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Some Maps

Zath of the Sword

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So these are some maps I have made for a Fe game I am working on(not a ROM hack) and I would like some advice on how to make them better, thx

This one is a maze... the object is to get to the 4 corners with the 4 characters you are given under fog of war.


A 3 story fortress, attacking it is supposed to be hellish due to a large number of archers and mages. You can move between the floors with the stair cases, and maybe even escape of the roof. Its designed to have several different scenarios possible.




This one is a simpler map but should be fun nonetheless, I feel the main room needs something more advice on what would be good


I'll post more once I finish them, I am currently working on a small town.

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Very nice job on the maps, first of all.

Though I think the first one, I believe you called it the "Maze", could use a little help. Now, I'm no expert on mazes, but I think maybe you should add a few more dead ends.

Make it so that, if I was to play it, I would get REALLY frustrated at not being able to find the path. Make lots of fake paths, and turn arounds, other than that GREAT JOB!

And as for the three story fortress...

Good luck.

I give the Fortress maps a 5 * out of 5 and the Maze a 4 * out of 5.

Great work though, and good luck.

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Not a rip on your maps, but they're kinda bland. Might be because they're inside, but yeah, kinda boring.

The three levels on reminds me of final fantasy, dunno which one.

Maybe change the sides up so they don't exactly match, add to the "flavor" if they don't exactly match.

Edited by Uphir
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A map of a town I just finished, tell me what you think


It is a nice map but it does have a lot of space. I happen to find that towns look a bit more realistic if some buildings are closer together. Maybe 2-3 spaces wide for making some of the streets. Also use some more hedges, they might give sensation of there being a higher terrain or at list add up to the detail. Your building distribution is fine though. I'm no expert though

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I'm actually a mapper too, so I'd like to critique them as well.

The first map is rather good, but there's no shadows at all. Also, the middle part looks a bit weird with the loop-around thing. Otherwise, it's an original map and it's looking good. 4/5

The second one isn't quite as good. First of all, as far as I know, it's impossible to change the floors like that at all. No way possible. You just can't do it. On the first floor, the rooms with the pillars that lead to a dead end are pretty much unnecessary unless you were to make them have chests or something. The outside is kinda bland, but it shouldn't be too hard to fix. Moving on to the second floor, the randomly scattered pillars feel out-of-place, but adding in a few more walls would make it a lot better. The last floor is really bland and somewhat unnecessary. Two floors would be fine. You'd have to separate them in to two chapters, but it's good otherwise. 3.5/5

The third one could use some work. There's nothing BAD about it, but it's just so... bland. Try to make it a little more interesting, and it you'd have a nice map. 3/5

The town is, to be honest, kinda lame. Like the third one, the problem is mostly that it's really bland, but on this map it really doesn't work. Making the grass on the bottom more varied would really help, as well as adding in a few forests. The wall on the far right hurts it a lot, but if you made it shorter that'd help a lot. More buildings would help, too, and a little more grass would help. Right now, I'd say it's a 2/5, but just some of the minor changes I listed could easily bring it up to a 4/5.

Your maps are pretty good, but there's a few minor things to fix. Otherwise, keep going at it and they'll turn out great.

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I spy a lot of tile spammage and manmade placement. You gotta make it more... Disorganized, believe it or not. I don't think trees really stand in a perfect line like that. They kinda look like walls.

I mean, you've got the basic principle down, but you really must vary more. =/

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I don't think trees really stand in a perfect line like that. They kinda look like walls.

you ever heard of gardeners?

I spy a lot of tile spammage and manmade placement. You gotta make it more... Disorganized, believe it or not.

It is, after all, a town. Are they not meant to look organised?

Yeah, the maps has way too much space and everything is too far apart

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you ever heard of gardeners?

It is, after all, a town. Are they not meant to look organised?

All the trees looking exactly the same in number and spacing? No different looks in the ground at all? Even for gardening, especially in those ages with the absent of technology for more controlled growth, I find that extremely unlikely.

I meant the tiles. And besides, the buildings themselves are actually randomly placed.

Although, I agree, there's too much empty space.

Also, note the field to the south. THAT is just too repeated.

EDIT: Plus, they're forests. Much more than trees. Who plants a thicket?

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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