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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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@Lv1signup: I'm not sure that's true, because enemies don't gain EXP. For example, Shanice and Megae aren't statted at all yet; this is so we can suit them to the group's current power level when they do need stats.

However, I still don't support this.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Ether signed up a Sage.

A promoted enemy. They'll be fine level 2.

It was a joke , like you

@ Kiryn: Oh thats what you meant. Still i dont think he can go and spawn them since Iso is still at level one.

Edited by Kai
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Firstly, there is no rule saying the character MUST be level 1. However, that said, I would always rather the character be signed up as a level 1 and leveled up after.

Secondly, as to the sages, I was the one who said they should be stated... However... I'm disapproving of them seeing as they act like the Shadow Sirens in PM:TTYD. That was a MUCH lighter game with a different feel to it. I really want to see them show some big differences soon.

Thirdly, I would like to see some reductions in Ruby's power. Not removing her powers, but some form of limitation on the shapeshift at least.

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I could exaggerate their personalities. :mellow:

Otherwise here's what I got:


Berry is only mean towards her sisters, because she worries about them. She's scared that if she doesn't protect them, Helenos could.....

Marry's insecure about herself, and doesn't like to talk. She thinks the only people she needs are her sisters, and that no one could ever love her.

Verry is probably the same. Or like Nino. :mellow:

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Do to us going to the graveyard any hour know, here's the sisters backstory to finally approve them. (Skeleton wolves will be talked about later, before they attack us.

Berry, Marry, and Verry were more than just demon underlings. Both of their mothers was mortal, and father was a demon. The Mothers died and childbirth, and the father couldn't deal with scourge of the earth like them, abandoning them once young Verry was born. At that time Berry was old enough to work as a maid in a noble's house, always keeping her demoic mark on her back covered. (Think Branded mark) One day, it was discovered and she was fired. The three were run out of town, and Berry began learning magic, hoping to become a mercenary to support her sisters. Marry trained with her a little, mainly watching their younger half-sister. Berry soon discovered a demon, carrying a tome much like hers. She found out this demon had been tasked with hiding a certain Crimson weapon, but her demon blood prevented her from weilding it. Once the demon's task had been compleated, he showed her to his lord, Helenos. By then, Verry had become a mage as well, along with Marry. Helenos realised they could do tasks other demons couldn't because of their human blood. Berry knew if they messed up, they would feel Helenos' wrath or worse. She made sure the young Verry stayed in line, never straying from her task, worrying dearly about her. She cried night after night, from the hate Verry was feeling towards her, but she knew it would save her life. She'd never be able to leave Helenos' company alive.

During this time, Marry had fallen in love with a human during Berry's time as a maid. Once they were discovered as demons, he wanted nothing to do with her. She though that if no one could hear her real voice, then no one would find out the real truth, reserving to speak only to cast spells. She felt no one else could love her because of her demon blood, and that no one deserved to.

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The human reproduced. Think sperm doner. :facepalm:

Think, already covered. DEMONS CAN'T MAKE THEIR OWN SEMEN. He'd have to have gotten it from elsewhere. Therefore, not half demons. Think about it.

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Here's a question, if demons cannot reproduce, how are new ones made? Are new ones made, or is there just a set total?

Not taking sides here, but it's good to have a system set up.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Here's a question, if demons cannot reproduce, how are new ones made? Are new ones made, or is there just a set total?

Not taking sides here, but it's good to have a system set up.

Demons are constructs IIRC made form the dust of the earth or something like that.

@ Psychout

This is NOT Inuyasha. You don't need a trio of dog eared idiot mage girls.

*plots ways to f*ck up their intro fight*

@ Snowy

Get in here and explain this! We talked about this kind of stuff via pm but never really covered everything.

Edited by Phoenix
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Demons are beings made of the dust of the earth and infused with the power of the LoAF (or one of his minions). Since they are mud, they can not reproduce or heal. This is also how that swarm of imps erupted forth from the trio of mud pillars to stop Helenos, why the demons stopped in a swamp to restore their numbers (back when the HM tried to ambush them), and whatnot. They can not breed because of that. They can seem human, 'bleed', and many things, but it is a lie. They can not breed. Therefore, it's impossible to be a half-demon.

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