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No, because it's weird that you are three hours below me.


It's not that. Just stop creeping me out like this. You're really pissing me off, man.

*Disappears again*

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It's not that. Just stop creeping me out like this. You're really pissing me off, man.

*Disappears again*

You must actually look the origin of the quote, click on the arrow and you'll see where it leads to, then read the next page.

This was also the plan...I knew you would come back!!! IT WORKED! IT WORKED!

...Stuid anonymous pansy.

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You must actually look the origin of the quote, click on the arrow and you'll see where it leads to, then read the next page.

This was also the plan...I knew you would come back!!! IT WORKED! IT WORKED!

...Stuid anonymous pansy.

*Reappea--* oh forget it. >_>

Still, even in context, just drop this entire act. You're not getting points with either of us, so just stop.

Yeah, man. Fuck you too.

Edited by Roxas
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*Reappea--* oh forget it. >_>

Still, even in context, just drop this entire act. You're not getting points with either of us, so just stop.

Yeah, man. Fuck you too.

I will, while your at it, you should check out some of your other friends at the FE4 THREAD. ;)

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I'm not about to have to use my thunder tongue on both of you, am I? I don't want to have to show my worst trait to both of you.

It's not fun. >:

Um, should I just leave now miss Soluna? Or would you have me stay as a witness?

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Um, should I just leave now miss Soluna? Or would you have me stay as a witness?

shut up with your miss crap nobody even told you to stay and watch others problems and later pretend to be a nice polite little maid

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shut up with your miss crap nobody even told you to stay and watch others problems and later pretend to be a nice polite little maid

Well, how the heck should I know what anyone wants me to do? Above all else, I want to resolve these problems. Unfortunately, it seems that the only thing I am good for here is making more problems.

I feel so pathetic that I am powerless to help anyone here...

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shut up with your miss crap nobody even told you to stay and watch others problems and later pretend to be a nice polite little maid

You don't need to be so rude about it... .___.


I'm just about to blow my brains out.

Why am I just always the center of conflicts?

Edited by Lovely Sonata
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I'm just about to blow my brains out.

Why am I just always the center of conflicts?

Really, it's not your fault. I'm just... well...

Trying to reprimand Soul? :/

And XD Soul, you got Roxas to come back.

To clarify, Spike, I'm NOT back.

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There's just no world without Roxas x Soluna. I prefer that tons of times than Rei cheating on BL.

Just stop it, Soul. You have no idea what you're talking about when you refer to "Roxas x Soluna," okay? Just give the entire thing up. I don't want you posting any stalker comments creeping her, and I want you to stop comparing us to anyone else, either for better or worse. Maybe once you understand what a relationship is, you'll figure out that its not something you can throw around lightly and expect it to cut tension like a cheap joke. Of course, we'll all have to wait for that day, considering how you've been conducting yourself lately.

Leave us alone, alright?

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So lemme get this straight.

Soul's up to his usual shenanigans.

Roxas couldn't resist one more post.

And Hero is displaying true California spirit.

So now, we all hold hands and sing kumbaya.

While wearin' gloves of course.

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Dear RP,

You must always remember that being absolutely inoffensive is one of the most offensive things in existence. Until you learn this you will never stop causing bigger problems.



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Just stop it, Soul. You have no idea what you're talking about when you refer to "Roxas x Soluna," okay? Just give the entire thing up. I don't want you posting any stalker comments creeping her, and I want you to stop comparing us to anyone else, either for better or worse. Maybe once you understand what a relationship is, you'll figure out that its not something you can throw around lightly and expect it to cut tension like a cheap joke. Of course, we'll all have to wait for that day, considering how you've been conducting yourself lately.

Leave us alone, alright?

I wasn't being serious when I said that, and you said that even in that context you are still angry, I can only apolgize and say I won't do it again, unlike others, I know Roxas x Soluna isn't a joke.

And don't be a Ninji, I don't post stalker comments.

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