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Best Paladin in the Series


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Who the heck is Sirius?

Anyway, Titania is the correct answer. Alternatively, Lance, as he's amazing in a game that's actually hard. Though, I haven't played the legendary Maniac mode for FE9, so I can't comment on that.

Sexiest paladin in the series

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I say Seth for overall performance. Titania is pretty much inferior to some of your endgame material while Seth is still very comparable to your best. However, Titania is pretty much a necessity in the early chapters while Seth isn't. Another thing, I'd argue Oscar>Titania for about the last 5 chapters and they're comparable for several chapters before that.

Edited by Core
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Well... I'll argue that Aless is a better Palidan than Titania regardless of whether or not she is the "best" in FE9. Mistoltin is just too good.

You don't see the flaw in this logic?

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You don't see the flaw in this logic?

I think he's using a "vs. enemies" type of outlook rather than a "relative to the team" or "relative impact on efficiency" type of argument.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, I understand that much... I was asking if he sees how flawed that is. >_>;

There is no flaw. At least, in the sense that you can use any rating system you want. Now, there is the question of how useful or meaningful any given rating system is, of course, but there isn't really a "flaw" in judging that way.

I could choose best paladin off the one with the prettiest face if I really wanted.

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Yeah, I understand that much... I was asking if he sees how flawed that is. >_>;

Not flawed at all?

What's a better character... one who can break the game in an actually challenging game, or one that can "break" the game in a much easier one (that doesn't even include any sort of meaningful ranking system)?

And Aless is amazing without Mistoltin... now throw in an incredibly powerful and easily repairable sword.... Titania... just lost the game.

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Aless for his beast RES growth

He shares the same growth as Celice, 30% isn't beast, just higher than the standard even for soe magic users, the thing saving him is his Res bonus with Mitsolin, but not a beast, mages still have high Atk.

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Not flawed at all?

What's a better character... one who can break the game in an actually challenging game, or one that can "break" the game in a much easier one (that doesn't even include any sort of meaningful ranking system)?

And Aless is amazing without Mistoltin... now throw in an incredibly powerful and easily repairable sword.... Titania... just lost the game.

FE 4 second generation is not challenging. It is a joke. The children units are all massively overpowered and you are swimming in holy weapons. FE 9's hard mode is definitely harder. FE 4's second generation is just...a joke. Aless is part of making it a joke, and he's nowhere near the best unit. His durability against physical enemies is actually not even close to top tier. The Mistoltin is basically the weakest holy weapon out of all of them. It boosts Skl and Res, lmao. Others have 1~2 range or massive boosts to Spd/Str for huge offense/durability.

Aless gets to be like the 7th best character out of a bunch of broken gods in a very easy game while Titania is the ONE godlike unit in her game. Aless fails by comparison. He's not even close to the best unit in his game and doesn't break it at all.

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Titania is amazing, imaging if Urvan was in FE9. W00t!

She'd be even more broken. The only other characters likely to S Rank Axes (Kieran, Boyd, Largo and Haar) have enough strength not to need Urvan, so Titania is practically guaranteed to get it, and it fixes her strength issues in lategame.

Whoops, just checked and Urvan only has two more mt than a Silver Axe, so she probably doesn't need it.

Edited by Anouleth
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FE 4 second generation is not challenging. It is a joke. The children units are all massively overpowered and you are swimming in holy weapons. FE 9's hard mode is definitely harder. FE 4's second generation is just...a joke. Aless is part of making it a joke, and he's nowhere near the best unit. His durability against physical enemies is actually not even close to top tier. The Mistoltin is basically the weakest holy weapon out of all of them. It boosts Skl and Res, lmao. Others have 1~2 range or massive boosts to Spd/Str for huge offense/durability.

Aless gets to be like the 7th best character out of a bunch of broken gods in a very easy game while Titania is the ONE godlike unit in her game. Aless fails by comparison. He's not even close to the best unit in his game and doesn't break it at all.

The bosses in the second gen, though. They're all generals with high avoid, holy weapons are pretty much needed for them. But other than that, second gen's a complete joke, even without the weapons.

