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I find it interesting you didn't cap your skill. Did you RNG the level up stats?

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Name: Panamon

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Appearance: A rather small man at 5'7.5'' and 135 pounds, Panamon also sports a rough beard that appears to have been trimmed by his Stiletto. His hair is now graying as he advances in age, though it is hardly noticeable as he prefers to keep his hair quite short. He is normally seen wearing brown pants, a brown shirt, and an eerie cloak that seems to make him disappear if he stand still. Upon closer inspection, however, the cloak is merely highly effective camouflage, allowing the wearer to blend in to nearly any environment. He is also extremely fit and capable running at a rather fast pace for hours on end.

Personality: Appears to quite antisocial due to his living alone in the forest. Once past his apparent antisocial-ness, he comes across as a rather nice guy, but stubborn to a fault.

Element: Thunder

Class: Archer

Crimson weapon?: No

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 Luck: 4 Def: 1 Res: 0

Simplified stats: HP: 9, STR: 3, Hit: 3, Evade: 6, DEF/RES: 2/0

Weapons: Longbow and a Stiletto (For stat battles, Stiletto is ignored)

Items/gold: 0 (4 Vulneraries)

Skills: Vantage

Backstory: 20 years ago, Panamon served as an archer in Septimian Army. He quickly moved in the ranks and, before long, found himself the commander of the Septimian Rangers, men who devoted their lives to perfecting the art of archery and acted as the king's special forces. When plans were made to invade Jerdon, Panamon was quite vocal about his disapproval of an unprovoked attack and was quickly banished. Panamon now resides in a forest in Halton close to a run-down fortress.

Edited by Csquared08
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Make the archer a female! And at least 20 years younger!

We have a Thunder mage that can fall in love with you...

Welcome to the story btw.

She's gunning for Chase, ATM. And Viv seems to be interested in older men...

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Make the archer a female! And at least 20 years younger!

We have a Thunder mage that can fall in love with you...

Welcome to the story btw.


Edited by Csquared08
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Name: Wil

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall (6'0'') and thin (135 pounds), Wil is rather uncoordinated. He has bright red hair that goes down to his shoulders. In his 19 years of living, his face appears to have never changed and still looks as if he were a newborn... except for his size and hairlength. He is normally seen wearing a red robe covering simple white pants and an orange shirt.

Personality: Wil is rather outgoing and will talk with just about anyone, so long as they aren't threatening to kill him. He is also constantly cheery and doesn't seem to know how to frown.

Element: Anima

Class: Cleric (or Priest, if you prefer that. Same function though.)

Crimson weapon?: No

Stats: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 4 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 Luck: 3 Def: 1 Res: 3

Simplified stats: HP: 9, STR: 4, Hit: 2, Evade: 5.5, DEF/RES: 1/3

Weapons: Heal Staff

Items/gold: 20

Skills: None

Backstory: Wil was born to a simple life in the small village of Alburny. After his family was struck down by disease, he was determined to become a healer in order to save all from various forms of disease and injury. This determination evolved into an obsession as he reached the point where he would boldly, or perhaps foolishly, search the surrounding countryside for signs of travelers waylaid and injured by bandits. He has now taken up residence in a building two buildings down from the inn, though he can rarely be found there as he is normally out roaming the countryside.

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And actually I had a male Priest planned for later actually. :mellow:

If you still want magic though, might I suggest a Female wind/fire mage, or a monk? EG: Light magic user, no staves.

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...That sounds.....ominous? Can you explain why? But if you'll wait maybe 5 chapters (probably about 2 weeks) mine will be joining around then.

But I'm still suggesting those other 3 options.

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You'll see why soon enough. Just need Snowy to approve and I can begin to hammer the final nail in the coffin containing the doubts about Panamon's trustworthiness ;)

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NPCs lolol. If you encounter Travis is stat combat he's probably OK to kill, unless I indicate a retreat or something.

Name: Travis

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Keselda.gif

Element: Captain Travis has no need of your measly supports

Class: Hero

Crimson Weapon: Has no need of your pathetic Crimson Weapons


HP: 15 Atk: 6 Spd: 5 Hit: 5 Evd: 6 Def: 6 Res: 4

Weapons: Silver Sword. He can also throw his shield to hit ranged targets.

Skills: Heroic Stand

Personality: Travis has become arrogant as he's grown in power, believing himself to be stronger than almost any man alive. He's fairly intelligent, his planning has allowed him to gather one of the larger mercenary groups in southwestern Halton. Enjoys money and women(especially virgins). Sometimes sings songs priasing himself "Captain Travis, he's a hero. [insert thing here] down to zero! Has several devoted mercenary companions (Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, and Heart).

Backstory: When asked about his past, Travis goes into long tales detailing his own heroic exploits. From what you can gather as actually true, he grew up in a poor family in Halton and rose through the ranks as a mercenary.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I would suggest you first character gets a little more introduced to the group before springing a second one.

I just now noticed this post :o

Anyway, it's gonna be awhile before this guy comes around, though the reason for his existence should be fairly obvious (hopefully) soon.

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Editing Esphyr to comply with new free skill rules.

Old Stats: Stats: HP: 3 STR: 3 MAG: 2 SKL: 2 SPD: 3 Luck: 1 Def: 1 Res: 2

New Stats: Stats: HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 2 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 Luck: 1 Def: 2 Res: 2

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Editing stat points to account for free skill rule:

Kelas: HP 4 STR 2 MAG 1 SKL 4 SPD 5 LCK 2 DEF 2 RES 1


Kelas: HP 4 STR 3 MAG 1 SKL 4 SPD 6 LCK 2 DEF 3 RES 1

Arrin: HP 3 STR 1 MAG 4 SKL 4 SPD 3 LCK 2 DEF 1 RES 2


Arrin: HP 3 STR 1 MAG 5 SKL 4 SPD 4 LCK 2 DEF 2 RES 2

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Aiya now has the Heavy Strike Skill.

Damian now has the Guard(Eventually Renamed) skill.(Pending,as discussion is still going on.This was very close to Guard,so it may switch)

Edited by Ether
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