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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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Isotov's Stats: HP: 3 STR: 1 MAG: 4 SKL: 3 SPD: 3 LUK: 1 DEF: 1 Res: 4 (Mag 3+1=4)(Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 9 Damage: 4+1(Kelas: C) ( +1 if wielding Proxima) Hit: 3+1(Irina/Katie: C) Evade: 4 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5


Lvl 2 Stats: HP: 4 STR: 1 MAG: 5 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LUK: 1 DEF: 1 Res: 4 (Mag 3+1=4)(Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 5+1(Kelas: C) ( +1 if wielding Proxima) Hit: 3+1(Irina/Katie: C) Evade: 5 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5


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K, so Derek Leveled. :awesome:

Sword Cav Level 2.

Old Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 Luck: 2 Def: 3 Res: 0

New Stats: HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 Luck: 2 Def: 5 Res: 0

Old Simple Stats: HP is 12. MT is 4. AS is 4. Hit is 3. Avoid is 5. Defense is 4. Resistance is 0.

New simple Stats: HP is 12. MT is 4. AS is 4. Hit is 4. Avoid is 5. Defense is 6. Resistance is 0.

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Heinz level up:

Old stats: HP 4 STR 3 (-1 knives) MAG 0 SKL 4 SPD 5 LCK 2 DEF 2 RES 0

New stats: HP 4 STR 3 (-1 knives) MAG 0 SKL 5 SPD 6 LCK 3 DEF 2 RES 0

Simplified stats: HP 12 Str 2 Mag 0 Hit 5 Evade 9 Def/Res 2/0

Skill (since I didn't add it before) is Lethality, Rogue specific.

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Iso leveled up during the last battle so this battle he's good to go with the new stats. Viv will level up this battle if she kills this soldier so I would really appreciate it if she gets the chance. In other words, leave him alone until she beats him or falls.

Question: Can A friendly unit apply a vulnerary to another unit or is it a self only heal? I forgot.

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Question: Can A friendly unit apply a vulnerary to another unit or is it a self only heal? I forgot.

I do believe it is self-heal only. There is a lack of explicit mention, but drawing on the source material...

Plot vulneraries are entirely different, though.

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Cess has leveled up! :awesome:

He has 2.06 exp now.


HP 3








Simp Stats

HP 9

MT 5



AS 4




HP 3








Simp Stats

HP 9

MT 5



AS 4



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Viveka's Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 2 SPD: 4 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4 (Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 2 Evade: 6 Defense: 0 Resistance: 5


Lvl 2 Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 5 LUK: 4 DEF: 0 RES: 4 (Res 4+1=5)

Stats simplified: HP: 12 Damage: 2 Hit: 4 Evade: 7 Defense: 0 Resistance: 5

Curse evasion nerfs.

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I don't mind my characters having weaknesses. Averaging things out isn't really my thing. It's a bit more interesting to have units that are great for one thing, but terrible at something else.

Iso: Low defense but smashes high DEF characters

Irina: No resistance but she's a flying Bradley (US light tank)

Viveka: No defense but laughs at mages and can usually evade inaccurate attacks altogether

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Name: Altion

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: A young Cavalier from a relatively unknown and secluded Septimian town, and it shows. He wears simple plate armor without any defining marks. No national design or Septimian style; but instead simple plate armor. When his helmet is on and his face is secluded, no defining marks at all exist to separate him from a mounted suit of fresh armor, save a single crest in the shape of a sun with a moon surrounding it on one side. When his armor is off, he is shown to be a fair faced and skinned lad of humble appeal. No scars mark his face, nor blatant stylization's. Instead, he holds a simple appeal, for his blond hair is let to flow free, but combed by his fingers constantly. It's not even unknown for him to get 'helmet hair' from time to time. A small and slightly scruffy beard also adorns his face (which he wishes would be longer) but only traces up to his cheeks. The only other defining mark is his green eyes, constantly atwinkle with a wish in his eye.

Personality: A calm and usually gathered man, he functions according to his own measure and rule. That isn't to say that he is a rebel, but rather, he does not understand the morality of the world about him; his own morals coming from a older time and he is not about to compromise them. He is in a state of constant wish and desire, but is perfectly content with what he has as well paradoxically. He values honor more than life, and his wishes just as much.

Element: Light

Class: Cavalier (lance)

Crimson weapon?: No.

Stats: HP: 4 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 4 LCK: 4 DEF: 3 RES: 0.

Simplified stats: HP: 12, STR: Hit: 3, SPD: 3 evade: 4 DEF/RES: 3/0

Weapons: Steel lance

Items/gold: 20G

Skills: Adept

Backstory: A young lad from a secluded village. His village went into seclusion at the end of the last rise of the Lord of Azure Flame, but not by choice. The area around the village was assaulted by demons, but repulsed. To this day, people are convinced that there are demons in the woods, and the villagers don't try to dissuade and will even dress as demons to scare off government officials (namely taxmen). The result has been that the village has become distance and culturally segregated, even unknown to most passers by, and Altion has not been spared. He has learned morals and ways from before the last rising, and potentially even older still, and has come distant from the world. As he grew older though, he started to wonder about the outside ways. Being at the age when men start to marry in his village, he wasn't interested in any woman, not from lack of appeal, but rather because he simply didn't like any. Choosing to leave instead of being badgered by his guy-friends, he set out into the world, curious to try and understand it's strange ways.

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Reposting this, now that the reveal has occured.

Name: Alex

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: Alex is really tall, coming in at 6'2". She has long, dark-blue, almost black, hair, with front bangs. Always seen wearing silver armor and a clear blue necklace, with black sleeves and pants covering all but her face. Sadly, that too, is mostly obscured, by her helm and bangs. The one defining feature of Alex would be her, cold, merciless, brown eyes, which many a man have seen before their demise.

Element: Fire

Class: Soldier

Crimson Weapon: No.


HP: 3

STR: 4

MAG: 0

SKL: 3

SPD: 4

LUK: 0

DEF: 3

RES: 3

Simple Stats level 2: HP is 9, AS is 4, MT is 4, Hit is 4, Evade is 5, Def is 4 Res is 4

Skills: Daunt, Resolve

Weapons: Steel Greatlance.

Items: Elixir (3/3), 0 Gold.

Bio: Also known as the Comet, a general of the Septimian Army and Duchess of Rielle, a fiefdom of Jerdon. A completely unknown soldier, who made a name for herself in the invasion on Jerdon, performing phenominally. Generally mistaken for a man, and, due to her strength, thought to be a son of a hero.

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Soooo evil Nephenee basically? Also is she a fourth pc, or an npc?

NPC right now, probably 4th PC later on.

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