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assigning horses


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I've heard about mounted units able to dismount in an earlier FE, but how about being able to take a horse from one character and give it to another? every weapon type (except dark) has a horse riding class in FE8, so why not? put a mymidon on a horse and you have a sword cavalier like in FE9/10.

you could do some kind of support levels between horse and rider to get teamwork between them. maybe skill would go down or something while riding a horse, and movement would go up ofcourse.

let me know what you think, it's just an idea~

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Sounds like fe5, only dismounted units sucked arse in it

I don't know about that. (promoted) Karin flying up to a ballista, dismounting and humiliating it with a magic sword is pretty funny, and means that she doesn't care if there is more than one ballista. It seems like a pretty quick way to get rid of them. Too bad she can't mount and fly away on the same turn. Getting back on her peg and flying away takes a while. Especially when so many ballistas are near terrain that slows movement. Moves 3 spaces, mounts, finally flies two turns after she kills the ballista and only went 3 +9 spaces in those two turns. You need to get her to B swords, but since she starts at D(20) with some indoor maps, it's not too hard to get her to C swords (30 swings) and she gets a fair amount of exp if she fights on foot and there are enemies with axes so there is reason to do so sometimes outdoors. Enough of that and she reaches B.

Then there is fergus who's only difference between mounted and unmounted is a small number of stats and 3 move. Especially when he promotes and it is just 1 def and 3 move. Even before promotion it is just 1 str and 1 def, and with Karin support and 5 PCC, do you really care?

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:lol: Paired ending with a horse

Doesnt sound bad

I could totally see Kieran with that.

As for topic: Interesting idea, but how could it be implemented. A "Raise your horse" style minigame? I don't see how that'd work in an FE game. Maybe something you do at the Base (if they continue with that which I'd love if they did)?

I also would like to see a return to Dismounting as well, as I thought that was pretty cool and made sense for indoor maps. My only problem was that Dismounted fighters sucked and only had access to swords. I think it'd've been better if they could use all the weapons they had (sword, lance, axe, bow, whatever) and temporarily became a secondary class like "Footsoldier" or something. That was a dismounted sword knight would fight differently from a myrmidon and merc.

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Or, um, y'know, they could become Soldiers. They're practically the same class anyway.

Except then I suppose we'd have to have Lance Soldiers, Sword Soldiers, and Axe Soldiers.

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I don't like the idea of swapping horses around unless the reclassing ability from Shadow Dragon is retained. In that case I think making the player account for class-related equipment (including horses) would be a big step toward balancing that feature.

Fighting from horseback is completely different from fighting on foot, and it's much harder to do expertly since there are more factors influencing the situation--there's a reason that the real top-notch cavalry outfits in real life have had years of training ever since somebody first battle between horsemen, from the Alans to the Austrian hussars. Now FE's never been the pinnacle of realism, but (outside of Shadow Dragon) neither does it allow a unit to suddenly switch weapon types (fighting style) without a special circumstance such as promotion. Why should horses be treated any differently?

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I don't like the idea of swapping horses around unless the reclassing ability from Shadow Dragon is retained. In that case I think making the player account for class-related equipment (including horses) would be a big step toward balancing that feature.

Well, the number of cavaliers and dracoknights you can have is limited, maybe it was supposed to represent limits on the supply of horses/arrows/armour/dragons?

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Or, um, y'know, they could become Soldiers. They're practically the same class anyway.

Except then I suppose we'd have to have Lance Soldiers, Sword Soldiers, and Axe Soldiers.

No, I'd like it to be separate from Soldier. Mostly because I want Soldier -> Halberdier to be a new mainstay. Just something a little different. Like a Dismounted Cavalier Classic would become a type a footsoldier that can use swords and lances.

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No, I'd like it to be separate from Soldier. Mostly because I want Soldier -> Halberdier to be a new mainstay. Just something a little different. Like a Dismounted Cavalier Classic would become a type a footsoldier that can use swords and lances.

I disagree dismounted units shouldn't be able to use lances when dismounted, using a lance on a mount and using one on foot are completely different fighting styles. A knight on a horse wouldn't know how to fight well on foot with a lance if they have been using horses all other times.

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A knight on a horse wouldn't know how to fight well on foot with a lance if they have been using horses all other times.

