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My revelation

Freohr Datia

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Then my statement still stands, you are an ignorant bigot. No wonder you got banned from serious discussion forum.

You posted that like you actually have a case against me. Do you? :huh:

I'd like to show you people something interesting really quick....

Apparent definition of Homosexuality:

Homosexuality is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions primarily to" people of the same sex; "it also refers to an individual’s sense of personal and social identity based on those attractions, behaviors expressing them, and membership in a community of others who share them."

Quite candidly, I don't approve of the practice. That's not ignorance.

Let's try another, shall we?

Apparent definition of Pedophilia:

Pedophilia (or paedophilia) is a psychological disorder(disorder? :huh: ) in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children. According to the World Health Organization, 16 and 17-year-old adolescents qualify if they have a persistent or predominant sexual preference for prepubescent children at least five years younger than them.

Quite candidly, I don't approve of the practice. That's not ignorance either.

Homosexuality is a natural is widely accepted as a natural state. Pedophilia is most definitely a disorder of the mind. The two sexual preferences are incredibly similar, yet, one is a disorder, and the other isn't? You couldn't possibly be caught up in social bias now, could you? :mellow:

Here's my opinion. They're both disorders, one more prominent than the other. If you think I'm wrong, that's fine, but explain why I'm wrong before you call me an ignorant bigot. If you don't have any real viewpoint here, then stop replying to my posts.

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Scientists have actually done research on what causes homosexuality you know. Maybe you could try looking it up?

Why? :mellow:

I'm arguing with a left wing troll here. That means there's no point in presenting hard core evidence. All we need are our opinions, and good presentation.

Why don't you look it up and tell me why it's not a disorder, and then look up pedophilia research, and tell me why it is? Shouldn't be too hard, with all the reason and common sense floating around.

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Phoenix--it's not worth continuing this. On the internet anticlericalists and left-wingers always have the majority and the initiative, you'll never win no matter how good or bad your argument is.

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Phoenix--it's not worth continuing this. On the internet anticlericalists and left-wingers always have the majority and the initiative, you'll never win no matter how good or bad your argument is.

Shhh! :3

I'm not debating, I'm curving boredom.

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Thirteen year old girls? Bashing Phoenix? Why the fuck didn't you invite me?

RP has been accused for hitting on 13-year olds just because he complimented Soluna when it wasn't the right way to say it.

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Although I have to agree with him that gay sex ≠ homosexuality. It's possible to like one but not the other. For instance, yaoi fangirls probably HATE IRL relations with two gay guys, but the sex is what they LIVE for.

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I enjoy nothing I am sorrow and pain and I am so special look at my eyeliner and black nail polish I should write a poem but what's the point everyone is going to die except for the Devil

I assume you also listen to Linkin Park as well.

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Although I have to agree with him that gay sex ≠ homosexuality. It's possible to like one but not the other. For instance, yaoi fangirls probably HATE IRL relations with two gay guys, but the sex is what they LIVE for.

It's not like RP goes out and has sex with little children, even if he's accused of being a pedo. You can't say you hate the one gay thing that gay people actually do and think that opinion will be okay and left alone.

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I'll take that bet, but first let me clarify.

I believe that murder is wrong/disgusting.

I believe that breaking the speed limit is wrong/disgusting.

Knowing this, why should I get caught up in which is worse? Why should I focus on murder, above flat out 90 MPH driving on a 40 MPH road? Of course it's worse, but why should I care? They're both wrong in my eyes, so why go beyond the basics? <_<

I think you might begin to see the reason why now, Phoenix...

Everything you do in life to move forward in life will deny another person of that opportunity. Multiple people go out for each job. For each woman. For money. Power. etc. For you to succeed, someone must fail.

You may live every day not allowing those people to exist, but just look at George Bush. He's a failure at something you and I will never be able to reach, barring a miracle. Where does he rank on the ladder of life?

Regardless, I like people around me, and am happy with the world. Perhaps, even, I wish that this weren't true.

That's just confusing someone's externalities with what they really are. You can't be George Bush, only he can. It's not that George Bush was President, but that the President of the US from 2000 to 2008 was George Bush.

How could you have been him in one way without being him in every way? This world has been as it was and always will have been what it was. The "opportunity" only existed until it became obvious who it was meant to be.

Having a job is an opportunity, but not having it is also. Not being you means I can be me.

Why are people always harping on me for being insensitive? Do my posts really stand out any more than THAT?^

It's all a matter of tone, which is not always difficult to detect. That post was pretty obviously humorous. Your post was not. You also put yourself out (shortly afterwards) as someone who tries to convey your POV as seriously as possible.

How do you think a gay person would feel if they took your statement that there's no significant difference between them and a pedophile? Even if they don't take it seriously, they aren't going to look on you kindly as a person who could ever accept them as they are. Part of this may be due to the constructed concept of "sexuality" which may be oppressive in its attempt to "liberate" people's sexuality by allowing more generalizations to exist. However, I think it is true that your viewpoint seems even more generalizing and even less accepting.

This is why I told the atheists in the religion topic to read my posts CAREFULLY. I didn't say I hate homosexuals. I don't. I hate gay sex. If you can't tell the difference, that's your problem.

I agree with you on the distinction between individuality and sexuality. A person is not their sexual preference, any more than their preference for sandwiches. It's possible to hate gay sex without hating people who participate in it. I believe you.

However, I do think that your hatred of gay sex is ludicrous and perhaps even worthy of scorn.

A Christian would say it like this: "Hate the sin, not the sinner."

It is not the distinction between the subject and the verb, but the word you use to tie the two together.

As long as the individual who commits the sin becomes a sinner who commits the sin, you commit the same error of defining a person by their sexuality. Therefore, it would be incorrect to define them in terms of their sex act yet have dislike for the sex act without having dislike for the person. You already consent to define them by their sex act, so YOU fail to make the distinction that you are telling others they should be making.

Although I have to agree with him that gay sex ≠ homosexuality. It's possible to like one but not the other. For instance, yaoi fangirls probably HATE IRL relations with two gay guys, but the sex is what they LIVE for.

Roy Cohn:

No. Like all labels they tell you one thing, and one thing only: Where does an individual so identified fit into the food chain, the pecking order? Not ideology or sexual taste, but something much simpler: clout. Not who I fuck or who fucks me, but who will come to the phone when I call, who owes me favors. This is what a label refers to. Now to someone who does not understand this, a homosexual is what I am because I have sex with men, but really this is wrong. A homosexual is somebody who, in 15 years of trying cannot get a pissant anit-discrimination bill through the city council. A homosexual is somebody who knows nobody and who nobody knows. Who has zero clout. Does this sound like me Henry?
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