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Ivan from Rune Factory.

Neck seems invisible, but you may of planned it that way.

Now to work on Karina, a bit of Raguna, and fix up Raven.... -_-

Read as Farina, and Renault XD

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Yeah. Limstella sure as hell looks female. Just some sources say genderless.

I'd totally wear that outfit. To school, no less.

I'd prolly wear a male version, if it exists XD

I know they never really state its gender, but that outfit is totally not meant for men :P

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I copped out and just put in Elberts.


@Limstella collar:

Although they look nice, I haven't perfected them, I usually make the looser versions instead of the stiffer ones, but I'll try on a different sprite.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Eh, it works.

I like the red gem in the center.

Add a cape though~ /ilikecapes

@Seph: Lim's outfit could be pretty easily modified to fit a guy's, though. Just get rid of the corset-pattern on the pants and it's all good for a guy.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Eh, it works.

I like the red gem in the center.

Add a cape though~ /ilikecapes

@Seph: Lim's outfit could be pretty easily modified to fit a guy's, though. Just get rid of the corset-pattern on the pants and it's all good for a guy.

I swear, unless you edit around her clothing, it wont fit me, I promise you :P

Lol, 6'8" 320 Lbs

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I copped out and just put in Elberts.


@Limstella collar:

Although they look nice, I haven't perfected them, I usually make the looser versions instead of the stiffer ones, but I'll try on a different sprite.

Yurius' chest armor is smexy~ <3333

Shoulder pads look way better than last night lol.

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I copped out and just put in Elberts.


@Limstella collar:

Although they look nice, I haven't perfected them, I usually make the looser versions instead of the stiffer ones, but I'll try on a different sprite.

Wow... that hair shading is really odd, and not odd in an interesting and kinda cool way, What posses you to use 4 shades in black hair... and such a dark black at that(As opposed to the lighter grey/garcia blacks which still dont NEED 4 shades but could probably get away with 4) confuses and confounds me. the hair looks like it's make out of plasticine tubes, the near side that covers the ear is probably the worst of it, but all in all, it's a mess.


I'll quickly change subject to the face for a minute before I continue with how to possibly fix the train-wreck of a mop on his head.

Using a Pent-esque nose, really isn't suitable for the angle of his face, it has come across really flat and unpleasant to look at, you'd be better off doing a nose more like Canas' or any of those noses from the FE portraits. The nose style on pent really only fits for people at that angle(Heath, Glen, Geese etc) as they are facing front on. Other than the nose being problematic, the eyes seem very stark, I don't know if it was your plan to have them slanty, but if it was, that's probably not the best way to go about it, you should take a look at Saul's or other Sacaens, you're also welcome to reference my Hassar(Teal haired guy displayed) when fixing the eyes, as they are probably the closest match to what I think you've tried to sprite here. The mouth seems a little small, it could also push a tad further into the far side of the face.

Anyway, back to the hair, other than the fact that it unnecessarily has 4 shades(believe me, I went through that phase, and it's a shame, because at the time I thought it was great, but goign back to any of those mugs I've had to re-shade their hair), you've overshaded the hair, take a look at my examples to the right, all of them have much simpler hair shadings than your style of shading on this mug, it gives the mugs a more clean appearance, none of them have extremely complex hair styles and the shading reflects that well, simple hairstyles generally need simple shading or you run the risk of; as you've done in the above mug, making the hair look very liney. Even Leila's hair which has a fairly large flick in the bangs has simpler shading than your mugs hair, I'd really suggest cutting the shading back a fair bit, if the style were more complex or flicky(e.g. like Hassar's hair) then you could have some more shading to help define that, but as this mugs style is pretty straight forward, you don't want to over-cram the hair-space, it makes it look messy.

As you did use 4 black shades in the hair, I don't understand why you wouldn't use the back to anti alias on the shoulder-pads, I've marked some sections in green where the extra shade could come in handy... though my biggest suggestion would be to cut it down to 3 blacks when you fix the issues with the hair and just sort out their contrasts so that the dots of black don't look stark as they are anti aliased along the trim line.

Other than the technical issues in the sprite, I think that the colour scheme is firstly not quite on the mark of an fe8colour scheme(the blacks generally have a blue/purple base, and though you might want it more subtle, a coloured base to the black gives it a richer colour)this might fix the dullness of the scheme, but if not, try to mess around with it as you should have a few free colours at your disposal to possibly have the cloak and gem different colours, or at least different sorts of red(orange red, burgundy, beetroot, a ruddy brown, scarlet, pink red etc)

Aside from the issues above, the ear seems pretty misshapen.

I think that covers most if not all the issues in the mug, hope this helps you get it to an acceptable standard ;) happy spriting.

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