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Worst base stats of GBA characters


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Basically the character who has the worst base stats in comparison to their lvl and joining time. FE8 trainee/recruit/pupil is omitted.

I would say Wendy, but there are some prepromotes that give her a run for her money. Also maybe Sue or Thany. Pick who you think has the worst base stats in regard to their level.

Inb4Ninodebate(really, her level is her problem, not her bases)

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Inb4Ninodebate(really, her level is her problem, not her bases)

If it's for their level, there's no way Nino wins this. She has one of the best base stat setups for her level.

My initial thought is Cecilia. Her bases look closer to a 10/0 unit than a 20/1 unit (though I guess you could say she's a 10/1 unit).

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If it's for their level, there's no way Nino wins this. She has one of the best base stat setups for her level.

My initial thought is Cecilia. Her bases look closer to a 10/0 unit than a 20/1 unit (though I guess you could say she's a 10/1 unit).

Also joining time plays a factor, but joining time as in the types of enemies the character will be facing. (For example, Zeiss joins just before many nomads if you go Sacae)

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Also joining time plays a factor, but joining time as in the types of enemies the character will be facing. (For example, Zeiss joins just before many nomads if you go Sacae)

Oh, I guess I missed that part somehow...

Then yeah, Wendy probably wins for joining with terrible bases and Lances before you fight a bunch of Axe enemies.

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It's either Yunno, Wendy, or Sophia. At least Wendy has part of a chapter against loldiers.

And Sophia has full movement where others don't? Yeah I overlooked Sophia and she is pretty terrible.

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Yeah I'm positive that Juno is the worst one other than Wendy. They have the same base DEF for God sake. In fact, let's examine exactly HOW bad Juno's bases are:

HP- It actually only beats Marcus's base HP by a whopping 1.

STR- Her STR is so bad, it only beats Diecks base STR by 2.

SKL- Same base SKL as Marcus and HM Rutgar.

SPD- Her only "good" stat, which is still tied with Niime's base SPD. A goddamn DRUID beats Juno.

LCK- Like this stat means a damn thing.

DEF- Like I said, same base DEF as goddamn Wendy.


CON- How is it possible to have less CON than goddamn Oujay?


In conclusion: though Wendy is goddamn terrible, at least she has the excuse of being unpromoted. JUNO IS A PROMOTED UNIT WITH LOWER BASE STATS THAN UNPROMOTED UNITS. I mean, shit. At least Wendy has DEF and CON to speak of.

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Umm guys? Sofiya's bases aren't all THAT bad in comparison to other mage's bases and because she is such a low level

Juno on the other hand has terrible bases for her level, even IF we're assuming she is a 10/9 promote.

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Umm guys? Sofiya's bases aren't all THAT bad in comparison to other mage's bases and because she is such a low level

Juno on the other hand has terrible bases for her level, even IF we're assuming she is a 10/9 promote.



1 ...............16................................. 5........ 5 ..............4.............. 4............... 2 ...............7



1 ................15............................... 6............ 2............ 4.............. 3 ..............1............... 8



1 ................16............................ 4.............. 5 .................6........... 5.............. 3............... 5

Right....Sophia has possibly the worst durability EVAR.

I do recognize that Juno is terrible, and that Sophia isn't that bad. But really, this type of durability at this point in the game is rediculous

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1 16 5 5 4 4 2 7



1 15 6 2 4 3 1 8



1 16 4 5 6 5 3 5

Right....Sophia has possibly the worst durability EVAR.

For an unpromote yes.

For a PREpromote where you expect to see at least THREE of the character's stats to exceed a majority of unpromoted characters... well lols. Seriously. Juno might have the worst base stats for a prepromote of ALL TIME. Sofiya can at least fall back on the fact that she is a level 1 magic user in a game where most magic users aren't very good. Well, except Clarine but she is a healer before promotion so she doesn't count.

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For an unpromote yes.

For a PREpromote where you expect to see at least THREE of the character's stats to exceed a majority of unpromoted characters... well lols. Seriously. Juno might have the worst base stats for a prepromote of ALL TIME. Sofiya can at least fall back on the fact that she is a level 1 magic user in a game where most magic users aren't very good. Well, except Clarine but she is a healer before promotion so she doesn't count.

Lugh is pretty good too. Good hit when others don't really have it? Yes please. He is quite durable(in terms of a mage) and is good all around once he gets going.

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Lugh is OKAY. He's fine for the first few chapters but once the game gets into, say, Dread Isle stages, you might want to bench him.

Shin has the best 2-range in the game... sadly.

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Wendy. Bad bases and D lances just before an axefest.

But nothing beats the awesomeness of the Shooters in FE3 Book 2. 18 HP, 0 STR, SKL, SPD, DEF, RES and MOV. Best enemy ever.

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Awww. Why only GBA characters? If it weren't for that condition, either Lara or Shanam from FE5 would so totally win this. Or even better, Bantu.

But from GBA characters... Well, I think I'm gonna go with Sophia. Getting OHKO'd by almost any enemy that exists with little to no hope of ever escaping this state is pretty sad, even if she does have 1-2 range to avoid counters on player phase. Also, having so low hit rates with your base weapon that the 2-RN-system actually works against you is nothing to be proud of either.

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Wendy and Yuno overall.

Lilina's base speed. Coupled with her growth on that, it's the reason she's not the strongest GBA class cannon.

Sophia has the same base speed, but loses 2 AS from everything. Her growth is a little bit better... but this is about base stats, not averages.

Amelia gives Sophia a run for her money, though:

Amelia w/Javelin


Sophia w/Flux


I'm willing to give the nod to Sophia here, since she targets RES and can switch to Nosferatu for more ATK. I guess Amelia could switch to a Slim Lance for more AS and HIT, but her damage would be so bad and she'd actually take counter-attacks.

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Overall, Amelia is probably better than Sophia. Once you overcome Amelia's rocky start and promote her to Cavalier, she's okay, but Sophia is never really good. And of course, Amelia has the option of Tower training, which simply doesn't exist for Sophia.

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Chad has pretty cool growths, but they are utterly ruined by his fantastic bases of 16 HP, 3 str, 3 skl, 10 spd, 4 lck, 2 def, and 0 res. The speed is okay, but everything else is a pile of suck.

I'd also throw Cecilia and Klein into the really bad base stats category, though they aren't that bad for their joining time, just for their level.

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How the hell has Karla not been considered for being bad with terrible bases? She definitely wins for FE7, even considering Eliwood and Renault (Eli's bases suck, his growths are nice though).

Karla - Level 5 Swordmaster - A Swords

HP: 29 - Base level Pent has 33 and he's a freaking SAGE!

Str: 14 - Really? The early units start with around 8 Str and she's promoted...

Skl: 21 - LolSkl in FE7.

Spd: 18 - Average. Except that she's a Swordmaster and is supposed to have it through the roof!

Luck: 16 - LolLuck in general.

Def: 11 - Pathetic.

Res: 12 - Actually her only decent stat.

Con: 7 - Well, it's better than Guy's even though he ties her base Spd at 11/0...

Move: 6

I mean, fuck! If that's not horrible, I don't know what is.

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Juno, Wendy, and Sophia all have fail bases. They don't even end up decent, lulz. Of course Wolt and Fugly Dorothy are good competition. Still, I guess the HUEG amount of craptastic base lvl units in FE6 is balanced out by Percival and his manly bases.

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Zealot sucks, you can do it without him when you have JeiganMARCUS to rely on.

Amd Amelia easily beats Wendy's stats as a Knight, especially with her HUGE Spd advantage, Wendy's only winning on Def.

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