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Best Paladin in the Series


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After playing chapter 4 of FE9 MM, I've got to hand it to Titania.

<_< I wish I could play fe9 MM.

Well, I guess if you are comparing Seth to Titania and looking at the difficulty of the game, fe8 is apparently easy (I never played it) and fe9 is allegedly insanely hard (I never played it, obviously). If Titania is still amazing in fe9 MM then she should get the nod. fe4 is many things, but insanely hard is not one of them, so Aless would be out, too.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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<_< I wish I could play fe9 MM.

Well, I guess if you are comparing Seth to Titania and looking at the difficulty of the game, fe8 is apparently easy (I never played it) and fe9 is allegedly insanely hard (I never played it, obviously). If Titania is still amazing in fe9 MM then she should get the nod. fe4 is many things, but insanely hard is not one of them, so Aless would be out, too.

FE9 is definitely not insanely hard, but it is easily more difficult than FE8.

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FE9 is definitely not insanely hard, but it is easily more difficult than FE8.

JP only Maniac mode is said to rivalize FE 5. They found it so tough in Japan they removed it and gave us Easy mode instead.

Yeah, I've played PoR HM and it's quite easy. I've never played fe8 so I suppose that fe8 could be easier. PoR Maniac Mode, on the other hand, :drool:

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Seth and Titania are the only ones that are the best units in their respective games. Which one is better? I don't know, and it doesn't matter much. Both are top of top tier.

Titania the best unit in FE 9/10? Not seeing it.

In FE9 she's only irreplaceable in the beginning and is mediocre at best later on. It's even debateable whether or not she's the best palidan... seeing as how Oscar and Kieran provide great competition for the class.

In FE10 she's good but certainly not the best.... that's reserved for godmode characters like Haar and Shinon, if not the essential and incredibly powerful Nolan.

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Damn, if only I could buy a Japanese PoR without burning a hole in my funds rank...

...Granted I'll have to get a goddamn Gamecube since all I have is Wii and IIRC it has the region lockout chip within the system.

I'm going to go with Sirius here, but Titania and Seth call it close for me.

Edited by Tyranel M
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Titania the best unit in FE 9/10? Not seeing it.

In FE9 she's only irreplaceable in the beginning and is mediocre at best later on. It's even debateable whether or not she's the best palidan... seeing as how Oscar and Kieran provide great competition for the class.

In FE10 she's good but certainly not the best.... that's reserved for godmode characters like Haar and Shinon, if not the essential and incredibly powerful Nolan.

Titania is by far the best in fe9. The beginning in which she is irreplaceable lasts a pretty long time. It's not like your other units get better than her by chapter 10 or anything.

As for fe10, Titania > Nolan and Shinon. First off, Shinon doesn't even have a respectable enemy phase for like 80% of his existence. That already makes him lucky to be high tier. Nolan isn't all that great in part 1. Sure, he's the best in 1-1, second best (probably) until Volug appears. But that doesn't last very long and then he's above average but hardly impressive throughout part 1. Part 3 comes and he's arguably second best next to Volug. Part 4 he's just there. Certainly not better than all the GMs that are at or near promotion while he's at 20/12 or something coming out of the DB's part 3. Now way is he better than Titania.

However, in fe10, Mia is arguably better than Titania. Ike, Haar, Volug are certainly better than Titania. Reyson is arguably better.

I'm assuming that Inui wasn't talking about Titania in fe10 when saying she's one of the two best Paladins in the series.

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Titania the best unit in FE 9/10? Not seeing it.

In FE9 she's only irreplaceable in the beginning and is mediocre at best later on. It's even debateable whether or not she's the best palidan... seeing as how Oscar and Kieran provide great competition for the class.

Actually...you could leave her to take on bosses or heavy armoured units earlygame, sure, she gains 1 Exp at first in HM, but later the enemies go on giving slightly more.

Just like Seth, give her boss kills, train her in the chapters that are filled with soldiers. She is totally worth the train and is around the best in FE9. And her caps are pretty bad in FE10...