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The bosses in the second gen, though. They're all generals with high avoid, holy weapons are pretty much needed for them. But other than that, second gen's a complete joke, even without the weapons.

In the same chapter you get Aless, you get Shanan, who is pretty much the best unit in the game for fighting bosses. You're going to have Cavalier Aless fight Blume? Nah, Shanan will. Then in the next chapter you get Faval and Sety, who are also better against bosses. +20 Skl/+10 Res just doesn't compare to Str/Spd boosts and range.

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Oh, I wasn't using that as a point against Aless, it was just about you saying how much of a joke the second gen is. Aless' weapon has like, the worst bonuses, but it's still hilariously broken.

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In the same chapter you get Aless, you get Shanan, who is pretty much the best unit in the game for fighting bosses. You're going to have Cavalier Aless fight Blume? Nah, Shanan will. Then in the next chapter you get Faval and Sety, who are also better against bosses. +20 Skl/+10 Res just doesn't compare to Str/Spd boosts and range.


40 HP, 4 + 10 MDF, Move Again >>> 38 HP/Shanan's HP at the time, 4 MDF. Blume has 16 MAG (46 MT that targets RES) so he'll nuke Shanan. Then comes Ishtar in Chapter 8 who has 22 MAG (52 MT). To fight these 2 with Shanan would require Meteor to activate and while there is a good chance of that happening, it'd be stupid to deny that fighting them with Aless has less risks.

Also, you're under the assumption that most bosses are packing like, 80 or so HP which isn't the case. Most bosses are on thrones and have ways to boost their avoid so the bonuses Aless gets are actually better for some bosses since his attacks will be more accurate and takes less punishment from THammer (good luck to Shanan at dodging THammer, he'll pretty much require an Astra to activate).

Then Faval's bow has 70 acc. Just try fighting chapter 10's boss with Faval and Aless and you'll see what I'm talking about. The STR given from Ichival is for the most part, superfluous while the only thing the speed bonus does is turn his avoid = to what you'd get if you have him use Killer Bow (-3 AS).

As for Aless' durability not being top tier? That's debatable due to his Ambush + Critical AND Continue easily having about 40% activation rate. With that in mind, the only people who really have better physical durability than him would be the Holsety user and Shanan due to their avoid but because of their MOV, they (Shanan and Sety) won't see as much combat as Aless while Holsety!Arthur is the only thing that has a pretty good chance of seeing more.

If you compare Aless and other Paladins based on the tier position of their respective armies? Then yes, Aless isn't the best. Sirius is another good candidate as like Titania, he starts out as the strongest unit in the game but unlike Titania, he can remain among the best even after you apply all sorts of ridiculous favoritism to your team (plus you have more reason to deploy him in the endgame than any other Paladin).

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40 HP, 4 + 10 MDF, Move Again >>> 38 HP/Shanan's HP at the time, 4 MDF. Blume has 16 MAG (46 MT that targets RES) so he'll nuke Shanan. Then comes Ishtar in Chapter 8 who has 22 MAG (52 MT). To fight these 2 with Shanan would require Meteor to activate and while there is a good chance of that happening, it'd be stupid to deny that fighting them with Aless has less risks.

120% is Shanan's HP growth and he will NOT be at base level when fighting Blume or Ishtar. On the contrary, he'll probably gain about 6 levels before getting to Blume. There is no reason to not throw him in the arena for a turn to rape it all for cash and EXP when the Experience rank in this game is horribly unfair. I'm also very certain Aless doesn't double these bosses. Thor Hammer gives +10 Spd and Aless gets no Spd boost.

Also, you're under the assumption that most bosses are packing like, 80 or so HP which isn't the case. Most bosses are on thrones and have ways to boost their avoid so the bonuses Aless gets are actually better for some bosses since his attacks will be more accurate and takes less punishment from THammer (good luck to Shanan at dodging THammer, he'll pretty much require an Astra to activate).

I got too used to the awesome hard mode patch, lol. Shanan gets +40 Evd from his weapon, has high Spd, and the weapon only has 3 Wt IIRC. He's got the best Evd in the game. If he can't dodge something, nobody can. He also doesn't need to dodge the Thor Hammer anyways since he'll have enough HP to not die.

