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Astra's Lump of Sprites


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For the second to last, there is something odd about the left (from my computer screen)shoulder

Hmm.....I can't see anything wrong with it. =/ All I did with that one was Paste Innes' face onto Colm's body and recolored it. =/

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There's no splicing error (InnesxColmYaoi!! it's just that Colms body looks a bit awkward on Colms head as it is, Innes's head tilts forward. So it's just the angle of the entire thing. Though there is one specific simple issue with that mug *cough*BorderMissingAboveHead*cough* The cluster of orange around the top right of the neck is a bit of a bother too :/

All I can say other then that is that you custom better then you splice :P

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There's no splicing error (InnesxColmYaoi!! it's just that Colms body looks a bit awkward on Colms head as it is, Innes's head tilts forward. So it's just the angle of the entire thing. Though there is one specific simple issue with that mug *cough*BorderMissingAboveHead*cough* The cluster of orange around the top right of the neck is a bit of a bother too :/

All I can say other then that is that you custom better then you splice :P

Ah I see it. Yeah I was missing the border on the top of the head. >_>

Thanks. *Fix'd*

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That one is nice!

The Lachesis seems to have a very masculine face. It could just be me though.

Thanks. XD

Hmm....now that I look at it...... >_>

The chin might be it.

EDIT: lachgrnbkground.png

Yeah I think it was the chin. XD

Edited by AstraSolLuna
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  • 1 month later...

*throws a Phoenix Down*

ANYWAY I didn't really feel like spriting any mugs. ~_~ So I sprited a statsheet. This is what happens when I don't have internet for 5 days.



I'll probably make it better later. >_>

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I think Arch might consider using this

Doesn't hurts to ask

I would have to fix it up a bit. >_> I don't know if it would be insert able or not. This really only took me 5 hours to make.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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It's definitely not insertable as is. Each panel has the same background on the regular statsheet, but this has panels with different backgrounds. Plus, AFAIK, the regular statsheet uses TSA (the battle template does, so it wouldn't surprise me if the statsheet did as well), so you might not even have the freedom of putting the FE4 logo over top of the background, because of the tiling. (You'll have to confirm or deny that one though.)

And, Kai, all MK404 did was change the background that scrolls behind the statsheet (for FE7, which is what this template is based on).

The template itself is ok, albeit a bit bland, IMHO. It could use a bit more... flair, I guess you could say. The FE4 logo and Holy Blood chart are nice touches (apparently I started a trend of making pseudo-silhouettes of things?), but the Holy Weapons are a bit cramped by the edges of the template. Maybe change up the borders for the panels and change up the things that surrounds the portrait box and make it a bit different/unique, and then it should have a bit more flair to it.

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It's definitely not insertable as is. Each panel has the same background on the regular statsheet, but this has panels with different backgrounds. Plus, AFAIK, the regular statsheet uses TSA (the battle template does, so it wouldn't surprise me if the statsheet did as well), so you might not even have the freedom of putting the FE4 logo over top of the background, because of the tiling. (You'll have to confirm or deny that one though.)

And, Kai, all MK404 did was change the background that scrolls behind the statsheet (for FE7, which is what this template is based on).

The template itself is ok, albeit a bit bland, IMHO. It could use a bit more... flair, I guess you could say. The FE4 logo and Holy Blood chart are nice touches (apparently I started a trend of making pseudo-silhouettes of things?), but the Holy Weapons are a bit cramped by the edges of the template. Maybe change up the borders for the panels and change up the things that surrounds the portrait box and make it a bit different/unique, and then it should have a bit more flair to it.

I never really intended to insert it in anything. =\

I guess I'll open up a bit more space when I have more time. Then try adding a bit more.

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