In FE10 she's good but certainly not the best.... that's reserved for godmode characters like Haar and Shinon, if not the essential and incredibly powerful Nolan.

Inui didn't exactly say she was the best in FE10, he was referring to FE9, I suppose.

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Titania is by far the best in fe9. The beginning in which she is irreplaceable lasts a pretty long time. It's not like your other units get better than her by chapter 10 or anything.

Mine do.... I have atleast one unit that surpasses her by then in every playthrough. It's not hard... at all... in fact, it wouldn't surprise me to have 2 or 3 promoted units by then (usually Oscar and Boyd).

As for fe10, Titania > Nolan and Shinon. First off, Shinon doesn't even have a respectable enemy phase for like 80% of his existence. That already makes him lucky to be high tier. Nolan isn't all that great in part 1. Sure, he's the best in 1-1, second best (probably) until Volug appears. But that doesn't last very long and then he's above average but hardly impressive throughout part 1. Part 3 comes and he's arguably second best next to Volug. Part 4 he's just there. Certainly not better than all the GMs that are at or near promotion while he's at 20/12 or something coming out of the DB's part 3. Now way is he better than Titania.

Wrong... Nolan is better than Titania by a longshot. While Titania has to compete with an entire team of great units and has poor caps, Nolan is a mandatory unit for the DB if you actually want to live... you need every tank you can get for them, and since Nolan has beastly stats before long, there is no reason to not use him. It's not how impressive he is in the early game... it's how important he is... Titania doesn't have that.

However, in fe10, Mia is arguably better than Titania. Ike, Haar, Volug are certainly better than Titania. Reyson is arguably better.

I'm assuming that Inui wasn't talking about Titania in fe10 when saying she's one of the two best Paladins in the series.

Mia better than Titania? Doesn't Mia require more baby'ing than Titania by a lot? In Easy, yeah... Mia's better, but that's easy mode... Reyson isn't arguably better... Reyson IS better... I don't see Titania fufilling any great support role like he does all the while actually being very good at it and having a very high dodge rate due to high speed and luck while transformed. Also, despite a mediocre enemy phase, Shinon is still better due to having shockingly high tanking ability. He's just Ike but with better stats, an earlier promotion, and locked to bows.

Replies in bold.

Edited by Saint Nightroad
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I hope you realize that sticking your replies inside the quote tags means they disappear when I hit "reply".

Replies in bold.

And it looks like this^

Mine do.... I have atleast one unit that surpasses her by then in every playthrough. It's not hard... at all... in fact, it wouldn't surprise me to have 2 or 3 promoted units by then (usually Oscar and Boyd).

So, on HM you have promoted units by chapter 10? Just imagine if you gave some of those boss kills to Titania how good she'd be at this point.

Wrong... Nolan is better than Titania by a longshot. While Titania has to compete with an entire team of great units and has poor caps, Nolan is a mandatory unit for the DB if you actually want to live... you need every tank you can get for them, and since Nolan has beastly stats before long, there is no reason to not use him. It's not how impressive he is in the early game... it's how important he is... Titania doesn't have that.

He's never all that important after chapter 1-4 or so. Titania can be really good for a long time, whereas Nolan is positively mediocre for the rest of part 1 and gets a blip of goodness in part 3 then is mediocre again. To me, that's not better than Titania. To each his own, though.

Mia better than Titania? Doesn't Mia require more baby'ing than Titania by a lot? In Easy, yeah... Mia's better, but that's easy mode... Reyson isn't arguably better... Reyson IS better... I don't see Titania fufilling any great support role like he does all the while actually being very good at it and having a very high dodge rate due to high speed and luck while transformed. Also, despite a mediocre enemy phase, Shinon is still better due to having shockingly high tanking ability. He's just Ike but with better stats, an earlier promotion, and locked to bows.

