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Tomorrow I'm flying to Israel for a work-study program and I won't be returning to the US until mid-August. I'll be in the GMT+2 time zone, ten hours ahead of where I am now. It's been a hell of a week leading up to this, last Friday I got a jury duty summons that I enjoyed refusing and two hours later my girlfriend finally decided to break up with me after more than a month since she moved to Florida. Since then it's been a rush to get to all my favorite restaurants one more time, which is looking increasingly unlikely to be completed with every passing hour.

I'll likely still be on these forums plenty and I will maintain a presence even if that means hiking a hundred miles through snow uphill in a 120 degrees heat, so this isn't a farewell, but there's no chance I'll be on the internet as much as I have been recently under my new schedule. Inshallah that it will not be too busy! I just feel obligated to tell you guys what's happening before potentially falling into obscurity.

I'd like to ask Alan Soul, Amelia, Balcerzak, Bananas, Cap'n Crunch, BK201, Le Communard, CrashGordon94, Death, DLV, Ein, Emerald, Enlolras, freeknight, General Spoon, Generic Officer, the other Generic Officer, Harudoku, Hatari, Hikarusa, Ike-Mike, Kai, Lovely Sonata, Joey, judas, Musashi, Nightmare, Ninjamonkey, Proto, Randomly Predictable, Revan, Saloma, Sask, Seph, SeverIan, shadowofchaos, Spike, Swordsalmon, Tangerine and the many others I certainly forgot to put on this list not to suddenly disappear from this site until fall at the earliest. It's been a good time hanging out with all of you guys the last few months on FFTF and elsewhere.

I was planning to post this thread in that board until the current 'leaving' thread fad came up. I posted it here so that nobody would get the wrong idea.

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Whoaaaaaa, mid-August. That's a lot! Well, at least you'll be near me. Let's hope no war breaks out between Iran and Israel till then.

Well, your presence will be missed. No more freeknight fanboying, etc. Have fun, I'll try not to get bored until you return.

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Enjoy your time out of the country. I hope you either the language(s) they speak there, or that there's an extensive English-speaking community, because to be quite frank, not being able to communicate as well as you'd like in a foreign country is pretty suck.

On the other hand, welcome to the GMT+ side of the world, and while perhaps less frequent, I'll still look forward to your occasional posts.

Sorry about the GF, mate. Getting dumped can be real harsh, so I hope you manage okay.

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Dude. Lucky son of a bitch.

Three of my friends went to Israel last year for an exchange program. Stayed up all night nearly every night clubs. Granted, with what you're doing, it might leave little time for that, but still.

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My brother went to a Kibbutz last year and really enjoyed it but even though you're in that time zone you'll probably be on over 'unusual' hours as had to start work at 4 each day to avoid the sun. Anyway good luck and have fun

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I wish you a good trip and I hope you'll have many exciting stories to tell about your sojourn when you return.

And don't worry, unless there is gonna be a huge shitstorm that breaks the forum to pieces I'm not going anywhere.

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IF you're reading this Hero, here is some advice:

Always stay nearby a house. ALWAYS. Some of the kids that went to Israel at my school said there were bomb attacks 3 miles away from them and they always ducked and covered in a nearby stranger's shelter.

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Enjoy your time out of the country. I hope you either the language(s) they speak there, or that there's an extensive English-speaking community, because to be quite frank, not being able to communicate as well as you'd like in a foreign country is pretty suck.

Basically all Israelis speak English to some degree or another--it's an integral part of there school curriculum, and a key to there economic success, so there's a lot of stress on it. The one problem is that since Israelis all learn English in an environment where there are few native English speakers, they all still have a distinct accent and speak with really odd syntax--idiosyncrasies perpetuated by a closed system--which nearly drove me insane hearing it all the time. Others might not be so bothered though.

...and I saw how you didn't list me first. There will be hell to pay for this.

Always stay nearby a house. ALWAYS. Some of the kids that went to Israel at my school said there were bomb attacks 3 miles away from them and they always ducked and covered in a nearby stranger's shelter.

What, was this in the middle of the intifada? 99% of the time Israel's a lot less dangerous then even a lot of cities in the United States, and there's absolutely no need for such overreaction. Even then, as long as your not in one of the most threatened areas, you'll be perfectly fine. The one thing that could be potentially dangerous to a live in is public transit.

Edited by Le Communard
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yoyoyo man

I see one problem here, and that is that you will mainly be around Jewish women.

Yeah, mabye when he's free from all the shiksa he can find a Good Jewish Girl for his Bubbe.

Edited by Le Communard
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Oh yeah the Israeli chicks there ARE hotter, although I think it has to do with the exotic factor.

Some of them are also interested in: drinking and sex.

Connect the dots mah boi...

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