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PC Gaming >> Console Gaming


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In what way is it Nintendo's fault that companies don't make good FPS games for the Wii, when there are games like NMH and MADWORD and Nintendo worked on Zengeki no Reginleiv. Additionally, just because a game is an FPS doesn't mean it's automatically rated M.

btw mp

yeah, I guess you do have a point.

and MP3 is far inferior to 1 and 2.

Link's Crossbow Training.

:facepalm: are you serious?

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It's easy to say for you. Yes, I am. It's not actually based to be childish, it's actually decent if you've played Twilight Princess.

there are like 3 levels in that I actually enjoyed a reasonable amount. it's ok.....I guess...

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Console gaming is far better, controllers are easier to use, Consoles have better graphics and sound unless you get a stupidly expensive PC, and the Console versions of things tend to be better.

This mostly because Consoles are y'kno, BUILT for gaming! :facepalm:

Lopt detected.

PC controls >>> Console controls.

PC engines vary, but have FAR more potential than console engines. Better graphics, physics, AI, etc. And don't give me that "gameplay is all that matters" crap either. >_> A gaming PC isn't even "stupidly expensive" unless you live in some poor-ass cardboard box or just without a job. And PC gaming has been around for a very long time (since the '60s) whereas console gaming debuted a decade later. And if you roll like that, PCs can emulate a good number of console/handheld systems as well.

PCs are everything consoles want to be and MUCH more.

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What's the argument underlying this thread? I question how relevant the point of PCs being capable of things other than playing games is in a thread entitled "PC Gaming >> Console Gaming", but perhaps the title is misrepresentative or too easily misinterpreted. Am I safe to assume the thread is intended to invite discussion on what modern PCs are capable of versus modern consoles, and parallel intrinsic advantages and disadvantages, without immediate regard for the games available to relevant platforms? The opening post's lack of... anything, in addition to the scattered array of statements posited within, make it difficult to discern a cohesive backbone for conversation, or whether or not the thread creator even intended for there to be one.

Edit: I hadn't realized this thread was is in Far From the Forest.

Edited by Wist
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My opinion:

Computer controls are far easier for FPS and RTS games, and consoles are easier for adventure and platforming games. (But then again, I don't have a gamepad for my computer)

Consoles are easier in that you don't need to worry about system requirements or compatibility issues, but I like computers because I enjoy altering and modding my games.

Graphics don't make much difference for me in either case, because I play my consoles on a small tv, and my computer isn't that great, so I turn the graphics down to low in most games. :(

I'd say I game about equally on computer and console. I mostly play FPS/RTS/Strategy on PC, and RPG/Adventure/Platforming on consoles.

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Computer controls are far easier for FPS and RTS games, and consoles are easier for adventure and platforming games. (But then again, I don't have a gamepad for my computer)

This. So much, this. I'm working on a 3D action-adventure right now (3rd person camera) and everything we've tried for controlling how fast the player character's going has been incredibly awkward (there are three distinct speeds at which you can move, and we needed them to switch smoothly) until we put in a gamepad instead. It's still going to be PC/Mac (obviously) but the console-style controls help a lot. (We're keeping the capability for keyboard controls, but they won't be default.) Keyboards work for some things, but they're terrible for others.

Also for some reason, it seems like PCs and consoles tend towards different genres. PCs get a lot of FPSs and MMOs, but not as many RPGs or action-adventures; consoles are the other way around. This isn't good or bad, but it does provide reason for people to prefer one or the other depending on what genres they like.

There's also a different playing environment. Unless your TV's in your room, you're probably playing where others might wander in and see; PCs are usually pretty isolated. With consoles, if you're going to play something multiplayer, everyone's likely in the room (though this is changing); with PCs they likely aren't. Neither of these is necessarily a better environment, but I personally prefer consoles in this regard. Also, couches. Couches are good.

The other thing that I think consoles really have going for them is they're stable, so developers can (when they actually want to do a good job) explore the full capability of the machine. PCs can't necessarily do that. Many gaming PCs do have kickass graphics capabilities, but not everyone has one, and developers want as wide a market as possible. Thus the developers can make a beautiful game, but it will only be beautiful on a high-powered machine, and too bad for everyone else. Consoles don't have as much graphical capability, but developers can push it to its limits, because it's not going to change.

I don't think one is necessarily better than the other, but I prefer consoles. It's not the fault of the platform if the developers make a crappy game.

Also. ROMs? Emulators? For things meant to have a gamepad? Miserable unless you plug in a game pad, and still kind of miserable if it doesn't match the original controls.

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Fuck console gaming, lots of potentially excellent games like Oblivion were ruined in development for its sake.

If you really like controllers, get one to plug into your computer. They're cheap, you can get one online if there's no shop near you that carries that sort of thing. Most commercial PC games where a controller could be vaguely relevant support gamepads.

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While there are some games that are awesome for consoles and terrible for PC/ other way around, there are some that are good on both like most Pokemon games work well on both, Chrono Trigger, Luminous Arc... most RPGs are good on both, actually.

Personally, I prefer console, since MMORPG involves more walking around than, you know, playing the game.

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Tell me to play any of those on a ROM.

Do it. Take a ROM of an older Zelda game and hook a controller up to your computer. Size the game to use your whole screen. Use one of those video render options that make the game look flashier. Then see if you want to go back to your GameBoy or Super NES. You can even improve the N64 games doing this, if you have a good computer and get the right emulator plugins for it.

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*Agrees with OP*

Give me a PC anyday. Tried playing an FPS on console...didn't work at all as well as with a mouse and keyboard.

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