No, Titania is better in EM. Mia is better in HM. In EM Titania can promote really quickly and will double just about everything forever while killing it. Mia still relies on procs. Fortunately on HM even with a wing Titania still fails to double a fair amount and Ike does more for Mia than he does for Titania. Mia w/ Ike is better than Titania w/ Ike, and so she has a good argument for being better overall. Just look at the tier list that isn't made by smash. Clearly multiple people think it's at least possible. "Arguable" doesn't necessarily mean "is", and hence the "enough people" argument is actually valid. I'll grant many people also disagree, but again, what's your definition of "arguable"? Seems to me that this fits a reasonable definition of the word.

Reyson isn't any more necessary than Titania. Sure, he allows for better positioning on enemy phase, but really you'll be fine without him, just like without Titania. And Reyson does not have good avo transformed, and even if he did there is no point letting him get attacked. Tanking without damaging is worthless, so Shinon is out. Seriously, if you can do the same job with Gatrie/Titania/Ike/Mia/Haar and have the enemy dead or nearly dead, why would you want to have Shinon tank it? This is why enemy phase matters. If nobody had any durability except Shinon and you desperately needed him to draw in enemies so that you could make it through, sure, his craptastic enemy phase wouldn't put him below so many other units. Sadly for Shinon, you do have those units. Thus, Shinon < Titania (and many others).

He's "just like Ike" without the one thing that makes Ike so great. Oh well, sorry Shinon.

(and why do people think Mia is better in EM and NM? Those are the modes where she is relatively much worse than your team. I'll never understand people.)

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In FE9 she's only irreplaceable in the beginning and is mediocre at best later on. It's even debateable whether or not she's the best palidan... seeing as how Oscar and Kieran provide great competition for the class.

You are literally the only person I've seen in years to say Titania isn't the best, lol.

Did you know a 20/20 Titania in the final chapter has the same attack power as a 20/17 Oscar and they are both nearly invincible and have virtually the same Spd? So Oscar is like...the same as her at the very end of the game, and slaughtered by her for the rest.

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You are literally the only person I've seen in years to say Titania isn't the best, lol.


Did you know a 20/20 Titania in the final chapter has the same attack power as a 20/17 Oscar and they are both nearly invincible and have virtually the same Spd? So Oscar is like...the same as her at the very end of the game, and slaughtered by her for the rest.

Which, if true, seems to imply that Titania > Oscar. Now, Oscar has the support thing in his favour, but really that shouldn't matter when you consider just how much better she is for so long at the start and that she's not exactly paper later on anyway.

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So, on HM you have promoted units by chapter 10? Just imagine if you gave some of those boss kills to Titania how good she'd be at this point.

What would happen if I gave the boss kills to Titania? She'ld be like 1-2 levels higher (maybe) and still mediocre in stats at that point, while I'ld have lower leveled other units... no thank you.

I'ld describe Titania as such-

Crucial till and on the second defense mission (chapter... 7?) For all missions but that defense mission, it is perfectly acceptable and probably a good idea to unequip her.

After that misssion, she's just an average unit... she'll still contribute a lot, but your other units will really start to shine and pass her up. Basically... mediocre to above average.

Crap after Ike promotes... to me, that level marks the point after which Titania is just deadweight, plain and simple... that's almost half the game.... yeah, she's the BEST unit in the game.... definitely.

Now she isn't bringing your team down statistically, but relying on her is absolutely horrible from an experience standpoint.

Edited by Saint Nightroad
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What would happen if I gave the boss kills to Titania? She'ld be like 1-2 levels higher (maybe) and still mediocre in stats at that point, while I'ld have lower leveled other units... no thank you.

I'ld describe Titania as such-

Crucial till and on the second defense mission (chapter... 7?) For all missions but that defense mission, it is perfectly acceptable and probably a good idea to unequip her.

After that misssion, she's just an average unit... she'll still contribute a lot, but your other units will really start to shine and pass her up. Basically... mediocre to above average.

Crap after Ike promotes... to me, that level marks the point after which Titania is just deadweight, plain and simple... that's almost half the game.... yeah, she's the BEST unit in the game.... definitely.

