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New story thanks to Cynthia and Phoenix:

Berry, Marry, and Verry were more than just demon underlings. Both of their mothers were mortal, and father was a Darkness spirit. The Mothers died during childbirth, and the father couldn't deal with scourge of the earth like them, abandoning them once young Verry was born. At that time Berry was old enough to work as a maid in a noble's house, always keeping her spirit mark on her back covered. (Think Branded mark) One day, it was discovered and she was fired. The three were run out of town, and Berry began learning magic, hoping to become a mercenary to support her sisters. Marry trained with her a little, mainly watching their younger half-sister. Their Dark spirit blood led to horrible fortune to befall those around them, while they stood idlely by. Berry soon discovered a demon, carrying a tome much like hers. She found out this demon had been tasked with hiding a certain Crimson weapon, but her demon blood prevented her from weilding it. Once the demon's task had been compleated, he showed her to his lord, Helenos. By then, Verry had become a mage as well, along with Marry. Helenos realised they could do tasks other demons couldn't because of their human blood. Berry knew if they messed up, they would feel Helenos' wrath or worse. She made sure the young Verry stayed in line, never straying from her task, worrying dearly about her. She cried night after night, from the hate Verry was feeling towards her, but she knew it would save her life. She'd never be able to leave Helenos' company alive.

During this time, Marry had fallen in love with a human during Berry's time as a maid. Once they were discovered as spirits, he wanted nothing to do with her, her curse leading him to a horrible gruesome death. She though that if no one could hear her real voice, then no one would find out the real truth, reserving to speak only to cast spells. She felt no one else could love her because of her spirit blood, and that no one deserved to.

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She'll be caught up in the skeleton wolves with the rest of the group.

Or a pitfall. Chose the poison.

It's a three-on-three with them, Iso, Helios, and Arrin. I just need to keep the others busy.

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That'll never work. Iso Helios and Arrin wouldn't be caught together alone. Iso hardly ever leaves katie's side, and Arrin's usually with Tessa. To get that to work you would have to predict us perfectly which you can't, and I've already mentioned that I plan to totally f*ck up their battle soooo ... yeah. Not very likely to separate just the three of them.

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This is a multi-player thing. If you're going to plan things, expect other players to try and subvert them. Try and figure out multiple contingencies, and be prepared to go with different outcomes. You won't get all of them-- most of us are batshit insane after all-- but Do. Not. Try. To. Railroad.

What is this shadow movement thing and why am I thinking that it sounds an awful lot like a character I've had in the works for a while?

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Katie can fall in the pit too, hopefully breaking something and then being targeted by all the mages at once.

Really the more Katie gets maimed the more Isotov should think about asking her to leave if he actually cares about her.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@ Psychout

I can guarantee you that this will not work.

@ Cynthia

That's the thing though, she's not getting maimed, just jailed and drugged :/

@ Kiryn

That's because it probably is in some ways <_<

@ Psychout

I can guarantee you that this will not work.

See that?^

Now never argue with me again.

In other news:

Irina's Stats: HP:4 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 4 RES 0 (DEF 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 5+1 Hit: 3 Evade: 4 Defense: 5 Resistance: 0


Lvl 2 stats: HP:5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LUK: 1 DEF: 5 RES 0 (DEF 5+1=6)

Stats simplified: HP: 15 Damage: 5+1(Iso: C) Hit: 3 Evade: 5 Defense: 6 Resistance: 0

Element: Wind

Skill: Hawkeye

Activation: At the start of your round (twice per battle)

Effect: Increase your SKL by 1 for every point of luck you have for one turn. While this skill is active, your luck may not aid your evade.


Now she's more tankish like she's supposed to be. Damn magi to hell though.

Edited by Phoenix
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So, uh, Dani's at level 2 now, so, I'ma go up her stats.

HP: 3

Atk: 1

MAG: 5

SKL: 2 -> 4

SPD: 4

LUK: 2

DEF: 1

RES: 2 -> 3

Hit is now 4. Resistance is now 4.

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Skill updates are up, apparently.

Eric nets Resolve.

Derek nets Charge. Number to roll is 3.

Edited by Snike
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NPCs that don't actually need to be approved but are listed for your convenience!

Name: Petros

Age: ???

Appearance: Looks like a big guy in human form (think Largo), looks like a stone golem in rock form

Element: Earth. He's not supporting anyone anyway.

Class: Earth Demon

Crimson Weapons: Can sever

Like the other two, I'll leave stats for later he'll probably be killed between Megae and Shanice after harrassing the party through plot combat.

Personality: Petros is very stoic for a demon, able to resist his basic urges to kill for a bigger payoff in the future. He is stubborn and focused on restoring the Lord of Azure Flame. Due to his calm nature, he's able to avoid dealing lethal damage despite his massive strength by not using full force.

Skills: Petros' skin grows rocklike when he engages in combat, giving him magical resistance and massive defense. All but the strongest weapons merely give him minor chips (and even those don't do much). Petros mainly fights with his rocky fists, smashing anyone who gets in the way.

He can also summon boulders to use as ranged attacks, which he hurls with surprising accuracy. He can also pick up and hurl people, throwing them with high velocity over great distances. His high strength allows him to pick up extremely heavy objects (he could probably carry about 4 horses) and his fists are capable of smashing though most materials. When in rocklike form, the earth shakes with each step he takes.

Name: Xenia

Age: 32

Appearance: petrine-blackhair.png made by Phoenix

Element: Thunder, but who cares

Class: Wyvern Lord (Lance)

Personality/Backstory: Xenia was one of Ivanko's mercenaries until she had a falling out with them and deserted. She now works as a lone mercenary, the only creature she trusts being her sea wyvern mount Svetlana. Xenia is rude, ruthless, and looking to collect the bounty on Princess Charlotte.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Name: Alex

Age: 25


Appearance: Alex is really tall, coming in at 6'2". The soldier has long, dark-blue, almost black, hair, with front bangs. Always seen wearing silver armor and a clear blue necklace, with black sleeves and pants covering all but the face of Alex. Sadly, that too, is mostly obscured, by the soldiers' helm and bangs. The one defining feature of this character would be their, cold, merciless, brown eyes, which many a man have seen before their demise.

Element: Fire

Class: Soldier

Crimson Weapon: No.

Stats (Level 2):

HP: 3 (3)

STR: 4 (4)

MAG: 0 (0)

SKL: 3 (3)

SPD: 4 (4)

LUK: 0 (0)

DEF: 2 (3)

RES: 1 (3)

Simple Stats level 1: HP is 9, AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 4, Evade is 5, Def is 2, Res is 1

Simple Stats level 2: HP is 9, AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 4, Evade is 5, Def is 4 Res is 4

Skills: Daunt, Resolve

Weapons: Steel Greatlance.

Items: Elixir (3/3), 0 Gold.

Bio: Also known as the Comet, a general of the Septimian Army. A completely unknown soldier, who made a name for themself in the invasion on Jerdon. Few have gone against this warriors' lance and survived. Rumored to be the son of a hero.

Note: Level depends on when Alex fights the group.

Note 2: Not OK to kill. Replacement PC if one of mine dies, or if I can have 4.

Edit: Factored in Daunt.

Edited by Snike
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