Then Faval's bow has 70 acc. Just try fighting chapter 10's boss with Faval and Aless and you'll see what I'm talking about. The STR given from Ichival is for the most part, superfluous while the only thing the speed bonus does is turn his avoid = to what you'd get if you have him use Killer Bow (-3 AS).

Faval also has an extremely high Skl stat pending Holyn is the father (very good idea) and doesn't take counters quite often with his weapon and will double everything. Does Aless double everything ever? Nah. He also takes counters.

As for Aless' durability not being top tier? That's debatable due to his Ambush + Critical AND Continue easily having about 40% activation rate. With that in mind, the only people who really have better physical durability than him would be the Holsety user and Shanan due to their avoid but because of their MOV, they (Shanan and Sety) won't see as much combat as Aless while Holsety!Arthur is the only thing that has a pretty good chance of seeing more.

How about Lakche and Skasaher with Lex as the father for more durability than Aless? Celice after getting the Tyrfing? Faval due to almost never taking counters?

If you compare Aless and other Paladins based on the tier position of their respective armies? Then yes, Aless isn't the best.

And that's all I really care about people understanding.

Sirius is another good candidate as like Titania, he starts out as the strongest unit in the game but unlike Titania, he can remain among the best even after you apply all sorts of ridiculous favoritism to your team (plus you have more reason to deploy him in the endgame than any other Paladin).

Except Sirius faces Crit rates forever and gets surpassed by other units far earlier than Titania and Seth do.

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6 levels for Shanan seems a bit much but I guess that's just from me rushing the chapter that all Shanan can usually do in C7 is fight the army that comes with Aless.

Correction: Shanan has the best POSSIBLE avoid but actually, he never scores avoid higher than a leveled Sety and his avoid usually comes close to Levin!Arthur's and then take into account the weapon triangle bonus being +20 so that's -20 AVO against anything wielding a lance. The lower avoid is mostly due to his luck.

I don't recall there being many instances in which Aless can't double and from what I've seen, anything Aless can't double is something Faval wasn't able to either.

He's still the safest bet for fighting the THammer bosses since they don't double him either and there's still Critical + Continue on his side. Beats the high chance of dying that Shanan has.

Statistically, yes, those Lex children are superior in durability but because of the MOV difference, Aless will be able to put his use more often. Foot units become somewhat obsolete once you build your team of mounted tramplers. Even if we're to take those into account, does that stop Aless durability from being top tier? Doubtful.

Fair enough. Good thing nobody cares much for the Goddess Icons and there's Orbs to help with that.

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6 levels for Shanan seems a bit much but I guess that's just from me rushing the chapter that all Shanan can usually do in C7 is fight the army that comes with Aless.

Correction: Shanan has the best POSSIBLE avoid but actually, he never scores avoid higher than a leveled Sety and his avoid usually comes close to Levin!Arthur's and then take into account the weapon triangle bonus being +20 so that's -20 AVO against anything wielding a lance. The lower avoid is mostly due to his luck.

I don't recall there being many instances in which Aless can't double and from what I've seen, anything Aless can't double is something Faval wasn't able to either.

He's still the safest bet for fighting the THammer bosses since they don't double him either and there's still Critical + Continue on his side. Beats the high chance of dying that Shanan has.

Statistically, yes, those Lex children are superior in durability but because of the MOV difference, Aless will be able to put his use more often. Foot units become somewhat obsolete once you build your team of mounted tramplers. Even if we're to take those into account, does that stop Aless durability from being top tier? Doubtful.

Fair enough. Good thing nobody cares much for the Goddess Icons and there's Orbs to help with that.

Okay, I know that there are only two shield rings to boost def, but why wouldn't you give one to Aless? His durability is okay, but it isn't really enough to guarantee survival against the swarms of enemies this game throws at you some of the time. It doesn't even have to be units with canto given how Aless will probably just kill them all anyway. There are lots of other units that you could give rings to, and I'd even suggest one of the sword kids if Lex is their father to turn push their durability into the broken range (at least, let one have a ring until promotion), but it isn't necessary for both of them at once. Aless' offence is just too good not to give him a ring, really.

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