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Final Fantasy Tactics

messy mike

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I'm very surprised at the lack of a topic dedicated to this gem of a game. So, any other FFT lovers out there? Preferably just the PSX masterpiece, although the mediocre GBA spinoffs and the semi-lame PSP port are also appreciated here.

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Tactics Advance was awesome. I had a team that destroyed everything, especially Marche, who was a Paladin with Double Sword and two of the strongest swords you could get.

I miss that game.. Oh well, I could download it.

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Tactics Advance was awesome. I had a team that destroyed everything, especially Marche, who was a Paladin with Double Sword and two of the strongest swords you could get.

I miss that game.. Oh well, I could download it.

My friend is an avid FE player, and when he played FFTA, he thought a paladin was a mounted unit, that uses swords and spears :D

I barely played FFTA, and haven't played FFTA2 at all.

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I put more hours into final Fantasy Tactics Advance back in the day than into any other GBA game that I owned the cart for.

In retrospect it wasn't that great of a game, it was too slow-paced and had too many annoying mechanics that added nothing to the game. Plus the story was insipid. Final Fantasy Tactics had a better story, but still was nothing special.

If you like the subgenre of the FFT games though, you should check out the Tactics Ogre games. They use the same system and are IMO more challenging and entertaining, though they're less polished.

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I'm a Tactics Ogre fan, but still find it inferior to FFT, although that could be a bit of nostalgia goggles speaking because FFT was one of the first games I really got into, way back in the day. And to a nine year old, it's story was pretty fucking epic, with all the predictable backstabbing and plottwists and FUCKING LUCAVI DEMONS. I had fun playing FFTA, but it was never the same, and I've never played FFTA2, although I've watched a friend play it.

And Emerald Jealousy, Concentrate is far more optimal on a Paladin than Two Swords, as the Paladin already has a double-damage move in his skillset. If you really want to see some destruction, look up some NEMK (no enemy movement kill) and OTK (one turn kill) videos for the game. [/elitism]

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Nah, I liked Double Sword on a Paladin more. But Montblanc and a Bunny person had Concentrate. He was a Gunner with either Black Magic or the Mog Knight skill, and the bunny person was an Assasain with White Magic. Or was it red... Anyway, Concentrate + Ultima = <3 <3

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FFTA is vastly different from the original FFT. I didn't particularly like it, but it was quite fun. Anyways, I really love FFT, it never seems to get old. I know the BMG like the back of my hand (well, sort of), so you could see how much of an FFT nerd I am D=

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Aquilae! I used to lurk on the FFT gfaqs board pretty frequently. I too memorized as much of the BMG as I possibly could, and IMO, FFT is one of the only games that actually gets more fun when you know how to manipulate its mechanics rather than less.

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Meh, I actually preferred the original, endearingly engrishy translation rather than the poor job they did at trying to make it "Shakespearean" or some shit. After playing the original, in which some spells/abilities already seemed to take a long time, the slowdown is a huge turnoff (I'm looking at you, CT5 Holy). Dark Knights and Balthier and the new equips break the game beyond all reason. It's still an epic game, and the new FMV scenes are pretty awesome, but I definitely prefer the original.

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I'm desperately trying to get my hands on a copy of FFT the original as I'll probably never have a PSP. And don't the FMV scenes refer to the protagonist as Ramza no matter what after they somehow managed to go through all of FFX without once saying "Tidus?"

FFTA and the sequel had plots that made you want to punch someone in the face. The combat was good though, if too easy.

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Meh, I actually preferred the original, endearingly engrishy translation rather than the poor job they did at trying to make it "Shakespearean" or some shit. After playing the original, in which some spells/abilities already seemed to take a long time, the slowdown is a huge turnoff (I'm looking at you, CT5 Holy). Dark Knights and Balthier and the new equips break the game beyond all reason. It's still an epic game, and the new FMV scenes are pretty awesome, but I definitely prefer the original.

That's just nostalgia speaking. The original script was not endearing, it was garbage. Slowdown? I use CFW so I didn't have any slowdown, but I can see why that would make people opt for the PSX version, I suppose. As long as you're playing for gameplay more than story.

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I love the Advance version. I have War of the Lions but it's so hard. I don't like it because I can't really get into it though. I'm playing A2 currently and I'm enjoying it just not as much as Advance one.

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