bern Bartre could do the same exact thing Lou could by standing on a mountain to be a magnet to wyverns. Thing is, Bartre could probably make claim to doing it better. 20/10 Lou on a mountain has 87 avoid, Bartre on said mountain has 69 avoid, +10 from WTA. The avoid difference is 8. Lou's got Aircalibur, Bartre has Armads. You might say Armads would be used up quick, but it wouldn't because Lou would eat through his aircalibur a lot lot faster (counters javelins, needs two shots to kill a wyvern lord). Bartre can avoid doubles from the wyvern lords with this (78 might, +1 from WTA, Wyvern lords have 58 HP and 19 Def), and he would have 11+5 Def, +1 from mountain terrain. It takes 3 wyvern lords to bring him down, and they'd have displayed hit of 30 displayed (the weakling wyverns would have 10 displayed with their steel/javies).

Prior to Ilia or Sacae? Lou's been a wimp, and the only thing that seperates Bartre from Echidna is that Echidna's doubling allows more crit opportunities while Bartre can avoid more counters through possible OHKOs (slayer weapons) and bow usage (Echidna could with handies, but not accurately or as hard as Bartre could with Steel, not to mention the effective might on wyverns). He's no answer to Lou's earlygame usage, but then again I don't need to spend EXP or a promotion item to get Bartre.

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Bartre can avoid doubles from the wyvern lords with this (78 might, +1 from WTA, Wyvern lords have 58 HP and 19 Def), and he would have 11+5 Def, +1 from mountain terrain. It takes 3 wyvern lords to bring him down, and they'd have displayed hit of 30 displayed (the weakling wyverns would have 10 displayed with their steel/javies).

You do realize that WTA is calculated before effective damage, right? In, like, every single fire emblem game ever?

19 x 3 = 57. Base str of 22 means 79 minimum.

What level did you give Bartre? 20/6? 81 mt, now.

It helps you, not hurts you, of course. Just saying.

It's also why on lance wielding armors/cavs Roy has str + supports + 12mt rather than str + supports + 15 - 1 mt.

(Do wyvern lords really not have any swords to fight him with? Cause, like, if they did why wouldn't they use them? 81 becomes 75 thanks to WTD instead of WTA.)

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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