Ehh... not quite; knights did have to learn unmounted combat as well as mounted. The problem would be that lances designed for mounted combat would probably be too heavy and unwieldy to use, as most of them were made to be braced against the saddle; conversely spears, pikes, etc were designed for foot combat and wouldn't work well for a mounted unit. So if they split "lances" into two different categories, they could justify it. But that would probably be too much trouble (not to mention realism isn't quite the highest of their priorities...)

On the subject of ability, I think this would require a stat for riding ability, which would affect attack power, speed, and accuracy. A mounted unit would start out high in that stat, but a character who had never been on a horse wouldn't quite be ready to go charging off across the battlefield. Maybe if the stat was really low, there would be a chance of falling off and losing a turn.

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No, I'd like it to be separate from Soldier. Mostly because I want Soldier -> Halberdier to be a new mainstay. Just something a little different. Like a Dismounted Cavalier Classic would become a type a footsoldier that can use swords and lances.

A dismounted Calve would become a loldier

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Well, it could be interesting if mounts were purely for movement purposes, you suffer some stat penalties while on a mount for higher Move, on foot you retain your combat ability but you have lower Move. I don't think the difference should be that significant, probably at most 3 points of Speed / Skill / Strength, enough to turn ORKOs into 2RKOs or something like that. For the Cavs / Fliers, it would be the other way round, but there will still be disadvantages, you can't move over hills easily, and their combat won't be as good as the foot units.

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Ehh... not quite; knights did have to learn unmounted combat as well as mounted.

yes but most would probably have learned to use a sword rather than a spear dismounted.

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put a mymidon on a horse and you have a sword cavalier like in FE9/10.

Lol plz no.

Myrmidons/Swordmasters should stay away from horses. They are like dancers with sword. They cant dance if they are riding a horse.

Like Hero said:

Fighting from horseback is completely different from fighting on foot

Also I don't like the idea because I actually love pegasus units because their movement (In most FE games Peg units join early game , while Wyvern/Dragon Riders join later)

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Lol plz no.

Myrmidons/Swordmasters should stay away from horses. They are like dancers with sword. They cant dance if they are riding a horse.

That's the amazing thing about this idea, it'll be totally your choice if characters ride horses or not :awesome:

I generally don't like mounted units, this'd make me able to still use mounted units I would like by unmounting them.

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Ehh... not quite; knights did have to learn unmounted combat as well as mounted. The problem would be that lances designed for mounted combat would probably be too heavy and unwieldy to use, as most of them were made to be braced against the saddle; conversely spears, pikes, etc were designed for foot combat and wouldn't work well for a mounted unit. So if they split "lances" into two different categories, they could justify it. But that would probably be too much trouble (not to mention realism isn't quite the highest of their priorities...)

On the flip side, almost every cavalry soldier in an organized army in history has at least had some sort of sword or something to use in case it was needed. I'd say this would work better with the "Social Knights" or Cavaliers, as they wielded the popular Sword/Lance combo.

But when I honestly think about it, I think it could work out alright actually. I mean, take a Macedonian Hoplite (I always feel weird calling the soldier a phalangite, and calling them a phalanx just doesn't jive with me, so even though it's somewhat inaccurate, I hope you can excuse my naming), and a Hetairoi. The Sarissa was a much longer spear generally than the Xyston, yet the Hoplite managed to use it fairly effectively in combat. Sure the style of use was somewhat different, but in the end, they both fought in a fairly similar fashion (ie. move at the enemy until they are skewered). So yeah, I think it probably could work.

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That's too much like rescuing; also, horses don't do too well with an extra human-sized weight on their back, if the extra weight and the main rider are both moving around, probably leaning in different directions, it just doesn't work well. Someone's going to fall, or the horse is going to stumble, or something.

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IIRC while Berwick Saga doesn't assign horses you can choose to bring down the horse first before the rider.

I was actually thinking about assigning horses for a long time, but I've never come up with a good way to execute without making it redundant or overcomplicated.

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Fighting from horseback is completely different from fighting on foot, and it's much harder to do expertly since there are more factors influencing the situation--there's a reason that the real top-notch cavalry outfits in real life have had years of training ever since somebody first battle between horsemen, from the Alans to the Austrian hussars. Now FE's never been the pinnacle of realism, but (outside of Shadow Dragon) neither does it allow a unit to suddenly switch weapon types (fighting style) without a special circumstance such as promotion. Why should horses be treated any differently?

They could implement penalties from switching styles. E.G. -3 atk and -3 def, or something like that. That way, it'd be a bit more realistic whilst providing the basis for tactical thought (9 mov + reduced stats or 7/6 mov + full stats?).

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