Now she isn't bringing your team down statistically, but relying on her is absolutely horrible from an experience standpoint.

Somehow I don't think you are using her as much as everyone else is. What level do you think she's even at when you get to chapter 18? Something tells me it's not nearly where everyone else has her. Maybe there's a reason you think she's crap at that point and we don't? Oh, and boss kills give her far more than 1 or 2 levels. Also, the whole point of Titania is that she lets you complete the earlier chapters faster. I'd like to see you get in under the bexp turn limits early on with her unequipped (and without relying on luck).

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Somehow I don't think you are using her as much as everyone else is. What level do you think she's even at when you get to chapter 18? Something tells me it's not nearly where everyone else has her. Maybe there's a reason you think she's crap at that point and we don't? Oh, and boss kills give her far more than 1 or 2 levels. Also, the whole point of Titania is that she lets you complete the earlier chapters faster. I'd like to see you get in under the bexp turn limits early on with her unequipped (and without relying on luck).

Who cares about the bexp turn limits? I'ld much rather have my units actually leveling up in battle early on so that they can actually pull their own weight in the early game. Now that's why you lot think Titania is so mandatory for the early game... you're rely'ing on her too much. How do you even function on levels before you can actually spend your earned Bexp and can't just rely on Titania to beast everything on the map (first defense mission anyone?) The end result of not using Titania as much and letting others get the battle experience is a higher level for your non-Titania characters, and thus better efficiency after they promote.... which would be the majority of the game.

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Who cares about the bexp turn limits? I'ld much rather have my units actually leveling up in battle early on so that they can actually pull their own weight in the early game. Now that's why you lot think Titania is so mandatory for the early game... you're rely'ing on her too much. How do you even function on levels before you can actually spend your earned Bexp and can't just rely on Titania to beast everything on the map (first defense mission anyone?) The end result of not using Titania as much and letting others get the battle experience is a higher level for your non-Titania characters, and thus better efficiency after they promote.... which would be the majority of the game.

And what's your definition of efficiency? Us raising Titania makes us no slower later on, but faster earlier on. Seems to me this is the very definition of efficiency. We go faster/easier/better both early and late. And it's not as if the other units are neglected, either. Sure, they may not promote in chapter 10 or whatever you say you did in HM, but they'll still promote around chapter 16 or so and will be quite good even before then. Basically, there is no cost to using Titania (and it's not as if she solos the early maps anyway) and only gain. Win-win. You are basically just sandbagging her and then using that as justification for believing that she isn't the best.

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In FE9 MM, you are not beating chapter 4 without Titania. I am 98% certain that it's not possible without someone dying. In the same vein, chapter 2 takes a long time without Titania. She can solo the north half of the map after she enters the map before Oscar, Ike, Boyd, and Rhys finish with the southern half.

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Well, shit. But doesn't that tier list have some messed up standards?

Which, if true, seems to imply that Titania > Oscar. Now, Oscar has the support thing in his favour, but really that shouldn't matter when you consider just how much better she is for so long at the start and that she's not exactly paper later on anyway.

I didn't check it myself, but if my memory is right, that's something Reikken showed in a debate before.

In FE9 MM, you are not beating chapter 4 without Titania. I am 98% certain that it's not possible without someone dying. In the same vein, chapter 2 takes a long time without Titania. She can solo the north half of the map after she enters the map before Oscar, Ike, Boyd, and Rhys finish with the southern half.

I really want to play this...

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I'd have to go with Seth. He has the best overall averages for all the potential Paladins SS, awesome supports, and WTF Weapon Ranks, having an A in Swords AND Lances.

Of course, an Aless is fine, too. The Mistoltin criticals like nobody's business and criticals are broken in that game, 2x ATK :awesome:

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Who the heck is Sirius?

Anyway, Titania is the correct answer. Alternatively, Lance, as he's amazing in a game that's actually hard. Though, I haven't played the legendary Maniac mode for FE9, so I can't comment on that.

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